3,577 research outputs found

    La communication publique comme support de légitimation et d’institutionnalisation des normes sociales : le cas de la prévention du sida

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    L’article présente le processus d’objectivation, d’institutionnalisation et de légitimation de nouvelles normes sociales dans le cadre de la prévention du sida. Nous montrerons comment les associations Aides et Act Up ont objectivé d’une part l’intervention de l’Etat sur la question homosexuelle et comment d’autre part elles ont participé à la légitimation des campagnes grand public comme support de discours visant l’acceptation dans le corps social de l’homosexualité. Enfin, nous soulignerons comment l’institutionnalisation d’un objet de l’action publique et de son instrumentation s’accompagne d’une reconfiguration du rôle des acteurs qui ont participé à la publicisation d’une question sociétale.This article analyzes the process of institutionalization of new social norms relating to AIDS prevention. It will show how two organizations, “Aides” and “Act Up”, framed government intervention on the issue of homosexuality and how these organizations participated in the legitimization of public information campaigns as a means to promote social acceptance of homosexuality. Finally, this article will show that the institutionalization of an object of public policy entails reconfiguration of the roles taken on by those responsible for publicising social issues

    La communication publique à l’appui d’une stratégie de repositionnement de l’État dans l’espace public

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    La contribution analyse les enjeux communicationnels qui ont marqué les rapports entre l’État et le champ de la lutte contre le sida. Il met en avant le fait que les acteurs associatifs investis dans la gestion de l’épidémie ont fait émerger un espace public sociétal, qui participe à la définition des orientations et des pratiques sociales, en marge de l’espace public politique. Dès lors, l’État s’est appuyé sur la communication publique en tant qu’instrument de l’action publique pour se repositionner par rapport à une question sociétale, celle de l’homosexualité, qui a été portée par les associations de lutte contre le sida, fondée en partie sur la minorité homosexuelle (définie dans sa dimension sociétale et politique). Ainsi les résultats obtenus dans le cadre d’une thèse de doctorat et présentés dans l’article s’inscrivent-ils dans la continuité de travaux menés en sciences de l’information et de la communication sur les nouveaux modes de gouvernabilité de l’État contemporain et plus particulièrement sur la communication publique comme enjeu d’une négociation entre les discours de l’État et d’autres acteurs sociaux.This article analyses the communication stakes which marked the relationships between the State and aids fighting field. It puts in the forefront that the associations mobilized in the management of the aids epidemic have brought to the foreground a societal public sphere, which have participated to the definition of social orientations and practices, outside political public sphere. That’s why State has used public communication, as a policy instrument, in order to reposition itself according to the social question of homosexuality In fact, this social question has been carried on by associations, built for one part on homosexual minority (defined by its political and societal dimensions). The results obtained from my PhD are a continuation of works carried out in the science of communication. They bring new conclusions on the new methods of contemporary State governments, in particular concerning the communication policy as a means to negotiate between the State and other social partners

    Communication publique et formes de gouvernabilité contemporaines de l'Etat (le cas de l'homosexualité dans les campagnes de prévention du sida en France (1987-2007))

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    Cette thèse traite de la communication publique en s appuyant sur le cas des campagnes de prévention du sida en France et plus particulièrement sur les enjeux liés à la mise en scène des homosexuels dans les campagnes dites grand public . La communication publique est appréhendée comme un instrument politique participant à la diffusion et à l acceptation de nouvelles normes sociales, liées dans notre présent travail au dispositif de sexualité. La thèse s attache ainsi à démontrer que la mise en scène des homosexuels répond au moins autant à une stratégie de légitimation en faveur des homosexuels par l Etat qu à des objectifs de santé publique. Elle analyse également l acquisition de la légitimité de l Etat à communiquer sur le thème de la sexualité de 1987 à 2007 ; légitimité qui s appuie sur la dimension biopolitique du pouvoir. Enfin, la thèse soulève des questionnements liés à la médiation entre l Etat et les citoyens. Elle présente les rapports de force entre associations et pouvoirs publics ; l intégration de ces premières dans les mécanismes de décision et l affaiblissement de la dimension politique de ce que nous avons analysé comme un espace public sociétal lié à la lutte contre le sida. Les résultats présentés s appuient sur une analyse des campagnes diffusées en France par l Etat de 1987 à 2007 ; un corpus de documents (plans nationaux de lutte contre le sida ; discours de ministres ; dossiers de presse liés aux campagnes) et des entretiens semi-directifs menés avec des acteurs clefs de la prévention du sida.In France, professional, institutional and political actors are tending to present "public communication" as a neutral and objective State service, which serves general interest. Our approach of the subject is going beyond this normative definition by explaining that "public communication" remains a State communication above all, which is helping to manage social norms. In other terms, "public communication" is an instrument of "social management", which allows the State to interfere in privacy by acting on the norms. We chose the case of messages towards homosexual in the Government's AIDS campaign, as they highlighted relations between power and sexual norms. In fact, by analyzing the social context in a long time, "public communication" in AIDS prevention proved to be more related to the management by the Government of the homosexual issue than public health issue . Our work is presenting how "public communication" accompanied the construction of State legitimacy about homosexual issue.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The importance of cultural aspects in impact assessment and project: developmentreflections from a case study of a hydroelectric dam in Brazil

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    Failure to consider the cultural and social factors of projects can lead to situations where mitigation does not effectively address the impacts they were intended to alleviate, and can even create other impacts. We critically analyse the processes of designing and implementing a social and environmental compensation program for the Lajeado Hydroelectric Dam in the Amazon region of central-northern Brazil. This mitigation program caused a wide range of social and environmental impacts on the Xerente Indigenous people, such as intra-group conflict, and changes in agricultural practices and food regime. Based on qualitative fieldwork and an extensive document analysis, we present a contextualization of the region, the project, the Xerente people, and their cosmological understandings. We consider the perspectives of a broad range of stakeholders about the compensation program and its outcomes, and demonstrate how traditional cultural practices and values played a role in the unfolding of the program. Better comprehension of sociocultural aspects through the use of ethnography, ongoing consultation, and meaningful community participation in the planning and implementation of mitigation measures are recommended.</p

    The no-defect conjecture in cosmic crystallography

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    The topology of space is usually assumed simply connected, but could be multi-connected. We review in the latter case the possibility that topological defects arising at high energy phase transitions might still be present and find that either they are very unlikely to form at all, or space is effectively simply connected on scales up to the horizon size.Comment: LaTeX-REVTeX, 5 pages and 2 figures uuencoded, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Health risk of Brazilian people by consuming fruits and vegetables with pesticide residues and emerging opportunities

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar o risco à saúde da população no consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras (FLVs) com resíduos de agrotóxicos e avaliar como os gestores do setor varejista oportunizam atender à demanda por alimentos mais seguros. A metodologia constou de estudo quantitativo que cruzou os dados de consumo de 18 tipos de frutas, legumes e verduras para seis classes socioeconômicas da população, segundo a Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares do IBGE e as informações do Programa de Análise de Resíduos de Agrotóxicos (PARA) da Anvisa, 2009. Foram, também, avaliadas as estratégias do mercado varejista na oferta de FLVs com menor resíduo de agrotóxicos, considerando-se as percepções de 10 especialistas no tema. Os resultados do trabalho indicaram que os brasileiros de classes econômicas mais elevadas estão mais expostos ao consumo de resíduos de agrotóxicos presentes em FLVs e que a oferta de produtos orgânicos representa a alternativa mais evidente para atender os consumidores que buscam alimentos mais seguros no varejo.The objectives of this research were to identify the risk to public health in the consumption of fruits and vegetables (FLVs) with pesticide residues and evaluate how managers in the retail sector are exploring opportunities related to demand for healthy foods. The methodology consisted of quantitativa study that compare the consumption of 18 types of fruit and vegetables (FLVs) for six socioeconomic classes of the population, acording to IBGE Family lncome Survey and information from Program of Analysis of Pesticida Residues (PARA), in 2009. Retail strategies to offer more innocuous fruits and vegetables were, also, evaluated by considering the perceptions of 1O experts in this area. The results pointed out that upper class Brazilians are the highest exposed to the consumption food with pesticida residues in fruits and vegetables. To supply organic products is the major alternativa to meet the needs of consumers that look for safety foods in the retail market

    The 20-minute whole blood clotting test (20WBCT) for snakebite coagulopathy—A systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy

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    Background The 20-minute whole blood clotting test (20WBCT) has been used to detect coagulopathy following snakebite for almost 50 years. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the 20WBCT was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of the 20WBCT to detect coagulopathy, indicative of systemic envenoming. Methods and findings Databases were searched from inception up to 09/12/2020 to identify studies that compared the 20WBCT and INR/fibrinogen on five or more subjects. Data was extracted from full-text articles by two reviewers using a predetermined form. Authors of 29 studies that lacked sufficient details in the manuscript were contacted and included if data meeting the inclusion criteria were provided. Included studies were evaluated for bias using a tailored QUADAS-2 checklist. The study protocol was prospectively registered on PROSPERO database (CRD42020168953). The searches identified 3,599 studies, 15 met the inclusion criteria and 12 were included in the meta-analysis. Data was reported from 6 countries and included a total of 2,270 patients. The aggregate weighted sensitivity of the 20WBCT at detecting INR >1.4 was 0.84 (CI 0.61 to 0.94), the specificity was 0.91 (0.76 to 0.97) and the SROC AUC was 0.94 (CI 0.91 to 0.96). The aggregate weighted sensitivity of the 20WBCT at detecting fibrinogen <100 mg/dL was 0.72 (CI 0.58 to 0.83), the specificity was 0.94 (CI 0.88 to 0.98) and the SROC AUC was 0.93 (0.91 to 0.95). Both analyses that used INR and fibrinogen as the reference test displayed considerable heterogeneity. Conclusions In the absence of laboratory clotting assays, the 20WBCT remains a highly specific and fairly sensitive bedside test at detecting coagulopathy following snakebite. However, clinicians should be aware of the importance of operator training, standardized equipment and the lower sensitivity of the 20WBCT at detecting mild coagulopathy and resolution of coagulopathy following antivenom

    The Brazilian Tunable Filter Imager for the SOAR telescope

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    This paper presents a new Tunable Filter Instrument for the SOAR telescope. The Brazilian Tunable Filter Imager (BTFI) is a versatile, new technology, tunable optical imager to be used in seeing-limited mode and at higher spatial fidelity using the SAM Ground-Layer Adaptive Optics facility at the SOAR telescope. The instrument opens important new science capabilities for the SOAR community, from studies of the centers of nearby galaxies and the insterstellar medium to statistical cosmological investigations. The BTFI takes advantage of three new technologies. The imaging Bragg Tunable Filter concept utilizes Volume Phase Holographic Gratings in a double-pass configuration, as a tunable filter, while a new Fabry-Perot (FP) concept involves technologies which allow a single FP etalon to act over a large range of interference orders and spectral resolutions. Both technologies will be in the same instrument. Spectral resolutions spanning the range between 25 and 30,000 can be achieved through the use of iBTF at low resolution and scanning FPs beyond R ~2,000. The third new technologies in BTFI is the use of EMCCDs for rapid and cyclically wavelength scanning thus mitigating the damaging effect of atmospheric variability through data acquisition. An additional important feature of the instrument is that it has two optical channels which allow for the simultaneous recording of the narrow-band, filtered image with the remaining (complementary) broad-band light. This avoids the uncertainties inherent in tunable filter imaging using a single detector. The system was designed to supply tunable filter imaging with a field-of-view of 3 arcmin on a side, sampled at 0.12" for direct Nasmyth seeing-limited area spectroscopy and for SAM's visitor instrument port for GLAO-fed area spectroscopy. The instrument has seen first light, as a SOAR visitor instrument. It is now in comissioning phase.Comment: accepted in PAS

    Construindo a governança local para a gestão socioambiental na Amazônia

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    O trabalho introduz e discute o conceito de governança local para a gestão socioambiental em terras tradicionalmente ocupadas e assentamentos de Reforma Agrária na Amazônia. Tomando como objeto empírico focos emergentes de governança local, registraram-se as tentativas de embasamento em ações concretas, levadas a cabo em determinados contextos por atores engajados na construção de novas instituições. O texto analisa sete sistemas socioecológicos locais, abrangidos pelo projeto “Manejo da Gente: propostas locais de gestão ambiental”, conduzido pela Universidade Federal do Pará. Observou-se que os aspectos técnicos, econômicos e de comercialização, as questões de conflitos com atores externos ou internos às comunidades, as relações com órgãos públicos exigem uma atuação articulada em dois níveis, o local e o regional/estadual. O processo de empoderamento dos atores locais demanda atuações multifacetadas e interinstitucionais nestes dois níveis, operadas por redes formais e informais e com o apoio da cooperação nacional e internacional. O texto ressalta a importância de novas formas de politização das iniciativas de manejo florestal comunitário e de gestão socioambiental que vêm emergindo gradualmente em territórios tradicionais e assentamentos de reforma agrária