7 research outputs found

    Agiunta alla conosenza delle salsice secche di carne equina ("Piketa") dei dintorne di Pakrac

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    Upotreba konjskog mesa u našoj zemlji nije uvriježena, iako je konjsko meso po svom kemijskom sastavu vrlo pogodno za prehranu. Posebice se ističe mala količina kolesterola, što ga čini iznimno pogodnim u dijetalnoj prehrani. U Hrvatskoj postoji tradicija proizvodnje proizvoda od konjskog mesa stara više od 100 godina. U selima oko Pakraca tu tradiciju je sa sobom iz pradomovine donijela i očuvala talijanska nacionalna manjina. Oni u domaćoj radinosti proizvode trajan proizvod, kobasicu od konjskog mesa. U ovom radu je opisan proces proizvodnje kobasica od konjskog mesa u seoskim domaćistvima. Izneseni su rezultati organoleptičke, kemijske i bakteriološke pretrage kobasica koje su potjecali iz 5 domaćinstava koje tradicionalno proizvode kobaisce.Though the horsemeat is very suitable for human diet owing to its chemical composition, it does not come as a usual product in our country. Its special quality is a low amount of cholesterol, which makes it especially fit for selected diets. The production of horsemeat products persists as a traditional course in Croatia for more than 100 years. It was brought and preserved in the villages around Pakrac by the Italian minority from their fatherland. Horsemeat sausages are still produced in the households there as one of domestic products. This study describes the production of sausages of horsemeat and presents the results of sensory, chemical and bacteriological analysis of traditionally produced sausages from 5 households.Der Gebrauch von Pferdefleisch ist in unserem Land keine Gewohnheit, obwohl das Pferdefleisch nach seiner chemischen Zusammensetzung sehr günstig für die Ernährung ist. Besonders tut sich der niedrige Cholesterolspiegel hervor, was für die Diäternährung sehr günstig ist. In Kroatien besteht eine 100-jährige Tradition der Herstellung von Erzeugnissen aus Pferdefleisch. In den Dörfern um Pakrac hat die italienische nationale Minderheit diese Tradition aus ihrer Urheimat mit sich gebracht und aufbewahrt. Sie herstellen in der heimischen Produktion eine Dauerwurst, die Wurst aus Pferdefleisch. In dieser Arbeit ist der Prozess der Herstellung von Wurst aus Pferdefleisch in dörferlichen Haushalten beschrieben. Es sind Resultate der organoleptischen, chemischen und bakteriologischen Untersuchungen dargestellt, u.zw. von Würsten, die aus 5 Haushalten stammen, die diese Wurst traditionell herstellen.Nel nostro paese non si usa tanto la carne di cavallo, pur essendo questa carne molto accettabile nell’alimentazione per la sua composizione chimica. Bisogna accentuare la quantità minima di colesterolo, il fatto che rende questa carne molto adeguata all’alimentazione dietale. La produzione della carne di cavallo in Croazia esiste da più di 100 anni. La minoranza italiana ha portato e conservato questa tradizione nei villaggi nei dintorni di Pakrac. Loro fanno a casa i prodotti di lunga durata, la salsiccia di carne equina. In questo testo è stato descritto il processo di produzione delle salsicce di carne di cavallo fatte a casa in suddetti villaggi. I risultati della ricerca organolettica, chimica e batteriologica valgono per le salsicce da 5 case orientate tradizionalmente alla produzione delle salsicce

    Bilateral congenital knee dislocation associated with bilateral developmental hip deformities

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    Prirođena dislokacija koljena je relativno rijetka deformacija, a pogotovo udružena s deformacijom drugih zglobova. Djevojčica u ovom prikazu, rođena je s obostranom dislokacijom koljena i obostranim razvojnim poremećajem kuka u smislu iščašenja. Prvi pregled u ortopedskoj ambulanti obavljen je 21. dan nakon rođenja. Učinjena je radiološka i ultrazvučna dijagnostika i genetska obrada. Nisu nađeni elementi Larsenova sindroma kao ni artrogripoze. Djevojčica je liječena trakcijom na vertikalnom okviru i sadrenim redresmanom oba koljena. Nakon repozicije kukova aplicirao se aparat Hilgenreiner. Tek nakon repozicije oba kuka omogućila se redresmanom repozicija i puna fl eksija koljena. Nakon stabilizacije kukova i koljena aplicirani su remenčići prema Pavliku, koji su nošeni dva mj. Liječenje je trajalo do sedam mj. života djevojčice a svi postupci su praćeni ultrazvukom i RTG snimkama. Praćenje još traje.Congenital knee dislocation is a relatively rare entity, especially if associated with other joint deformities. We present a case of a girl with both congenital knee and hip dislocations who was followed-up for four years. She was fi rst referred to our department when she was three weeks old. Radiographic and ultrasound examinations, as well as genetic tests excluded Larsen’s syndrome and arthrogryposis. Traction on the vertical plane was applied to make closed hip reduction easier, after which we started serial knee casting. When reduced, hips were stabilized by Hilgenreiner’s orthosis, which enabled casting of the knees to be continued and fi nished successfully. After stabilization of the hips and knees, Pavlik’s harness was applied for two months. The treatment took seven months and all the steps were followed by radiographic and ultrasound imaging when needed

    Increased NLRP1 mRNA and Protein Expression Suggests Inflammasome Activation in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal and Medial Orbitofrontal Cortex in Schizophrenia

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    Schizophrenia is a complex mental condition, with key symptoms marked for diagnosis including delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, reduced emotional expression, and social dysfunction. In the context of major developmental hypotheses of schizophrenia, notably those concerning maternal immune activation and neuroinflammation, we studied NLRP1 expression and content in the postmortem brain tissue of 10 schizophrenia and 10 control subjects. In the medial orbitofrontal cortex (Brodmann’s area 11/12) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (area 46) from both hemispheres of six schizophrenia subjects, the NLRP1 mRNA expression was significantly higher than in six control brains (p < 0.05). As the expression difference was highest for the medial orbitofrontal cortex in the right hemisphere, we assessed NLRP1-immunoreactive pyramidal neurons in layers III, V, and VI in the medial orbitofrontal cortex in the right hemisphere of seven schizophrenia and five control brains. Compared to controls, we quantified a significantly higher number of NLRP1-positive pyramidal neurons in the schizophrenia brains (p < 0.01), suggesting NLRP1 inflammasome activation in schizophrenia subjects. Layer III pyramidal neuron dysfunction aligns with working memory deficits, while impairments of pyramidal neurons in layers V and VI likely disrupt predictive processing. We propose NLRP1 inflammasome as a potential biomarker and therapeutic target in schizophrenia

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Application of ASTEC, MELCOR, and MAAP Computer Codes for Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of a PWR Containment Equipped with the PCFV and PAR Systems

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    The integrity of the containment will be challenged during a severe accident due to pressurization caused by the accumulation of steam and other gases and possible ignition of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Installation of a passive filtered venting system and passive autocatalytic recombiners allows control of the pressure, radioactive releases, and concentration of flammable gases. Thermal hydraulic analysis of the containment equipped with dedicated passive safety systems after a hypothetical station blackout event is performed for a two-loop pressurized water reactor NPP with three integral severe accident codes: ASTEC, MELCOR, and MAAP. MELCOR and MAAP are two major US codes for severe accident analyses, and the ASTEC code is the European code, joint property of Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN, France) and Gesellschaft für Anlagen und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS, Germany). Codes’ overall characteristics, physics models, and the analysis results are compared herein. Despite considerable differences between the codes’ modelling features, the general trends of the NPP behaviour are found to be similar, although discrepancies related to simulation of the processes in the containment cavity are also observed and discussed in the paper

    sbcB15 and ΔsbcB Mutations Activate Two Types of RecF Recombination Pathways in Escherichia coli

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    Escherichia coli cells with mutations in recBC genes are defective for the main RecBCD pathway of recombination and have severe reductions in conjugational and transductional recombination, as well as in recombinational repair of double-stranded DNA breaks. This phenotype can be corrected by suppressor mutations in sbcB and sbcC(D) genes, which activate an alternative RecF pathway of recombination. It was previously suggested that sbcB15 and ΔsbcB mutations, both of which inactivate exonuclease I, are equally efficient in suppressing the recBC phenotype. In the present work we reexamined the effects of sbcB15 and ΔsbcB mutations on DNA repair after UV and γ irradiation, on conjugational recombination, and on the viability of recBC (sbcC) cells. We found that the sbcB15 mutation is a stronger recBC suppressor than ΔsbcB, suggesting that some unspecified activity of the mutant SbcB15 protein may be favorable for recombination in the RecF pathway. We also showed that the xonA2 mutation, a member of another class of ExoI mutations, had the same effect on recombination as ΔsbcB, suggesting that it is an sbcB null mutation. In addition, we demonstrated that recombination in a recBC sbcB15 sbcC mutant is less affected by recF and recQ mutations than recombination in recBC ΔsbcB sbcC and recBC xonA2 sbcC strains is, indicating that SbcB15 alleviates the requirement for the RecFOR complex and RecQ helicase in recombination processes. Our results suggest that two types of sbcB-sensitive RecF pathways can be distinguished in E. coli, one that is activated by the sbcB15 mutation and one that is activated by sbcB null mutations. Possible roles of SbcB15 in recombination reactions in the RecF pathway are discussed