49 research outputs found

    Component Performance Investigation of J71 Experimental Turbine I : Over-all Performance with 97-percent-design Stator Areas

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    The over-all component performance characteristics of a J71 experimental three-stage turbine with 97 percent design stator areas were determined over a range of speed and pressure ratio at inlet-air conditions of approximately 35 inches of mercury absolute and 700 degrees R. The turbine break internal efficiency at design operating conditions was 0.877; the maximum efficiency of 0.886 occurred at a pressure ratio of 4.0 at 120 percent of design equivalent rotor speed. In general, the turbine yielded a wide range of efficient operation, permitting flexibility in the choice of different modes of engine operation. Limiting blade loading of the third rotor was approached but not obtained over the range of conditions investigated herein. At the design operating point, the turbine equivalent weight flow was approximately 105 percent of design. Choking of the third-rotor blades occurred at design speed and an over-all pressure ratio of 4.2

    Space Debris Hazard Evaluation

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    The hazard to space vehicles from natural space debris has been explored. A survey of the available information pertinent to this problem is presented. The hope is that this presentation gives a coherent picture of the knowledge to date in terms of the topic covered. The conclusion reached is that a definite hazard exists but that it can only be poorly assessed on the basis of present information. The need for direct measurement of this hazard is obvious, and some of the problems involved in making these direct measurements have been explored

    Component Performance Investigation of J71 Type II Turbines: III - Overall Performance of J71 Type IIA Turbine

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    The over-all component performance characteristics of the J71 Type IIA three-stage turbine were experimentally determined over a range of speed and over-all turbine total-pressure ratio at inlet-air conditions af 35 inches of mercury absolute and 700 deg. R. The results are compared with those obtained for the J71 Type IIF turbine, which was previously investigated, the two turbines being designed for the same engine application. Geometrically the two turbines were much alike, having the same variation of annular flow area and the same number of blades for corresponding stator and rotor rows. However, the blade throat areas downstream of the first stator of the IIA turbine were smaller than those of the IIF; and the IIA blade profiles were curve-backed, whereas those of the IIF were straight-backed. The IIA turbine passed the equivalent design weight flow and had a brake internal efficiency of 0.880 at design equivalent speed and work output. A maximum efficiency of 0.896 occurred at 130 percent of design equivalent speed and a pressure ratio of 4.0. The turbine had a wide range of efficient operation. The IIA turbine had slightly higher efficiencies than the IIF turbine at comparable operating conditions. The fact that the IIA turbine obtained the design equivalent weight flow at the design equivalent operating point was probably a result of the decrease in the blading throat areas downstream of the first stator from those of the IIF turbine, which passed 105 percent of design weight flow at the corresponding operating point. The third stator row of blades of the IIA turbine choked at the design equivalent speed and at an over-all pressure ratio of 4.2; the third rotor choked at a pressure ratio of approximately 4.

    Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor-tip speed I : turbine-design requirements for several engine operating conditions

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    In order to insure satisfactory turbine performance under five turbojet-engine operating conditions, turbine design requirements were determined for the following operating conditions: take-off, maximum thrust at altitude, altitude cruising at rated rotative speed, altitude cruising with maximum-thrust exhaust nozzle area, and engine acceleration at 80 percent equivalent design rotative speed. If cruising is to be at rated engine speed, both cruising and take-off should be considered in turbine design. Design requirements for the other conditions are nearly identical. Without compressor-exit bleed, a turbine cannot accelerate this compressor at 80 percent of rated speed; with 28.6-percent bleed, the design requirements are within those for take-off