6,174 research outputs found

    Molecular CO outflows in the L1641-N cluster: kneading a cloud core

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    We present results of 1.3mm interferometric and single-dish observations of the center of the L1641-N cluster in Orion. Single-dish wide-field continuum and CO(2-1) observations reveal the presence of several molecular outflows driven by deeply embedded protostellar sources. At higher angular resolution, the dominant millimeter source in the cluster center is resolved into a pair of protostars (L1641-N-MM1 and MM3), each driving a collimated outflow, and a more extended, clumpy core. Low-velocity CO line-wing emission is widely spread over much of the cluster area. We detect and map the distribution of several other molecular transitions (13CO, C18O, 13CS, SO, CH3OH, CH3CN, and OCS). CH3CN and OCS may indicate the presence of a hot corino around L1641-N-MM1. We tentatively identify a velocity gradient over L1641-N-MM1 in CH3CN and OCS, oriented roughly perpendicular to the outflow direction, perhaps indicative of a circumstellar disk. An analysis of the energy and momentum load of the CO outflows, along with the notion that apparently a large volume fraction is affected by the multiple outflow activity, suggests that outflows from a population of low-mass stars might have a significant impact on clustered (and potentially high-mass) star formation.Comment: 16 pages plus 10 figures accepted by AJ, full resolution version available at http://www.eso.org/~tstanke/preprints.htm

    Evaluation of the health-related quality of life of children in Schistosoma haematobium-endemic communities in Kenya: a cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: Schistosomiasis remains a global public health challenge, with 93% of the ~237 million infections occurring in sub-Saharan Africa. Though rarely fatal, its recurring nature makes it a lifetime disorder with significant chronic health burdens. Much of its negative health impact is due to non-specific conditions such as anemia, undernutrition, pain, exercise intolerance, poor school performance, and decreased work capacity. This makes it difficult to estimate the disease burden specific to schistosomiasis using the standard DALY metric. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In our study, we used Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL), a modular instrument available for ages 2-18 years, to assess health-related quality of life (HrQoL) among children living in a Schistosoma haematobium-endemic area in coastal Kenya. The PedsQL questionnaires were administered by interview to children aged 5-18 years (and their parents) in five villages spread across three districts. HrQoL (total score) was significantly lower in villages with high prevalence of S. haematobium (-4.0%, p<0.001) and among the lower socioeconomic quartiles (-2.0%, p<0.05). A greater effect was seen in the psychosocial scales as compared to the physical function scale. In moderate prevalence villages, detection of any parasite eggs in the urine was associated with a significant 2.1% (p<0.05) reduction in total score. The PedsQL reliabilities were generally high (Cronbach alphas ≥0.70), floor effects were acceptable, and identification of children from low socioeconomic standing was valid. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We conclude that exposure to urogenital schistosomiasis is associated with a 2-4% reduction in HrQoL. Further research is warranted to determine the reproducibility and responsiveness properties of QoL testing in relation to schistosomiasis. We anticipate that a case definition based on more sensitive parasitological diagnosis among younger children will better define the immediate and long-term HrQoL impact of Schistosoma infection

    Sliding charge density wave in manganites

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    The so-called stripe phase of the manganites is an important example of the complex behaviour of metal oxides, and has long been interpreted as the localisation of charge at atomic sites. Here, we demonstrate via resistance measurements on La_{0.50}Ca_{0.50}MnO_3 that this state is in fact a prototypical charge density wave (CDW) which undergoes collective transport. Dramatic resistance hysteresis effects and broadband noise properties are observed, both of which are typical of sliding CDW systems. Moreover, the high levels of disorder typical of manganites result in behaviour similar to that of well-known disordered CDW materials. Our discovery that the manganite superstructure is a CDW shows that unusual transport and structural properties do not require exotic physics, but can emerge when a well-understood phase (the CDW) coexists with disorder.Comment: 13 pages; 4 figure

    Hydrodynamic behavior in expanding thermal clouds of Rb-87

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    We study hydrodynamic behavior in expanding thermal clouds of Rb-87 released from an elongated trap. At our highest densities the mean free path is smaller than the radial size of the cloud. After release the clouds expand anisotropically. The cloud temperature drops by as much as 30%. This is attributed to isentropic cooling during the early stages of the expansion. We present an analytical model to describe the expansion and to estimate the cooling. Important consequences for time-of-flight thermometry are discussed.Comment: 7 pages with 2 figure

    Dynamic Impedance of Two-Dimensional Superconducting Films Near the Superconducting Transition

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    The sheet impedances, Z(w,T), of several superconducting a-Mo77Ge23 films and one In/InOx film have been measured in zero field using a two-coil mutual inductance technique at frequencies from 100 Hz to 100 kHz. Z(w,T) is found to have three contributions: the inductive superfluid, renormalized by nonvortex phase fluctuations; conventional vortex-antivortex pairs, whose contribution turns on very rapidly just below the usual Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii unbinding temperature; and an anomalous contribution. The latter is predominantly resistive, persists well below the KTB temperature, and is weakly dependent on frequency down to remarkably low frequencies, at least 100 Hz. It increases with T as e-U'(T)/kT, where the activation energy, U'(T), is about half the energy to create a vortex-antivortex pair, indicating that the frequency dependence is that of individual excitations, rather than critical behavior.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figs; subm PR

    Time correlations and 1/f behavior in backscattering radar reflectivity measurements from cirrus cloud ice fluctuations

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    The state of the atmosphere is governed by the classical laws of fluid motion and exhibits correlations in various spatial and temporal scales. These correlations are crucial to understand the short and long term trends in climate. Cirrus clouds are important ingredients of the atmospheric boundary layer. To improve future parameterization of cirrus clouds in climate models, it is important to understand the cloud properties and how they change within the cloud. We study correlations in the fluctuations of radar signals obtained at isodepths of winter and fall cirrus clouds. In particular we focus on three quantities: (i) the backscattering cross-section, (ii) the Doppler velocity and (iii) the Doppler spectral width. They correspond to the physical coefficients used in Navier Stokes equations to describe flows, i.e. bulk modulus, viscosity, and thermal conductivity. In all cases we find that power-law time correlations exist with a crossover between regimes at about 3 to 5 min. We also find that different type of correlations, including 1/f behavior, characterize the top and the bottom layers and the bulk of the clouds. The underlying mechanisms for such correlations are suggested to originate in ice nucleation and crystal growth processes.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures; to appear in the Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere

    Dislocation Loop Formation and Growth under In Situ Laser and/or Electron Irradiation

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    Vacancies and interstitial atoms are primary lattice (point) defects that cause observable microstructural changes, such as the formation of dislocation loops and voids in crystalline solids. These defects' diffusion properties determine the phase stability and environmental resistibility of macroscopic materials under ambient conditions. Although in situ methods have been proposed for measuring the diffusion energy of point defects, direct measurement has been limited. In this study, we propose an alternative in situ method to measure the activation energy for vacancy migration under laser irradiation using a pulsed laser beam from a laser-equipped high-voltage electron microscope (laser-HVEM). We made in situ observations that revealed the formation and growth of vacancy dislocation loops in an austenitic stainless steel during laser irradiation. These loops continued to grow when thermal annealing was performed after laser irradiation at the same temperature. We anticipate that laser-HVEM will provide a new method for investigating lattice defects

    Evolution of edge states in topological superfluids during the quantum phase transition

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    The quantum phase transition between topological and non-topological insulators or between fully gapped superfluids/superconductors can occur without closing the gap. We consider the evolution of the Majorana edge states on the surface of topological superconductor during transition to the topologically trivial superconductor on example of non-interacting Hamiltonian describing the spin-triplet superfluid 3He-B. In conventional situation when the gap is nullified at the transition, the spectrum of Majorana fermions shrinks and vanishes after the transition to the trivial state. If the topological transition occurs without the gap closing, the Majorana fermion spectrum disappears by escaping to ultraviolet, where Green's function approaches zero. This demonstrates the close connection between the topological transition without closing the gap and zeroes in the Green's function. Similar connection takes place in interacting systems where zeroes may occur due to interaction.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, JETP Letters style, version submitted to JETP Letter

    Hidden Order in the Cuprates

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    We propose that the enigmatic pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors is characterized by a hidden broken symmetry of d(x^2-y^2)-type. The transition to this state is rounded by disorder, but in the limit that the disorder is made sufficiently small, the pseudogap crossover should reveal itself to be such a transition. The ordered state breaks time-reversal, translational, and rotational symmetries, but it is invariant under the combination of any two. We discuss these ideas in the context of ten specific experimental properties of the cuprates, and make several predictions, including the existence of an as-yet undetected metal-metal transition under the superconducting dome.Comment: 12 pages of RevTeX, 9 eps figure