1,096 research outputs found

    From the Associate Editors of Education/Minority and International Business

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    From the editors of the Spring 2010 Special Section—Entrepreneurial Education, Minority and International Business

    Paper Session I-A - Planning for Operations On-Board the International Space Station

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    With the launch of the first element of the International Space Station (ISS) in late 1997, scientists and engineers from around the world will have greater access to the space environment for research and commercial exploration. The complexity and flexibility of the International Space Station offers opportunities as well as challenges in planning on-orbit operations. In order to make effective use of limited resources (e.g. crew time, power, and data), while maximizing the results to the scientific, commercial, military and educational communities, the ISS operations planning community must balance many constraints and criteria. The four disciplines must be aware of these constraints as well as the planning process to plan and conduct their activities on-board ISS

    There is Always Violence : An Exploratory Study of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Street-Involved Children

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    As the economic center of Cambodia, Phnom Penh has long been a hotspot for street-involved children and families. While violence is a common facet of life on the street, risk and vulnerability among children is notoriously difficult to measure. Most large-scale surveys tend to sample children within homes and schools, which overlook street-involved children who are commonly unregistered, irregularly attend school, and live outside of houses. This research paper is one of a series of studies on such groups in Southeast Asia. The study conducted 94 semi-structured interviews with street-involved children eight to 18 years of age in Phnom Penh. Physical violence is indicated by the vast majority (77%) of respondents, with significant rates of violence from parents and teachers. Sexual violence is also common, reported by one-in-four (25%), and nearly twice as prevalent among males. As an exploratory study, this research aims to provide a resource for local practitioners and policymakers, and to inform future research

    Defining the current distribution of the imperiled Black-spotted Newt across south Texas, USA

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    The Black-spotted Newt (Notophthalmus meridionalis) is a chronically understudied salamander species, with many aspects of its natural history, ecology, and distribution poorly known. Previous studies using traditional methodologies have had limited success documenting N. meridionalis on the landscape, detecting individuals at 6% (7 of 114) and 1% (2 of 221) of sites surveyed. A novel environmental DNA (eDNA) assay was designed and implemented with the goals of assessing the current distribution of N. meridionalis across south Texas, USA, and better understanding the conditions for positive eDNA detections. We conducted eDNA sampling and traditional surveys at 80 sites throughout south Texas. Notophthalmus meridionalis was detected at 12 localities in total: four localities using eDNA surveys, four localities using traditional methods, and four localities with both methodologies. eDNA detections were obtained from five counties, including one where N. meridionalis has never been reported and another where N. meridionalis has not been observed since the 1930s. eDNA detections were obtained in all four seasons, generally following moderate to heavy rainfall events. Our results support the increased use of eDNA surveys to detect rare and cryptic amphibians and to better understand the current distribution of this imperiled species

    Scientific Rationale and Requirements for a Global Seismic Network on Mars

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    Following a brief overview of the mission concepts for a Mars Global Network Mission as of the time of the workshop, we present the principal scientific objectives to be achieved by a Mars seismic network. We review the lessons for extraterrestrial seismology gained from experience to date on the Moon and on Mars. An important unknown on Mars is the expected rate of seismicity, but theoretical expectations and extrapolation from lunar experience both support the view that seismicity rates, wave propagation characteristics, and signal-to-noise ratios are favorable to the collection of a scientifically rich dataset during the multiyear operation of a global seismic experiment. We discuss how particular types of seismic waves will provide the most useful information to address each of the scientific objectives, and this discussion provides the basis for a strategy for station siting. Finally, we define the necessary technical requirements for the seismic stations

    Disposal, Deployment, and Debris in Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits

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    A proposed Gateway facility in a lunar Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NRHO) will serve as an outpost in deep space, with spacecraft periodically arriving and departing. Departing objects will include logistics modules, requiring safe disposal, cubesats, deployed to various destinations, and debris objects, whose precise paths may be unknown. Escape dynamics from NRHOs are complex; primarily influenced by the Earth and Moon within the orbit, spacecraft are significantly impacted by solar gravity upon departure. The current investigation explores the dynamics of departure from the NRHO, including the risk of debris recontact, safe heliocentric disposal, and deployment to select destinations
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