1,074 research outputs found

    Does Aerobic Exercise Decrease Bloating Symptoms in Females with Pre-Menstrual Syndrome?

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this selective EBM review is to determine whether aerobic exercise is effective at improving bloating symptoms in females with premenstrual syndrome. STUDY DESIGN: A systematic review of two randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and one quasi-experimental trial (analyzed as a case series) published in English after 2010. DATA SOURCES: All articles were obtained from peer reviewed databases and journals via PubMed, AMED, Cochrane Library. OUTCOMES MEASURED: The outcome measured was reduction in bloating symptoms after an aerobic exercise regimen using the questionnaires of temporary determination of PMS for Dehnavi et al, premenstrual distress questionnaire and daily symptom report for Maged et al., and Menstrual Symptom Questionnaire for Vishnupriya and Rajarajeswarm. RESULTS: In the RCT conducted by Dehnavi et al (BMC Womens Health. 2018: 18 (1):80.doi:10.1186/s12905-018-0565-5), there was an improvement in bloating with a mean change from baseline of -0.54 which was determined to be statistically significant with a p value of 0.01. In the RCT conducted by Maged et al (Arch Gynecol Obstet.2018;297(4):951-959. doi:10.1007/s00404-018-4664-1), there was improvement in bloating with a mean change from baseline of -55.05, which was determined to be statistically significant with a p value of 0.0001. In the case series analysis from the study conducted by Vishnupriya and Rajarajeswarma (J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2011;61(6):675-685. doi:10.1007/s13224-011-0117-5), there was improvement in bloating noted with a mean change of -2.65 which with a p value of 0.000 was found to be statistically insignificant. CONCLUSION: While a reduction in bloating symptoms was found by all three studies based on a decrease in mean change from baseline, the statistical significance was variable across the studies. Due to high variability and limitations across all three studies, further research is needed to better evaluate the effects of aerobic exercise on reduction of bloating symptoms in individuals with PMS

    New Constraints on Neutralino Dark Matter in the Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We investigate the prospects for neutralino dark matter within the Supersymmetric Standard Model (SSM) including the constraints from universal soft supersymmetry breaking and radiative breaking of the electroweak symmetry. The latter is enforced by using the one-loop Higgs effective potential which automatically gives the one-loop corrected Higgs boson masses. We perform an exhaustive search of the allowed five-dimensional parameter space and find that the neutralino relic abundance Ωχh02\Omega_\chi h^2_0 depends most strongly on the ratio ξ0m0/m1/2\xi_0\equiv m_0/m_{1/2}. For ξ01\xi_0\gg1 the relic abundance is almost always much too large, whereas for ξ01\xi_0\ll1 the opposite occurs. For ξ01\xi_0\sim1 there are wide ranges of the remaining parameters for which Ωχ1\Omega_\chi\sim1. We also determine that m_{\tilde q}\gsim250\GeV and m_{\tilde l}\gsim100\GeV are necessary in order to possibly achieve Ωχ1\Omega_\chi\sim1. These lower bounds are much weaker than the corresponding ones derived previously when radiative breaking was {\it not} enforced.Comment: 12 pages plus 6 figures (not included), CERN-TH.6584/92, CTP-TAMU-56/92, UAHEP921

    The Phyre2 web portal for protein modeling, prediction and analysis

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    Phyre2 is a suite of tools available on the web to predict and analyze protein structure, function and mutations. The focus of Phyre2 is to provide biologists with a simple and intuitive interface to state-of-the-art protein bioinformatics tools. Phyre2 replaces Phyre, the original version of the server for which we previously published a paper in Nature Protocols. In this updated protocol, we describe Phyre2, which uses advanced remote homology detection methods to build 3D models, predict ligand binding sites and analyze the effect of amino acid variants (e.g., nonsynonymous SNPs (nsSNPs)) for a user's protein sequence. Users are guided through results by a simple interface at a level of detail they determine. This protocol will guide users from submitting a protein sequence to interpreting the secondary and tertiary structure of their models, their domain composition and model quality. A range of additional available tools is described to find a protein structure in a genome, to submit large number of sequences at once and to automatically run weekly searches for proteins that are difficult to model. The server is available at http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/phyre2. A typical structure prediction will be returned between 30 min and 2 h after submission

    The poetics of justice: aphorism and chorus as modes of anti-racism

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    This article revisits accounts of the black radical tradition as a critique and alternative to institutionalised modes of knowledge and learning, reprising Harney and Moten’s concept of the undercommons to think about the constraints of the university and the possibility for thinking differently together. The deployment of linguistic and conceptual difficulty as a tactic of political speech is linked to Sutherland’s discussion of Marx’s poetics, leading to the suggestion that the repetitive interspersing of poetic or theoretical fragments in the public speech of social justice actors operates to create a shared rhythm that establishes mutuality. The piece ends with a discussion of the refashioning of Audre Lorde as a voice punctuating the assertion of anti-racist and intersectional consciousness via social media

    Visualizing the Interface of Biotin and Fatty Acid Biosynthesis through SuFEx Probes

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    Site-specific covalent conjugation offers a powerful tool to identify and understand protein-protein interactions. In this study, we discover that sulfur fluoride exchange (SuFEx) warheads effectively crosslink the Escherichia coli acyl carrier protein (AcpP) with its partner BioF, a key pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme in the early steps of biotin biosynthesis by targeting a tyrosine residue proximal to the active site. We identify the site of crosslink by MS/MS analysis of the peptide originating from both partners. We further evaluate the BioF-AcpP interface through protein crystallography and mutational studies. Among the AcpP-interacting BioF surface residues, three critical arginine residues appear to be involved in AcpP recognition so that pimeloyl-AcpP can serve as the acyl donor for PLP-mediated catalysis. These findings validate an evolutionary gain-of-function for BioF, allowing the organism to build biotin directly from fatty acid biosynthesis through surface modifications selective for salt bridge formation with acidic AcpP residues.</p

    Fasting Indicators of Insulin Sensitivity: Effects of Ethnicity and Pubertal Status

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    OBJECTIVE—To examine the relationship of fasting indicators of insulin sensitivity with a more invasive measure of insulin sensitivity (frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test [FSIVGTT]) and the effect of Tanner stage and ethnicity on that relationship. RESEARCHDESIGNANDMETHODS—Data were analyzed from 149 overweight girls (97 Hispanic and 52 African American) who were either in the early stages of maturation defined by Tanner stages 1 or 2 (52Hispanic and 18 African American) or in the later stages of maturation defined by Tanner stages 4 and 5 (45 Hispanic and 34 African American). Fasting indicators of insulin sensitivity (IS) included fasting insulin and glucose and the homeostasis model assess-ment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). IS was derived from an FSIVGTTwithminimalmodeling. RESULTS—In Tanner stages 1 and 2, all fasting indicators were significantly associatedwith IS

    How contemporary bioclimatic and human controls change global fire regimes

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    Anthropogenically driven declines in tropical savannah burnt area have recently received attention due to their effect on trends in global burnt area. Large-scale trends in ecosystems where vegetation has adapted to infrequent fire, especially in cooler and wetter forested areas, are less well understood. Here, small changes in fire regimes can have a substantial impact on local biogeochemistry. To investigate trends in fire across a wide range of ecosystems, we used Bayesian inference to quantify four primary controls on burnt area: fuel continuity, fuel moisture, ignitions and anthropogenic suppression. We found that fuel continuity and moisture are the dominant limiting factors of burnt area globally. Suppression is most important in cropland areas, whereas savannahs and boreal forests are most sensitive to ignitions. We quantify fire regime shifts in areas with more than one, and often counteracting, trends in these controls. Forests are of particular concern, where we show average shifts in controls of 2.3–2.6% of their potential maximum per year, mainly driven by trends in fuel continuity and moisture. This study gives added importance to understanding long-term future changes in the controls on fire and the effect of fire trends on ecosystem function

    Study of Constrained Minimal Supersymmetry

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    Taking seriously phenomenological indications for supersymmetry, we have made a detailed study of unified minimal SUSY, including effects at the few percent level in a consistent fashion. We report here a general analysis without choosing a particular unification gauge group. We find that the encouraging SUSY unification results of recent years do survive the challenge of a more complete and accurate analysis. Taking into account effects at the 5-10% level leads to several improvements of previous results, and allows us to sharpen our predictions for SUSY in the light of unification. We perform a thorough study of the parameter space. The results form a well-defined basis for comparing the physics potential of different facilities. Very little of the acceptable parameter space has been excluded by LEP or FNAL so far, but a significant fraction can be covered when these accelerators are upgraded. A number of initial applications to the understanding of the SUSY spectrum, detectability of SUSY at LEP II or FNAL, BR(bsγb\to s\gamma), Width(ZbbˉZ\to b\bar b), dark matter, etc, are included in a separate section. We formulate an approach to extracting SUSY parameters from data when superpartners are detected. For small tan(beta) or large mtopm_top both MhalfM_half and M0M_0 are entirely bounded from above at O(1 tev) without having to use a fine-tuning constraint.Comment: Michigan preprint UM-TH-93-24, LaTeX, 60 pages without figures. Complete paper with inline figures available by anonymous ftp to williams.physics.lsa.umich.edu in /pub/preprints/UM-TH-93-24.ps.Z (uncompresses to 10MB / 77 pages), or by e-mailing reques


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    Interdependence is a core concept in organization design, yet one that has remained consistently understudied. Current notions of interdependence remain rooted in seminal works, produced at a time when managers’ near-perfect understanding of the task at hand drove the organization design process. In this context, task interdependence was rightly assumed to be exogenously determined by characteristics of the work and the technology. We no longer live in that world, yet our view of interdependence has remained exceedingly task-centric and our treatment of interdependence overly deterministic. As organizations face increasingly unpredictable workstreams and workers co-design the organization alongside managers, our field requires a more comprehensive toolbox that incorporates aspects of agent-based interdependence. In this paper, we synthesize research in organization design, organizational behavior, and other related literatures to examine three types of interdependence that characterize organizations’ workflows: task, goal, and knowledge interdependence. We offer clear definitions for each construct, analyze how each arises endogenously in the design process, explore their interrelations, and pose questions to guide future research