526 research outputs found

    Fighting for mates: the importance of individual size in mating contests in rocky shore littorinids

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    Studies of mating contests have reported how traits (e.g. body size) related to resource holding potential (RHP) and strategies to assess RHP and resource value influence contest outcome in many taxa but are rare in the Gastropoda. The influence of male size (as an index of RHP) and female size (as a measure of resource value) on contest outcome were investigated in two littorinid snails, Echinolittorina malaccana and E. radiata, in Hong Kong during May-June 2013. In these snails, contests between males take the form of a 'challenger' attempting to take over the copulation position occupied by a 'defender'. Both challengers and defenders were, generally, smaller than the females in both species. In both species, the larger the challenger relative to the defender, the more likely he would replace the defender in the copulation position. The challengers were, however, more successful in E. radiata, as they generally challenged defenders that were smaller than themselves, suggesting an ability to detect rival size before entering into a contest in this species. When sizes of the contestants were similar, defenders were more likely to win contests in E. malaccana but not in E. radiata. Evidence for pure self-assessment of RHP and the ability to assess resource value in challengers was found in E. malaccana. Different fighting strategies appear to have evolved in these congeneric marine snail species and decisions based on male and female sizes play an important role in determining male reproductive success

    Human-assisted Movements of Raccoons, Procyon lotor, and Opossums, Didelphis virginiana, between the United States and Canada

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    Movements of Raccoons (Procyon lotor) (mean = 479 km) and Opossums (Didelphis virginiana) (mean = 688 km) by means of transport trailers and a train from the USA and Quebec into Ontario were significantly greater than Raccoon movements (mean = 15 km) from Ontario to New York State determined by mark-recapture. Human-assisted movements of wildlife could have significant impacts with respect to cross-border movements of diseases such as rabies. Proactive communication programs, especially at International border crossing areas, should be encouraged to decrease the occurrence of the unintentional movement of wildlife and associated diseases

    Timely evaluation in international development

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    Impact and process evaluations are increasingly used in international development; however they are generally retrospective in outlook. A more timely approach to evaluation aims to identify necessary, feasible and effective changes during a programme or intervention’s lifetime. This paper aims to identify, categorise, describe and critically appraise methods to support more timely evaluation in international development. Potential methods were identified through scoping seminar, public symposium, targeted review of the literature, and the authors’ own experiences and opinions. Findings from the different data sources were reviewed collectively by the author group and triangulated to develop an analytical framework. We identified four purposes of timely evaluation for international development, and critiqued the use of approaches against four dimensions of timeliness and flexibility. Whilst we found significant interest in more timely approaches to evaluation in international development, there was a dearth of published empirical evidence upon which to base strong recommendations. There is significant potential for timely evaluation to improve international development outcomes. New approaches to mixing and adapting existing methods, together with new technologies offer increased potential. Research is needed to provide an empirical evidence base upon which to further develop the application, across sectors and contexts, of timely evaluation in international development

    Timely evaluation in international development

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    Impact and process evaluations are increasingly used in international development; however they are generally retrospective in outlook. A more timely approach to evaluation aims to identify necessary, feasible and effective changes during a programme or intervention’s lifetime. This paper aims to identify, categorise, describe and critically appraise methods to support more timely evaluation in international development. Potential methods were identified through scoping seminar, public symposium, targeted review of the literature, and the authors’ own experiences and opinions.Findings from the different data sources were reviewed collectively by the author group and triangulated to develop an analytical framework. We identified four purposes of timely evaluation for international development, and critiqued the use of approaches against four dimensions of timeliness and flexibility. Whilst we found significant interest in more timelyapproaches to evaluation in international development, there was a dearth of published empirical evidence upon which to base strong recommendations. There is significant potential for timely evaluation to improve international development outcomes. New approaches to mixing and adapting existing methods, together with new technologies offer increased potential. Research is needed to provide an empirical evidence base upon which to further develop the application, across sectors andcontexts, of timely evaluation in international development

    Sampling scale can cause bias in positive assortative mating estimates: The first evidence in two intertidal snails

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    Assortative mating in the wild is commonly estimated by correlating between traits in mating pairs (e.g. size of males and females). Unfortunately such an approach may suffer from considerable sampling bias when the distribution of different expressions of a trait in the wild is non-random; for example, when segregation of different size classes of individuals occur in different microhabitats or areas. Consequently, any observed trait correlation in the wild can be an artifact of pooling heterogeneous samples of mating pairs from different microhabitats or areas rather than true non-random matings. This bias in estimating trait correlations due to sampling scale is termed the scale-of-choice effect (SCE). Here we use two intertidal littorinid species from Hong Kong to show how the SCE can bias size-assortative mating estimates from mating pairs captured in the wild, empirically demonstrating the influence of this effect on measures of positive assortative mating. This finding cautions that studies that have overlooked SCE may have misinterpreted the magnitude and the cause of assortative mating, and we provide a new analytical approach to protect against this potential bias in future studies

    Adaptive Physiology at a local scale, and implications for species distribution models under climate change scenarios.

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    In heterogeneous environments, individuals experience different combinations of physical and biological pressures over small spatial scales. For many marine organisms with limited adult mobility, but planktonic dispersal, localised adaptation may occur over an organism's life cycle through acclimation. Understanding the plasticity of physiology through acclimation is vital in predicting species' vulnerability to climate change. In this study we assessed local conditions on four sections (<500 m apart) of a tropical rocky shore to determine whether differences in local conditions affect the physiology of the limpet, Cellana grata. Shore sections differed in aspect, exposure and topography, and in biological characteristics such as levels of competition (grazer density) and facilitation (barnacle cover). Using a bootstrapped principal component analysis, we demonstrated that sections of shore differed significantly in terms of the relative contributions of the multiple variables measured. As a measure of physiological acclimation, detachment temperatures of limpets from each site were measured in the laboratory and higher detachment temperatures were found in limpets from shore sections with greater physical stress and lower biological stress. These results demonstrate that physiological limits can acclimate to local conditions over short temporal scales and uniform physiology should not be assumed in species distribution or climate change models

    An empirical study of assurance in the UK government major projects portfolio: from data to recommendations, to action or inaction

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    © 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited. Purpose: Effective and robust governance of major projects and programmes in the public sector is crucial to the accountability of the state and the transparency of state spending. The theoretical discourse on governance, in the context of projects and programmes, is not fully mature, although is now sufficiently well developed to warrant an increased scholarly focus on practice. This paper aims to contribute to the empirical literature through a study of assurance routines in the UK Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP). Design/methodology/approach: A framework analysis approach to the evaluation of a subset of GMPP database generates original insights into (1) the framing of assurance review recommendations, (2) the treatment of assurance review data and (3) the subsequent tracking of the implementation of actions arising from the assurance review process. Findings: The analysis reveals that the “delivery confidence” of the major projects and programmes included in this study improves during the time that they are assured on the GMPP. This would suggest that “enhanced” governance routines are desirable in programmes and projects that exhibit high degrees of complexity and scale. Originality/value: The research findings contribute to the wider conversations in this journal and elsewhere on project governance routines and governance-as-practice in the context of government and public services

    The causal relationship between sexual selection and sexual size dimorphism in marine gastropods

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    Sexual size dimorphism is widespread among dioecious species, but its underlying driving forces are often complex. A review of sexual size dimorphism in marine gastropods revealed two common patterns: first, sexual size dimorphism, with females being larger than males, and, second, females being larger than males in mating pairs. Both patterns suggest sexual selection and sexual size dimorphism are causally related. To test this hypothesis, we investigated, first, mechanisms driving sexual selection on size in three congeneric marine gastropods with different degrees of sexual size dimorphism, and, second, the correlation between male/female sexual selection and sexual size dimorphism across several marine gastropod species. Male mate choice via mucus trail following (as evidence of sexual selection) was found during the mating process in all three congeneric species, even though not all species showed sexual size dimorphism. There was also a significant and strong negative correlation between female sexual selection and sexual size dimorphism across 16 cases from seven marine gastropod species. These results suggest that sexual selection does not drive sexual size dimorphism. There was, however, evidence of males utilizing a similar mechanism to choose mates (i.e. selecting a female slightly larger than their own size) which may be widespread among gastropods, and, in tandem with sexual size dimorphism varying between species, provides a plausible explanation of the mating patterns observed in marine gastropods

    A lifecycle analysis of complex public procurement: an agency-institutional theory perspective

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    PurposeThe study sets out to demonstrate how a lifecycle perspective on complex, public-sector procurement projects can be used for making qualitative assessments of procurement policy and practice and reveal those procurement capabilities that are most impactful for operating effectively.Design/methodology/approachAgency theory, institutional theory and the lifecycle analysis technique are combined to abductively develop a framework to identify, analyse and compare complex procurement policies and practices in public sector organisations. Defence is the focal case and is compared with cases in the Nuclear, Local Government and Health sectors.FindingsThe study provides a framework for undertaking a lifecycle analysis to understand the challenges and capabilities of complex, public-sector buyers. Eighteen hierarchically-arranged themes are identified and used in conjunction with agency theory and institutional theory to explain complex procurement policy and practice variation in some of the UK’s highest-profile public buyers. The study findings provide a classification of complex buyers and offer valuable guidance for practitioners and researchers navigating complex procurement contexts.Originality/valueThe lifecycle approach proposed is a new research tool providing a bespoke application of theory by considering each lifecycle phase as an individual but related element that is governed by unique institutional pressures and principal-agent relationships.</jats:sec
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