945 research outputs found

    Accretion by Isolated Neutron Stars

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    Accretion of interstellar material by an isolated neutron star is discussed. The point I address here is the interaction between the accretion flow and the stellar magnetosphere. I show that the interchange instabilities of the magnetospheric boundary under the conditions of interest are basically suppressed. The entry of the material into the magnetosphere is governed by diffusion. Due to this reason the persistent accretion luminosity of isolated neutron stars is limited to < 4E+26 erg/s. These objects can also appear as X-ray bursters with the burst durations of about 30 minutes and repetition time of about 1E+5 yr. This indicates that the number of the accreting isolated neutron stars which could be observed with recent and modern X-ray missions is a few orders of magnitude smaller than that previously estimated.Comment: 3 pages, to appear in Astrophysics and Space Science, in the proceedings of "Isolated Neutron Stars: from the Interior to the Surface", edited by D. Page, R. Turolla and S. Zan

    The quantum information manifold for epsilon-bounded forms

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    Let H be a self-adjoint operator bounded below by 1, and let V be a small form perturbation such that RVS has finite norm, where R is the resolvent at zero to the power 1/2 +epsilon, and S is the resolvent to the power 1/2-epsilon. Here, epsilon lies between 0 and 1/2. If the Gibbs state defined by H is sufficiently regular, we show that the free energy is an analytic function of V in the sense of Frechet, and that the family of density operators defined in this way is an analytic manifold modelled on a Banach space.Comment: 12 pages, report to Torun Conference, 199

    Understanding the relationship between ignition delay and burn duration in a constant volume vessel at diesel engine conditions

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    Experiments were performed in a constant volume vessel, with fuel sprays injected into the vessel at various different pressure and temperature conditions chosen to represent diesel engine operation at various loads. A range of diesel primary reference fuels (i.e. mixtures of cetane and heptamethylnonane) of varying cetane number (CN) were tested, and as expected lower CN fuels have longer ignition delays. Burn period was plotted against ignition delay and two distinct trends can be seen: “mainly diffusion” diesel combustion in which burn period decreases with ignition delay and “mainly pre-mixed” diesel combustion in which burn period increases with ignition delay. There is typically a minimum in plots of burn period versus ignition delay which represents the transition between the two types of combustion mode. Higher CN, higher engine load and higher boost pressure would seem to favour “mainly diffusion” combustion whilst lower CN, lower loads and non boosted conditions favour “mainly pre-mixed” combustion

    The SAURON project – XVII. Stellar population analysis of the absorption line strength maps of 48 early-type galaxies

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    The definitive version can be found at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ Copyright Royal Astronomical SocietyWe present a stellar population analysis of the absorption line strength maps for 48 early-type galaxies from the SAURON sample. Using the line strength index maps of HÎČ, Fe5015 and Mg b, measured in the Lick/IDS system and spatially binned to a constant signal-to-noise ratio, together with predictions from up-to-date stellar population models, we estimate the simple stellar population-equivalent (SSP-equivalent) age, metallicity and abundance ratio [α/Fe] over a two-dimensional field extending up to approximately one effective radius. A discussion of calibrations and differences between model predictions is given. Maps of SSP-equivalent age, metallicity and abundance ratio [α/Fe] are presented for each galaxy. We find a large range of SSP-equivalent ages in our sample, of which ∌40 per cent of the galaxies show signs of a contribution from a young stellar population. The most extreme cases of post-starburst galaxies, with SSP-equivalent ages of ≀3 Gyr observed over the full field-of-view, and sometimes even showing signs of residual star formation, are restricted to low-mass systems (σe≀ 100 km s−1 or ∌2 × 1010 M⊙). Spatially restricted cases of young stellar populations in circumnuclear regions can almost exclusively be linked to the presence of star formation in a thin, dusty disc/ring, also seen in the near-UV or mid-IR on top of an older underlying stellar population. The flattened components with disc-like kinematics previously identified in all fast rotators are shown to be connected to regions of distinct stellar populations. These range from the young, still star-forming circumnuclear discs and rings with increased metallicity preferentially found in intermediate-mass fast rotators, to apparently old structures with extended disc-like kinematics, which are observed to have an increased metallicity and mildly depressed [α/Fe] ratio compared to the main body of the galaxy. The slow rotators, often harbouring kinematically decoupled components (KDC) in their central regions, generally show no stellar population signatures over and above the well-known metallicity gradients in early-type galaxies and are largely consistent with old (≄10 Gyr) stellar populations. Using radially averaged stellar population gradients we find in agreement with Spolaor et al. a mass–metallicity gradient relation where low-mass fast rotators form a sequence of increasing metallicity gradient with increasing mass. For more massive systems (above ∌3.5 × 1010 M⊙) there is an overall downturn such that metallicity gradients become shallower with increased scatter at a given mass leading to the most massive systems being slow rotators with relatively shallow metallicity gradients. The observed shallower metallicity gradients and increased scatter could be a consequence of the competition between different star formation and assembly scenarios following a general trend of diminishing gas fractions and more equal-mass mergers with increasing mass, leading to the most massive systems being devoid of ordered motion and signs of recent star formation.Peer reviewe

    Donor-acceptor dyads and triads employing core-substituted naphthalene diimides:a synthetic and spectro (electrochemical) study

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    Donor-acceptor dyads and triads comprising core-substituted naphthalene diimide (NDI) chromophores and either phenothiazine or phenoxazine donors are described. Synthesis combined with electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical investigations facilitates characterisation of the various redox states of these molecules, confirming the ability to combine arrays of electron donating and accepting moieties into single species that retain the redox properties of these individual moieties

    Testing Mass Determinations of Supermassive Black Holes via Stellar Kinematics

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    We investigate the accuracy of mass determinations M_BH of supermassive black holes in galaxies using dynamical models of the stellar kinematics. We compare 10 of our M_BH measurements, using integral-field OASIS kinematics, to published values. For a sample of 25 galaxies we confront our new M_BH derived using two modeling methods on the same OASIS data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX. To appear in "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation", Malta, 19-23 Oct. 2009, eds. V.P. Debattista and C.C. Popescu, AIP Conf. Ser., in pres

    Dynamical description of quantum computing: generic nonlocality of quantum noise

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    We develop dynamical non-Markovian description of quantum computing in weak coupling limit, in lowest order approximation. We show that long range memory of quantum reservoir produces strong interrelation between structure of noise and quantum algorithm, implying nonlocal attacks of noise. We then argue that the quantum error correction method fails to protect quantum computation against electromagnetic or phonon vacuum which exhibit 1/t41/t^4 memory. This shows that the implicit assumption of quantum error correction theory -- independence of noise and self-dynamics -- fails in long time regimes. We also use our approach to present {\it pure} decoherence and decoherence accompanied by dissipation in terms of spectral density of reservoir. The so-called {\it dynamical decoupling} method is discussed in this context. Finally, we propose {\it minimal decoherence model}, in which the only source of decoherence is vacuum. We optimize fidelity of quantum information processing under the trade-off between speed of gate and strength of decoherence.Comment: 12 pages, minor corrections, softened interpretation of the result

    Locality and Causality in Hidden Variables Models of Quantum Theory

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    Motivated by Popescu's example of hidden nonlocality, we elaborate on the conjecture that quantum states that are intuitively nonlocal, i.e., entangled, do not admit a local causal hidden variables model. We exhibit quantum states which either (i) are nontrivial counterexamples to this conjecture or (ii) possess a new kind of more deeply hidden irreducible nonlocality. Moreover, we propose a nonlocality complexity classification scheme suggested by the latter possibility. Furthermore, we show that Werner's (and similar) hidden variables models can be extended to an important class of generalized observables. Finally a result of Fine on the equivalence of stochastic and deterministic hidden variables is generalized to causal models.Comment: revised version, 21 pages, submitted to Physical Review

    PROFIT: a new alternative for emission-line PROfile FITting

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    I briefly describe a simple routine for emission-line profiles fitting by Gaussian curves or Gauss-Hermite series. The PROFIT (line-PROfile FITting) routine represent a new alternative for use in fits data cubes, as those from Integral Field Spectroscopy or Fabry-Perot Interferometry, and may be useful to better study the emission-line flux distributions and gas kinematics in distinct astrophysical objects, such as the central regions of galaxies and star forming regions. The PROFIT routine is written in IDL language and is available at http://www.ufsm.br/rogemar/software.html. The PROFIT routine was used to fit the [Fe II]1.257um emission-line profiles for about 1800 spectra of the inner 350 pc of the Seyfert galaxy Mrk1066 obtained with Gemini NIFS and shows that the line profiles are better reproduced by Gauss-Hermite series than by the commonly used Gaussian curves. The two-dimensional map of the h_3 Gauss-Hermite moment shows its highest absolute values in regions close to the edge of the radio structure. These high values may be originated in an biconical outflowing gas associated with the radio jet - previously observed in the optical [O III] emission. The analysis of this kinematic component indicates that the radio jet leaves the center of the galaxy with the north-west side slightly oriented towards us and the south-east side away from us, being partially hidden by the disc of the galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication Astrophysics & Space Science - 7 pges; 4 Fig

    Provision of NHS generalist and specialist services to care homes in England: review of surveys

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    Background: The number of beds in care homes (with and without nurses) in the United Kingdom is three times greater than the number of beds in National Health Service (NHS) hospitals. Care homes are predominantly owned by a range of commercial, not-for-profit or charitable providers and their residents have high levels of disability, frailty and co-morbidity. NHS support for care home residents is very variable, and it is unclear what models of clinical support work and are cost-effective. Objectives: To critically evaluate how the NHS works with care homes.MethodsA review of surveys of NHS services provided to care homes that had been completed since 2008. It included published national surveys, local surveys commissioned by Primary Care organisations, studies from charities and academic centres, grey literature identified across the nine government regions, and information from care home, primary care and other research networks. Data extraction captured forms of NHS service provision for care homes in England in terms of frequency, location, focus and purpose. Results: Five surveys focused primarily on general practitioner services, and 10 on specialist services to care home. Working relationships between the NHS and care homes lack structure and purpose and have generally evolved locally. There are wide variations in provision of both generalist and specialist healthcare services to care homes. Larger care home chains may take a systematic approach to both organising access to NHS generalist and specialist services, and to supplementing gaps with in-house provision. Access to dental care for care home residents appears to be particularly deficient. Conclusions:Historical differences in innovation and provision of NHS services, the complexities of collaborating across different sectors (private and public, health and social care, general and mental health), and variable levels of organisation of care homes, all lead to persistent and embedded inequity in the distribution of NHS resources to this population. Clinical commissioners seeking to improve the quality of care of care home residents need to consider how best to provide fair access to health care for older people living in a care home, and to establish a specification for service delivery to this vulnerable population
