8 research outputs found

    The Value of FDG PET/CT in the Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Inflammation.

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    1 Souhrn Cíle práce: Cílem práce bylo zhodnotit diagnostickou přesnost FDG PET/CT při diagnostice infekcí stentgraftu (SGI) při použití vizuálního hodnocení a semikvantitativních parametrů, porovnat ji s výsledky separátní analýzy CT části vyšetření, ověřit přenositelnost zkušeností s chirurgickými náhradami a definovat roli FDG PET/CT v diagnostickém algoritmu SGI. Soubor a metoda: Jednalo se o retrospektivní neintervenční observační studii. Zařazeno bylo celkem 21 vyšetření FDG PET/CT provedených v období 12/2010-07/2019 standardní metodikou u 20 nemocných (16 mužů, 66 ± 8 let) po endovaskulární léčbě z jakékoliv indikace, referovaných ošetřujícími lékaři pro podezření na SGI. Ze 6 vyšetření u 6 pacientů vyšetřených z jiného důvodu bez klinických známek SGI byla vytvořena kontrolní skupina. Vyšetření FDG PET/CT byla po anonymizaci a randomizaci hodnocena vizuálně 2 lékaři nukleární medicíny zaslepenými vůči klinickým datům, zaznamenán byl charakter a intenzita akumulace FDG. Za SGI byla považována fokální distribuce FDG v oblasti graftu o intenzitě přesahující aktivitu jater. Měřeno bylo SUVmax, průměrné SUV krevního poolu (SUVBP), jater (SUVhep), dopočítány byly target-to-background ratio krevního poolu (TBRBP) a jater (TBRhep). Pomocí konstrukce ROC křivek byly pro SGI stanoveny optimální prahové...1 Abstract Aim: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of FDG PET/CT in the detection of stent graft infection (SGI) with the use of visual and semiquantitative interpretation, to compare it with standalone CT analysis, to verify the transferability of the experience with FDG PET/CT in surgical prosthesis infection and to define the role of the method in the diagnostic algorithm of SGI. Subjects and Methods: In this retrospective study, two nuclear medicine physicians have independently analyzed 21 FDG PET/CT examinations performed in 20 subjects (16 men, 66 ± 8 years) between 2010 and 2019 for clinical suspicion of SGI. Six subjects examined from other reasons without signs of infection constituted a control group. The images were evaluated for the uptake pattern and intensity, and by the maximum standard uptake value (SUVmax), the target-to-background ratio with blood pool (TBRBP) and liver uptake (TBRhep) as a reference. The SGI was defined as the presence of focal hyperactivity with an intensity exceeding hepatic uptake. CT images were independently assessed for signs of SGI. Clinical review of all further patients' data served as the standard of reference. Results: Twelve cases were established as SGI by the clinical review. PET/CT correctly diagnosed SGI in eight and yielded a sensitivity of 92 % and...Ústav nukleární medicíny 1. LF UK a VFNInstitute of Nuclear Medicine First Faculty of Medicine Charles University1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Presynaptic Dopaminergic Imaging Characterizes Patients with REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Due to Synucleinopathy

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    Objective: To apply a machine learning analysis to clinical and presynaptic dopaminergic imaging data of patients with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) to predict the development of Parkinson disease (PD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). Methods: In this multicenter study of the International RBD study group, 173 patients (mean age 70.5 ± 6.3 years, 70.5% males) with polysomnography-confirmed RBD who eventually phenoconverted to overt alpha-synucleinopathy (RBD due to synucleinopathy) were enrolled, and underwent baseline presynaptic dopaminergic imaging and clinical assessment, including motor, cognitive, olfaction, and constipation evaluation. For comparison, 232 RBD non-phenoconvertor patients (67.6 ± 7.1 years, 78.4% males) and 160 controls (68.2 ± 7.2 years, 53.1% males) were enrolled. Imaging and clinical features were analyzed by machine learning to determine predictors of phenoconversion. Results: Machine learning analysis showed that clinical data alone poorly predicted phenoconversion. Presynaptic dopaminergic imaging significantly improved the prediction, especially in combination with clinical data, with 77% sensitivity and 85% specificity in differentiating RBD due to synucleinopathy from non phenoconverted RBD patients, and 85% sensitivity and 86% specificity in discriminating PD-converters from DLB-converters. Quantification of presynaptic dopaminergic imaging showed that an empirical z-score cutoff of -1.0 at the most affected hemisphere putamen characterized RBD due to synucleinopathy patients, while a cutoff of -1.0 at the most affected hemisphere putamen/caudate ratio characterized PD-converters. Interpretation: Clinical data alone poorly predicted phenoconversion in RBD due to synucleinopathy patients. Conversely, presynaptic dopaminergic imaging allows a good prediction of forthcoming phenoconversion diagnosis. This finding may be used in designing future disease-modifying trials. ANN NEUROL 2024

    The Value of FDG PET/CT in the Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Inflammation.

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    1 Abstract Aim: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of FDG PET/CT in the detection of stent graft infection (SGI) with the use of visual and semiquantitative interpretation, to compare it with standalone CT analysis, to verify the transferability of the experience with FDG PET/CT in surgical prosthesis infection and to define the role of the method in the diagnostic algorithm of SGI. Subjects and Methods: In this retrospective study, two nuclear medicine physicians have independently analyzed 21 FDG PET/CT examinations performed in 20 subjects (16 men, 66 ± 8 years) between 2010 and 2019 for clinical suspicion of SGI. Six subjects examined from other reasons without signs of infection constituted a control group. The images were evaluated for the uptake pattern and intensity, and by the maximum standard uptake value (SUVmax), the target-to-background ratio with blood pool (TBRBP) and liver uptake (TBRhep) as a reference. The SGI was defined as the presence of focal hyperactivity with an intensity exceeding hepatic uptake. CT images were independently assessed for signs of SGI. Clinical review of all further patients' data served as the standard of reference. Results: Twelve cases were established as SGI by the clinical review. PET/CT correctly diagnosed SGI in eight and yielded a sensitivity of 92 % and..

    The Value of FDG PET/CT in the Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Inflammation.

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    1 Abstract Aim: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of FDG PET/CT in the detection of stent graft infection (SGI) with the use of visual and semiquantitative interpretation, to compare it with standalone CT analysis, to verify the transferability of the experience with FDG PET/CT in surgical prosthesis infection and to define the role of the method in the diagnostic algorithm of SGI. Subjects and Methods: In this retrospective study, two nuclear medicine physicians have independently analyzed 21 FDG PET/CT examinations performed in 20 subjects (16 men, 66 ± 8 years) between 2010 and 2019 for clinical suspicion of SGI. Six subjects examined from other reasons without signs of infection constituted a control group. The images were evaluated for the uptake pattern and intensity, and by the maximum standard uptake value (SUVmax), the target-to-background ratio with blood pool (TBRBP) and liver uptake (TBRhep) as a reference. The SGI was defined as the presence of focal hyperactivity with an intensity exceeding hepatic uptake. CT images were independently assessed for signs of SGI. Clinical review of all further patients' data served as the standard of reference. Results: Twelve cases were established as SGI by the clinical review. PET/CT correctly diagnosed SGI in eight and yielded a sensitivity of 92 % and..

    Targeted Drug Delivery and Theranostic Strategies in Malignant Lymphomas

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    Malignant lymphomas represent the most common type of hematologic malignancies. The first clinically approved TDD modalities in lymphoma patients were anti-CD20 radioimmunoconjugates (RIT) 131I-tositumomab and 90Y-ibritumomab-tiuxetan. The later clinical success of the first approved antibody–drug conjugate (ADC) for the treatment of lymphomas, anti-CD30 brentuximab vedotin, paved the path for the preclinical development and clinical testing of several other ADCs, including polatuzumab vedotin and loncastuximab tesirine. Other modalities of TDD are based on new formulations of “old” cytostatic agents and their passive trapping in the lymphoma tissue by means of the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. Currently, the diagnostic and restaging procedures in aggressive lymphomas are based on nuclear imaging, namely PET. A theranostic approach that combines diagnostic or restaging lymphoma imaging with targeted treatment represents an appealing innovative strategy in personalized medicine. The future of theranostics will require not only the capability to provide suitable disease-specific molecular probes but also expertise on big data processing and evaluation. Here, we review the concept of targeted drug delivery in malignant lymphomas from RIT and ADC to a wide array of passively and actively targeted nano-sized investigational agents. We also discuss the future of molecular imaging with special focus on monoclonal antibody-based and monoclonal antibody-derived theranostic strategies

    Dopaminergic imaging and clinical predictors for phenoconversion of REM sleep behaviour disorder

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    This is an international multicentre study aimed at evaluating the combined value of dopaminergic neuroimaging and clinical features in predicting future phenoconversion of idiopathic REM sleep behaviour (iRBD) subjects to overt synucleinopathy. Nine centres sent 123I-FP-CIT-SPECT data of 344 iRBD patients and 256 controls for centralized analysis. 123I-FP-CIT-SPECT images were semiquantified using DaTQUANTTM, obtaining putamen and caudate specific to non-displaceable binding ratios (SBRs). The following clinical variables were also analysed: (i) Movement Disorder Society-sponsored revision of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, motor section score; (ii) Mini-Mental State Examination score; (iii) constipation; and (iv) hyposmia. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was performed to estimate conversion risk. Hazard ratios for each variable were calculated with Cox regression. A generalized logistic regression model was applied to identify the best combination of risk factors. Bayesian classifier was used to identify the baseline features predicting phenoconversion to parkinsonism or dementia. After quality check of the data, 263 iRBD patients (67.6\u2009\ub1\u20097.3 years, 229 males) and 243 control subjects (67.2\u2009\ub1\u200910.1 years, 110 males) were analysed. Fifty-two (20%) patients developed a synucleinopathy after average follow-up of 2 years. The best combination of risk factors was putamen dopaminergic dysfunction of the most affected hemisphere on imaging, defined as the lower value between either putamina (P\u2009<\u20090.000001), constipation, (P\u2009<\u20090.000001) and age over 70 years (P\u2009=\u20090.0002). Combined features obtained from the generalized logistic regression achieved a hazard ratio of 5.71 (95% confidence interval 2.85-11.43). Bayesian classifier suggested that patients with higher Mini-Mental State Examination score and lower caudate SBR asymmetry were more likely to develop parkinsonism, while patients with the opposite pattern were more likely to develop dementia. This study shows that iRBD patients older than 70 with constipation and reduced nigro-putaminal dopaminergic function are at high risk of short-term phenoconversion to an overt synucleinopathy, providing an effective stratification approach for future neuroprotective trials. Moreover, we provide cut-off values for the significant predictors of phenoconversion to be used in single subjects