225 research outputs found

    Zebrafish Caudal Haematopoietic Embryonic Stromal Tissue (CHEST) Cells Support Haematopoiesis.

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    Haematopoiesis is an essential process in early vertebrate development that occurs in different distinct spatial locations in the embryo that shift over time. These different sites have distinct functions: in some anatomical locations specific hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) are generated de novo. In others, HSPCs expand. HSPCs differentiate and renew in other locations, ensuring homeostatic maintenance. These niches primarily control haematopoiesis through a combination of cell-to-cell signalling and cytokine secretion that elicit unique biological effects in progenitors. To understand the molecular signals generated by these niches, we report the generation of caudal hematopoietic embryonic stromal tissue (CHEST) cells from 72-hours post fertilization (hpf) caudal hematopoietic tissue (CHT), the site of embryonic HSPC expansion in fish. CHEST cells are a primary cell line with perivascular endothelial properties that expand hematopoietic cells in vitro. Morphological and transcript analysis of these cultures indicates lymphoid, myeloid, and erythroid differentiation, indicating that CHEST cells are a useful tool for identifying molecular signals critical for HSPC proliferation and differentiation in the zebrafish. These findings permit comparison with other temporally and spatially distinct haematopoietic-supportive zebrafish niches, as well as with mammalian haematopoietic-supportive cells to further the understanding of the evolution of the vertebrate hematopoietic system

    I, with you: The programme of mediation among equals, from the perspective of an example of life

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    Aprender a gestionar los conflictos entre las personas es vital para el desarrollo de una mentalidad cívica y de una convivencia pacífica. Los centros educativos están repletos de conflictos entre los individuos que allí confluyen y, algunos de ellos, optan por implantar nuevos métodos de resolución de conflictos, pasando del castigo y la sumisión al diálogo y la reflexión del alumnado, como lo es el programa de mediación entre iguales. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer cómo se desarrolla el programa de mediación entre iguales, y cuál es la función del/la psicopedagoga en él. Para ello, en esta investigación biográfico narrativa, construiremos la historia de vida de una psicopedagoga que implantó un programa de mediación entre iguales en un centro de educación secundaria, analizando el proceso que se llevó a cabo y como se introducía la figura de la psicopedagoga dentro del mismo, teniendo en cuenta las voces de las personas involucradas en todo el proceso. Los resultados avanzan la necesidad de un equipo formado en mediación, además de una concienciación de toda la comunidad educativa, con el fin de poder asentar en el centro una cultura donde el diálogo y la igualdad sean referentes. Así pues, la psicopedagoga se convierte en una agente de cambio y renovación pedagógica, trabajando de forma colaborativa con la comunidad educativa, para mejorar la convivencia en el centroLearning to manage conflicts between people is vital to the development of a civic mindset and peaceful coexistence. Schools are filled with conflicts between the individuals who converge there. Some schools opt for new methods of conflict resolution, from punishment to dialogue and reflection of students, such as is the mediation among equals. The objective of this research is to know how the program of mediation among equals is developed, and what the function of the psychopedagogue in it is. For that, in this narrative biographical research, we will build the history of a psychopedagogue that implemented the programme of mediation among equals in a secondary education center, analyzing how the process went and what its function has been, taking into account the voices of the people involved in the whole process. The results advance the need for a team formed in mediation, in addition to an awareness of the entire educational community, with the purpose of being able to settle in the center a culture where the dialogue and the equality are referring. Thus, the psychopedagogue becomes an agent of pedagogical change and renewal, working collaboratively with the educational community to improve coexistence in the cente

    Escoltant la teua mirada. La trajectòria de vida d’una psicopedagoga i del programa de mediació entre iguals

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    XXII Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials (Any 2017)Els conflictes entre les persones són un element assidu en el dia a dia, i aprendre a gestionar-los és vital per al desenvolupament d’una mentalitat cívica. Alguns centres educatius opten per nous mètodes de resolució de conflictes, i passen del càstig al diàleg i la reflexió, i així és la mediació entre iguals. L’objectiu d’aquesta investigació és conèixer com es desenvolupa el programa de mediació entre iguals i quina és la funció de la psicopedagoga. Per això, en aquesta investigació biogràfico-narrativa, construirem la història de vida d’una psicopedagoga que va implantar un programa de mediació entre iguals en un centre d’educació secundària, analitzarem el procés que es va dur a terme i com s’hi introduïa la figura de la psicopedagoga. Els resultats avancen la necessitat d’un equip format en mediació, a més d’una conscienciació de tota la comunitat educativa. Així doncs, la psicopedagoga es converteix en una agent del canvi i la renovació pedagògica, treballant de forma col·laborativa per millorar la convivència al centre

    Blood flow-induced Notch activation and endothelial migration enable vascular remodeling in zebrafish embryos.

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    Arteries and veins are formed independently by different types of endothelial cells (ECs). In vascular remodeling, arteries and veins become connected and some arteries become veins. It is unclear how ECs in transforming vessels change their type and how fates of individual vessels are determined. In embryonic zebrafish trunk, vascular remodeling transforms arterial intersegmental vessels (ISVs) into a functional network of arteries and veins. Here we find that, once an ISV is connected to venous circulation, venous blood flow promotes upstream migration of ECs that results in displacement of arterial ECs by venous ECs, completing the transformation of this ISV into a vein without trans-differentiation of ECs. Arterial blood flow initiated in two neighboring ISVs prevents their transformation into veins by activating Notch signaling in ECs. Together, different responses of ECs to arterial and venous blood flow lead to formation of a balanced network with equal numbers of arteries and veins

    Lipoprotein lipase regulates hematopoietic stem progenitor cell maintenance through DHA supply.

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    Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) mediates hydrolysis of triglycerides (TGs) to supply free fatty acids (FFAs) to tissues. Here, we show that LPL activity is also required for hematopoietic stem progenitor cell (HSPC) maintenance. Knockout of Lpl or its obligatory cofactor Apoc2 results in significantly reduced HSPC expansion during definitive hematopoiesis in zebrafish. A human APOC2 mimetic peptide or the human very low-density lipoprotein, which carries APOC2, rescues the phenotype in apoc2 but not in lpl mutant zebrafish. Creating parabiotic apoc2 and lpl mutant zebrafish rescues the hematopoietic defect in both. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is identified as an important factor in HSPC expansion. FFA-DHA, but not TG-DHA, rescues the HSPC defects in apoc2 and lpl mutant zebrafish. Reduced blood cell counts are also observed in Apoc2 mutant mice at the time of weaning. These results indicate that LPL-mediated release of the essential fatty acid DHA regulates HSPC expansion and definitive hematopoiesis

    EGFR is required for Wnt9a-Fzd9b signalling specificity in haematopoietic stem cells.

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    Wnt signalling drives many processes in development, homeostasis and disease; however, the role and mechanism of individual ligand-receptor (Wnt-Frizzled (Fzd)) interactions in specific biological processes remain poorly understood. Wnt9a is specifically required for the amplification of blood progenitor cells during development. Using genetic studies in zebrafish and human embryonic stem cells, paired with in vitro cell biology and biochemistry, we determined that Wnt9a signals specifically through Fzd9b to elicit β-catenin-dependent Wnt signalling that regulates haematopoietic stem and progenitor cell emergence. We demonstrate that the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is required as a cofactor for Wnt9a-Fzd9b signalling. EGFR-mediated phosphorylation of one tyrosine residue on the Fzd9b intracellular tail in response to Wnt9a promotes internalization of the Wnt9a-Fzd9b-LRP signalosome and subsequent signal transduction. These findings provide mechanistic insights for specific Wnt-Fzd signals, which will be crucial for specific therapeutic targeting and regenerative medicine

    Artificial intelligence and its impact on the domains of universal health coverage, health emergencies and health promotion: An overview of systematic reviews

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    [EN] Background: Artificial intelligence is fueling a new revolution in medicine and in the healthcare sector. Despite the growing evidence on the benefits of artificial intelligence there are several aspects that limit the measure of its impact in people & rsquo;s health. It is necessary to assess the current status on the application of AI towards the improvement of people's health in the domains defined by WHO's Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW13) and the European Programme of Work (EPW), to inform about trends, gaps, opportunities, and challenges. Objective: To perform a systematic overview of systematic reviews on the application of artificial intelligence in the people's health domains as defined in the GPW13 and provide a comprehensive and updated map on the application specialties of artificial intelligence in terms of methodologies, algorithms, data sources, outcomes, predictors, performance, and methodological quality. Methods: A systematic search in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane and IEEEXplore was conducted between January 2015 and June 2021 to collect systematic reviews using a combination of keywords related to the domains of universal health coverage, health emergencies protection, and better health and wellbeing as defined by the WHO's PGW13 and EPW. Eligibility criteria was based on methodological quality and the inclusion of practical implementation of artificial intelligence. Records were classified and labeled using ICD-11 categories into the domains of the GPW13. Descriptors related to the area of implementation, type of modeling, data entities, outcomes and implementation on care delivery were extracted using a structured form and methodological aspects of the included reviews studies was assessed using the AMSTAR checklist. Results: The search strategy resulted in the screening of 815 systematic reviews from which 203 were assessed for eligibility and 129 were included in the review. The most predominant domain for artificial intelligence applications was Universal Health Coverage (N=98) followed by Health Emergencies (N=16) and Better Health and Wellbeing (N=15). Neoplasms area on Universal Health Coverage was the disease area featuring most of the applications (21.7%, N=28). The reviews featured analytics primarily over both public and private data sources (67.44%, N=87). The most used type of data was medical imaging (31.8%, N=41) and predictors based on regions of interest and clinical data. The most prominent subdomain of Artificial Intelligence was Machine Learning (43.4%, N=56), in which Support Vector Machine method was predominant (20.9%, N=27). Regarding the purpose, the application of Artificial Intelligence I is focused on the prediction of the diseases (36.4%, N=47). (...)Martinez-Millana, A.; Saez-Saez, A.; Tornero-Costa, R.; Azzopardi-Muscat, N.; Traver Salcedo, V.; Novillo-Ortiz, D. (2022). Artificial intelligence and its impact on the domains of universal health coverage, health emergencies and health promotion: An overview of systematic reviews. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 166:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2022.10485511216

    Análisis comparativo de retransmisiones y programas deportivos entre Cadena SER y COPE

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    La radio deportiva es uno de los contenidos que más oyentes reúne todos los días. En este artículo, analizamos el discurso, la estructura y el lenguaje utilizado en las retransmisiones deportivas más seguidas y en los noticiarios deportivos de referencia. Como estudios de caso, con el fin de establecer comparativas, hemos seleccionado las dos emisoras estatales que acumulan un mayor número de oyentes en materia deportiva según el Estudio General de Medios en las oleadas de los últimos cinco años: COPE y SER. En cuanto a la retransmisión objeto de estudio, elegimos el clásico Real Madrid – F.C. Barcelona, porque se trata del evento deportivo que más expectación concita entre la audiencia. Por otro lado, los programas informativos de deportes elegidos tienen un formato y vocación informativa similar: Deportes Cope y Hora 25 de los deportes, además compiten en la misma franja horaria (20.30h-21h.) y están insertados en sendos diarios hablados de la tarde noche de COPE (La Linterna) y SER (Hora 25)

    Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells Activate Lymphoid-Specific Genetic Programs Irrespective of Their Cellular Origin

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    AbstractThe developmental origin of type I interferon (IFN)-producing plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDCs) is controversial. In particular, the rearrangement of immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) genes in murine PDCs and the expression of pre-T cell receptor α (pTα) gene by human PDCs were proposed as evidence for their “lymphoid” origin. Here we demonstrate that PDCs capable of IFN production develop efficiently from both myeloid- and lymphoid-committed progenitors. Rearranged IgH genes as well as RAG transcripts were found in both myeloid- and lymphoid-derived PDCs. The human pTα transgenic reporter was activated in both myeloid- and lymphoid-derived PDCs at a level comparable to pre-T cells. PDCs were the only cell population that activated murine RAG1 knockin and human pTα transgenic reporters outside the lymphoid lineage. These results highlight a unique developmental program of PDCs that distinguishes them from other cell types including conventional dendritic cells