30 research outputs found

    Sähköauto talviolosuhteissa ja osana älykästä sähköverkkoa

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    Työn aiheena on tutkia sähköauton ja käyttäytymistä kylmissä olosuhteissa osana WintEVE -tutkimusprojektia. Työssä tutustutaan aluksi sähkö- ja hybridiautojen tekniikkaan ja Suomessa yleisesti käytössä oleviin lataustekniikoihin. Sähköauton latauksen yhteydessä tutkitaan vallit-sevan lämpötilan vaikutusta latausaikoihin, sekä latauksen ottamaan energiamäärään ja ajokilometreihin. Akkujen kestoa tutkitaan käytännön ajotesteillä, sekä tutkitaan il-mastoinnin vaikutusta saavutettaviin ajokilometreihin. Näiden tulosten pohjalta tehdään päätelmiä, soveltuuko sähköauto osaksi sähköverkon varavoimajärjestelmää talvella. Mittaustuloksista voi selvästi huomata niin latauslämpötilan, ajolämpötilan, sekä ilmas-toinnin lämpötilan vaikutuksen ajokilometreihin. Tulosten perusteella huomattiin, että alle -10˚C ulkolämpötila lyhentää ajomatkaa huomattavasti.The subject of this thesis was to study, as a part of WintEVE project, how an electric car will manage in cold winter conditions. At first in the thesis electric- and hybrid car technology and commonly used charging techniques in Finland were discussed. Related to charging an electric car also the effect of climate on charging times as well as on the energy charged and the driving range were studied. Battery life was explored by practical driving tests and also the effect of air conditioning on driving range was tested. Based on these tests and results conclusions on how suitable electric cars are for being part of a smart grid emergency power system in winter drawn. There were obvious effects seen in metering results that showed that the temperature of charging, climate and air conditioning temperature affects the driving range. Based on the results outdoor temperature of lower than minus ten degrees Celsius will shorten the driving range dramatically

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Acupuncture, Counselling and Usual Care in Treating Patients with Depression: The Results of the ACUDep Trial

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>New evidence on the clinical effectiveness of acupuncture plus usual care (acupuncture) and counselling plus usual care (counselling) for patients with depression suggests the need to investigate the health-related quality of life and costs of these treatments to understand whether they should be considered a good use of limited health resources.</p><p>Methods and Findings</p><p>The cost-effectiveness analyses are based on the Acupuncture, Counselling or Usual care for Depression (ACUDep) trial results. Statistical analyses demonstrate a difference in mean quality adjusted life years (QALYs) and suggest differences in mean costs which are mainly due to the price of the interventions. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis is used to express decision uncertainty. Acupuncture and counselling are found to have higher mean QALYs and costs than usual care. In the base case analysis acupuncture has an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of £4,560 per additional QALY and is cost-effective with a probability of 0.62 at a cost-effectiveness threshold of £20,000 per QALY. Counselling compared with acupuncture is more effective and more costly with an ICER of £71,757 and a probability of being cost-effective of 0.36. A scenario analysis of counselling versus usual care, excluding acupuncture as a comparator, results in an ICER of £7,935 and a probability of 0.91.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Acupuncture is cost-effective compared with counselling or usual care alone, although the ranking of counselling and acupuncture depends on the relative cost of delivering these interventions. For patients in whom acupuncture is unavailable or perhaps inappropriate, counselling has an ICER less than most cost-effectiveness thresholds. However, further research is needed to determine the most cost-effective treatment pathways for depressed patients when the full range of available interventions is considered.</p></div