2,615 research outputs found

    Estudio numérico del movimiento de microburbujas en bifurcaciones arteriales

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    Este proyecto analiza el comportamiento fluidodinámico de microburbujas en campos fluidos. La inyección de microburbujas en el torrente sanguíneo tiene aplicaciones médicas variadas, aquí se desarrolla un modelo numérico que permite describir el movimiento de microburbujas en las proximidades de una bifurcación. Este estudio tiene aplicación a la hora de estudiar el comportamiento de agentes de contraste de ultrasonidos (microburbujas) en el sistema circulatorio. Una onda acústica ultrasónica interactúa con las microburbujas y posibilita la aparición de una fuerza denominada fuerza de Bjerknes. Este proyecto estudia el uso de microburbujas como agente transportador de medicamentos. Con estas bases se desarrolla una herramienta numérica que describe el movimiento de estas microburbujas en una bifurcación arterial donde una de las ramas de la bifurcación se supone obstruida por un trombo. La fuerza de Bjerknes empuja a las microburbujas a salir de la línea de corriente del fluido e introducirse en la arteria obstruida para que el medicamento que transporta se aplique de forma más localizada. Para conseguir este objetivo se comienza con un estudio del campo fluido con los programas informáticos CFD Fluent y con Gambit. A continuación se desarrollan las ecuaciones que afectan a las burbujas y se implementa la herramienta buscada con el software Matlab.Ingeniería Industria

    El despertar dels parlants

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    Dynamic structure function of two interacting atoms in 1D

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    We consider two atoms trapped in a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential interacting through a contact interaction. We study the transition from the non-interacting to the strongly interacting Tonks-Girardeau state, as the interaction is varied from zero to infinitely large repulsive values. The dynamic structure function is computed by means of direct diagonalization calculations with a finite number of single particle modes. The response of the system against a monopolar perturbation is characterized by the moments of the dynamic structure function which are explicitly calculated from the dynamic structure function and by means of sum rules

    Use of spectral kurtosis for improving signal to noise ratio of acoustic emission signal from defective bearings

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    The use of Acoustic Emission (AE) to monitor the condition of roller bearings in rotating machinery is growing in popularity. This investigation is centred on the application of Spectral Kurtosis (SK) as a denoising tool able to enhance the bearing fault features from an AE signal. This methodology was applied to AE signals acquired from an experimental investigation where different size defects were seeded on a roller bearing. The results suggest that the signal to noise ratio can be significantly improved using SK

    Supporting carers of people affected by cancer and other long-term conditions at end of life

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    Background Macmillan Cancer Support has funded an intervention in Lincolnshire whereby carers of people affected by cancer and other long-term conditions at end-of-life are offered a bespoke package of support. The objectives of the study were (1) to explore the experiences of those in receipt of the intervention and (2) to inform the funders of particular strengths and weaknesses of their service. Method 10 in-depth interviews with carers in receipt of the intervention were conducted. Data were analysed using framework analysis. Results The service appeared to be meeting a specific need, in that, it focused specifically on the needs of the carer, something not being met elsewhere. A positive outcome that has arisen from the carers involvement is that they have felt reassured through having background support. All those interviewed reported that the personal attributes and specialist skills of those delivering the service had influenced their satisfaction. Participants also remarked on how they were signposted to a range of useful sources which helped to streamline communication between the carer and other health and social care services. Conclusion The evaluation found this to be a successful intervention within a social care setting. The participants had no overtly negative opinions on the service in its current format and all held it in a high regard. Participants felt that both the content and delivery were excellent. It is recommended that further evaluation be conducted once the service has become more fully established. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Macmillan Cancer Support for funding this research. Additionally, we would like to express our gratitude to the carers who took the time to take part in an interview

    Tennis injuries. A review of the literature

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    L’objectiu del treball present és oferir una revisió del coneixement científic disponible de les lesions en el tennis durant els últims 15 anys, per tal d’establir l’estat actual del coneixement sobre el tema i permetre un plantejament millor de les línies d’investigació. Les troballes principals d’aquesta revisió bibliogràfica foren, per una banda, la gran variació en la incidència lesional reportada en els diferents estudis epidemiològics analitzats. D’altra banda, tot i que una evidència científica important demostra que la gran majoria de les lesions ocorren a les extremitats inferiors, només el 24% dels estudis analitzats en aquesta revisió bibliogràfica tingueren com a objecte d’estudi els membres inferiors i el tronc. Pel que fa als estudis d’intervenció analitzats des de l’any 1995 fins a l’actualitat, únicament se n’han publicat 7, que, a més, tenen limitacions, ja que no presenten intervals de confiança quan informen de l’efectivitat de la intervenció subjecta a examen. Per últim, cal indicar que des de 2007 fins a l’actualitat el nombre de publicacions en el camp de les lesions en el tennis ha anat disminuint de forma progressiva, per la qual cosa cal una investigació major per elaborar programes de prevenció de lesions que es demostrin realment efectius.The aim of the present study is to provide a review of the available scientific knowledge in terms of tennis injuries for the last 15 years with the aim of establishing the current state of knowledge about the matter and to allow a better approach of the lines of research. The main findings of this systematic review were firstly the great variation in the reported injury incidence between the different descriptive epidemiological studies analyzed. On the other hand, although a great scientific evidence proves that most of the injuries take place in the lower limbs, only the 24% of the studies analyzed in the present systematic review had the lower limbs and the trunk as research objects. Taking into account the intervention studies analyzed, just 7 articles were published between 1995 and the present time, besides having limitations due to the fact that they not include confidence intervals when reporting the effectiveness of the intervention under exam. Lastly, from 2007 to the present time the number of published studies in the field of tennis injuries has been progressively decreasing, so it becomes necessary a greater investigation in order to solve this fact and to develop tennis injury prevention programs which prove to be really effective

    Meeting the social care needs of people affected by cancer in Lincolnshire

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    Background People affected by cancer (PABC) can have a range of social care needs at different stages of the patient pathway: emotional, practical, personal, as well as information and financial needs. The objectives of the study were (1) to examine the social care needs of PABC in Lincolnshire and (2) to provide recommendations regarding future service development and delivery. Method Qualitative study utilising in-depth interviews with PABC (n=10) across Lincolnshire. Data were analysed based on the Framework Method of Qualitative data analysis (Ritchie and Spencer, 1994). Results All participants reported the need for emotional support (in particular around the initial diagnosis and surrounding period). The need for practical and personal care support varied amongst those we interviewed with this often being dependent on the type and frequency of treatment. For most, family and friends shouldered the burden of this as opposed to social services. Furthermore, expenses were also attributed to friends and family of the patient. We received reports of negative experiences when dealing with the Department of Work & Pensions (DWP) and claiming for Employment Support Allowance (ESA). Information and advice was important throughout the cancer journey; the preferred format (physical or online) was influenced by personal preference. Conclusion Final findings and recommendations will be available in late 2015. Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude to the participants who shared their experiences with us. Furthermore, we are grateful to Macmillan Cancer Support, Bromhead Medical Charity & University of Lincoln for funding this research
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