1,158 research outputs found

    An Annotated Compendium of Selected Vocal Solo Literature for Protestant Churches, 1958-1988.

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    The topic of this study is the sacred art song of the past three decades (1958-1988). One-hundred forty-eight songs have been selected for the Compendium which, in the writer\u27s opinion, are suitable in both quality and appropriateness for the Protestant worship service. The listing does not include solo literature which would be classified as gospel or Christian Contemporary, nor does it include selections which may be more fitting for recital use. Each entry gives the title, composer, author of text, publisher, date, range, tessitura, occasion, and type of accompaniment. In the annotation which follows, notable musical and textual features are discussed

    Closing the Quality Gap

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    Book Review: Eyewitness Testimony, by Elizabeth F. Loftus

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    The Preparation and Kinetics of Sterically Hindered Gold (III) Complexes

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    The purpose of this research was to prepare and study complexes with steric hindrance greater than that of the dien complex but less than that of the Et4dien complex

    Η αφήγηση τον Μιν. Το χρονικό μιας αιγυπτιακής αποστολής

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    Bakgrund: Vid komplexa tjänstetransaktioner är det svårt för köparen att i kontraktet specificera vad som förväntas av tjänsteleverantören vilket ofta leder till konflikter mellan parterna. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att utvärdera kontraktets betydelse som styrmedel i relationen mellan köpare och säljare av komplexa tjänster. Tillvägagångssätt: Vi har genomfört en fallstudie där vi har analyserat kontraktets betydelse som styrmedel hos tre tjänsterelationer inom Landstinget i Östergötland. Empiri har samlats in genom intervjuer med representanter för både köpare och säljare för respektive relationen samt genom granskning av de avtal som reglerar relationerna. En av de undersökta relationerna är mellan Landstinget i Östergötland och en privat vårdgivare, Specialistläkarna, de två andra är relationer mellan Landstinget och de landstingsinterna enheterna Barn- och Kvinnocentrum och Rekonstruktionscentrum. Vår teoretiska hypotes var att kontraktets betydelse som styrmedel minskar ju mer komplex tjänsten är som avtalet har för avsikt att reglera. För att testa denna hypotes började vi med en grundlig analys av komplexiteten hos de tjänster som kontrakterades för att slutligen analysera kontraktets betydelse som styrmedel för de tre relationerna. Resultat: Den empiriska studien bekräftade inte vår teoretiska hypotes om att kontraktets betydelse som styrmedel minskar med ökad komplexitet hos tjänsten. Anledningen till detta kan vara att skillnaden i komplexitet visade sig vara mindre än vad vi trott från början i kombination med att den främsta förklaringsvariabeln till de olika styrstrukturerna visade sig vara huruvida enheten är intern respektive extern snarare än dess komplexitet. Även hälso- och sjukvårdens mycket specifika kontext visade sig ha betydande inverkan på styrningen. Istället för att möta problematiken med att specificera ett komplext åtagande har man valt att endast definiera ett ramverk för relationen. Vi menar att man vågar undvika att specificera tjänsten beroende på den speciella kontext som sjukvården utgör med de lagar och bestämmelser som finns kombinerat med den medicinska professionens stora inflytande.Background: Complex service transactions make it hard for the buyer to specify in the contract what is expected from the service supplier, this often leads to conflicts between the parties. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to evaluate the significance of the contract as a means of control in the relationship between buyer and seller of complex services. Method: We have executed a case study where we have analysed the significance of the contract as a means of control in three service relationships within Landstinget i Östergötland. Data has been gathered through interviews with representatives from buyer and seller both for each relationship as well as through review of the contracts that regulate the relationships. On of the examined relationships is between Landstinget i Östergötland and a private care institution, Specialistläkarna, the other two are relationships between Landstinget and the internal units Barn- och Kvinnocentrum and Rekonstruktionscentrum. Our theoretical hypothesis was that the significance of the contract as a means of control decreases with the complexity of the service that it is supposed to regulate. In order to test this hypothesis we made a thorough analysis of the complexity of the contracted services and then analysed the significance of the contract as a means of control in the three relationships. Result: The empirical study did not confirm our theoretical hypothesis that the significance of the contract as a means of control decreases with an increasingly complex service. This might be because that the difference in complexity proved to lesser than we had estimated and that the primary explanatory variable to the different control mechanisms proved to be whether the unit was internal or external rather than its complexity. The particular context surrounding health care and medical service also proved to have a significant influence on the control. Instead of facing the problems with specifying a complex commitment only the framework for the relationship is defined. We mean that they dare avoid specifying the service because of the context that the medical service consists of: rules and regulations in combination with the great influence of the medical profession

    Birth and decay of coherent optical phonons in femtosecond-laser-excited bismuth

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    The transient reflectivity of bismuth crystal excited by a 45 fs laser pulse in the near-infrared range has been recovered with an accuracy of 10-5, at initial sample temperatures ranging from 50 to 510 K, and at pump fluences from 2 mJ/ cm2 to 21 mJ/ cm2. The coherent phonon excitation and decay processes were imprinted into the time-dependent reflectivity and this allows us to uncover the temporal phonon history preceding the structural transformation of solid Bi. Analysis showed that the first coherent atomic displacement was produced by the polarization force and the electron pressure force during the laser pulse, and that manifests itself by a negative change in the reflectivity. The frequency of the subsequent reflectivity oscillations was chirped, redshifted from the initial value due to the lattice heating. The amplitude decreased gradually while electrons transferred their energy to the lattice. Heating and thermal expansion of the lattice transformed the initially coherent harmonic vibrations of atoms into strongly nonlinear chaotic motion that signifies the onset of disordering of the solid. This process was identified through measurement of the damping rate of the reflectivity oscillations and interpretation of this rate as the decay rate of an optical phonon into two acoustic phonons. The analysis of the reflectivity oscillations provides evidence that the overheated solid experiences only the onset of the solid-liquid phase transition but did not proceed into the liquid phase. General relations between the laser-exerted forces, the atomic motion, and the optical parameters were established. The proposed theory reproduces well the measured transient reflectivity across a wide range of crystal temperatures and laser excitation fluences