381 research outputs found

    Patterns of Social Inequalities in Access to Higher Education in France and Germany

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    This article explores social selectivity in access to tertiary education in France and Germany in the period from 1980 to 2000. Results of multinomial logistic regression models show that access to different postsecondary institutions is characterized by marked social background effects in both countries. Depending on the type of tertiary institution we consider in France or Germany, social selectivity into fields of study is also observed. Overall, there is no indication for substantial changes in the pattern of inequality in access to tertiary education in either country during the past two decades

    The Strategy of Meetings: Menguasai Segala Siasat dalam Rapat

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    Ini adalah buku pertama yang menjelaskan bagaimana Anda dapat mengubaha rapat menjadi kendaraan bagi menajemen yang sehat. Penulis menawarkan program lengkap untuk mengupayakan hasil akhir yang diinginkan semua rapat, dengan mengajak Anda memahami: • Mengapa Anda dilarang menghadiri rapat tanpa mengetahui dengan pasti yang ingin Anda capai darinya • Bagaimana sebagain rapat sudah ditebak apak hasilnya positif auat negatif, bahkan sebelum dimulai • Bagaimana mengelola persepsi bos dan menilai kinerja bahawan dalam rapat • Bagaimana mengatur rapat agar hasilnya sesuai dengan keingan Anda dan kapan sebaiknya memanipulasi agenda • Mengapa Anda memiliki tempat tertentu untuk mengadakan rapat dan di mana Anda sebaiknya menempatkan dir

    Flow of supersonic jets across flat plates: Implications for ground-level flow from volcanic blasts

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    We report on laboratory experiments examining the interaction of a jet from an overpressurized reservoir with a canonical ground surface to simulate lateral blasts at volcanoes such as the 1980 blast at Mount St. Helens. These benchmark experiments test the application of supersonic jet models to simulate the flow of volcanic jets over a lateral topography. The internal shock structure of the free jet is modified such that the Mach disk shock is elevated above the surface. In elevation view, the width of the shock is reduced in comparison with a free jet, while in map view the dimensions are comparable. The distance of the Mach disk shock from the vent is in good agreement with free jet data and can be predicted with existing theory. The internal shock structures can interact with and penetrate the boundary layer. In the shock-boundary layer interaction, an oblique shock foot is present in the schlieren images and a distinctive ground signature is evident in surface measurements. The location of the oblique shock foot and the surface demarcation are closely correlated with the Mach disk shock location during reservoir depletion, and therefore, estimates of a ground signature in a zone devastated by a blast can be based on the calculated shock location from free jet theory. These experiments, combined with scaling arguments, suggest that the imprint of the Mach disk shock on the ground should be within the range of 4–9 km at Mount St. Helens depending on assumed reservoir pressure and vent dimensions

    Éditorial:Olivia Rosenthal: l'écriture aux aguets

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    International audienceThe introduction to this issue first draws up a state of the art of Rosenthal's studies, based on the paradoxical observation of the omnipresence of the work in contemporary concerns and a difficulty for critics to fully embrace it. We will thus distinguish a first moment, around the 2010s, which follows two directions: on the one hand, Rosenthal’s work is studied through the prism of a cinematographic imaginary, from the founding reflections on the forms of intermediality; on the other hand, through a reflexion about the status of the address and the figure of the reader. A renewed interest for Rosenthal’s work is currently developing, in relation with an increasingly asserted concern for literature outside the book as well as for the protocols and epistemologies of so-called “field” literatures. The introduction then proposes to approach this work through a dynamic that was visible from the first texts but becomes increasingly noticeable over time: a literature “on the look-out”, implying a constant vigilance both from the author as she writes and from her readers on a formal and esthetic level, as well as a capacity to welcome otherness without naivety or paranoia.L’introduction du dossier dresse dans un premier temps un état de l’art des études rosenthaliennes, à partir du constat paradoxal de l’omniprésence de l’œuvre dans les préoccupations contemporaines et d'une difficulté de la critique à en prendre la pleine mesure. On distinguera ainsi un premier moment, autour des années 2010, qui suit deux directions : d’une part, la critique interroge l’œuvre au prisme d’un imaginaire cinématographique de la littérature française, à partir des réflexions fondatrices sur les enjeux de l’intermédialité ; elle réfléchit d’autre part au statut de l’adresse et de la figure du lecteur chez cette écrivaine. Un second moment, actuel, coïncide avec l’avènement d’une préoccupation critique de plus en plus affirmée pour la littérature hors du livre ainsi que pour les protocoles et épistémologies des littératures dites « de terrain ». L’introduction s’applique ensuite à saisir et déployer une dynamique essentielle, visible depuis les premiers textes mais de plus en plus remarquable au fil du temps : le positionnement de l’écriture rosenthalienne aux aguets, impliquant une vigilance de tous les instants, chez l’autrice comme chez ses lecteurs, devant les formes utilisées mais aussi une capacité d’accueil de l’autre sans naïveté ni paranoïa

    Téphrostratigraphie et premiers peuplements d'Italie méridionale : les gisements pleistocènes de Loreto et Notarchirico (Venosa, Basilicata, Italia).

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    La position stratigraphique et chronologique des gisements paléolithiques de Loreto et Notarchirico a été révisée par la mise en oeuvre d'une démarche litho-téphrostratigraphiqueappliquée aux dépôts de l'ensemble du bassin de Venosa dans lequel ont été identifiées trois unités lithostratigraphiques mises en corrélation avec les unités volcano-stratigraphiques identifiées sur l'appareil éruptif du Monte Vulture :: le site de Loreto appartient au Membre C de la Formation de Tufarelle, unité la plus récente du remplissage du bassin, alors que le site de Notarchirico occupe une position stratigraphique plus ancienne, au toit de la Formation de Piano Regio, formations d'âge Pléistocène moyen ancien. L'ensemble des données lithotéphrostratigraphiques, géochronologiques et biochronologiques sont en accord pour proposer un âge Pléistocène moyen ancien, vers 650 ka, pour les unités archéologiques de la base du site de Notarchirico. Le Téphra de Notarchirico, daté vers 640 ± 40 ka, seule retombée directe identifiée et datée avec certitude dans un site préhistorique ancien en Italie méridionale, est un géomarqueur de première importance pour les premiers peuplements de l'Europe méditerranéenne

    A Large Repertoire of Parasite Epitopes Matched by a Large Repertoire of Host Immune Receptors in an Invertebrate Host/Parasite Model

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    For many decades, invertebrate immunity was believed to be non-adaptive, poorly specific, relying exclusively on sometimes multiple but germ-line encoded innate receptors and effectors. But recent studies performed in different invertebrate species have shaken this paradigm by providing evidence for various types of somatic adaptations at the level of putative immune receptors leading to an enlarged repertoire of recognition molecules. Fibrinogen Related Proteins (FREPs) from the mollusc Biomphalaria glabrata are an example of these putative immune receptors. They are known to be involved in reactions against trematode parasites. Following not yet well understood somatic mechanisms, the FREP repertoire varies considerably from one snail to another, showing a trend towards an individualization of the putative immune repertoire almost comparable to that described from vertebrate adaptive immune system. Nevertheless, their antigenic targets remain unknown. In this study, we show that a specific set of these highly variable FREPs from B. glabrata forms complexes with similarly highly polymorphic and individually variable mucin molecules from its specific trematode parasite S. mansoni (Schistosoma mansoni Polymorphic Mucins: SmPoMucs). This is the first evidence of the interaction between diversified immune receptors and antigenic variant in an invertebrate host/pathogen model. The same order of magnitude in the diversity of the parasite epitopes and the one of the FREP suggests co-evolutionary dynamics between host and parasite regarding this set of determinants that could explain population features like the compatibility polymorphism observed in B. glabrata/S. mansoni interaction. In addition, we identified a third partner associated with the FREPs/SmPoMucs in the immune complex: a Thioester containing Protein (TEP) belonging to a molecular category that plays a role in phagocytosis or encapsulation following recognition. The presence of this last partner in this immune complex argues in favor of the involvement of the formed complex in parasite recognition and elimination from the host

    Large-scale characterization of the macrolide resistome reveals high diversity and several new pathogen-associated genes

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    Macrolides are broad-spectrum antibiotics used to treat a range of infections. Resistance to macrolides is often conferred by mobile resistance genes encoding Erm methyltransferases or Mph phosphotransferases. New erm and mph genes keep being discovered in clinical settings but their origins remain unknown, as is the type of macrolide resistance genes that will appear in the future. In this study, we used optimized hidden Markov models to characterize the macrolide resistome. Over 16 terabases of genomic and metagenomic data, representing a large taxonomic diversity (11 030 species) and diverse environments (1944 metagenomic samples), were searched for the presence of erm and mph genes. From this data, we predicted 28 340 macrolide resistance genes encoding 2892 unique protein sequences, which were clustered into 663 gene families (<70 % amino acid identity), of which 619 (94 %) were previously uncharacterized. This included six new resistance gene families, which were located on mobile genetic elements in pathogens. The function of ten predicted new resistance genes were experimentally validated in Escherichia coli using a growth assay. Among the ten tested genes, seven conferred increased resistance to erythromycin, with five genes additionally conferring increased resistance to azithromycin, showing that our models can be used to predict new functional resistance genes. Our analysis also showed that macrolide resistance genes have diverse origins and have transferred horizontally over large phylogenetic distances into human pathogens. This study expands the known macrolide resistome more than ten-fold, provides insights into its evolution, and demonstrates how computational screening can identify new resistance genes before they become a significant clinical problem

    Senior Recital: Thomas Kieffer, alto saxophone and Tyler Elvidge, trumpet

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    This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degrees Bachelor of Music in Music Education. Mr. Kieffer studies saxophone with Sam Skelton. Mr. Elvidge studies trumpet with Douglas Lindsey.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1179/thumbnail.jp

    Interaction of Dendritic Cells with Skin Endothelium: A New Perspective on Immunosurveillance

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    The goal of this study was to determine the mechanisms by which dendritic cells (DCs) in blood could interact with endothelium, a prerequisite to extravasation into tissues. Our results indicate that DCs express both HECA-452–reactive and nonreactive isoforms of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) and can tether and roll efficiently on E- and P-selectin under flow conditions in vitro. Freshly isolated blood DCs were further observed to roll continuously along noninflamed murine dermal endothelium in vivo. This interaction is strictly dependent on endothelial selectins, as shown by experiments with blocking antibodies and with E- and P-selectin–deficient mice. We hypothesize that DCs in blood are constitutively poised at the interface of blood and skin, ready to extravasate upon induction of inflammation, and we showed that cutaneous inflammation results in a rapid recruitment of DCs from the blood to tissues. We propose that this is an important and previously unappreciated element of immunosurveillance
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