66 research outputs found

    La invenció d´Êthos

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    [EN] The origen of the meaning of “Êthos” is dwelling, the place where the human beings live. However, another meanings have been given to this name, for example “Behaviour that humans build along their existence”. Our exhibition proposal - The invention of Êthos - appeals to that meaning, creating a new space far from what we know, the quotidian, where we can think about our attitude and behaviour as an individual being or an independent citizen. This metaphor reminds and shows us the necessity of a permanent attitude of development and evolution by means of an act of reflection inside the space of the artwork.[CA] L’origen d’”Êthos” és estatge, lloc on habiten els éssers humans. Però li han atorgat segons sentits a aquest nom, com per exemple: aquella conducta que va formant a l’home al llarg de la seva existència. La nostra proposta expositiva, La invenció d’Êthos, apel·la a aquest darrer significat: crear un nou espai allunyat d’allò que coneixíem i d’allò quotidià, on puguem reflexionar sobre la nostra actitud i conducta com ésser individual i ciutadà autònom. Una experiència que ens recorda i ens mostra la necessitat d’una actitud permanent de creixement i evolució, per mitjà d’un acte de reflexió en el mateix espai on és l’obra d’art.Furió Bartolomé, D. (2015). La invenció d´Êthos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/61350.Archivo delegad


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    Esta tesina se enmarca en la aplicación de Realidad Aumentada para el desarrollo de un juego para el teléfono móvil Nokia N95 8Gb que ayude a concienciar a los ciudadanos del problema que supone el cambio climático y la importancia del reciclaje para ayudar a combatir dicho problema.Furió Ferri, D. (2010). DESARROLLO Y VALIDACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE REALIDAD AUMENTADA EN DISPOSITIVOS MÓVILES PARA PROMOVER VALORES ECOLÓGICOS. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14149Archivo delegad

    Finite element method modeling applied to laser crystallization of amorphous silicon

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    The crystallization by laser of amorphous or microcrystalline silicon films allows to obtain thin, high-quality, polycrystalline Si films, being a very promising method for diminishing costs in the microelectronic and solar cells sectors. During a laser crystallization process, light is partially absorbed in the amorphous silicon film, heating the sample and, if the temperature rises high enough, causing the reorganization of the film structure into a crys- talline one. In this work we show both experimental results on the crystallization of non-hydrogenated silicon thin-films performed by a continuous wave infrared laser are included, as well as a study of the process with a simple finite elements (FEM) numerical model based in the dimensional non-linear heat transfer equation with a steady heat source

    Laser crystallization of silicon and study by finite element modelling

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    Laser crystallization of amorphous or microcrystalline silicon films to obtain high-quality polycrystalline films is one of the most promising methods for diminishing costs in the microelectronic and solar cells sectors. During a laser crystallization process light is partially absorbed by the amorphous silicon, heating the sample and, if the temperature rises high enough, causing the reorganization of the film structure into a crystalline one. In this work we show results on the crystallization of non-hydrogenated silicon thin-films by a continuous wave infrared laser, as well as a study of the process with a simple finite elements method (FEM) numerical model based in the dimensional non-linear heat transfer equation with a steady heat source

    Evaluation of learning outcomes using an educational iPhone game vs. traditional game

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    In this paper, we present an initial study to determine the subject preferences for educational computer games for children, in which 150 education professionals participated. From the results of this first study, we have developed an iPhone game for transmitting knowledge as part of multiculturalism, solidarity and tolerance following established learning theories, several design principles, and the objectives and competences of the Spanish law for primary education. We also report on a second study to determine whether the iPhone game has better learning outcomes than a traditional game by analyzing the participation of 84 children ranging in age from 8 to 10 years old. The frequency of playing with consoles or computer games was also taken into account in this second study, and the worldwide trend of previous studies has been corroborated. For learning outcomes, the results did not show significant differences between the two groups. However, 96% of the children indicated that they would like to play with the iPhone game again, and 90% indicated that they preferred the experience with the iPhone game over the traditional one. From these results, we can conclude that the children achieved similar knowledge improvements using both the autonomous game (iPhone game) and the custom, guided game (traditional game). This could facilitate versatility in the learning process since the learning activity could be performed at any place and time without requiring supervision. Therefore, it could be a useful tool in the learning process and help teachers to fulfill students' training needs. 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was funded by the Spanish APRENDRA project (TIN2009-14319-C02).Furió Ferri, D.; González Gancedo, S.; Juan, M.; Seguí, I.; Rando, N. (2013). Evaluation of learning outcomes using an educational iPhone game vs. traditional game. Computers and Education. 64:1-23. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2012.12.001S1236

    Free form metallization of solar cells using Laser Induced Forward Transfer

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    Front metallization is an expensive, fundamental step in the fabrication of solar cells. Laser additive direct writing techniques, such as Laser Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT), can be used for printing optimized metallization patterns or free form personalized designs with applications in building integrated photovoltaics. In this work, metallic fingers and busbars have been printed onto different rigid and flexible photovoltaic materials using commercial, high viscosity, micron-sized particles, silver-based pastes. Printed lines show very large aspect ratios, low electrical resistivity and good adherence to the substrate. Functional test cells have been metallized from unfinished CIGS flexible solar cells

    Optical characterisation of oxidised carbon nanohorn nanofluids for direct solar energy absorption applications

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    Carbon nanohorns and oxidised carbon nanohorns-based nanofluids were characterised by taking one step forward. The advantage of studying oxidised carbon nanohorns is that they are surfactant-free. The stability of both nanofluids was checked after a 3-month preparation period at high temperature, which comes closer to real applications. Two different dynamic light scattering (DLS) systems were used to measure stability at high temperature before being compared. A deep optical analysis was run. An integrating sphere was attached to the classic spectrophotometer to determine the scattering of nanofluids. After obtaining the experimental values of the optical parameters for both nanofluids, the Kubelka-Munk Theory was applied to obtain optical coefficients. Finally, the scattering albedo was calculated to facilitate comparisons with the literature. Studying both nanofluid types provided us with new knowledge about their potential use as direct solar absorbers in solar thermal collectors


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    Pada pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning terlihat bahwa interaksi antar siswa masih sangat kurang. Selama proses diskusi, sebagian besar kelompok belum melibatkan setiap anggotanya karena anggotanya mengerjakan LKS secara individu, sehingga diskusi didominasi oleh beberapa siswa saja. Akibatnya, ketika dihadapkan dengan persoalan matematika siswa kurang mampu untuk menyelesaikannya. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran inovatif lainnya. Salah satunya dengan penggunaan model pembelajaran CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, dan Extending). Model pembelajaran CORE merupakan model pembelajaran dengan metode diskusi dengan menghubungkan informasi lama dengan informasi baru, mengorganisasikan sejumlah materi yang bervariasi, merefleksikan segala sesuatu yang peserta didik pelajari, dan mengembangkan lingkungan belajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji perbedaan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis dan Self-Regulated Learning siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran CORE dengan siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning dalam pembelajaran. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif eksperimen, dengan desain kuasi eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SMAN 13 Bandung. Dua dari tiga belas kelas XI yang ada dipilih sebagai sampel penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes dan angket. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji kesamaan dua rerata dengan uji-t dua pihak menggunakan Independent Sample T-Test. Berdasarkan analisis pada keseluruhan tahapan penelitian dapat disimmpulkan bahwa: 1) Kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa SMA yang memperoleh model pembelajaran CORE tidak lebih baik dari kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa SMA yang memperoleh model pembelajaran Discovery Learning, 2) Self-Regulated Learning siswa yang dalam pembelajaran matematikanya menggunakan model pembelajaran CORE lebih baik daripada siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning. Kata Kunci: CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, and Extending), Discovery Learning, Model Pembelajaran, Pemecahan Masalah Matematis, Self-Regulated Learning

    Laser functionalization of surfaces

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    The treatment of surfaces by physical or chemical methods is a very usual way to change their original properties. Although the most common use of a surface functionalization is for tribology aims, modifications of the topography that leads to changes in the surface roughness, its hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity, its light scattering behavior, biocompatibility or even aesthetic changes are possible. In this field, laser sources have proven to be a most versatile and useful tool, being a clean and fast way to achieve any of those objectives. In this work we show the results of functionalization by laser texturing of four different materials