3,648 research outputs found

    The Einstein-Maxwell-Particle System in the York Canonical Basis of ADM Tetrad Gravity: III) The Post-Minkowskian N-Body Problem, its Post-Newtonian Limit in Non-Harmonic 3-Orthogonal Gauges and Dark Matter as an Inertial Effect

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    We conclude the study of the Post-Minkowskian linearization of ADM tetrad gravity in the York canonical basis for asymptotically Minkowskian space-times in the family of non-harmonic 3-orthogonal gauges parametrized by the York time 3K(τ,σ){}^3K(\tau, \vec \sigma) (the inertial gauge variable, not existing in Newton gravity, describing the general relativistic remnant of the freedom in clock synchronization in the definition of the instantaneous 3-spaces). As matter we consider only N scalar point particles with a Grassmann regularization of the self-energies and with a ultraviolet cutoff making possible the PM linearization and the evaluation of the PM solution for the gravitational field. We study in detail all the properties of these PM space-times emphasizing their dependence on the gauge variable 3K(1)=13K(1){}^3{\cal K}_{(1)} = {1\over {\triangle}}\, {}^3K_{(1)} (the non-local York time): Riemann and Weyl tensors, 3-spaces, time-like and null geodesics, red-shift and luminosity distance. Then we study the Post-Newtonian (PN) expansion of the PM equations of motion of the particles. We find that in the two-body case at the 0.5PN order there is a damping (or anti-damping) term depending only on 3K(1){}^3{\cal K}_{(1)}. This open the possibility to explain dark matter in Einstein theory as a relativistic inertial effect: the determination of 3K(1){}^3{\cal K}_{(1)} from the masses and rotation curves of galaxies would give information on how to find a PM extension of the existing PN Celestial frame (ICRS) used as observational convention in the 4-dimensional description of stars and galaxies. Dark matter would describe the difference between the inertial and gravitational masses seen in the non-Euclidean 3-spaces, without a violation of their equality in the 4-dimensional space-time as required by the equivalence principle.Comment: 86 pages. Deep revision of the second part of the paper with the addition of the center-of-mass problem in GR, with a refined treatment of the PostNewtonian expansion and with the explaination of dark matter as a relativistic inertial effect not only in the rotation curves of galaxies but also in the mass of galaxy clusters determined with the virial theorem and gravitational lensin

    Power Management of a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Cycle Energy Estimation

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    2012 Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control,Simulation and ModelingThe International Federation of Automatic ControlRueil-Malmaison, France, October 23-25, 2012Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) are being investigated in many research and development programs motivated by the urgent need for more fuel-efficient vehicles that produce fewer harmful emissions. There are many potential advantages of hybridization such as the improvement of transient power demand, the ability of regenerative braking and the opportunities for optimization of the vehicle efficiency. The coordination among the various power sources requires a high level of control in the vehicle. In order to solve the power management problem, the controller proposed in this work is divided into two levels: the upper one calculates the power that must be supplied by the engine at each moment taking into account the estimation of the energy that must be supplied by the powertrain until the end of the journey. The lower one manages the torque/speed set points for all the devices. Besides, the operation modes are changed according to some heuristic rules. Several simulation results are presented, showing that the proposed control strategy can provide good performance with low computational load

    A Relativistic Version of the Two-Level Atom in the Rest-Frame Instant Form of Dynamics

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    We define a relativistic version of the two-level atom, in which an extended atom is replaced by a point particle carrying suitable Grassmann variables for the description of the two-level structure and of the electric dipole. After studying the isolated system "atom plus the electro-magnetic field" in the electric-dipole representation as a parametrized Minkowski theory, we give its restriction to the inertial rest frame and the explicit form of the Poincar\'e generators. After quantization we get a two-level atom with a spin 1/2 electric dipole and the relativistic generalization of the Hamiltonians of the Rabi and Jaynes-Cummings models.Comment: 23 page

    Charged Particles and the Electro-Magnetic Field in Non-Inertial Frames of Minkowski Spacetime: I. Admissible 3+1 Splittings of Minkowski Spacetime and the Non-Inertial Rest Frames

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    By using the 3+1 point of view and parametrized Minkowski theories we develop the theory of {\it non-inertial} frames in Minkowski space-time. The transition from a non-inertial frame to another one is a gauge transformation connecting the respective notions of instantaneous 3-space (clock synchronization convention) and of the 3-coordinates inside them. As a particular case we get the extension of the inertial rest-frame instant form of dynamics to the non-inertial rest-frame one. We show that every isolated system can be described as an external decoupled non-covariant canonical center of mass (described by frozen Jacobi data) carrying a pole-dipole structure: the invariant mass and an effective spin. Moreover we identify the constraints eliminating the internal 3-center of mass inside the instantaneous 3-spaces. In the case of the isolated system of positive-energy scalar particles with Grassmann-valued electric charges plus the electro-magnetic field we obtain both Maxwell equations and their Hamiltonian description in non-inertial frames. Then by means of a non-covariant decomposition we define the non-inertial radiation gauge and we find the form of the non-covariant Coulomb potential. We identify the coordinate-dependent relativistic inertial potentials and we show that they have the correct Newtonian limit. In the second paper we will study properties of Maxwell equations in non-inertial frames like the wrap-up effect and the Faraday rotation in astrophysics. Also the 3+1 description without coordinate-singularities of the rotating disk and the Sagnac effect will be given, with added comments on pulsar magnetosphere and on a relativistic extension of the Earth-fixed coordinate system.Comment: This paper and the second one are an adaptation of arXiv 0812.3057 for publication on Int.J.Geom. Methods in Modern Phys. 77

    Els avantpassats catalans de Macaca sylvanus

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    Reconstruir la història evolutiva dels ecosistemes catalans, i mirar més enllà de fa un milió d'anys, no és impossible. I tampoc és ciència ficció. L'Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont, de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, porta més d'una dècada estudiant les restes fòssils de macacos trobats a l jaciment de Cal Guardiola i Vallaparadís de Terrassa, el més ric i interessant del Pleistocè a Catalunya. Aquestes troballes ajudaran a entendre la història evolutiva d'aquests simis a Europa, donat que el macaco de Berberia (Macaca sylvanus), una espècie coneguda des de temps dels romans, ara només resideix en terres nord-africanes. Quan i per què es van extingir? Ambdues preguntes començaran a trobar resposta. De moment, al registre fòssil dels paleontòlegs tots els macacos europeus que s'han anat trobant, a excepció del Macaca majori de Sardenya, corresponen a subespècies de Macaca sylvanus, i el de Terrassa també. Macaca sylvanus florentina és el seu nom, i, tot i que ja s'havia descobert a Itàlia al segle XIX, les troballes catalanes amplien la informació morfològica d'aquesta subespècie, per així, aclarir una mica més l'evolució d'aquests primats quadrúpedes.Reconstruir la historia evolutiva de los ecosistemas catalanes, y mirar más allá de hace un millón de años, no es imposible. Y tampoco es ciencia-ficción. El Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont, de la Universidat Autònoma de Barcelona, lleva más de una década estudiando los restos fósiles de macacos encontrados en el yacimiento de Cal Guardiola y Vallaparadís de Terrassa, el más rico e interesante del Pleistoceno en Cataluña. Estos hallazgos ayudarán a entender la historia evolutiva de estos simios en Europa, dado que el macaco de Berbería (Macaca sylvanus), una especie conocida desde tiempos de Roma, ahora sólo reside en tierras norteafricanas. ¿Cuándo y por qué se extinguieron? Ambas preguntas empezarán a encontrar respuesta. De momento, en el registro fósil de los paleontólogos todos los macacos europeos que se han ido encontrando, a excepción del Macaca majori de Cerdeña, corresponden a subespecies del Macaca Sylvanus, y el de Terrassa también. Macaca sylvanus florentina es su nombre, y, aunque ya se había descubierto en Italia en el siglo XIX, los hallazgos catalanes amplían la información morfológica de esta subespecie, para así, aclarar un poco más la evolución de estos primates cuadrúpedos