2,233 research outputs found

    It’s the Taking Part that Counts? Participation, Performance and External Labour Market Conditions

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    This paper examines the relationship between participation, performance and the external labour market, using data from the 1998 British Workplace Employment Relations Survey. Our results show that participation can have positive productivity effects, particularly when practices are implemented alongside individual and organizational supports. Yet, we also find that the effects of participation are sensitive to external labour market conditions. In establishments adopting participation in a relatively piecemeal fashion, the positive association between participation and productivity depends upon the presence of relatively high unemployment, suggesting that ‘fear’ and ‘threat’ play an important role in generating high productivity in these establishments. The results do not rule out the possibility that some of the gains from participation stem from higher work intensity, rather than simply increased levels of commitment.Cet essai analyse la relation entre la participation, le rendement et les conditions du marché du travail externe en s’appuyant sur des données recueillies au niveau d’établissements britanniques. Dans les recherches sur l’effet de la participation des travailleurs sur le rendement, plusieurs auteurs ont constaté que le succès d’une entreprise est fortement associé à la mise en oeuvre de pratiques de participation, conçues de manière à impliquer les travailleurs dans la prise de décision et dans l’organisation de leur travail. Les écrits ont fait ressortir la nature de certaines pratiques de participation, telles que le travail d’équipe, les groupes de discussion et les cercles de qualité. On croit que ces pratiques jouent un rôle clef dans l’augmentation de la productivité. On prétend aussi que ces pratiques connaissent plus de succès lorsqu’elles sont associées à des mécanismes de support, qui apportent aux travailleurs l’information et l’habileté nécessaires à une contribution efficace pour l’organisation et qui aident également à l’établissement d’un climat de confiance et de partage mutuel des gains.Par contre, d’autres se montrent plus sceptiques eu égard à la solidité et à la constance des effets de la participation organisationnelle sur le rendement. On a déjà soutenu que des formes de participation au travail pouvaient ne pas offrir aux travailleurs l’occasion d’exercer une réelle influence sur des enjeux organisationnels et, par conséquent, ne pas être associées à des niveaux plus élevés d’engagement et de motivation. De plus, la mise en oeuvre d’initiatives de participation pourrait être accompagnée d’efforts de la direction pour intensifier le travail. Les gains dans l’amélioration de la performance, en présence de ces pratiques, seraient attribués aux pressions accrues et aux attentes qui en découlent.On peut aussi s’attendre à ce que les avantages de la participation varient en fonction des conditions du marché du travail externe. D’un côté, un marché du travail au ralenti pourrait supporter ou renforcer tout impact coercitif découlant d’un recours aux pratiques de participation; d’un autre côté, la présence du chômage pourrait créer un climat de crainte et de suspicion à l’effet que les dirigeants puissent rappeler leur politique de participation et adopter une approche d’intensification, minant ainsi la confiance et le sens d’un objectif commun qui sous-tendent la participation.Cependant, à ce jour, il n’existe pas de preuve directe des effets des conditions du marché du travail externe sur la relation entre la participation et la performance organisationnelle. Cet essai tente de corriger cette lacune en se demandant si la relation entre la participation et la performance peut être influencée par la menace de pertes d’emploi. Il puise à même les données de l’enquête britannique sur les relations d’emploi sur les lieux du travail de 1998. C’est une enquête représentative à l’échelle nationale dans 2191 établissements britanniques employant dix salariés ou plus. Nous retenons le questionnaire de direction, qu’on retrouve dans un sous-échantillon de 1252 entreprises du secteur privé du commerce. Notre variable dépendante est le niveau de productivité enregistré dans l’établissement.Dans un premier temps, nous analysons les effets de quatre variables indépendantes en termes de pratiques de participation (le travail d’équipe, les cercles de qualité, les groupes de discussion et les comités consultatifs) et ceux de six supports individuels et organisationnels à la productivité. Aucune des quatre variables indépendantes n’est associée de façon significative et positive à la productivité. Cependant, trois des supports, la formation en ressources humaines, la participation financière et la consultation des employés dans la prise de décision sont associés de façon positive et significative à un niveau plus élevé de productivité.Dans un deuxième temps, nous vérifions l’hypothèse à l’effet que le succès de la participation serait dépendant de l’existence conjointe des pratiques et des supports, en ventilant les lieux de travail selon le nombre de pratiques et de supports retenus. Les établissements présentant un niveau élevé de pratiques de participation associées à des supports organisationnels et individuels (ce que nous appelons : « des établissements à haut niveau de participation ») et ceux présentant quelques attributs dans quelques-uns de ces secteurs et non dans d’autres (ce que nous appelons « des établissements à niveau mixte de participation ») montrent des niveaux significativement plus élevés de productivité que les lieux de travail qui présentent des niveaux faibles de pratiques et de support. Dans le cas des « établissements à haut niveau de participation », on observe une relation positive forte avec des coefficients qui laissent croire que dans de tels lieux de travail les politiques de participation exercent la plus grande influence sur la productivité.Enfin, nous nous demandons si les relations entre la participation et la productivité sont influencées par la menace d’une perte d’emploi. Nous n’observons aucune relation significative sur la productivité qui serait attribuable à la variable indépendante telle que des niveaux relativement élevés ou relativement faibles du chômage local. Cependant, le chômage exerce effectivement une influence sur la productivité dans des établissements à « niveau mixte de participation ». Un taux de chômage relativement haut et relativement bas en interagissant avec ces établissements présente un coefficient positif, mais cela n’est significatif que dans le cas d’un chômage élevé. Cela laisse croire qu’une relation positive entre notre mesure de participation « mixte » et la productivité dépend de la présence d’un taux de chômage relativement élevé. Par contre, des interactions entre des lieux de travail à haute participation et des niveaux de chômage relativement élevés et relativement faibles ne sont pas significatives, alors que le coefficient appliqué sur les établissements à haute participation demeure positif et significatif. Cela suggère que, là où les pratiques de participation et les mécanismes de support sont relativement répandues, la participation demeure à l’abri de tout effet de chômage. Cependant, une petite quantité d’établissements, environ un sur vingt, met en pratique un tel régime étendu de participation dans notre échantillon.Globalement, nos observations montrent que la participation peut avoir des effets positifs sur la productivité, notamment quant les pratiques sont mises en oeuvre en association avec des appuis individuels et organisationnels. Nous trouvons aussi que les effets de la participation sont sensibles aux conditions du marché du travail externe, là où les établissements implantent la participation à la pièce. Là où les travailleurs craignent de perdre leur emploi, en présence de hauts niveaux de chômage local, cette forme partielle de la participation peut être suffisante aux yeux de la direction pour obtenir des niveaux élevés de productivité; la productivité accrue impliquera un effort involontaire de la part des travailleurs et elle peut être associée avec quelque élément de cadence accélérée de travail. Les résultats obtenus lancent ainsi un défi à ceux qui cherchent à attribuer un plus haut niveau de performance organisationnelle dans les milieux de travail participatifs simplement à une implication accrue des travailleurs.Este artículo examina la relación entre participación, rendimiento y mercado externo de trabajo, utilizando datos de la Encuesta británica sobre las relaciones de empleo en los centros de trabajo. Nuestros resultados muestran que la participación puede tener efectos positivos en la productividad, particularmente cuando las prácticas son implementadas al lado de soportes individuales y organizacionales. Más aún, los efectos de la participación son sensibles a las condiciones del mercado externo de trabajo. En los establecimientos que adoptan la participación de manera relativamente menos articulada, la asociación positiva entre participación y productividad dependerá de la presencia de un desempleo relativamente elevado; lo que sugiere que el temor y la amenaza juegan un rol importante para generar una alta productividad en estos establecimientos. Los resultados no descartan la posibilidad que algunos beneficios de la participación provengan de una mayor intensificación del trabajo y no solo del incremento de los niveles de compromiso participativo

    Local forcing mechanisms challenge parameterizations of ocean thermal forcing for Greenland tidewater glaciers

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    Frontal ablation has caused 32 %–66 % of Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss since 1972, and despite its importance in driving terminus change, ocean thermal forcing remains crudely incorporated into large-scale ice sheet models. In Greenland, local fjord-scale processes modify the magnitude of thermal forcing at the ice–ocean boundary but are too small scale to be resolved in current global climate models. For example, simulations used in the Ice Sheet Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6) to predict future ice sheet change rely on the extrapolation of regional ocean water properties into fjords to drive terminus ablation. However, the accuracy of this approach has not previously been tested due to the scarcity of observations in Greenland fjords, as well as the inability of fjord-scale models to realistically incorporate icebergs. By employing the recently developed IceBerg package within the Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model (MITgcm), we here evaluate the ability of ocean thermal forcing parameterizations to predict thermal forcing at tidewater glacier termini. This is accomplished through sensitivity experiments using a set of idealized Greenland fjords, each forced with equivalent ocean boundary conditions but with varying tidal amplitudes, subglacial discharge, iceberg coverage, and bathymetry. Our results indicate that the bathymetric obstruction of external water is the primary control on near-glacier thermal forcing, followed by iceberg submarine melting. Despite identical ocean boundary conditions, we find that the simulated fjord processes can modify grounding line thermal forcing by as much as 3 °C, the magnitude of which is largely controlled by the relative depth of bathymetric sills to the Polar Water–Atlantic Water thermocline. However, using a common adjustment for fjord bathymetry we can still predict grounding line thermal forcing within 0.2 °C in our simulations. Finally, we introduce new parameterizations that additionally account for iceberg-driven cooling that can accurately predict interior fjord thermal forcing profiles both in iceberg-laden simulations and in observations from Kangiata Sullua (Ilulissat Icefjord)

    Food allergen extracts to diagnose food-induced allergic diseases

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    OBJECTIVE: To review the manufacturing procedures of food allergen extracts and applicable regulatory requirements from government agencies, potential approaches to standardization, and clinical application of these products. The effects of thermal processing on allergenicity of common food allergens are also considered. DATA SOURCES: A broad literature review was conducted on the natural history of food allergy, the manufacture of allergen extracts, and the allergenicity of heated food. Regulations, guidance documents, and pharmacopoeias related to food allergen extracts from the United States and Europe were also reviewed. STUDY SELECTIONS: Authoritative and peer-reviewed research articles relevant to the topic were chosen for review. Selected regulations and guidance documents are current and relevant to food allergen extracts. RESULTS: Preparation of a food allergen extract may require careful selection and identification of source materials, grinding, defatting, extraction, clarification, sterilization, and product testing. Although extractions for all products licensed in the United States are performed using raw source materials, many foods are not consumed in their raw form. Heating foods may change their allergenicity, and doing so before extraction may change their allergenicity and the composition of the final product. CONCLUSION: The manufacture of food allergen extracts requires many considerations to achieve the maximal quality of the final product. Allergen extracts for a select number of foods may be inconsistent between manufacturers or unreliable in a clinical setting, indicating a potential area for future improvement

    Research on Supersonic Inlet Bleed

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    Phase I data results of the Fundamental Inlet Bleed Experiments project at NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) are presented which include flow coefficient results for two single-hole boundary-layer bleed configurations. The bleed configurations tested are round holes at inclination angles of 90deg and 20deg both having length-to-diameter ratios of 2.0. Results were obtained at freestream Mach numbers of 1.33, 1.62, 1.98, 2.46, and 2.92 and unit Reynolds numbers of 0.984, 1.89, and 2.46 10(exp 7)/m. Approach boundary-layer data are presented for each flow condition and the flow coefficient results are compared to existing multi-hole data obtained under similar conditions. For the 90deg hole, the single and multi-hole distributions agree fairly well with the exception that under supercritical operation, the multi-hole data chokes at higher flow coefficient levels. This behavior is also observed for the 20deg hole but to a lesser extent. The 20deg hole also shows a markedly different characteristic at subcritical operation. Also presented are preliminary results of a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of both configurations at the Mach 1.33 and a unit Reynolds number of 2.46 10(exp 7)/m. Comparison of the results shows the agreement to be very good

    Detection of skewed X-chromosome inactivation in Fragile X syndrome and X chromosome aneuploidy using quantitative melt analysis.

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    Methylation of the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) exon 1/intron 1 boundary positioned fragile X related epigenetic element 2 (FREE2), reveals skewed X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) in fragile X syndrome full mutation (FM: CGG > 200) females. XCI skewing has been also linked to abnormal X-linked gene expression with the broader clinical impact for sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs). In this study, 10 FREE2 CpG sites were targeted using methylation specific quantitative melt analysis (MS-QMA), including 3 sites that could not be analysed with previously used EpiTYPER system. The method was applied for detection of skewed XCI in FM females and in different types of SCA. We tested venous blood and saliva DNA collected from 107 controls (CGG < 40), and 148 FM and 90 SCA individuals. MS-QMA identified: (i) most SCAs if combined with a Y chromosome test; (ii) locus-specific XCI skewing towards the hypomethylated state in FM females; and (iii) skewed XCI towards the hypermethylated state in SCA with 3 or more X chromosomes, and in 5% of the 47,XXY individuals. MS-QMA output also showed significant correlation with the EpiTYPER reference method in FM males and females (P < 0.0001) and SCAs (P < 0.05). In conclusion, we demonstrate use of MS-QMA to quantify skewed XCI in two applications with diagnostic utility

    Price Discovery and the Accuracy of Consolidated Data Feeds in the U.S. Equity Markets

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    Both the scientific community and the popular press have paid much attention to the speed of the Securities Information Processor, the data feed consolidating all trades and quotes across the US stock market. Rather than the speed of the Securities Information Processor, or SIP, we focus here on its accuracy. Relying on Trade and Quote data, we provide various measures of SIP latency relative to high-speed data feeds between exchanges, known as direct feeds. We use first differences to highlight not only the divergence between the direct feeds and the SIP, but also the fundamental inaccuracy of the SIP. We find that as many as 60 percent or more of trades are reported out of sequence for stocks with high trade volume, therefore skewing simple measures such as returns. While not yet definitive, this analysis supports our preliminary conclusion that the underlying infrastructure of the SIP is currently unable to keep pace with the trading activity in today's stock market.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figures, 2 table

    Unravelling the transport mechanism of pore-filled membranes for hydrogen separation

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    The permeation characteristics of palladium pore filled (PF) membranes have been investigated with gas permeation and structural characterization of the membranes. PF membranes have been prepared by filling with Pd the nanoporous γ-Al2O3/YSZ (or pure YSZ) layer supported onto porous α-Al2O3 and ZrO2. The number of nanoporous layers and the applied vacuum level during the electroless plating process have been studied. Gas permeation properties of the PF membranes have been determined in a temperature range of 300-550 °C. The measured hydrogen permeances have been found to be lower than previously reported for similar membranes. It has been found that the hydrogen fluxes do not depend on the thickness of the nanoporous layers (γ-Al2O3/YSZ or pure YSZ) or on the vacuum pump employed for filling with Pd. The physicochemical characterization performed showed that the palladium deposited does not form a percolated network across the mesoporous layer(s), leading to low hydrogen permeances and thus low H2/N2 perm-selectivities.The presented work is funded within FERRET project as part of European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) for the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative under grant agreement n° 621181. The Talos TEM was funded as part of HEFCE funding in the UK Research Partnership Investment Funding (UKRPIF) Manchester RPIF Round 2

    Functionalized micro-capillary film for the rapid at-line analysis of IgG aggregates in a cell culture bioreactor.

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    A micro-capillary film has been developed that offers the potential for an at-line analytical tool for rapid aggregate analysis during biopharmaceutical antibody production. A non-porous walled micro-capillary film (NMCF) with cation exchange functionality was demonstrated to act as a chromatography medium that could be operated with high linear fluid velocities and was highly resistant to blockage by entrained particulates, including cells. The NMCF containing 19 parallel microcapillaries was prepared using a melt extrusion process from poly(ethylene-vinyl alcohol) copolymer (EVOH). The NMCF-EVOH was modified to have cation-exchange functionality (NMCF-EVOH-SP) and shown to differentially bind monomer and aggregated species of IgG antibody directly from a bioreactor. The use of NMCF-EVOH-SP to quantify aggregate concentrations in monoclonal antibody preparations in less than 20 minutes was demonstrated.The authors would like to thank the EPSRC for the provision of a CASE Award. This study was sponsored by MedImmune, the global biologics R&D arm of AstraZeneca.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Taylor & Francis via http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19420862.2015.106536

    Registration between DCT and EBSD datasets for multiphase microstructures

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    The ability to characterise the three-dimensional microstructure of multiphase materials is essential for understanding the interaction between phases and associated materials properties. Here, laboratory-based diffraction-contrast tomography (DCT), a recently-established materials characterization technique that can determine grain phases, morphologies, positions and orientations in a voxel-based reconstruction method, was used to map part of a dual-phase steel alloy sample. To assess the resulting microstructures that were produced by the DCT technique, an EBSD map was collected within the same sample volume. To identify the 2D slice of the 3D DCT reconstruction that best corresponded to the EBSD map, a novel registration technique based solely on grain-averaged orientations was developed -- this registration technique requires very little a priori knowledge of dataset alignment and can be extended to other techniques that only recover grain-averaged orientation data such as far-field 3D X-ray diffraction microscopy. Once the corresponding 2D slice was identified in the DCT dataset, comparisons of phase balance, grain size, shape and texture were performed between DCT and EBSD techniques. More complicated aspects of the microstructural morphology such as grain boundary shape and grains less than a critical size were poorly reproduced by the DCT reconstruction, primarily due to the difference in resolutions of the technique compared with EBSD. However, lab-based DCT is shown to accurately determine the centre-of-mass position, orientation, and size of the large grains for each phase present, austenite and martensitic ferrite. The results reveals a complex ferrite grain network of similar crystal orientations that are absent from the EBSD dataset. Such detail demonstrates that lab-based DCT, as a technique, shows great promise in the field of multi-phase material characterization.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Preprint submitted to Materials Characterizatio
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