989 research outputs found

    International Cooperation in Nuclear Energy

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    Risky Sex and HIV Acquisition Among HIV Serodiscordant Couples in Zambia, 2002-2012: What Does Alcohol Have To Do With It?

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    In this paper we evaluate the effects of heavy alcohol consumption on sexual behavior, HIV acquisition, and antiretroviral treatment (ART) initiation in a longitudinal open cohort of 1929 serodiscordant couples in Lusaka, Zambia from 2002 to 2012. We evaluated factors associated with baseline heavy alcohol consumption and its association with condomless sex with the study partner, sex outside of the partnership, and ART initiation using multivariable logistic regression. We estimated the effect of alcohol consumption on HIV acquisition using multivariable Cox models. Baseline factors significantly associated with women's heavy drinking (drunk weekly or more in 12-months before enrollment) included woman's older age (adjusted prevalence odds ratio [aPOR] = 1.04), partner heavy drinking (aPOR = 3.93), and being HIV-infected (aPOR = 2.03). Heavy drinking among men was associated with less age disparity with partner (aPOR per year disparity = 0.97) and partner heavy drinking (aPOR = 1.63). Men's being drunk daily (aOR = 1.18), women's being drunk less than monthly (aOR = 1.39) vs. never drunk and being in a male HIV-negative and female HIV-positive union (aOR = 1.45) were associated with condomless sex. Heavy alcohol use was associated with having 1 or more outside sex partners among men (aOR drunk daily = 1.91, drunk weekly = 1.32, drunk monthly = 2.03 vs. never), and women (aOR drunk monthly = 2.75 vs. never). Being drunk weekly or more increased men's risk of HIV acquisition (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] = 1.72). Men and women being drunk weekly or more was associated (p < 0.1) with women's seroconversion (aHR = 1.42 and aHR = 3.71 respectively). HIV-positive women who were drunk monthly or more had lower odds of initiating ART (aOR = 0.83; 95% CI = 0.70-0.99) adjusting for age, months since baseline and previous pregnancies. Individuals in HIV-serodiscordant couples who reported heavy drinking had more outside sex partnerships and condomless sex with their study partner and were more likely to acquire HIV. HIV-positive women had lower odds of initiating ART if they were heavy drinkers

    Asperciones de permetrina microencapsulada para el control de la garrapata sureña del ganado, Boophilus microplus (Aeari:Ixodidae), infestando novillas lecheras Holstein en Santa Cruz, Islas Vírgenes Americanas

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    The effectiveness of two acaricides was evaluated for control of populations of the southern cattle tick, Boophilus microplus on dairy cattle in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Two different concentrations of a microencapsulated (ME) formulation of permethrin (0.05% and 0.10% ai) and one concentration of coumaphos emulsifiable concentrate (EC) (0.117% ai) were sprayed on Holstein heifers that had a natural infestation of ticks. The length of residual activity of EC coumaphos and ME permethrin at 0.05% (ai) was at least four days, and for ME permethrin at 0.10% ai at least seven days.There was no apparent increase in the residual activity period of ME permethrin in comparison to that in field trials of other formulations of permethrin against B. microplus. Percentage control for the three treatment groups from days 4 through 21 was ME permethrin (0.05% ai) 96%; ME permethrin (0.10% ai), 97%; coumaphos, 98.3%. There were no significant differences among the treatment groups (F = 2.21, df = 2,17, P> 0.10). This research confirms the usefulness of permethrin as an alternative to coumaphos for control of B. microplus populations on cattle.Se evaluaron dos acaricidas por su efectividad para controlar las poblaciones de la garrapata sureña Boophilus microplus en ganado lechero en Santa Cruz, Islas Virgenes Americanas. Se asperjaron dos concentraciones diferentes de una formulación microencapsulada (ME) de permetrína (0.05 y 0.10% ia) y una concentración de coumaphos concentrado emulsificable (0,117% ia) sobre novillas Holstein que presentaban una infestación natural de garrapatas. La actividad residual del coumaphos y la permetrina ME (0.05% ia) fue por lo menos de cuatro días y la de permetrina ME (0.10% ia) fue de por lo menos siete días. El largo del periodo residual de la permetrina ME sobre el Boophilus microplus no aumentó en comparación con experimentos de campo con otras formulaciones de permetrinas. El porcentaje de control para los tres tratamientos desde los días 4 al 21 fue: permetrina ME (0.05% ia), 96%; permetrina ME (0,10% ia), 97%; coumaphos, 98.3%. Las diferencias entre las medias de los diferentes tratamientos no fueron significativas (F= 2.21; g.l. = 2,17, P> 0.10). Esta investigación confirma que la permetrina es una alternativa para el control de B. microplus en poblaciones de ganado

    Support vector regression to estimate the permeability enhancement of potential transdermal enhancers

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Shah, A., Sun, Y., Adams, R. G., Davey, N., Wilkinson, S. C. and Moss, G. P. (2016), Support vector regression to estimate the permeability enhancement of potential transdermal enhancers', Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Vol. 68 (2): 170–184, which has been published in final form at doi:10.1111/jphp.12508. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. © 2016 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.Objectives Searching for chemicals that will safely enhance transdermal drug delivery is a significant challenge. This study applies support vector regression (SVR) for the first time to estimating the optimal formulation design of transdermal hydrocortisone formulations. Methods The aim of this study was to apply SVR methods with two different kernels in order to estimate the enhancement ratio of chemical enhancers of permeability. Key findings A statistically significant regression SVR model was developed. It was found that SVR with a nonlinear kernel provided the best estimate of the enhancement ratio for a chemical enhancer. Conclusions Support vector regression is a viable method to develop predictive models of biological processes, demonstrating improvements over other methods. In addition, the results of this study suggest that a global approach to modelling a biological process may not necessarily be the best method and that a ‘mixed-methods’ approach may be best in optimising predictive models.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    A novel codon insert in protease of clade B HIV type 1.

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    A novel combination of three codon inserts in the pol coding region of HIV-1 RNA was identified in a highly antiretroviral experienced study subject with HIV-1 infection. A one codon insert was observed in the protease region between codon 40 and 41 simultaneously with a two codon insert present in the reverse transcriptase region at codon 69

    Probing the Space of Toric Quiver Theories

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    We demonstrate a practical and efficient method for generating toric Calabi-Yau quiver theories, applicable to both D3 and M2 brane world-volume physics. A new analytic method is presented at low order parametres and an algorithm for the general case is developed which has polynomial complexity in the number of edges in the quiver. Using this algorithm, carefully implemented, we classify the quiver diagram and assign possible superpotentials for various small values of the number of edges and nodes. We examine some preliminary statistics on this space of toric quiver theories

    “I had made the decision, and no one was going to stop me” -Facilitators of prep adherence during pregnancy and postpartum in cape town, South Africa

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    PrEP is safe and efective but requires adherence during potential HIV exposure, yet the facilitators of long-term maternal adherence are not well understood. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 25 postpartum women who reported high adherence (PrEP use≥25 days in last 30-days and never missed a PrEP prescription in pregnancy/postpartum period) within a PrEP service for pregnant and postpartum women. A thematic approach guided an iterative process of coding and analysis. Themes identifed as drivers of optimal PrEP use were HIV risk perception, mainly because of partner’s behaviors and unknown serostatus, and a strong desire to have a baby free of HIV. Reported disclosure of PrEP use facilitated PrEP adherence. Women discussed having partner and family support, which included reminders to take PrEP daily. Primary barriers were anticipated or experienced stigma, overcome through education of partners and family about PrEP. Pregnant women experienced transient side-efects, but found ways to continue, including taking PrEP at night. PrEP programs for pregnant and postpartum women should integrate strategies to assist women with realistic appraisals of risk and teach skills for disclosure and securing support from signifcant others

    Response to a steady poleward outflow. Part II : oscillations and eddies

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 39 (2009): 1551-1573, doi:10.1175/2008JPO4152.1.A conceptually simple model is presented for predicting the amplitude and periodicity of eddies generated by a steady poleward outflow in a 1½-layer β-plane formulation. The prediction model is rooted in linear quasigeostrophic dynamics but is capable of predicting the amplitude of the β plume generated by outflows in the nonlinear range. Oscillations in the plume amplitude are seen to represent a near-zero group velocity response to an adjustment process that can be traced back to linear dynamics. When the plume-amplitude oscillations become large enough so that the coherent β plume is replaced by a robust eddy field, the eddy amplitude is still constrained by the plume-amplitude prediction model. The eddy periodicity remains close to that of the predictable, near-zero group-velocity linear oscillations. Striking similarities between the patterns of variability in the model and observations south of Indonesia’s Lombok Strait suggest that the processes investigated in this study may play an important role in the generation of the observed eddy field of the Indo-Australian Basin.This work was completed at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution while TS Durland was supported by the Ocean and Climate Change Institute. MA Spall was supported by NSF Grant OCE-0423975 and J Pedlosky by NSF Grant OCE-0451086. TS Durland acknowledges additional report preparation support from NASA Grant NNG05GN98G