5 research outputs found

    Conserved patterns of integrated developmental plasticity in a group of polyphenic tropical butterflies

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    Background: Developmental plasticity is thought to have profound macro-evolutionary effects, for example, by increasing the probability of establishment in new environments and subsequent divergence into independently evolving lineages. In contrast to plasticity optimized for individual traits, phenotypic integration, which enables a concerted response of plastic traits to environmental variability, may affect the rate of local adaptation by constraining independent responses of traits to selection. Using a comparative framework, this study explores the evolution of reaction norms for a variety of life history and morphological traits across five related species of mycalesine butterflies from the Old World tropics. Results: Our data indicate that an integrated response of a suite of key traits is shared amongst these species. Interestingly, the traits that make up the functional suite are all known to be regulated by ecdysteroid signalling in Bicyclus anynana, one of the species included in this study, suggesting the same underlying hormonal regulator may be conserved within this group of polyphenic butterflies. We also detect developmental thresholds for the expression of alternative morphs. Conclusions: The phenotypic plasticity of a broad suite of morphological and life history traits is integrated and shared among species from three geographically independent lineages of mycalesine butterflies, despite considerable periods of independent evolution and exposure to disparate environments. At the same time, we have detected examples of evolutionary change where independent traits show different patterns of reaction norms. We argue that the expression of more robust phenotypes may occur by shifting developmental thresholds beyond the boundaries of the typical environmental variation

    Metacognitive Awareness : sebuah Upaya Optimalisasi Kualitas Pembelajaran Akuntansi

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    Pemahaman dan pembiasaan strategi metakognisi sangat dibutuhkan bagi seseorang yang sedang melakukan proses pembelajaran. Strategi ini memfasilitasi seseorang untuk mampu mengontrol pembelajarannya dalam hal ini merencanakan, memonitoring dan mengevaluasi proses belajarnya agar dapat berjalan efektif dan efisien. Individu yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan strategi ini akan menemukan cara yang tepat dalam memahami sesuatu, mengembangkan cara memecahkan masalah serta kemampuan melakukan self asesmen. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah menawarkan suatu strategi yang mampu membantu pebelajar dalam mengoptimalkan kualitas proses belajarnya. Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan hasil review literature yang relevan. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa strategi metakognitif dapat dikembangkan melalui pengalaman belajar secara berkelanjutan sejak mahasiswa baru masuk perguruan tinggi sampai mereka lulus