5,835 research outputs found

    Class, nationalism and news: The BBC’s reporting of Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian revolution

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    This article analyses BBC News Online’s reporting of the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela, using a sample from a broader selection of 304 articles published on BBC News Online between 1998 and 2008. Against the BBC’s stated commitment to professional values, we find that the BBC’s organizational culture is underpinned by a liberal nationalist worldview, which limits its interpretive capacities. The analysis notes that the liberal nationalism underpinning BBC News Online’s reporting limits the interpretive capacities of journalists. The ideologically dominant national history of Venezuela (the exceptionalism thesis) forms an interpretive framework, which synchs with the BBC’s general conceptualization of the forms and function of a nation state and thus prevents adequate understanding of the present. Consequently, the coverage of contemporary Venezuelan politics masks the underlying class conflict, instead identifying Chavez, who has emerged seemingly from nowhere, as the key agent of political crisis. The BBC’s reliance on a narrative of the disruption of national unity allows it to take sides in the conflict whilst apparently remaining neutral

    Indigenous voices in climate change adaptation

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    AbstractThis project investigated how the deep knowledge of the Yorta Yorta people can be used to strengthen their participation and influence in the complex national and regional processes that determine how their traditional lands, which are in the highly-contested Murray-Darling Basin, are managed, leading to improved adaptation decisions both for the Yorta Yorta and the wider community.Through discussions with the Yorta Yorta over several years, the approach developed for the project was the creation of a Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping framework containing both Yorta Yorta knowledge and more conventional knowledge. GIS allows for mapping and layering of different types of data, allowing the Yorta Yorta to access and present their knowledge in ways that relate to Western decision-making processes. To do this, the project had four components:1. Development and testing of protocols and methodology for the collection and protection of Yorta Yorta knowledge. This was carried out through an intergenerational process, whereby Yorta Yorta youth were trained in cultural data collection techniques, and they interviewed Elders to capture the knowledge.2. Building of a GIS framework to integrate both the Yorta Yorta knowledge and more conventional data about the climate, hydrology and biodiversity of the Yorta Yorta area. For the first time this pulled together all of the conventional information normally used as a basis for natural resource management decisions. In addition, because the GIS database has been created and is owned by the Yorta Yorta means that they have something of value to bring to the discussions, so that they are able to participate in those discussions on equal terms.3. Exploration of the views of the broader community in the region regarding management of the region and adaptation alternatives through a stakeholder consultation process. The consultation identified the potential for greater use of science as a neutral arbiter in issues such as management of the Murray-Darling Basin, but even more important is the need for genuine, deep, open-minded dialogue with the community at all stages of decision-making, particularly at an early stage before proposals are put forward and views become entrenched.4. Identification of broader lessons for improving adaptation of First Nations communities in Australia from the experience of the Yorta Yorta and other communities around the country, through a national workshop. The key conclusion of the workshop was the urgent need to empower First Nation communities to make their own assessments and decisions on the best ways for them to respond to climate change.The project raised community awareness and knowledge and energised the Yorta Yorta youth to take an interest in their history and culture, and in the climate challenges facing their community. Overall the project has been a successful pilot demonstration of the utility of a GIS database to integrate Indigenous and conventional knowledge for better natural resource management outcomes and the project has increased the knowledge and capacity of the Yorta Yorta to engage in effective natural resource management and decision-making.Please cite this report as:Griggs, D, Lynch, A, Joachim, L, Zhu, X, Adler, C, Bischoff-Mattson, Z, Wang, P, Kestin, T 2013  Indigenous voices in climate change adaptation: Addressing the challenges of diverse knowledge systems in the Barmah-Millewa, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, pp.71AbstractThis project investigated how the deep knowledge of the Yorta Yorta people can be used to strengthen their participation and influence in the complex national and regional processes that determine how their traditional lands, which are in the highly-contested Murray-Darling Basin, are managed, leading to improved adaptation decisions both for the Yorta Yorta and the wider community.Through discussions with the Yorta Yorta over several years, the approach developed for the project was the creation of a Geographical Information System (GIS) mapping framework containing both Yorta Yorta knowledge and more conventional knowledge. GIS allows for mapping and layering of different types of data, allowing the Yorta Yorta to access and present their knowledge in ways that relate to Western decision-making processes. To do this, the project had four components:Development and testing of protocols and methodology for the collection and protection of Yorta Yorta knowledge. This was carried out through an intergenerational process, whereby Yorta Yorta youth were trained in cultural data collection techniques, and they interviewed Elders to capture the knowledge.Building of a GIS framework to integrate both the Yorta Yorta knowledge and more conventional data about the climate, hydrology and biodiversity of the Yorta Yorta area. For the first time this pulled together all of the conventional information normally used as a basis for natural resource management decisions. In addition, because the GIS database has been created and is owned by the Yorta Yorta means that they have something of value to bring to the discussions, so that they are able to participate in those discussions on equal terms.Exploration of the views of the broader community in the region regarding management of the region and adaptation alternatives through a stakeholder consultation process. The consultation identified the potential for greater use of science as a neutral arbiter in issues such as management of the Murray-Darling Basin, but even more important is the need for genuine, deep, open-minded dialogue with the community at all stages of decision-making, particularly at an early stage before proposals are put forward and views become entrenched.Identification of broader lessons for improving adaptation of First Nations communities in Australia from the experience of the Yorta Yorta and other communities around the country, through a national workshop. The key conclusion of the workshop was the urgent need to empower First Nation communities to make their own assessments and decisions on the best ways for them to respond to climate change.The project raised community awareness and knowledge and energised the Yorta Yorta youth to take an interest in their history and culture, and in the climate challenges facing their community. Overall the project has been a successful pilot demonstration of the utility of a GIS database to integrate Indigenous and conventional knowledge for better natural resource management outcomes and the project has increased the knowledge and capacity of the Yorta Yorta to engage in effective natural resource management and decision-making

    Journal publishing and author self-archiving: Peaceful Co-Existence and Fruitful Collaboration

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    The UK Research Funding Councils (RCUK) have proposed that all RCUK fundees should self-archive on the web, free for all, their own final drafts of all journal articles reporting their RCUK-funded research, in order to maximise their usage and impact. ALPSP (a learned publishers' association) now seeks to delay and block the RCUK proposal, arguing that it will ruin journals. All objective evidence from the past decade and a half of self-archiving, however, shows that self-archiving can and does co-exist peacefully with journals while greatly enhancing both author/article and journal impact, to the benefit of both. Journal publishers should not be trying to delay and block self-archiving policy; they should be collaborating with the research community on ways to share its vast benefits

    A Summary of NASA Architecture Studies Utilizing Fission Surface Power Technology

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    Beginning with the Exploration Systems Architecture Study in 2005, NASA has conducted various mission architecture studies to evaluate implementation options for the U.S. Space Policy (formerly the Vision for Space Exploration). Several of the studies examined the use of Fission Surface Power (FSP) systems for human missions to the lunar and Martian surface. This paper summarizes the FSP concepts developed under four different NASA-sponsored architecture studies: Lunar Architecture Team, Mars Architecture Team, Lunar Surface Systems/Constellation Architecture team, and International Architecture Working Group-Power Function team. The results include a summary of FSP design characteristics, a compilation of mission-compatible FSP configuration options, and an FSP concept-of-operations that is consistent with the overall mission objectives

    Preliminary design of the redundant software experiment

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    The goal of the present experiment is to characterize the fault distributions of highly reliable software replicates, constructed using techniques and environments which are similar to those used in comtemporary industrial software facilities. The fault distributions and their effect on the reliability of fault tolerant configurations of the software will be determined through extensive life testing of the replicates against carefully constructed randomly generated test data. Each detected error will be carefully analyzed to provide insight in to their nature and cause. A direct objective is to develop techniques for reducing the intensity of coincident errors, thus increasing the reliability gain which can be achieved with fault tolerance. Data on the reliability gains realized, and the cost of the fault tolerant configurations can be used to design a companion experiment to determine the cost effectiveness of the fault tolerant strategy. Finally, the data and analysis produced by this experiment will be valuable to the software engineering community as a whole because it will provide a useful insight into the nature and cause of hard to find, subtle faults which escape standard software engineering validation techniques and thus persist far into the software life cycle

    The Wide Field Imaging Interferometry Testbed

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    We are developing a Wide-Field Imaging Interferometry Testbed (WIIT) in support of design studies for NASA's future space interferometry missions, in particular the SPIRIT and SPECS far-infrared/submillimeter interferometers. WIIT operates at optical wavelengths and uses Michelson beam combination to achieve both wide-field imaging and high-resolution spectroscopy. It will be used chiefly to test the feasibility of using a large-format detector array at the image plane of the sky to obtain wide-field interferometry images through mosaicing techniques. In this setup each detector pixel records interferograms corresponding to averaging a particular pointing range on the sky as the optical path length is scanned and as the baseline separation and orientation is varied. The final image is constructed through spatial and spectral Fourier transforms of the recorded interferograms for each pixel, followed by a mosaic/joint-deconvolution procedure of all the pixels. In this manner the image within the pointing range of each detector pixel is further resolved to an angular resolution corresponding to the maximum baseline separation for fringe measurements. We present the motivation for building the testbed, show the optical, mechanical, control, and data system design, and describe the image processing requirements and algorithms. WIIT is presently under construction at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, IEEE Aerospace Conference 200

    Knowledge-based vision and simple visual machines

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    The vast majority of work in machine vision emphasizes the representation of perceived objects and events: it is these internal representations that incorporate the 'knowledge' in knowledge-based vision or form the 'models' in model-based vision. In this paper, we discuss simple machine vision systems developed by artificial evolution rather than traditional engineering design techniques, and note that the task of identifying internal representations within such systems is made difficult by the lack of an operational definition of representation at the causal mechanistic level. Consequently, we question the nature and indeed the existence of representations posited to be used within natural vision systems (i.e. animals). We conclude that representations argued for on a priori grounds by external observers of a particular vision system may well be illusory, and are at best place-holders for yet-to-be-identified causal mechanistic interactions. That is, applying the knowledge-based vision approach in the understanding of evolved systems (machines or animals) may well lead to theories and models that are internally consistent, computationally plausible, and entirely wrong

    Embedded Trusted Monitoring and Management Modules for Smart Solar Panels

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    This paper investigates developing a prototype of smart solar panels. This architecture consists of a panel monitoring module and the central management unit. The monitoring module is to be embedded inside each PV panel making it secure to transfer the trusted data via Wi-Fi to the central Management unit (which can accommodate an array of PV panels in an installation). This module is required for data storage and provides the ability to upload secure data to the cloud. This platform presents the ability to securely manage large numbers of rooftop solar panels in a distributed ledger by implementing block chain algorithm. For achieving this purpose, Module 400 is envisaged to be turned into a Blockchain node as it provides the infrastructure to implement this technology

    A New Class of Dantzig Selectors for Censored Linear Regression Models

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    The Dantzig variable selector has recently emerged as a powerful tool for fitting regularized regression models. A key advantage is that it does not pertain to a particular likelihood or objective function, as opposed to the existing penalized likelihood methods, and hence has the potential for wide applicability. To our knowledge, limited work has been done for the Dantzig selector when the outcome is subject to censoring. This paper proposes a new class of Dantzig variable selectors for linear regression models for right-censored outcomes. We first establish the finite sample error bound for the estimator and show the proposed selector is nearly optimal in the `2 sense. To improve model selection performance, we further propose an adaptive Dantzig variable selector and discuss its large sample properties, namely, consistency in model selection and asymptotic normality of the estimator. The practical utility of the proposed adaptive Dantzig selectors is verified via extensive simulations. We apply the proposed methods to a myeloma clinical trial and identify important predictive genes for patients ’ survival