242 research outputs found

    Takoskyra tarp gretinamosios leksikologijos ir vertimo mokslo

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag setzt man sich mit einem der aktuellsten und kontroversesten Probleme der gegenwärtigen kontrastiven Lexikologie auseinander – ihrem Verhältnis zu den benachbarten Zweigen der Sprachwissenschaft: Lexikographie, Semantik, Sprachtypologie, Fremdsprachenunterricht und Übersetzungswissenschaft. Da die Übersetzungswissenschaft in der letzten Zeit immer mehr an Bedeutung und Popularität gewinnt, wird dabei ihr Verhältnis zu kontrastiver Lexikologie erläutert: Es werden die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den beiden Disziplinen festgestellt (der Begriff „Kontrastivität“, Äquivalentensuche in den Vergleichssprachen, gemeinsame Fragestellungen und Probleme, ihre angewandte Ausrichtung) sowie die Unterschiede hervorgehoben (unterschiedliche Entstehungsund Entwicklungsgeschichte, der heutige Status), es wird bestimmt, welchen Einfluss sie aufeinander ausüben (kontrastive Lexikologie als Basisdisziplin und Hilfswissenschaft für die Übersetzungswissenschaft) und versucht, auf die Zukunftsperspektiven der kontrastiv lexikologischen Untersuchungen einzugehen (um den Status als eine (relativ) selbständige Wissenschaft erhalten zu können, muss kontrastive Lexikologie ihren Aufgabenkreis erweitern und zu Forschungszwecken unter anderem auch die Korporaanalyse heranziehen).Viena iš daugelio neišspręstų gretinamosios leksikologijos problemų yra jos santykis su kitais mokslais: leksikografija, leksine semantika, kalbų tipologija, užsienio kalbų mokymu, vertimo mokslu ir kt. Kadangi vertimo mokslas dėl vertimų poreikio ES institucijose, grožinės literatūros vertimų gausos, geriausių metų vertėjų rinkimų ir pan. pastaruoju metu tampa vis populiaresnis, straipsnyje bandoma apibrėžti šios mokslo srities santykį su gretinamąja leksikologija. [...

    Cross-national analysis of wellness tourism concepts, tourists’ motivations and service preferences

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    The following text is based on the lectio praecursoria presented at the defence of the doctoral dissertation “The market perspectives of wellness tourism: A multiple case study” which was publicly defended on June 7, 2023, at Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland. The full version of the dissertation can be found at https://erepo.uef.fi/handle/123456789/29639

    Styring av kortsiktig prisusikkerhet i laksespotmarkedet

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    The spot price of Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon is highly volatile and hard to predict. The uncertainty over the future spot price obscures revenue projections of salmon farmers and cost expectations of processors, exporters and retailers. It also makes business financing expensive as the high uncertainty needs to be compensated by a high return on investment. The market participants acknowledge this to be a substantial quandary. This thesis examines the problem and aims to provide feasible solutions for uncertainty management in the salmon market. An introduction and three research papers address the different aspects of the subject, namely, salmon price volatility, price predictability and hedging the spot price with various financial instruments. A variety of econometric and machine learning techniques are applied to account for seasonal patterns and autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity in the price series and to deliver forecasts of their conditional means and variances. The first paper “Salmon price volatility: a weightclass-specific multivariate approach” presents a statistical description of the conditional mean and variance of the spot prices of seven different weight classes of salmon. It highlights a considerable increase in the unconditional variance around 2006, which coincides with a change in industry regulations and the introduction of a futures exchange for salmon. The conditional mean and variance patterns are found to be similar across the neighbouring weight classes, and the conditional correlations are nearly perfect since 2007. This allows treating the three most popular weight classes of 3-4 kg, 4-5 kg and 5-6 kg as one and makes hedging with salmon futures relatively attractive. The second paper “Short-term salmon price forecasting” is a comprehensive study of forecasting the spot price one to five weeks ahead. It employs three different classes of forecasting models: (1) time series models broadly based on the ARIMA model; (2) artificial neural networks; and (3) a custom model based on the k-nearest neighbours method. Six measures of forecast accuracy and seven tests of forecast optimality and encompassing are reported. The salmon price appears to have a partly predictable seasonal component; however, statistical significance of predictability cannot be established at the available sample size, and the economic value of forecasts is limited. Also, unpredictability beyond seasonality does not offer evidence against weak form efficiency of the salmon spot market. The third paper “Hedging salmon price risk” examines the hedging performance of salmon futures, live cattle futures, soybean meal and oil futures, and the share price of Marine Harvest on the Oslo Stock Exchange. Considerable attention is paid to defining a relevant objective function for a hedger in the salmon market, and a new measure of hedging effectiveness is proposed. Among the candidate hedging instruments and their combinations, the salmon futures contract offers the highest hedging effectiveness; however, low liquidity may limit its applicability in practice. In conclusion, the high uncertainty in the future spot price of salmon has been a constant predicament to the market participants and asks for a practical response. The research results contained in this thesis indicate that attempts of predicting the spot price might not deliver satisfactory results. However, hedging the price risk with salmon futures offers a substantial reduction in uncertainty and could therefore be promoted, provided that the futures contract attracts enough liquidity to meet the demand for hedging. The data used in the thesis is publicly and freely available, and the models are documented in detail; hence, they may be readily employed by the market participants in their business planning and optimization

    Demografiniai nuostoliai dėl moterų savižudybių Lietuvoje 2007–2020 metais: socialinė diferenciacija ir iššūkiai psichikos sveikatos politikai

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    In many countries of the world, including Lithuania, suicide rates for men are several times higher than for women. Therefore, the phenomenon of men’s suicide is receiving a lot of attention in public, scientific, and political discourses. In contrast, much less attention is paid to tackling women’s suicides and women’s mental health problems. Lithuania has been among the countries with the highest suicide rates for both men and women in the world for several decades, but research on the social and demographic aspects of women’s suicide in Lithuania is lacking. This paper aims to examine the demographic losses that Lithuania suffers from women suicides and assess the socio-demographic differentiation of these losses. The empirical part of the study was based on the calculation of years of life lost methodology. The years of life lost method is acknowledged as an accurate measure for assessing the impact of specific causes of death on premature mortality. Data sources for this study were the World Health Organization, Institute of Hygiene, and Human Mortality Database. The results of our study show that the number of years of lives lost due to women’s suicide decreased statistically significantly from 376 [321; 431] in 2007 to 287 [238; 335] in 2020. In Lithuania, the total number of women suicide was the highest among the 80+ year age group, however, the number of years of life lost due to suicide was the highest among the 30-39 year age group. The change in women’s suicide rates was inconsistent and for women, the decline in demographic loss due to suicide was twice as slow as for men. Nevertheless, the number of years of lives lost due to women’s suicide was about 5 times smaller than that of men in 2020. In Lithuania, high rates of women’s suicide reflect the poor state of women’s mental health, which poses challenges to the country’s mental health policy and sustainable demographic development.ietuva jau kelis dešimtmeÄŤius patenka tarp šaliĹł, kuriĹł saviĹľudybiĹł rodikliai yra didĹľiausi pasaulyje, taÄŤiau tyrimĹł, kuriuose bĹ«tĹł nagrinÄ—jami socialiniai ir demografiniai moterĹł saviĹľudybiĹł aspektai, Lietuvoje trĹ«ksta. Ĺ io straipsnio tikslas – apskaiÄŤiuoti demografinius nuostolius, kuriuos patiria Lietuva dÄ—l moterĹł saviĹľudybiĹł, ir ÄŻvertinti šiĹł nuostoliĹł socialinÄ™ ir demografinÄ™ diferenciacijÄ…. EmpirinÄ— tyrimo dalis atlikta naudojant prarastĹł gyvenimo metĹł skaiÄŤiavimo metodikÄ…. Tyrimo duomenĹł šaltiniai: Pasaulio sveikatos organizacija, Higienos institutas ir Human Mortality Database. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad nuo 2007 iki 2020 metĹł prarastĹł potencialiĹł gyvenimo metĹł skaiÄŤius Lietuvoje statistiškai reikšmingai sumažėjo nuo 376 [321; 431] iki 287 [238; 335], taÄŤiau moterĹł saviĹľudybiĹł lygio kaita buvo nenuosekli, o demografiniĹł nuostoliĹł dÄ—l saviĹľudybiĹł mažėjimas buvo beveik perpus lÄ—tesnis negu vyrĹł

    On the Limits of Decision: the Adjacent Fragment of First-Order Logic

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    We define the adjacent fragment AF of first-order logic, obtained by restricting the sequences of variables occurring as arguments in atomic formulas. The adjacent fragment generalizes (after a routine renaming) two-variable logic as well as the fluted fragment. We show that the adjacent fragment has the finite model property, and that its satisfiability problem is no harder than for the fluted fragment (and hence is Tower-complete). We further show that any relaxation of the adjacency condition on the allowed order of variables in argument sequences yields a logic whose satisfiability and finite satisfiability problems are undecidable. Finally, we study the effect of the adjacency requirement on the well-known guarded fragment (GF) of first-order logic. We show that the satisfiability problem for the guarded adjacent fragment (GA) remains 2ExpTime-hard, thus strengthening the known lower bound for GF

    Thermal boundary effects on a GT liner structure

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    GT combustor liners are subjected to mechanical and thermal loads that damage the structure and reduce their operational life. Among those, the thermo-acoustic instabilities develop, generating pressure oscillations because of the interaction between heat release, acoustic waves and structure vibrations. The vibratory behaviour of the structure is the result of these phenomena and undergoes repeated reversals of the main deformation mechanisms as a function of the operating load of the engine. Monitoring and evaluating the operational load history and the life consumption rate of combustor components is essential to sustain a reliable risk-based maintenance in the GT combustion hardware. The non-linear material behaviour can activate possible interactions causing coupled damage mechanisms and become a life threatening mode of failure. A methodology for modelling both the dynamic and static behaviour of a GT cannular combustion chamber by utilizing a combined fluid-structure approach is presented in this study. Together with the calculation of the heat fluxes through the liner, the effects of the modifications at the thermal boundary conditions were used to investigate the modifications in the liner structural properties and the stresses development at different GT loads. The monitored pressure oscillations during operations has been investigated by performing both acoustic and structural dynamics. A correlation with the observed failure has been proposed by investigating stress relaxation phenomena’s, creep and plastic effects for base load and part load operations

    Hedging under square loss

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    The framework of minimum-variance hedging rests on a restrictive foundation. This study shows that the objective of variance minimization is only justifiable when variance coincides with expected squared forecast error. Nevertheless, the classical framework is routinely applied when the condition fails, giving rise to inaccurate risk assessments and suboptimal hedging decisions. This study proposes a new, improved framework of hedging which relaxes the condition at no tangible cost. It derives a new objective function, an optimal hedge ratio, and a measure of hedging effectiveness under square loss. Their superior performance is demonstrated from a theoretical standpoint and by applying them to hedging the price risk of oil and natural gas. Simple yet general, the new framework is well suited to replace the classical one and facilitates adequate risk measurement and improved hedging decisions. It also provides fundamental insight into dealing with uncertainty under square loss and beyond

    Co-crystalization and in vitro biological characterization of 5-Aryl-4-(5-substituted-2-4-dihydroxyphenyl)-1,2,3-thiadiazole Hsp90 inhibitors

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    A potential therapeutic strategy for targeting cancer that has gained much interest is the inhibition of the ATP binding and ATPase activity of the molecular chaperone Hsp90. We have determined the structure of the human Hsp90α N-terminal domain in complex with a series of 5-aryl-4-(5-substituted-2-4-dihydroxyphenyl)-1,2,3-thiadiazoles. The structures provide the molecular details for the activity of these inhibitors. One of these inhibitors, ICPD 34, causes a structural change that affects a mobile loop, which adopts a conformation similar to that seen in complexes with ADP, rather than the conformation generally seen with the pyrazole/isoxazole-resorcinol class of inhibitors. Competitive binding to the Hsp90 N-terminal domain was observed in a biochemical assay, and these compounds showed antiproliferative activity and induced apoptosis in the HCT116 human colon cancer cell line. These inhibitors also caused induction of the heat shock response with the upregulation of Hsp72 and Hsp27 protein expression and the depletion of Hsp90 clients, CRAF, ERBB2 and CDK4, thus confirming that antiproliferative activity was through the inhibition of Hsp90. The presence of increased levels of the cleavage product of PARP indicated apoptosis in response to Hsp90 inhibitors. This work provides a framework for the further optimization of thiadiazole inhibitors of Hsp90. Importantly, we demonstrate that the thiadiazole inhibitors display a more limited core set of interactions relative to the clinical trial candidate NVP-AUY922, and consequently may be less susceptible to resistance derived through mutations in Hsp9

    Senojo ir vidurinio geleĹľies amĹľiaus skydai Lietuvoje

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    [straipsnis lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Karyba – organizuoti agresyvūs veiksmai tarp dviejų nepriklausomų politinių vienetų – kaip socialinis reiškinys žinoma jau nuo seniausių laikų. Dar neseniai buvo manoma, kad kariniai konfliktai (pirmiausia reidai, o vėliau ir karai) atsirado kartu su žemdirbyste ir gyvulininkyste, tačiau naujausi archeologiniai duomenys rodo, kad tai daug ankstesnis reiškinys – pirmosios jo užuomazgos pastebimos jau paleolite (Thorpe, 2003). [...
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