8 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Reciprocal Teaching Terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Reciprocal Teaching terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa kelas IX SMP Negeri 4 Takengon. Jenis  penelitian  yang  digunakan  adalah  quasi eksperimen  dengan  two  group  pretest  postest  design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IX yang ada pada SMP Negeri 4 Takengon, sampel digunakan 28 pada masing-masing kelas eksprimen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil pembelajaran pada kelas eksprimen diperoleh tes awal (pretest) siswa  = 53,60 dan S = 8,82 sedangkan nilai tes akhir (postest) diperoleh  = 83,60 S=8,82. Pada kelas kontrol hasil pembelajaran nilai tes awal (pretest) siswa  = 50,92 dan S = 9,36 sedangkan nilai tes akhir (postest) diperoleh  = 76,10 dan S = 9,33. Pengujian hipotesis diperoleh thitung  ttabel yaitu 3,72 > 2,007 sehingga dapat disimpulkan ha diterima dan menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kelas kontrol dan kelas eksprimen terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis. Hal ini menyatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan komunikasi matematis antara siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan pembelajaran Reciprocal Teaching dengan siswa yang diajar menggunakan pembelajaran STAD pada kelas IX SMPN 4 Takengon

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) dan Think Pair Share Terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) dan Think Pair Share (TPS) terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah eksperimen semu, dengan desain pretes postes tak ekivalen. Populasi penelitian ialah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 5 Takengon. Sampel dipilih secara purposif, yaitu kelas VII.1  dan VII.2. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik observasi dan tes.  Instrumen penelitian berupa soal tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan lembar observasi siswa dan guru. Analisis data menggunakan uji t membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran PBL dan TPS dapat meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa. Untuk pembelajaran materi bilangan, PBL mampu meningkatkan kemampuan komuniasi matematis lebih baik dibanding TPS. Kedua model pembelajran ini dapat menjadi alternatif pembelajaran untuk memfasilitasi kemampuan matematis siswa

    The Development of E-Learning Media Based Moodle to Increase Science Development and Islamic Studies in STAIN Gajah Putih

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    Along with the development of information technology, which more rapidly, the need of a concept and mechanism of Information Technology-based learning becomes inevitable. Then, concept known as e-learning take affect transformation of occurs conventional education into digital form, both the content and the system that is bridged by the technology of internet. The concept of e-learning gives the possibility of interaction between lecturers and students, either the students in the classroom or outside the classroom intensively. This study aimed to obtain e-learning media based Moodle is effective to support the development of science and Islamic studies in Gayo through a series of development process. The finding of the study showed that e-learning based Moodle was conducted by using 4-D model (Four D Model). The results also showed that of development activities are: (1) e-learning media in Gayo which can be seen in www.elearning-gayobelajar.com and (2) the use of guide books for lecturers and teachers. The Finding also indicated that the development of E-learning based Moodle is reliable or has a high level of reliability if t is used in university

    The Development of E-Learning Media Based Moodle to Increase Science Development and Islamic Studies in STAIN Gajah Putih

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    Along with the development of information technology, which more rapidly, the need of a concept and mechanism of Information Technology-based learning becomes inevitable. Then, concept known as e-learning take affect transformation of occurs conventional education into digital form, both the content and the system that is bridged by the technology of internet. The concept of e-learning gives the possibility of interaction between lecturers and students, either the students in the classroom or outside the classroom intensively. This study aimed to obtain e-learning media based Moodle is effective to support the development of science and Islamic studies in Gayo through a series of development process. The finding of the study showed that e-learning based Moodle was conducted by using 4-D model (Four D Model). The results also showed that of development activities are: (1) e-learning media in Gayo which can be seen in www.elearning-gayobelajar.com and (2) the use of guide books for lecturers and teachers. The Finding also indicated that the development of E-learning based Moodle is reliable or has a high level of reliability if t is used in university


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    This research was conducted to look at the increase in mathematical communication towards cooperative learning type Course Review Horay assisted PowerPoint in the seventh grade of  SMP Negeri 1 Takengon. This research used Experiment Research with Quantitative research. SMP Negeri 1 Takengon was the population of research. Two classes were determined by purposive random sampling for the sample of research, called experimental class and control class. The experimental class was taught by using a cooperative learning type Course Review Horay assisted PowerPoint while the control class was taught by STAD. The conclusion was that by using a learning model Course Review Horay, the students more active because it can be suggested with the peers and its language. Things can improve the ability of mathematical communication students. Along with the development of their understanding of the material has been taught students to do math activities that encourage the application of mathematical communication ability

    Learning Media In Mathematics Education: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This bibliometric analysis investigates the development of instructional media in mathematics education. As mathematics education is crucial for various fields, including science, technology, economics, and business, identifying effective learning media is essential to improve the quality of mathematics learning. This bibliometric analysis examines the trends, subject areas, and types of documents related to the use of instructional media in mathematics education. Results show an increasing trend in publications, with conference papers and scientific journal articles being the most common document types. The study highlights the importance of considering factors related to the learning environment, student involvement, and achievement when developing effective learning media, especially online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The findings provide insights for mathematics educators, researchers, and policymakers to improve mathematics learning quality and suggest further research directions


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini mengkaji mengenai kewirausahaan sosial di Desa Bewang Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dengan metode Participatory Action Research (PAR). Adapun tujuan ini dapat dicapai dengan diperoleh sebuah hasil (out put) yang terdapat tiga faktor, a). meningkatkan keterampilan, b). menciptakan peluang kerja, dan c). munculnya lembaga yang mengorganisir usaha komunitas. Untuk mencapai tiga faktor yang merupakan out put tersebut, maka harus melalui beberapa kegiatan (in put). Faktor 1) menyelenggarakan kegiatan pelatihan dan memfasilitasi akses pelatihan, 2) pelatihan kewirausahaan dan pelatihan mengakses pemodalan usaha, dan 3) menginisiasi berdirinya kelompok usaha dan memfasilitasi advokasi kelompok usaha


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    Abstrak:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa melalui model pembelajaran inquiri di kelas VII MTsS Darul Mukhlisin Takengon. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian dibagi menjadi dua kelas yaitu kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen. Dalam pengujian hipotesis diperoleh peningkatan yang signifikan pada kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran inquiri dibandingkan dengan siswa dengan pendekatan konvensional. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan perolehan signifikansi 7,70 > 2,52 sehingga H diterima. Dengan kata lain, terdapat peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa melalui model pembelajaran inquiri. Nilai rata-rata N-Gain kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa kelas inquiri adalah 0,55 dengan kriteria sedang, kemudian 0,30 < 0,55 < 0,70. Dari nilai rata-rata gain juga diperoleh data 3 orang siswa termasuk pada kategori tinggi dan 17 orang siswa pada kategori sedang. Nilai rata-rata N-Gain kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa kelas kontrol adalah 0,34 dengan kriteria sedang, kemudian 0,30 < 0,34 < 0,70. Dari nilai rata-rata gain diperoleh data 13 orang siswa termasuk pada kategori sedang dan 7 orang pada kategori rendah. Kata Kunci:Kemampuan Belajar Kreatif, Inquiri Abstract:The aim of this study was to see the improvement of students' creative thinking ability through inquiry model in VII class of MTsS Darul Mukhlisin Takengon. This type of research is an experimental study using a quantitative approach. The research sample was divided into two classes, namely control and experimental class. In testing the hypothesis obtained a significant increase was obtained in students' mathematical creative thinking abilities by applying the inquiry learning model compared to students with conventional approach. This is evidenced by the acquisition of a significance of 7.70 > 2.52 then H is accepted. In other words,  there is an increase in students' mathematical creative thinking abilitiy through inquiry learning model. The average value of N-Gain students' mathematical creative thinking ability in inquiry class is g = 0.55 with moderate criteria, then 0.30 < 0.55 < 0.70. From the average gain value also obtained 3 students in the high category and 17 students in the medium category. The average value of N-Gain students’ mathematical creative thinking ability of control class is g = 0.34 with moderate criteria then 0.30 < 0.34 < 0.70. From the average value of gain  obtained 13 students in the medium category and 7 students in the low category. Keywords:Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability, Inquir