49 research outputs found


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    Research using the electrocoagulation method has been carried out to determine the results of the sample test results for BOD and COD parameters in palm oil mill effluent. The electrodes used n this method are aluminium electrodes with varying adapter voltages of 6, 9, and 12 Volts. Palm oil liquid waste used comes from PTPN IV Adolina Perbaungan. The results of the study showed that before the electrocoagulation method the BOD value obtained was 243 mg/l, while after the electrocoagulation method the best results were obtained at a voltage of 12 Volt with a value of 52,5 mg/l. The value obtained before the electorocoagulation method was carried out on the COD parameter was 649 mg/l and after the electrocoagulation method the best results were obtained at a voltage of 12 Volt, which was 110 mg/l. This shows that the parameter values of BOD and COD in processed waste have decreased and meet the wastewater quality standards for the palm oil industry, namelyb 100 mg/l and 350 mg/l. The higher the value of the applied voltage, the more optimal the levels of BOD and COD


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    Research was carried out on the analysis of the sound absorption level of several types of patchwork acoustic materials which aims to find out whether patchwork can be used as a sound dampening material, to determine the sound absorption level of several types of patchwork acoustic materials and to determine the best attenuation level of several types of patchwork acoustic materials. the type of patchwork acoustic material. The background of this research is due to the acoustic quality of the room which has received less attention for the comfort of listeners when they are in a room. The study used variations of sound absorbing materials, namely cotton and denim patchwork. Measurement of the sound absorption coefficient of patchwork is done by making a sample chamber with a length of 13.5 cm, a width of 13.5 cm and a height of 8.5 cm. Sound Level Meter is a tool used to measure the level of sound pressure. Variations in the thickness of the patchwork used were 3, 5, and 10 mm. In measuring the entire inner wall surface of the sample room will be covered with patchwork, then the speaker is placed in the sample room. The sound source comes from speakers with a frequency of 90 dB which is arranged in a frequency range of 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz. The best damping level of the three materials is a mixture of cotton and denim with a thickness of 10 mm, because the thicker the patchwork layer, the α value obtained is 0.629

    Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur Kadar Gula Darah Non-Invasive Berbasis Arduino Nano

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    ABSTRAK   Diabetes merupakan penyakit kronis yang paling tinggi kenaikan angka prevalensinya saat ini dan merupakan sepuluh besar penyebab kematian di dunia. Saat ini di Indonesia jumlah penderita diabetes diperkirakan mencapai lebih dari 16 juta orang yang kemudian memiliki risiko terkena komplikasi. Alat yang disebut glukometer sering digunakan untuk memeriksa kadar gula darah. Ini menggunakan teknik kimia berbasis sensor dengan enzim glukosa oksidase sebagai komponen aktif. Perangkat ini membutuhkan sampel darah, setelah menusuk jari dengan jarum darah dikeluarkan dan sampel darah diambil yang disebut metode invasive. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni membuat gadget berbasis sensor Arduino nano untuk mendeteksi kadar gula darah tanpa mengganggu fotodioda dengan sampel uji berupa ruas teratas jari telunjuk tangan. Alasan menggunakan arduino nano pada penelitian ini dikarenakan komponennya yang lebih simpel dan biayanya yang relatif lebih murah. Hasil penelitian pengembangan sistem pemantauan gula darah non-invasive ini dapat bekerja dengan baik dan mengukur kadar gula darah dengan berbasiskan arduino nano. akurasi pembacaan sekitar 99,67% berdasarkan temuan perhitungan persentase kesalahan, atau ketidaktepatan rata-rata 0,33%. Jadi, realisasi pengukur gula darah non-invasive berbasiskan arduino nano ini dapat dijadikan sebagai alat pengukur gula darah tanpa melukai tubuh.   Kata Kunci: Diabetes, gula darah, arduino nano, LED, fotodioda.   ABSTRACT   Diabetes is a chronic disease with the highest prevalence rate increase at present and is the top ten causes of death in the world. Currently in Indonesia the number of diabetics is estimated to reach more than 16 million people who then have a risk of developing complications. An instrument called a glucometer is often used to check blood sugar levels. It uses a sensor-based chemical technique with the glucose oxidase enzyme as the active component. This device requires a blood sample, after pricking the finger with a needle the blood is removed and a blood sample is taken which is called an invasive method. The purpose of this research is to create an Arduino nano sensor-based gadget to detect blood sugar levels without disturbing the photodiode with the test sample in the form of the top segment of the index finger. The reason for using Arduino Nano in this study is because the components are simpler and the cost is relatively cheaper. The results of research on the development of this non-invasive blood sugar monitoring system can work well and measure blood sugar levels based on Arduino Nano. the accuracy of the reading is around 99.67% based on the findings of the calculation of the percentage of errors, or an average inaccuracy of 0.33%. So, the realization of this non-invasive blood sugar meter based on Arduino Nano can be used as a blood sugar meter without injuring the body.   Keywords: Diabetes, blood sugar, arduino nano, LED, photodiode


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the acoustic comfort level of the BMKG Hall Class 1 Deli Serdang Climatology Station before and after the treatment of the room in the form of adding sound-absorbing materials. The purpose of this study was to measure the noise level and optimize the effect of noise with acoustic comfort standards in accordance with KEPMENLH No. 48 of 1996 concerning Noise Level Standards in the BMKG Hall of Class 1 Deli Serdang Climatology Station. Sample Materials The materials used for sound absorption in the room are newsprint pulp and cork waste (Styrofoam) with a thickness of 3 cm. This research is motivated by the high noise below in the room which causes hearing discomfort in the room. The results of the physical test of newsprint and cork pulp (Styrofoam) at frequencies of 125 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, and 4000 Hz obtained absorption coefficients of 0.47, 0.36, 0.48, 0.36, 0.55 and 0, 59 with the results of Reverberation Time (RT) calculations at frequencies of 125 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, and 4000 Hz, the results obtained are RT 2.13 s, 1.35 s, 1.01 s, 0.80 s, 0.79 s, 0.82 s

    Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Suhu Pembakaran Terhadap Mikrostruktur Dan Kandungan Silika Abu Kulit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao) Dengan Metode SEM Dan XRD

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    This study aims to determine the effect of combustion temperature on the microstructure and particle diameter of the average silica ash of cocoa shells, and to determine the effect of combustion temperature on the silica content of cocoa shell ash. The method used is experimental through a quantitative approach. The basic material used is cocoa husk (Theobroma cacao) with combustion temperatures of 450, 550, 650, and 750 oC. The tests used to determine the microstructure and silica content of cocoa husk ash were SEM and XRD after which they were analyzed again using Digimizer Software and X-Powder Software. SEM results based on microstructure indicate the occurrence of agglomeration in the cocoa ash silica sample, and it is known that the particle diameter size of sample A = 1,6916 µm, sample B = 0,7824 µm, sample C = 0,7809 µm, and sample D = 0,7173 µm. Based on the XRD results, it can be seen that the silica contained in sample A = 34,8%, sample B = 49,0%, sample C = 65,0%, and sample D = 70,6%. Based on the SEM results, the best results are in the sample which has the smallest size, namely sample D with a particle diameter of 0,7173 µm and based on XRD results the best results are in sample D with the highest SiO2 content of 70,6%. So that the combustion temperature affects the results of SEM and XRD where the effective temperature in the manufacture of cocoa shell ash silica is 750 oC.  This study aims to determine the effect of combustion temperature on the microstructure and particle diameter of the average silica ash of cocoa shells, and to determine the effect of combustion temperature on the silica content of cocoa shell ash. The method used is experimental through a quantitative approach. The basic material used is cocoa husk (Theobroma cacao) with combustion temperatures of 450, 550, 650, and 750 oC.  The tests used to determine the microstructure and silica content of cocoa husk ash were SEM and XRD after which they were analyzed again using Digimizer Software and X-Powder Software. SEM results based on microstructure indicate the occurrence of agglomeration in the cocoa ash silica sample, and it is known that the particle diameter size of sample A = 1,6916 µm, sample B = 0,7824 µm, sample C = 0,7809 µm, and sample D = 0,7173 µm. Based on the XRD results, it can be seen that the silica contained in sample A = 34,8%, sample B = 49,0%, sample C = 65,0%, and sample D = 70,6%. Based on the SEM results, the best results are in the sample which has the smallest size, namely sample D with a particle diameter of 0,7173 µm and based on XRD results the best results are in sample D with the highest SiO2 content of 70,6%. So that the combustion temperature affects the results of SEM and XRD where the effective temperature in the manufacture of cocoa shell ash silica is 750 o

    Optimasi Waktu Fermentasi Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Bioetanol Dari Limbah Ampas Tebu

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    Sangat penting untuk meningkatkan penggunaan energi lain, terutama bahan bakar minyak. Bioetanol adalah sumber energi alternatif yang dapat diperbaharui. Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk: (i) mengetahui pengaruh waktu fermentasi terhadap karakteristik bioetanol berbasis limbah ampas tebu, dan (ii) mengetahui waktu fermentasi optimum agar dihasilkan bioetanol dengan karakteristik yang memenuhi SNI 7390: 2012. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan ampas tebu sebanyak 300 g. Melalui proses pretreatment, hidrolisis, fermentasi dan destilasi. Variasi waktu fermentasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah A (5 hari), B (7 hari), dan C (9 hari). Analisis yang dilakukan pada bioetanol ini yaitu kadar air, kadar etanol, nilail kalor, dan pH. Seiring dengan lama waktu fermentasi maka terjadi peningkatan pada parameter kadar air  sebesar 0,23%-2,39% dan parameter nilai kalor 721,168 kkal/kg-1210,532 kkal/kg. Terjadi penurunan penurunan pada parameter 85,38%-89,70% dan parameter pH 4,5-3,7. Untuk parameter bioetanol dan nilai kalor peningkatan terjadi hingga mencapai titik optimum tertentu dan setelah itu mengalami penurunan.  Waktu fermentasi agar dihasilkan kadar bioetanol dengan karakteriksik yang optimum adalah 7 hari (sampel B) dengan kadar etanol 98,66%. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari nilai hasil pengukuran yang telah memenuhi SNI 7390-2012 dan nilai tersebut lebih tinggi dari sampel lainnya


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    Eco-enzyme yang dihasilkan dari limbah kulit buah pisang, nanas, sawo, dan jeruk dimanfaatkan untuk mentreatment air sumur dengan tujuan meningkatkan kualitas airnya serta mengetahui volume dan waktu treatment eco-enzyme yang paling optimum agar dihasilkan air bersih sesuai dengan standar Permenkes RI No. 32 Tahun 2017. Lokasi penelitian uji sampel diambil dari salah satu sumur bor yang berada di Kawasan Mabar Hilir, Kecamatan Medan Deli, Kota Medan, Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Terdapat 4 jenis sampel yang diuji dalam penelitian ini yaitu, sampel A (10 ml/24 jam), sampel B (10 ml/48 jam), sampel C (15 ml/24 jam), dan sampel D (15 ml/48 jam). Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang dihasilkan dari Laboratorium Kesehatan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Disimpulkan bahwa kualitas sampel air sumur (air baku) sebelum dilakukan treatment dengan eco-enzyme merupakan sampel air yang tergolong tidak layak, hal ini dibuktikan dengan tidak terpenuhinya sejumlah parameter pada Permenkes RI No. 32 Tahun 2017. Setelah dilakukan treatment dengan eco-enzyme, kualitas air sumur pada sampel A, B, dan C telah memenuhi standar Permenkes RI No. 32 Tahun 2017 sedangkan sampel D belum memenuhi hanya pada parameter zat organik KMnO4. Volume eco-enzyme dan waktu treatment yang paling optimum adalah pada penambahan 10 ml dan rentang waktu 24 jam (sampel A)


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    The need for an electrical energy source is currently a very necessary thing, therefore researchers conducted experiments on the use of pineapple peel (ananas  comosus) extract as an electrolyte solution with a variety of electrodes. This research was conducted with the aim of generating voltage, electric current, and strength values. The measure of the holding capacity of the solution used were 50 ml, 100 ml, 150 ml, 200 ml, and 250 ml. The electrodes to be used are in the form of copper-zinc, copper-iron, and copper-aluminum pairs with each plate measurement of 4 cm × 7 cm, thickness of 0.2 mm. To determine the magnitude of the value of the voltage and current, a resistance is given in the form of an LED lamp. Based on the results of the research the pH measurement of the solution was 3.9. The test results obtained by the pair of Cu:Zn plates are the best compared to other pairs of plates, namely by producing a voltage of 1.59 Volts, a current of 0.28 mA, and an strength values of 0.44 mW with a volume of 250 ml. This is due to the influence of the volume of the solution and the electrodes used, that the more plates submerged in the solution, the greater the energy produced


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    Abstrak: Uji Fisis Paving Block dengan Penambahan Abu Cangkang Kerang Kepah (Polymesoda erosa). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian ekperimental yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan abu cangkang kerang kepah (Polymesoda erosa) terhadap sifat fisis paving block. Data yang diperoleh merupakan data hasil penelitian yang dilaksanakan pada bulan september–oktober 2020 di Laboratorium UINSU-Medan.  Sifat fisis yang diuji pada penelitian ini adalah densitas, daya serap air, dan porositas.  Penggunaan abu cangkang kerang kepah sebagai pengganti sebagian semen dalam pembuatan paving block  berpengaruh terhadap nilai densitas, daya serap air dan porositas. Pada setiap variasi campuran 5-15%  menghasilkan penurunan nilai densitas yaitu sebesar 1,81, 1,77,  dan 1,62 (g/cm3), mencapai nilai standar densitas beton ringan. Untuk nilai daya serap air pada setiap variasi campuran 0-15% mengalami peningkatan yaitu sebesar 5,88, 6,26, 7,37, dan 7,58%, telah memenuhi SNI 03-0691-1996. Kemudian untuk nilai porositas mengalami peningkatan pada variasi campuran 0-15% yaitu sebesar 9,95, 10,96, 13,41, dan 14,22%.


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    This study aims to (i) determine the effect of adding glass bottle waste aggregate and coconut fiber ash to the characteristics of the bricks and (ii) to determine the composition of mixing glass bottle waste aggregate and coconut fiber ash so that bricks with optimal characteristics are produced. The materials used in this study were glass powder, coconut fiber ash, and clay with a composition of glass powder, coconut fiber ash, and clay 0%:0%:100%, 5%:5%: 90%, 10% :10%:80%, 15%:15%:70%, and 20%:20%:60% with a FAS of 0.5. The process of making bricks is done manually. Characterizations carried out include: compressive strength, water absorption, and density. The addition of glass bottle waste aggregate and coconut fiber ash as a substitute for clay has an effect on the characteristics of the bricks. As the amount of glass powder and coconut fiber ash increases, the compressive strength value tends to decrease, the water absorption value tends to increase, and the density value tends to decrease. The compressive strength values in all compositions of mixing glass powder, coconut fiber ash, and clay still do not meet the SNI 15-2094-2000 standard. The value of water absorption at the composition of 5%:5%: 90% and 10%:10%:80% already meets the standards of SNI 15-2094-2000. Density values in all compositions have met the standards of SNI 15-2094-2000, except for the composition 15%: 15%: 70%. %:10%:80%