56 research outputs found

    Thrombospondin-1/CD47 interaction regulates Th17 and treg differentiation in psoriasis

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    Accumulating evidence on the role of Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) in the immune response has emerged during the last years. In spite of the importance of TSP-1 not only as anti-angiogenic factor but also as an immunomodulatory molecule, studies on the role of TSP-1 in psoriasis have been neglected. TSP-1 and CD47 expression were analyzed in skin samples from psoriasis patients and control subjects using RT-PCR and immunofluorescence. Expression of these molecules was also evaluated in peripheral blood CD4+ T cells, moDCs, and circulating primary DCs. The functional role of TSP-1/CD47 signaling axis in psoriasis was assessed in Th17 and Treg differentiation assays. Additionally, small interfering RNA assays specific to TSP-1 were performed in CD4+ T cells and monocyte derived DC to specifically evaluate the function of this protein. Lesional skin of psoriasis patients expressed lower TSP-1 and CD47 mRNA levels compared to non-lesional skin or skin from controls. Immunofluorescence staining revealed decreased expression of CD47 in CD45+ dermal cells from psoriasis samples compared to control subjects. Peripheral CD4+ T cells and circulating primary DCs from psoriasis also expressed lower levels of CD47 compared to controls. Although no significant differences were detected in TSP-1 expression in CD4+ T cells and moDCs between patients and controls, TSP-1 expression in psoriasis patients inversely correlated with disease activity evaluated by the Psoriasis Area and Index Activity. Furthermore, exogenous TSP-1 inhibited Th17 differentiation and stimulated the differentiation of CD4+ T cells toward Treg cells. Furthermore, RNA interference specific for TSP-1 confirmed the role of this molecule as a negative regulator of T cell activation. Because of the impact of TSP-1/CD47 signaling axis in Th17 and Treg differentiation, a dysregulated expression of these molecules in the immune cells from psoriasis patients may favor the exacerbated inflammatory response in this diseaseInstituto de Salud Carlos III (AES 2017): PI17/01972 to ED. Janssen; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO): Plan Nacional de Salud SAF2017-82886-R, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV); Proyecto Integrado de Excelencia PIE13/00041, Instituto de Salud Carlos III to FS-M, Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI16/02166, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Banco Santander (grant 2017/EEUU/03), and Red Temática de Excelencia en Investigación en Hipoxia (SAF 2017-90794-REDT) to MJC. This research has been co-financed by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER

    Polymorphisms associated with adalimumab and infliximab response in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis

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    Aims. This study evaluated the influence of pharmacogenetics in psoriatic patients treated with adalimumab and/or infliximab. Materials & methods: Prospective observational study evaluating the association of 124 polymorphisms with the response to adalimumab or infliximab (PASI75) in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis at 3 months (n = 95) and 6 months of treatment (n = 90). Significant SNPs for univariate analysis were subjected to multivariate analysis. Results: Five SNPs were associated with PASI75 at 3 months: rs6661932 (IVL), rs2546890 (IL-12B), rs2145623 (NFKBIA), rs9304742 (ZNF816A) and rs645544 (SLC9A8). Furthermore, rs1061624 (TNFR1B) was associated with PASI75 at 6 months. Conclusion: Nevertheless, these biomarkers should be validated in large-scale studies before implementation in clinical practice

    DNA copy number variation associated with anti-tumour necrosis factor drug response and paradoxical psoriasiform reactions in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis

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    Biological drugs targeting tumour necrosis factor are effective for psoriasis. However, 30–50% of patients do not respond to these drugs and may even develop paradoxical psoriasiform reactions. This study search-ed for DNA copy number variations that could predict anti-tumour necrotic factor drug response or the ap-pearance of anti-tumour necrotic factor induced pso-riasiform reactions. Peripheral blood samples were collected from 70 patients with anti-tumour necrotic factor drug-treated moderate-to-severe plaque pso-riasis. Samples were analysed with an Illumina 450K methylation microarray. Copy number variations were obtained from raw methylation data using conumee and Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline (ChAMP) R packa-ges. One copy number variation was found, harbouring one gene (CPM) that was significantly associated with adalimumab response (Bonferroni-adjusted p-value < 0.05). Moreover, one copy number variation was identified harbouring 3 genes (ARNT2, LOC101929586 and MIR5572) related to the development of paradoxical psoriasiform reactions. In conclusion, this study has identified DNA copy number variations that could be good candidate markers to predict response to ada-limumab and the development of anti-tumour necrotic factor paradoxical psoriasiform reactions.This study was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI 13/01598 and the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Regional Development’s funds (FEDER). Conflicts of interest. FA-S has been a consultant or investigator in clinical trials sponsored by the following pharmaceutical companies: Abbott, Alter, Chemo, Farmalíder, Ferrer, GlaxoSmithKline, Gilead, Janssen-Cilag, Kern, Normon, Novartis, Servier, Teva, and Zambon. ED has potential conflicts of interest (advisory board member, consultant, grants, research support, participation in clinical trials, honoraria for speaking, and research support) with the following pharmaceutical companies: AbbVie (Abbott), Amgen, Janssen-Cilag, Leo Pharma, Novartis, Pfizer, MSD, Lilly and Celgene. ML-V has potential conflicts of interest as she has participated in clinical trials or as consultant with Abbvie (Abbott), Galderma, Janssen-Cilag, Leo Pharma, Pfizer, Novarties, Lilly, Almirall and Celgene. MCO-B has potential conflicts of interest (honoraria for speaking and research support) with Janssen-Cilag and Leo Pharma. The other authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed. AS-T has served as a consultant and/or paid speaker for and/or participated in clinical trials sponsored by companies that manufacture drugs used for the treatment of psoriasis, including AbbVie, Celgene, Janssen-Cilag, LEO Pharma, Lilly, Novartis and Pfizer. RB-E has served as a consultant and/or paid speaker for and/or participated in clinical trials sponsored by companies that manufacture drugs used for the treatment of psoriasis, including AbbVie, Celgene, Janssen-Cilag, LEO Pharma, Lilly, Novartis and Pfizer

    Targeting L-type amino acid transporter 1 in innate and adaptive T cells efficiently controls skin inflammation

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    BACKGROUND: Psoriasis is a frequent inflammatory skin disease that is mainly mediated by IL-23, IL-1β, and IL-17 cytokines. Although psoriasis is a hyperproliferative skin disorder, the possible role of amino acid transporters has remained unexplored. OBJECTIVE: We sought to investigate the role of the essential amino acid transporter L-type amino acid transporter (LAT) 1 (SLC7A5) in psoriasis. METHODS: LAT1 floxed mice were crossed to Cre-expressing mouse strains under the control of keratin 5, CD4, and retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor γ. We produced models of skin inflammation induced by imiquimod (IMQ) and IL-23 and tested the effect of inhibiting LAT1 (JPH203) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR [rapamycin]). RESULTS: LAT1 expression is increased in keratinocytes and skin-infiltrating lymphocytes of psoriatic lesions in human subjects and mice. LAT1 deletion in keratinocytes does not dampen the inflammatory response or their proliferation, which could be maintained by increased expression of the alternative amino acid transporters LAT2 and LAT3. Specific deletion of LAT1 in γδ and CD4 T cells controls the inflammatory response induced by IMQ. LAT1 deletion or inhibition blocks expansion of IL-17-secreting γ4+δ4+ and CD4 T cells and dampens the release of IL-1β, IL-17, and IL-22 in the IMQ-induced model. Moreover, inhibition of LAT1 blocks expansion of human γδ T cells and IL-17 secretion by human CD4 T cells. IL-23 and IL-1β stimulation upregulates LAT1 expression and induces mTOR activation in IL-17+ γδ and TH17 cells. Deletion or inhibition of LAT1 efficiently controls IL-23- and IL-1β-induced phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT/mTOR activation independent of T-cell receptor signaling. CONCLUSION: Targeting LAT1-mediated amino acid uptake is a potentially useful immunosuppressive strategy to control skin inflammation mediated by the IL-23/IL-1β/IL-17 axis.Funding This manuscript has been funded by grants SAF 2017-82886-R (FS-M) and SAF 2013-42850-R (MF) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; CAM (S2017/BMD-3671-INFLAMUNE-CM) from the Comunidad de Madrid (FS-M); CIBERCV, BIOIMID PIE13/041 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Fundación La Marató TV3 (20152330 31). The project leading to these results has also received funding from FUNDACIÓN BBVA A EQUIPOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA 2018 and from “la Caixa” Banking Foundation under the project code HR17-00016 (FS-M), and from Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional PI17/01972 (E.D).S

    Utility of circulating serum miRNA profiles to evaluate the potential risk and severity of immune-mediated inflammatory disorders

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    Immune-mediated inflammatory disorders (IMID) are a group of diseases that present inflammation as a major pathogenic mechanism. They affect 15% of the population and pose a heavy socio-economic burden. Despite the growing knowledge on the etiopathogenesis of these diseases and the marked improvement in their management, there is a lack of predictive markers of IMID development or severity suitable for early diagnosis and adjustment of treatment intensity. The possibility that certain circulating miRNA profiles could be used as biomarkers of risk of development and/or severity of several autoimmune diseases has fuelled the interest in using them to improve the selection of successful treatments. The multi-pronged approach proposed here sought to reveal circulating miRNAs and miRNA signatures that could act as new predictive biomarkers of IMID development and severity. Our results showed that the circulating levels of miR-19b and miR-26b were significantly decreased (p &lt; 0.001) in IMID patients compared to controls. Furthermore, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed that these miRNAs were suitable discriminators capable to identify an IMID, with areas under the curve (AUC) of 0.85 and 0.83, respectively. In addition, we established that miR-19a and miR-143 were significantly increased in IMID patients with severe disease (p &lt; 0.05). In summary, our findings identify two different miRNA signatures. One of them is associated with the presence of IMIDs and could lead to the development of tools for their early detection. The second signature is able to discriminate between mild and severe forms of these disorders and could be a putative tool to select patient candidates for a more intense treatment.This work was supported by the following grants: Proyectos de Investigación en Salud (FIS) PIE13-0041, PI16-02091 and PI19-00584 (funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)), TIRONET2-CM, B2017/BMD-3724 (funded by Comunidad de Madrid), Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER GCV14/ER/12) to MM; also by grants RD16/0011/0012 and PI18/0371 from MINECO, ISCIII to IGA; PI17/01972 (MINECO, ISCIIII) to E. D; and Plan Nacional de Salud SAF2017-82886-R, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV), Fundación BBVA a equipos de Investigación Científica 2018 and from “la Caixa Banking Foundation” under the project code HR17-00016 to F·S.M and cofinanced by FEDER fund

    Validación del método de cuantificación del área corporal afectada por la psoriasis mediante lápiz óptico

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    Introducción: La determinación de la superficie corporal afectada, Body Surface Area (BSA), es una de las escalas de medida más empleadas en la evaluación de la gravedad de la psoriasis, pero no está exenta de inconvenientes. Objetivo: Validación de un nuevo sistema de medida del BSA. Material y método: Estudio multicéntrico, prospectivo, que incluyó 56 pacientes con psoriasis. Cada paciente fue evaluado en 2 visitas por 2 dermatólogos del mismo Centro que valoraron BSA mediante 2 procedimientos: método visual «tradicional» (MT), palma mano = 1%; y el método «lápiz óptico» (LO), lápiz capacitivo puntero sobre pantalla táctil con medición de la superficie mediante software específico. Resultados: Se observó una concordancia aceptable entre ambos métodos, con coeficiente de correlación intraclase (CCI) de 0,87, pero con unos límites de acuerdo excesivamente grandes y un sesgo sistemático consistente en mayores medidas de BSA con MT que con LO. La concordancia entre métodos fue superior en el tronco y las extremidades inferiores (CCI > 0,8). La fiabilidad intraobservador fue excelente con ambos métodos (CCI: MT, 0,97; LO, 0,98). La fiabilidad interobservador fue elevada (CCI: MT, 0,91; LO, 0,94), pero el BSA medio difirió significativamente entre observadores. Además, el CCI se redujo drásticamente cuando se consideró la cabeza exclusivamente. Conclusiones: El presente estudio valida el método LO para la medición de la superficie corporal afectada en pacientes con psoriasis. Muestra una buena concordancia con el MT, presentando menos variabilidad y mayor fiabilidad interobservador

    Effect of sex in systemic psoriasis therapy: Differences in prescription, effectiveness and safety in the BIOBADADERM prospective cohort

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    The effect of sex on systemic therapy for psoriasis has not been well studied. The aim of this study was to analyse a large multicentre Spanish cohort of 2,881 patients with psoriasis (58.3% males), followed from January 2008 to November 2018, to determine whether sex influences prescription, effectiveness of therapy, and the risk of adverse events. The results show that women are more likely than men to be pre-scribed biologics. There were no differences between men and women in effectiveness of therapy, measur-ed in terms of drug survival. Women were more likely to develop adverse events, but the difference in risk was small and does not justify different management. Study limitations include residual confounding and the use of drug survival as a proxy for effectiveness.The BIOBADADERM project is promoted by the Fundación Piel Sana Academia Española de Dermatología y Venereología, which receives financial support from the Spanish Medicines and Health Products Agency (Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios) and from pharmaceutical companies (Abbott/Abbvie, Pfizer, MSD, Novartis, Lilly, Janssen and Almirall)

    A deletion at Adamts9-magi1 Locus is associated with psoriatic arthritis risk

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    Objective: Copy number variants (CNVs) have been associated with the risk to develop multiple autoimmune diseases. Our objective was to identify CNVs associated with the risk to develop psoriatic arthritis (PsA) using a genome-wide analysis approach. Methods: A total of 835 patients with PsA and 1498 healthy controls were genotyped for CNVs using the Illumina HumanHap610 BeadChip genotyping platform. Genomic CNVs were characterised using CNstream analysis software and analysed for association using the χ2 test. The most significant genomic CNV associations with PsA risk were independently tested in a validation sample of 1133 patients with PsA and 1831 healthy controls. In order to test for the specificity of the variants with PsA aetiology, we also analysed the association to a cohort of 822 patients with purely cutaneous psoriasis (PsC). Results: A total of 165 common CNVs were identified in the genome-wide analysis. We found a highly significant association of an intergenic deletion between ADAMTS9 and MAGI1 genes on chromosome 3p14.1 (p=0.00014). Using the independent patient and control cohort, we validated the association between ADAMTS9-MAGI1 deletion and PsA risk (p=0.032). Using next-generation sequencing, we characterised the 26 kb associated deletion. Finally, analysing the PsC cohort we found a lower frequency of the deletion compared with the PsA cohort (p=0.0088) and a similar frequency to that of healthy controls (p>0.3). Conclusions: The present genome-wide scan for CNVs associated with PsA risk has identified a new deletion associated with disease risk and which is also differential from PsC risk