17 research outputs found

    European Code against Cancer 4th Edition:Obesity, body fatness and cancer

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    AbstractIt is estimated that over half the population of the European Union (EU) is overweight or obese due to an imbalance between energy expenditure and energy intake; this is related to an obesogenic environment of sociocultural, economic and marketing challenges to the control of body weight. Excess body fat is associated with nine cancer sites – oesophagus, colorectum, gall bladder, pancreas, postmenopausal breast, endometrium, ovary, kidney and prostate (advanced) – and 4–38% of these cancers (depending on site and gender) can be attributed to overweight/obesity status. Metabolic alterations which accompany excess body weight are accompanied by increased levels of inflammation, insulin, oestrogens and other hormonal factors. There are some indications that intentional weight loss is associated with reduced cancer incidence (notably in postmenopausal breast and endometrial cancers). Excess body weight is also a risk factor for several other diseases, including diabetes and heart disease, and is related to higher risk of premature death.In reviewing the current evidence related to excess body fat and cancer, the European Code against Cancer Nutrition Working Group has developed the following recommendation: ‘Take action to be a healthy body weight’

    Why is the use of clopidogrel increasing rapidly in Australia? An exploration of geographical location, age, sex and cardiac stenting rates as possible influences on clopidogrel use

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    Purpose To explore clopidogrel use within Australia, investigating geography, age, sex and cardiac stenting rates. Methods Data for clopidogrel supply (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS)) and cardiac stenting procedures (State Health Departments) were obtained for four different geographic regions (very remote/remote and major city in two Australian states). General linear modelling and correlation analyses were used to test for associations and 2 analyses for proportions. Results Clopidogrel supply increased rapidly in Australia since introduction, from 1.2 to 9.0 Defined Daily Doses (DDD)/1000 population/day. Among concessional and veteran populations use was much higher. Analysis of geographical area data confirmed an association between clopidogrel supply rates and cardiac stenting rates (r = 0.8-0.9 Spearman's rho, p < 0.01). Sex, age and geographical location were associated with both rates when considered together and when considered independently. Further modelling indicated that between 30 and 73% of clopidogrel supply could be accounted for by people receiving cardiac stents. Conclusions The supply of clopidogrel increases with age, male sex and living in a major city. These same demographic variables were important for cardiac stenting, an indication which is currently not approved for subsidy by the Australian government, but which modelling indicated could account for between one-third and three quarters of clopidogrel use. A review may be required to ensure subsidised indications reflect current evidence and cost-effective use. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd