16 research outputs found

    Fabrication Of Gold Nanodot On Silicon Substrate By Scanning Probe Microscopy And Its Characterization

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    Penggunaan teknik-teknik berasaskan mikroskop siasat imbasan (SPM) sebagai suatu alat pembuatan dan pencirian telah dilakukan. Mod AFM tak-sentuh yang dioperasikan pada suhu bilik dan di bawah keadaan vakum telah digunakan untuk mendepositkan nanodot emas di atas substrat silikon. Perkara ini dapat diperolehi dengan mengawal jarak antara tip-sampel menggunakan sistem kawalan maklum balas melalui penggunaan suatu daya elektrostatik luaran. Penggunaan suatu denyut voltan yang sama ada berpolariti positif atau negatif ke atas tip kantiliver bersalut emas 70 nm dilakukan untuk mendepositkan nanodot emas. Dimensi nanodot emas yang difabrikasi mempunyai diameter 42.5 – 150.4 nm dan ketinggian 2.3 – 7.8 nm. Dapat diperhatikan bahawa terdapat kecenderungan diameter nanodot meningkat dengan meningkatnya denyut voltan. Sementara itu, ketinggian nanodot meningkat dengan meningkatnya tempoh denyut voltan. Suatu gabungan arbitrari amplitud denyut voltan gunaan dan jarak tip-sampel tidak menghasilkan deposit. Pergantungan jarak tip sampel menunjuk kebergantungannya kepada parameter-parameter medan elektrik yang mengawal proses pendepositan dan didapati bahawa takat ambang medan elektrik ialah di sekitar 8 V/nm. Kajian sifat-sifat keelektrikan nanodot di atas substrat silicon telah dilakukan menggunakan suatu AFM pengalir dan menunjukkan bahawa ciri (I-V) substrat ini bertindak sebagai sebuah diod halangan Schottky. Ciri-ciri (I-V) diod ini telah dianalisa berasaskan teori pelepasan termionik. Parameter asas diod seperti faktor keunggulan (n) dan ketinggian halangan

    Production of Brikueda (Briquettes from Teak Sawdusts and Durian Rind/Durio zibethinus) as Renewable Fuels

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    Jepara is a carving city. The result of carving produces sawdust waste which is usually used to be sold and burned. In addition, durian fruit is available that has a distinctive taste and made an icon of one village in Jepara. The fruit is the belle of the whole community to be eaten by meat and made food. But the skin has the traits and characters that are difficult to decompose. Then the two wastes will be combined with tapioca flour into briquettes as an alternative fuel. This research take four stage: combustion, filtering, printing, and drying. Obtained two treatment, the first treatment is using ratio wood sawdust and durian rind; 50 gr: 50 gr; 25 gr: 50 gr; 50 gr: 25 gr. The results shown it does not ignite up and very hard. The second treatment is using same ratio but added 25 gram starch, the results shown it ignite. This is due to the starch content is used, it ignite the longest with a concentration ratio of 50 gr: 50 gr because its combination increases the calories value. In durian rind there are 3786 cal/g and teak wood consists mainly of cellulose (40-50%), hemicellulose (20-30%), lignin (20-30%), and the calories value of sawdust briquettes is 4714-5519 kcal/kg.©2019 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Geo-Electric Resistivity Method of Dipole-Dipole Configuration For Cavities Model 2D in Karst Area of Temurejo Village Gubug Sub-district Central Java District

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    The purpose of this research is to mapping cavities in karst area in Temurejo Village, Karangrayung, Grobogan using geoelectric resistivity method and dipole-dipole configuration. Measurement consist of six lines using Multichannel S-Fields geoelectric instrument. Apparent resistivity data processing use two software, Res2DInv ver. 3.56.22 and Voxler 4.0. The result is lithology of the research location can be interpret consist of sand-silt, carbonate-silt rock, carbonate-sand rock, and carbonate rock with resistivity range 15,3-4919 Ωm. There are resistivity value anomaly in line of 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 on the carbonate rocks layer, the value is more than 4949 Ωm which can interpret as a cavity. On the first line, cavities are at depths of 20 m and 12 m, on second line are at depths of 17 m and 12 m, on third line is at depth of 19 m. Cavity continuously at depth of 18 m on fourth, fifth and sixth lines. This cavities at the depth >23 m beneath eath surface

    Production of Brikueda (Briquettes from Teak Sawdusts and Durian Rind/Durio zibethinus) as Renewable Fuels

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    Jepara is a carving city. The result of carving produces sawdust waste which is usually used to be sold and burned. In addition, durian fruit is available that has a distinctive taste and made an icon of one village in Jepara. The fruit is the belle of the whole community to be eaten by meat and made food. But the skin has the traits and characters that are difficult to decompose. Then the two wastes will be combined with tapioca flour into briquettes as an alternative fuel. This research take four stage: combustion, filtering, printing, and drying. Obtained two treatment, the first treatment is using ratio wood sawdust and durian rind; 50 gr: 50 gr; 25 gr: 50 gr; 50 gr: 25 gr. The results shown it does not ignite up and very hard. The second treatment is using same ratio but added 25 gram starch, the results shown it ignite. This is due to the starch content is used, it ignite the longest with a concentration ratio of 50 gr: 50 gr because its combination increases the calories value. In durian rind there are 3786 cal/g and teak wood consists mainly of cellulose (40-50%), hemicellulose (20-30%), lignin (20-30%), and the calories value of sawdust briquettes is 4714-5519 kcal/kg.©2019 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan alat pendeteksi suhu dan kelembaban terintegrasi dengan internet berbasis NodeMCU melalui WEB sebagai media informasi pada budidaya jamur tiram. Alat pendeteksi suhu dan kelembaban telah dikembangkan dengan mengkombinasikan sensor DHT11, NodeMCU, dan sketch program Arduino IDE sebagai pengirim data ke WEB dan relay sebagai saklar pompa. Hasil eksperimen telah memperlihatkan data pada WEB serta relay dapat menyalakan pompa saat alat mendeteksi kelembaban 80% dapat menyirami rak jamur tiram sedangkan saat alat mendeteksi kelembaban 80% relay mematikan pompa dan hasil panen tanpa perlakuan rata-rata perhari 1kg sedangkan dengan perlakuan rata-rata perhari 2kg. Demikian dapat disimpulkan alat pendeteksi suhu dan kelembaban mampu memberikan informasi dan membantu menaikkan hasil panen petani jamur tiram


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan alat pendeteksi suhu dan kelembaban terintegrasi dengan internet berbasis NodeMCU melalui WEB sebagai media informasi pada budidaya jamur tiram. Alat pendeteksi suhu dan kelembaban telah dikembangkan dengan mengkombinasikan sensor DHT11, NodeMCU, dan sketch program Arduino IDE sebagai pengirim data ke WEB dan relay sebagai saklar pompa. Hasil eksperimen telah memperlihatkan data pada WEB serta relay dapat menyalakan pompa saat alat mendeteksi kelembaban 80% dapat menyirami rak jamur tiram sedangkan saat alat mendeteksi kelembaban 80% relay mematikan pompa dan hasil panen tanpa perlakuan rata-rata perhari 1kg sedangkan dengan perlakuan rata-rata perhari 2kg. Demikian dapat disimpulkan alat pendeteksi suhu dan kelembaban mampu memberikan informasi dan membantu menaikkan hasil panen petani jamur tiram

    Analysis of the Results of the Reduction of Cyanide Acid Content in Hevea brasiliensis Seeds

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    Rubber seeds (Hevea brasiliensis) are part of rubber plants that have not been utilized optimaly. The content contained in rubber seeds is sufficient, including fat content of 68.53 g/100 g, proteins 17.41 g/100 g, and carbohydratees 6.99 g/100 g. However, the obstacle faced is the presence of toxic compounds found in rubber seeds namely cyanide acid (HCN) which is very dangerous if it enters the body. The purpose of this study is to find out the right treatment to reduce the content of cyanide acid so that the rubber seeds can be utilized. The research method uses experimental comparative. The variation used in the reduction process is to soak the rubber seeds respectively for 12, 24, and 36 hours by replacing the immersion water once every 2 hours, then boil the rubber seeds into 2 liters of water for 2 hours by replacing the boiled water for 1 hour. The results showed that the greatest decrease in cyanide acid content occurred during soaking for 36 hours with boiling for 2 hours.©2019 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Changes in Students' Cognitive Structure on the Concept of Diffraction and Light Interference Using PhET Virtual Simulation

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    The concept of diffraction and interference of light is one of the abstract concepts of physics. The process of light diffraction and interference occurs in the abstract. Learning about diffraction and light interference requires media that represent the events. Cognitive structures can represent the quality of students' understanding. Learning Physics is easier to understand through direct experience in the form of practicum. Abstract Physics concepts will be easier to learn with the appropriate visualization. One of the virtual practicums' media uses PhET virtual simulations to improve students' cognitive structure is measured using concept map questions and supported by description questions. The purpose of this research is to increase the cognitive structure of students by using PhET. This research is quantitative research and the experimental design used the experiment method. There are three groups in the experiment, that is a virtual simulation, a real practicum as an experiment class, and a control class. The results of the one-way ANOVA test on the concept map questions showed a significance value (p) 0.05, meaning that there were differences in cognitive structure between groups. The significance value (p) between the virtual simulation group and the real practicum group was 0.014, while the significance value between the virtual simulation group and the control class was 0.00, meaning that there was a significant difference in learning effectiveness between groups. Based on the data of the research concluded that physics learning assisted by virtual simulations can develop students' cognitive structures on the concepts of diffraction and light interference

    Implementasi LKS Dengan Pendekatan STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, And Mathematics) Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa

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    The purpose of this study is to overcome the increased of critical thinking’ students after they used worksheet with STEM approach. This research method is experiment method that consist of preparing, implementation, and data processing. Increasing of critical thinking can be measured by pretest-posttest problems. The result of data normalization show that data have normal distributed so next test is n-gain test. Result of the n-gain test pretest-posttest scores around 0.5 (medium level categorized). The highest improvement is 0.9 at evaluation aspect and lowest increase is 0.3 at interpretation aspect

    Unsaturated polyester resin/polymethylmethacrylate waveguide-based refractive index sensor with dual-wavelength temperature compensation

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    This paper demonstrates an optical waveguide based- refractive index (RI) sensor using the temperature compensation method. The optical waveguide was formed using a polymethylmethacrylate sheet as the cladding material and unsaturated polyester resin as the core material. The sensor design consists of two input waveguide branches, a sensing area and an output branch. Two light emitting diodes with wavelength of 530 nm and 660 nm were used as light sources. In this work, temperature compensation was done by dual-wavelength technique in which RI and temperature sensitivities were measured at two different wavelengths at 530 nm and 660 nm. Based on the RI and temperature sensitivities, temperature compensation was implemented. Experimental fndings indicated that the average relative error of the uncompensated measurement using the light source of 530 nm and 660 nm were 0.4372% and 0.2749%, respectively. Meanwhile, the average error of the temperature compensation method was 0.0344%. Hence, the temperature compensation method provides measurement error up to 92% lower compared to the uncompensated method. As such, the proposed dual-wavelength compensation method could effectively improve the RI measurement accuracy