16 research outputs found

    Structure de la communauté de zooplancton du plateau du MacKenzie (mer de Beaufort)

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    L’objectif de mon Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©crire Ă  l’aide d’analyses multivariables et d’espĂšces indicatrices la biogĂ©ographie automnale du zooplancton du sud-est de la Mer de Beaufort en 2002. Une communautĂ© nĂ©ritique, caractĂ©risĂ©e par un rĂ©gime herbivore et le taxon dominant Pseudocalanus spp., occupait le plateau du Mackenzie et la baie de Franklin. Deux communautĂ©s ocĂ©aniques, reprĂ©sentĂ©es principalement par des omnivores et des carnivores, Ă©taient localisĂ©es dans la polynie du Golfe d’Amundsen et sur le talus continental, respectivement. L’assemblage de la polynie prĂ©sentait la biomasse la plus Ă©levĂ©e et Calanus hyperboreus, Metridia longa, Oithona similis et Oncaea borealis en constituaient les espĂšces dominantes et indicatrices. Cette rĂ©partition des assemblages Ă©tait influencĂ©e essentiellement par la topographie et la dynamique du couvert de glace au cours de la saison de production biologique. Ainsi, il est prĂ©dit qu’une rĂ©duction de la banquise, telle qu’anticipĂ©e dans le prĂ©sent contexte de rĂ©chauffement climatique, affectera les patrons de distribution du zooplancton, un Ă©lĂ©ment clĂ© de l’écosystĂšme marin de cette rĂ©gion arctique.The objective of my study was to describe the biogeography of the zooplankton in the southeastern Beaufort Sea in the fall 2002 by means of multivariate and indicator species analysis. A neritic community characterized by herbivory and the dominant taxon Pseudocalanus spp., occurred on the Mackenzie shelf and in Franklin Bay. Two oceanic communities, in which omnivore and carnivore feeding modes dominated, were located in the Amundsen Gulf Polynya and over the continental slope respectively. The polynya assemblage displayed the highest biomass with the dominant species Calanus hyperboreus, Metridia longa, Oithona similis, and Oncaea borealis as indicator species. This repartition of zooplankton assemblages was influenced mostly by the topography and the ice cover dynamic during the season of high biological production. Hence, it is predicted that a reduction in ice cover, as anticipated in the present context of global warming, will alter the distribution patterns of zooplankton, a key element of the marine ecosystem in the Arctic

    Migration verticale du zooplancton et flux respiratoire de carbone en mer de Beaufort (Arctique canadien)

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    Le zooplancton exerce un rĂŽle primordial dans les transferts d’énergie Ă  travers les rĂ©seaux trophiques ocĂ©aniques et dans le cycle biogĂ©ochimique du carbone des Ă©cosystĂšmes marins. La communautĂ© entiĂšre recycle du CO2 en consommant le carbone photosynthĂ©tiquement fixĂ© en surface, et en le respirant ensuite. Des migrateurs verticaux transportent du carbone stockĂ© et le respirent en profondeur, contribuant Ă  son exportation de la zone Ă©pipĂ©lagique. En Arctique, ce flux actif respiratoire n’a pas Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©, malgrĂ© un potentiel Ă©levĂ© de transport du Ă  la forte contribution du migrateur saisonnier Calanus hyperboreus Ă  la biomasse zooplanctonique. Cette thĂšse exploite une sĂ©rie quasi-annuelle de profils de biomasse et de respiration zooplanctoniques pour : (1) quantifier ce processus en mer de Beaufort; (2) amĂ©liorer les connaissances sur les fluctuations saisonniĂšres de la distribution verticale de sept copĂ©podes arctiques clĂ©s; et (3) suivre le cycle biologique de C. hyperboreus. Ce grand herbivore constituait 45 % de la biomasse zooplanctonique et a effectuĂ© les migrations verticales les plus extensives. Son ascension saisonniĂšre, de l’ordre de 200 m, et celles de moindre ampleur de C. glacialis et du petit omnivore Oithona similis, ont coĂŻncidĂ© avec les efflorescences d’algues de glace et phytoplanctoniques. MalgrĂ© une reproduction hivernale vigoureuse en profondeur, une dĂ©bĂącle hĂątive de la banquise, et une production primaire Ă©levĂ©e, un faible recrutement au stade copĂ©podite a entrainĂ© une stagnation de la croissance de la population de C. hyperboreus. TrĂšs abondant, l’omnivore Metridia longa, et Microcalanus pygmaeus, ont pu exercer dans leur habitat mĂ©sopĂ©lagique un contrĂŽle sur cette population en interceptant les Ɠufs de C. hyperboreus flottant vers la surface. Le cryophile Pseudocalanus spp. est restĂ© en permanence dans la zone Ă©pipĂ©lagique froide, tandis que le mĂ©sopĂ©lagique Triconia borealis, possiblement un semi-parasite de C. hyperboreus, Ă©tait associĂ© avec dans la couche Atlantique plus chaude. La tempĂ©rature a eu peu d’effet sur les dĂ©placements verticaux des copĂ©podes arctiques. Le grand zooplancton, dominĂ© par les Calanus, Ă©tait responsable de 89% du broutage zooplanctonique de la production primaire brute d’avril Ă  juillet. Les transports de carbone au delĂ  de 100 m et 200 m par ces Calanus Ă©taient du mĂȘme ordre de grandeur que les flux gravitationnels de carbone organique particulaire Ă  ces profondeurs. Ces rĂ©sultats soulignent l’importance d’inclure le transport actif dĂ» aux migrateurs saisonniers du grand zooplancton dans les bilans de carbone de l’OcĂ©an Arctique.Zooplankton play a pivotal role in the energy transfer through the oceanic food webs and in the biogeochemical carbon cycle within marine ecosystems. The entire community recycles CO2 by consuming photosynthetically fixed carbon and respiring it thereafter. Vertical migrants transport stored carbon and respire it at depth, thus, contributing to its export from the epipelagic zone. Active respiratory flux has not been measured in the Arctic despite the high potential for transport due to the strong contribution of the seasonal migrant Calanus hyperboreus to zooplankton biomass. This thesis exploits a quasi-annual time series of zooplankton biomass and respiration profiles to: (1) quantify this process in the Beaufort Sea; (2) improve our knowledge on the seasonal fluctuations of the vertical distribution of seven key arctic copepods; and (3) track the life cycle of Calanus hyperboreus. This large herbivore contributed 45% to the zooplankton biomass and performed the most extensive vertical migration. Its seasonal ascent, ranging about 200 m, and those of lesser magnitude of C. glacialis and the small omnivore Oithona similis, coincided with the ice algae and phytoplankton blooms. Despite vigorous winter reproduction at depth, a precocious ice break-up, and high spring-summer primary production, weak recruitment to copepodite stage caused C. hyperboreus population growth to stagnate. In their mesopelagic habitat, the highly abundant omnivore Metridia longa, and Microcalanus pygmaeus, could have exerted a control on this population by intercepting C. hyperboreus eggs floating toward the surface. The cryophilic Pseudocalanus spp. remained year-round in the cold epipelagic zone while the mesopelagic Triconia borealis, likely a semi-parasite of C. hyperboreus, was associated with it in the warmer Atlantic layer. Temperature had little effect on the vertical displacements of arctic copepods. The Calanus-dominated large zooplankton was responsible for 89% of zooplankton grazing on the April-July gross primary production. Carbon transport below 100 m and 200 m depth, mediated by the Calanus species, was of the same magnitude as the gravitational fluxes of particulate organic carbon to these depths. These results stress the importance of including active transport by large zooplankton migrants in carbon budgets of the Arctic Ocean

    Could offspring predation offset the successful reproduction of the arctic copepod Calanus hyperboreus under reduced sea-ice cover conditions?

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    Life cycle and reproduction of Calanus hyperboreus were studied during a year of record low ice cover in the southeastern Beaufort Sea. Stages CIV, adult females and CV dominated the overwintering population, suggesting a 2- to 3-year life cycle. Within two spring-summer months in the upper water column females filled their energy reserves before initiating their downward seasonal migration. From February to March, vigorous reproduction (20–65 eggs f−1 d−1) delivered numerous eggs (29 000 eggs m−2) at depth and nauplii N1-N3 (17 000 ind. m−2) in the water column. However, CI copepodite recruitment in May, coincident with the phytoplankton bloom, was modest in Amundsen Gulf compared to sites outside the gulf. Consequently, C. hyperboreus abundance and biomass stagnated throughout summer in Amundsen Gulf. As a mismatch between the first-feeding stages and food was unlikely under the favourable feeding conditions of April-May 2008, predation on the egg and larval stages in late winter presumably limited subsequent recruitment and population growth. Particularly abundant in Amundsen Gulf, the copepods Metridia longa and C. glacialis were likely important consumers of C. hyperboreus eggs and nauplii. With the ongoing climate-driven lengthening of the ice-free season, intensification of top-down control of C. hyperboreus recruitment by thriving populations of mesopelagic omnivores and carnivores like M. longa may counteract the potential benefits of increased primary production over the Arctic shelves margins for this key prey of pelagic fish, seabirds and the bowhead whale

    Zooplankton assemblages along the North American Arctic: Ecological connectivity shaped by ocean circulation and bathymetry from the Chukchi Sea to Labrador Sea

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    We defined mesozooplankton biogeography in the North American Arctic to elucidate drivers of biodiversity, community structure, and biomass of this key component of the Arctic marine ecosystem. A multivariate analysis identified four mesozooplankton assemblages: Arctic-oceanic, Arctic-shelf, Coastal-Hudson, and Labrador Sea. Bathymetry was a major driver of the distribution of these assemblages. In shallow waters, Cirripedia and the copepod Pseudocalanus spp. dominated the Coastal-Hudson and Arctic-shelf assemblages, which showed low species richness (19) and biomass (0.28 and 1.49 g C m-2 , respectively).The Arctic-oceanic assemblage occupied the entire North American Arctic, except for shallow breaks in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago downstream of sills blocking the Atlantic Water layer circulation below a depth of 200 m. This assemblage showed high copepod biomass (4.74 g C m-2 ) with a high share of Calanus hyperboreus, C. glacialis, and Metridia longa. In habitats below 200-m depth, C. hyperboreus represented 68% of the copepod biomass, underscoring its role as a keystone species in this ecosystem. Strong numerical representation by the borealAtlantic C. finmarchicus and Oithona atlantica stressed the strong Atlantic influence on the subarctic Labrador Sea assemblage on the northwestern Labrador Sea slope. The mixed Arctic-Atlantic composition of the Labrador Sea mesozooplankton resulted in high species richness (58) and biomass (5.73 g C m-2 ). The low abundance of Atlantic and Pacific taxa in the areas influenced by Arctic currents did not alter the Arctic status of the Arctic-oceanic, Arctic-shelf, and Coastal-Hudson assemblages.This study identifies hotspots of mesozooplankton biomass and diversity in Central Amundsen Gulf, Lancaster Sound, North Water Polynya and Baffin Bay, known for their high biological productivity and concentrations of vertebrate predators. The continental-scale zooplankton mapping furthers our understanding of the importance of bathymetry and ocean circulation for ecological connectivity in a vast and complex portion of the Arctic marine ecosystem

    From polar night to midnight sun: Diel vertical migration, metabolism and biogeochemical role of zooplankton in a high Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard)

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    Source at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/lno.10519 Zooplankton vertical migration enhances the efficiency of the ocean biological pump by translocating carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) below the mixed layer through respiration and excretion at depth. We measured C and N active transport due to diel vertical migration (DVM) in a Svalbard fjord at 79°N. Multifrequency analysis of backscatter data from an Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler moored from January to September 2014, combined with plankton net data, showed that Thysanoessa spp. euphausiids made up > 90% of the diel migrant biomass. Classical synchronous DVM occurred before and after the phytoplankton bloom, leading to a mismatch with intensive primary production during the midnight sun. Zooplankton DVM resulted in C respiration of 0.9 g m−2 and ammonium excretion of 0.18 g N m−2 below 82 m depth between February and April, and 0.2 g C m−2 and 0.04 g N m−2 from 11 August to 9 September, representing > 25% and > 33% of sinking flux of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, respectively. Such contribution of DVM active transport to the biological pump in this high-Arctic location is consistent with previous measurements in several equatorial to subarctic oceanic systems of the World Ocean. Climate warming is expected to result in tighter coupling between DVM and bloom periods, stronger stratification of the Barents Sea, and northward advection of boreal euphausiids. This may increase the role of DVM in the functioning of the biological pump on the Atlantic side of the Arctic Ocean, particularly where euphausiids are or will be prevalent in the zooplankton community

    In the dark: a review of ecosystem processes during the Arctic polar night

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    Several recent lines of evidence indicate that the polar night is key to understanding Arctic marine ecosystems. First, the polar night is not a period void of biological activity even though primary production is close to zero, but is rather characterized by a number of processes and interactions yet to be fully understood, including unanticipated high levels of feeding and reproduction in a wide range of taxa and habitats. Second, as more knowledge emerges, it is evident that a coupled physical and biological perspective of the ecosystem will redefine seasonality beyond the “calendar perspective”. Third, it appears that many organisms may exhibit endogenous rhythms that trigger fitness-maximizing activities in the absence of light-based cues. Indeed a common adaptation appears to be the ability to utilize the dark season for reproduction. This and other processes are most likely adaptations to current environmental conditions and community and trophic structures of the ecosystem, and may have implications for how Arctic ecosystems can change under continued climatic warming