313 research outputs found

    Penguatan Karakter Calon Karyawan melalui Khuruj fi Sabililllah di Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pengembangan Profesi Indonesia Surabaya

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    This article will discuss strengthening the Divine character of prospective employees who are pursuing professional education at the Surabaya Professional Education and Development Institute (LP3I) through Khuruj fi Sabilillah. The aim of this research is to determine the extent of Khuruj fi Sabilillah's effectiveness in instilling Islamic religious values ​​for prospective employees who are preparing to become professional employee candidates who have good quality soft skills through a 2 year professional education program at LP3I Surabaya. To obtain the author's data, data collection in this research was carried out through literature study to determine the concepts of Khuruj fi Sabilillah and strengthening Divine character as well as through observation, interviews and documentation to determine the implementation of Khuruj fi Sabilillah in strengthening Divine character. From the data analysis carried out by the author, it was found that strengthening soft skills for prospective employees pursuing professional education can be carried out by cultivating the Divine nature, because the Divine nature contains noble values ​​that strengthen the quality of soft skills. The cultivation of the Divine nature into the Divine character can be carried out effectively through the implementation of Khuruj fi Sabilillah because in the implementation of Khuruj fi Sabilillah the Divine nature is not only understood to the congregation through ta'lim wa taklum but is also practiced in the form of amaliyah and preached. Having a strong Divine character as a supporting factor for the quality of hard skills opens up opportunities for prospective employees to get better opportunities in the employee recruitment process and building a career. It is hoped that the results of this research can provide an effective alternative method for strengthening character in Islamic Religious Education and at the same time become material for developing subsequent research with relevant themes

    The Effect of Board Gender Diversity on the Company: A Literature Review

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    This study explores the influence of gender diversity in boards of directors on various aspects of corporate performance. Through the literature review method, this research gathers empirical evidence to assess how gender diversity affects risk-taking, social responsibility, and decision-making processes within the firm. The results show that the presence of women on boards can contribute positively to corporate performance, innovation, investment, and ESG issues, while bringing diverse perspectives, experiences, and expertise that support more effective decision-making and risk management. On the other hand, the study also recognizes that underrepresentation of women may reduce the benefits of gender diversity. Furthermore, the presence of women on boards is associated with reduced agency problems, increased dividend payouts and more responsible tax avoidance practices. However, there are mixed views regarding the impact of gender diversity, emphasizing the importance of considering the firm-specific context in evaluating the impact of gender diversity on firm performance. This study contributes to future research by providing a broader and deeper knowledge base on the topic of gender diversity in the context of business and management

    Management Regulation of Indonesia’s Coastal and Sea Areas

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    The scope of Act No. 27 of 2007 concerning PWP-PK includes the meeting area between water and land, inland covering the administrative area of the sub-district, and as far as 12 nautical miles measured from the coastline towards the open sea and/or to direction of archipelagic waters. The determination of the boundaries of coastal and marine areas cannot be equated between the provisions in Act No. 27 of 2007 concerning PWP-PK with UNCLOS 1982. Special handling in coastal and marine areas includes aspects of integration and institutional authority, so that the resources contained in the area this can be a superior product contributing to the development of the Indonesian nation in the future. In accordance with the principles of integrated coastal management, as regulated in Article 4 of Act No. 27 of 2007 concerning PWP-PK, coastal area management in Indonesia involves many sectors and natural resources, both living and non-living, and implementation requires collaboration between the Government and Regional Governments. Keywords: Territory, Law, Se

    Manajemen Lalu Lintas Satu Arah Kawasan Timur Semarang

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    Kawasan timur kota Semarang merupakan kawasan daerah perkantoran dan pertokoan, sehingga pada jam – jam puncak pagi, siang, dan sore hari memperlihatkan volume lalu lintas yang besar. Terkait dengan ruas jalan yang saat ini tidak bertambah maka digunakan gagasan manajemen lalu lintas satu arah dengan sistem rotasi. Perkembangan arus lalu lintas di masa mendatang diperkirakan akan lebih besar, dengan manajemen lalu lintas satu arah diharapkan arus lalu lintas akan tersebar pada ruas-ruas jalan yang ada. Survey lalu lintas dilakukan pada ruas jalan dan simpang bersinyal di kawasan Timur Semarang. Analisis kinerja menggunakan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997. Analisis lalu lintas dilakukan pada kondisi eksisting dan kemudian dibuat beberapa alternatif rancangan manajemen lalu lintas satu arah pada kawasan Timur Semarang berdasarkan kondisi arus lalu lintas. Manajemen lalu lintas yang diterapkan berupa perubahan rute jalan, pembebanan arus lalu lintas, waktu hijau pada kondisi simpang bersinyal, perubahan geometrik jalan dan penambahan fasilitas lalu lintas. Dari hasil perbandingan yang telah dilakukan, dipilih skenario terbaik pada kawasan Timur Semarang dengan perubahan sistem satu arah yang dilakukan pada jalan Ahmad Yani kearah timur, jalan Sriwijaya kearah barat, jalan MT. Haryono 2 (dekat simpang Bangkong) ke arah utara, jalan Ki Mangunsarkoro ke arah utara, dan jalan Ahmad Dahlan ke arah selatan. Untuk mensukseskan manajemen lalu lintas satu arah kawasan timur Semarang, maka perencanaan manajemen lalu lintas satu arah dilakukan secara bertahap. Pada langkah awal dilakukan perubahan pada Jalan MT. Haryono 2 (dekat simpang Bangkong) ke arah utara dan Jalan Katamso ke arah timur. Tahapan awal kedua dilakukan perubahan pada Jalan Ki Mangunsarkoro ke arah utara, Jalan Ahmad Dahlan ke arah selatan, dan Jalan Ahmad Yani 1 (dekat Simpang Lima) ke arah timur. Setelah dilaksanakan tahap awal manajemen lalu lintas satu arah, selanjutnya dapat dilakukan perubahan terakhir pada Jalan Ahmad Yani 2 (dekat Simpang Bangkong) ke arah timur dan Jalan Sriwijaya ke arah barat, sehingga manajemen lalu lintas satu arah pada kawasan timur Semarang dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Kata Kunci : Manajemen Lalu Lintas, Kinerja Jalan, Satu Ara

    Effect Of Shading, Fertilizer And Mulching With Alang-Alang To The Early Growth And Mychorriza Formation On Shorea academia at Bukit Suharto

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    ABSTRACT This objectives of this research were to observe the effect of light intensity, mulching by using alang-alang and phosphat fertilizer to the growth and mycorrhiza formation of Shorea academia in the field. High light intensity had better effect in term of height parameter however low light intensity had better effect also in term of diameter growth, number of leaves and percent of mycorrhiza. Low light intensity affect better to the structure of soil and more activity of microorganism in the soil and could reduce the alang-alang competition to S. academia growth. Alang-slang is not appropriate for mulching material of S. academia. There is no effect of posfat fertilizer to the height, diameter number of leaves and also percent of mycorrhiza in Bukit Suharto due to the very acidic soil so make bigger possibility P fixation of soil

    Does the Single Draft of COC in the South China Sea Matters?

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    This paper attempts to elaborate on the impact of the Single Draft of CoC in resolving the South China Sea (SCS) dispute. This paper uses the concept of International Dispute Settlement Procedures (IDSPs), where the parties try to resolve problems based on international law. This paper argues that countries in the region have been trying to have CoC mechanisms since the 1990s. Although in 2018, the ASEAN countries and China agreed on a Single Draft of CoC in the SCS, however the settlement of the SCS dispute is far from over. The CoC Single Draft is only a collection of ASEAN and China proposals. The Single Draft weaknesses in terms of legal status are they do not clearly state the obligations of each country to add or withdraw their respective proposals.  Tulisan ini bermaksud untuk mengelaborasi bagaimana dampak Draf Tunggal CoC dalam proses penyelesaian sengketa Laut Cina Selatan (LCS). Tulisan ini menggunakan konsep International Dispute Settlement Procedures (IDSPs) di mana para pihak berusaha untuk menyelesaikan persoalan berdasarkan hukum internasional. Tulisan ini memiliki argumen bahwa negara-negara di kawasan telah berupaya untuk memiliki mekanisme tata berperilaku sejak tahun 1990-an. Meskipun tahun 2018 negara-negara ASEAN dan Cina telah menyepakati Draf Tunggal CoC mengenai tata berperilaku di LCS, penyelesaian sengketa LCS masih jauh dari kata selesai. Draf Tunggal CoC hanya merupakan kumpulan usulan ASEAN dan Cina. Kelemahan-kelemahan Draf Tunggal terdiri dari kelemahan dari sisi legal status yang tidak menyebutkan secara jelas kewajiban negara-negara anggota dan cenderung tidak ketat karena tiap negara bisa menambah atau menarik usulan masing-masing


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    Proses penambahan merkaptobenzotiazol terhadap kemampuan adsorpsi gel silika dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap, yaitu pembuatan natrium silikat, pembentukan gel silika dan adsorpsi terhadap Cd (II). Natrium silikat diperoleh melalui reaksi antara serbuk kaca dengan natrium hidroksida pada temperatur 400oC. Natrium silikat yang diperoleh dilarutkan dalam akuades hingga terbentuk larutan natrium silikat. Pembentukkan gel dilakukan dengan menambahkan merkaptobenzotiazol dan HCl secara bertetes-tetes ke dalam larutan natrium silikat sampai mencapai pH = 7. Variasi konsentrasi merkaptobenzotiazol yang digunakan adalah 0,07; 0,04; dan 0,01 M. Gel silika yang ditambah MBT digunakan sebagai adsorben Cd (II). Aplikasi terhadap gel silika dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan SSA untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak Cd (II) teradsorbsi dan Spektrofotometer Infra-Merah (FTIR) untuk mengidentifikasi gugus silanol, siloksan, SH dari MBT, dan gugus-gugus lain yang terikat pada gel silika. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa MBT dengan konsentrasi 0,07; 0,04; dan 0,01 M dapat terimpregnasi secara baik pada gel silika. Gel silika yang ditambah MBT 0,07 M memiliki daya adsorpsi paling efektif terhadap Cd (II) yaitu sebesar 0,076 mmol/g, sedangkan gel silika tanpa MBT memiliki daya adsorpsi terhadap Cd (II) sebesar 0,05918 mmol/g


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    Sintesis lempung terpilar TiO2 menggunakan surfaktan dodesilamin telah dilakukan. Penggunaan surfaktan dalam sintesis lempung terpilar TiO2 dilakukan agar interkalasi TiO2 dalam lapisan lempung dapat maksimal sehingga didapatkan lempung terpilar dengan basal spacing yang lebih besar. Hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi basal spacing-nya menggunakan metode difraksi sinar-x (X-Ray Diffraction). Uji aktivitas fotokatalis dilakukan pada reaksi degradasi fotokatalitik zat warna indigo carmine, metanil yellow dan rhodamin yang dibantu dengan sinar UV. Hasil uji aktivitas katalis dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil lempung terpilar TiO2 setelah dikalsinasi pada suhu 6000C menunjukkan basal spacing sebesar 52,54 Ã…. Nilai ini mengalami peningkatan yang sangat signifikan dibandingkan dengan lempung alam yang hanya mempunyai basal spacing 15,09Ã…. Hasil fotodegradasi menunjukkan bahwa tingkat persentase degradasi indigo carmine sebesar 90,50%, metanil yellow sebesar 31,75%.dan rhodamin sebesar 95,58
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