37 research outputs found

    Development of the system for monitoring ambiental factors by applying Arduino platform

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    Ambient factors are of great importance for the health and behavior of people. Also, ambient factors affect the working environment and consequently the productivity of employees in the organization. Therefore, the paper aims to present the development and implementation of a system that connects the Arduino sensory components with functions for presenting data of ambient factors in the environment, both to display real-time factors and to generate statistics about environmental factors

    Using single valued neutrosophic set to select tourism development strategies in Eastern Serbia

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    Natural beauties of Eastern Serbia combined with the culture, traditions, food specialties and music, can become a recognizable tourism brand, which could improve the image of this part of Serbia, and that is the reason why Eastern Serbia has been recently discovering its potential for tourism development. The aim of this paper is to analyze the current and potential elements for tourism development of Eastern Serbia's products. Based on the relevant literature and factual situation on the field, the goal is to rank strategies for tourism development on the territory of Eastern Serbia in order to enable better positioning of tourism in Eastern Serbia on the Serbian tourist map. In order to rank tourism development strategies we have used neutrosophic sets. The justification and usability of the proposed approach for the selection of tourism development strategy is demonstrated in the implemented numerical example

    Solution of general and prevention of ecological problems of Stara Planina Mountain as potential obstacles to the development of rural tourism

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    The development of rural tourism positively affects the economic development of rural communities, but the very pace of its development often results in negative effects on the environment. Uncontrolled rural tourism development, without an adequate planning system, can greatly endanger the entire ecosystem of a destination. The aim of this paper is to determine how much the development of rural tourism on Stara Planina Mountain depends on the solution of general and prevention of ecological problems. A method that allows the cause-effect relationships between these phenomena is a linear regression analysis. This analysis best describes the quantitative dependence between the variations of the observed phenomena in real conditions. It represents the means that enable us to evaluate and predict the values of the dependent variable for the desired values of the explanatory variable. In other words, the main issue is rural tourism on Stara Planina Mountain, which depends on the solution of general and prevention of environmental problems

    The effects resulting from the application of the concept of the sustainable development of rural tourism on Stara planina

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    The development of rural tourism on Stara planina (Old Mountain) has a positive impact on the economic development of the local communities in the area. However, if an adequate program of the sustainable development of tourism on Stara planina were made, that would also have positive effects as an accompanying factor contributing to the development of rural tourism. In particular, the results would show that there is a need for the preservation of the quality of the environment and the development of all resources, especially with respect to the realization of an economic profit. The aim of the paper is to detect the extent to which the effects arising from the development of rural tourism depend on the implementation of the program of the sustainable tourism development of the mountain. The method that makes the realization of a causal connection between these two phenomena possible is the linear regression analysis. The purpose of the regression analysis is to determine the shape of such a connection, i.e. the dependence between the observed phenomenon, by applying a mathematical formula and a range of corresponding assumptions. Therefore, it best describes the quantitative relationship between the variation in the observed phenomenon of reality, as well as the agent that serves to evaluate the predictive value and the dependent variable against the desired value of the explanatory variables or the effects resulting from the development of rural tourism on Stara planina

    Implementation of computationally efficient Taguchi robust design procedure for development of ANN fuel consumption prediction models

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    Reduction of passenger cars fuel consumption and associated emissions are two major goals of sustainable transport over the last years. Passenger car fuel consumption is directly related to a number of technological aspects of a given car, driver behaviour, road and weather conditions and, especially at urban level, road structure and traffic flow and conditions. In this paper, passenger car fuel consumption was assumed to be a function of three input variables, i.e. day of week, hour of day and city zone. Over the period of 6 months (during 2015) a car was driven in the randomly chosen routes in the city of Niš (Serbia) in the period from 8 to 23 h. The fuel consumption data recorded through on-board diagnostics equipment were used for the development of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models. In order to efficiently deal with a number of ANN design issues, to avoid usual trial and error procedure and develop robust, high performance ANN models, the Taguchi method was applied. For experimentation with ANN design parameters (transfer function, the number of neurons in the first hidden layer, the number of neurons in the second hidden layer, training algorithm), the standard L18 orthogonal array with two replications was selected. Statistical results indicate the dominant influence of the training algorithm, followed by the ANN topology, i.e. interaction of the number of neurons in hidden layers, on the ANN models performance. It has been observed that 3-8-8-1 ANN model represents an optimal model for prediction of passenger car fuel consumption. This model has logistic sigmoid transfer functions in hidden layers trained with scaled conjugate gradient algorithm. By using the Taguchi optimized ANN models, analysis of passenger car fuel consumption has been discussed based on traffic conditions, i.e. different days of the week and hours of the day, for each city zone and separately for summer and winter periods

    An integrated SWOT–extended PIPRECIA model for identifying key determinants of tourism development: The case of Serbia

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    This paper proposes a new integrated model based on SWOT and extended PIvot Pairwise RElative Criteria Importance Assessment (PIPRECIA) that offers a systematic approach to strategic planning in tourism. The applicability of the proposed integrated model is demonstrated through a case study defining the main determinants of tourism development in Serbia. The result emphasizes the strategy Improving the organization, management, and enhancement of tourism development as the highest priority for implementation. The model facilitates decision-making in tourism, and its key advantages are its suitability for application in group decision-making and its simplicity

    Selection of software testing method by using ARAS method

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    The accelerated development of informatics and computing in the last decades has led software to become present in all segments of the society. When the presence and value of software began to grow, software testing has become a very important activity in software development. Software has become indispensable in the economy, education, healthcare, communications, the media, politics, etc. Software errors can cause huge pecuniary damages, as well as non-material losses (reputation, honour ...) so they must be eliminated as early as possible. It is important to recognize the importance of software testing as a basic phase in the software development cycle. Testing helps in reducing the risk of product failure and ensures that the product meets business and technical requirements. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to present an approach based on multiple-criteria decision-making methods in the selection of software testing method. For the selection of alternatives, in our case software testing methods, Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) method is applied. Applicability, usability and efficacy of the proposed approach is demonstrated on conducted illustrative example of selection of software testing method

    New models, methods and integrated approaches in solving multiple criteria decision-making problems

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    Mnoge realne probleme često karakterišu u velikoj meri suprotstavljeni kriterijumi. U mnogim oblastima istraživanja, primena metoda višekriterijumskog odlučivanja (VKO) je i dalje zanimljiva i aktuelna tema. Višekriterijumsko odlučivanje razmatra pitanja u kojima se suočavamo sa brojnim, najčešće suprotstavljenim kriterjiumima prilikom odlučivanja i donošenja odluka. Doktorska disertacija ima za cilj da predstavi neke nove modele, metode i integrisane pristupe za rešavanje problema višekriterijumskog odlučivanja. U tom kontekstu, nove VKO metode će biti predložene, shodno tome biće predložene i ekstenzije VKO metoda zasnovane na fuzzy, intuitionistic i neutrosophic skupovima, a sve u cilju kako bi se smanjile neizvesnosti i nejasnoće koje prate proces donošenja odluka


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    In the modern world economy, the survival of the organization increasingly depends on the ability of management to understand and manage change. The organization is constantly on the move and nothing should be considered static. Many diverse factors affect change, and few are under the control of the organization. The task of management is to understand the nature of changes, accept them, and direct them. However, there is no generally accepted model in the field of organizational change management. Many researchers and practitioners have failed to reach a consensus on which model is more effective for organizational change to be successful. This paper aims to identify the most influential organizational change models from 1950 to 2020. In order to identify them an analysis of 16 leading journals was carried out. The first 10 journals are listed on the Financial Times 50 list as the most influential in business and management and were selected for the analysis based on their relevance and scope (organizational change management). Other 6 journals were selected for the analysis as they are published by the world's prestigious academic institutions and have a high impact on the field of organizational change. Analysis of the journals in the period from 1950 to 2020 was performed, and 19 models of organizational change management that are relevant for this research were extracted. Afterward, an examination of domestic literature was conducted. There, three additional referent models were identified using the keywords: "model" and "change" within the research of the COBIB.SR database. The identified models of organizational change are then further analyzed and divided into three groups - process models that focus on the actual steps or phases of the change - 14 models, structural models that discuss the factors of change - 5 models; and integrated ones that use a combination of the previous two approaches - 3 models.U savremenoj svetskoj ekonomiji, opstanak organizacije sve više zavisi od sposobnosti menadžmenta da razume i upravlja promenama. Organizacija je stalno u pokretu i ništa ne treba smatrati statičnim. Mnogi različiti faktori utiču na promene, a malo njih je pod kontrolom organizacije. Zadatak menadžmenta je da razume prirodu promena, prihvati ih i usmerava. Međutim, ne postoji opšteprihvaćen model u oblasti upravljanja organizacionim promenama. Mnogi istraživači i praktičari nisu uspeli da postignu konsenzus o tome koji model je efikasniji da bi organizaciona promena bila uspešna. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da identifikuje najuticajnije modele organizacionih promena od 1950. do 2020. godine. U cilju njihovog identifikovanja izvršena je analiza 16 vodećih časopisa. Prvih 10 časopisa navedeno je na listi Financial Times 50 kao najuticajniji u poslovanju i menadžmentu i odabrani su za analizu na osnovu njihove relevantnosti i užeg naučnog područja (upravljanje organizacionim promenama). Ostalih 6 časopisa odabrano je za analizu, jer ih izdaju prestižne svetske akademske institucije i imaju veliki uticaj na oblast organizacionih promena. Urađena je analiza časopisa u periodu od 1950. do 2020. godine i izdvojeno je 19 modela upravljanja organizacionim promenama koji su relevantni za ovo istraživanje. Potom je izvršen pregled domaće literature. Tu su identifikovana tri dodatna referentna modela pomoću ključnih reči: „model“ i „promena“ u okviru pretraživanja baze podataka COBIB.SR. Identifikovani modeli organizacionih promena su zatim dalje analizirani i podeljeni u tri grupe – procesni modeli koji se fokusiraju na stvarne korake ili faze promene – 14 modela, strukturni modeli koji razmatraju faktore promene – 5 modela; i integrisani modeli koji koriste kombinaciju prethodna dva pristupa – 3 modela

    Strategic positioning of rural tourism on Stara Planina

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    Stara Planina has excellent potential for rural tourism development which might be encountered in a small number of mountains in our country. Stara Planina possesses rich biological, geological and cultural heritage. Achieving visible economic effects requires set of activities, support and continuous monitoring of all government levels. By providing tourist services to domestic and foreign tourists, significant profit is made. Positive result realization of tourism economy depends on its ability to satisfy visitors needs in the chosen tourism destination. Hence, the aim of this paper is to introduce the strategic positioning of rural tourism as important activity in the field of tourism. In order to develop tourism in the best possible way, it is necessary to grasp the importance of strong economic growth of rural areas, so this paper thoroughly studies the respondents' opinion on the basis of ANOVA method and it tries to highlight the strategic directions of rural tourism development on Stara Planina