57 research outputs found

    A Gauss--Newton iteration for Total Least Squares problems

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    The Total Least Squares solution of an overdetermined, approximate linear equation Ax≈bAx \approx b minimizes a nonlinear function which characterizes the backward error. We show that a globally convergent variant of the Gauss--Newton iteration can be tailored to compute that solution. At each iteration, the proposed method requires the solution of an ordinary least squares problem where the matrix AA is perturbed by a rank-one term.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Modularity bounds for clusters located by leading eigenvectors of the normalized modularity matrix

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    Nodal theorems for generalized modularity matrices ensure that the cluster located by the positive entries of the leading eigenvector of various modularity matrices induces a connected subgraph. In this paper we obtain lower bounds for the modularity of that set of nodes showing that, under certain conditions, the nodal domains induced by eigenvectors corresponding to highly positive eigenvalues of the normalized modularity matrix have indeed positive modularity, that is they can be recognized as modules inside the network. Moreover we establish Cheeger-type inequalities for the cut-modularity of the graph, providing a theoretical support to the common understanding that highly positive eigenvalues of modularity matrices are related with the possibility of subdividing a network into communities

    An algebraic analysis of the graph modularity

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    One of the most relevant tasks in network analysis is the detection of community structures, or clustering. Most popular techniques for community detection are based on the maximization of a quality function called modularity, which in turn is based upon particular quadratic forms associated to a real symmetric modularity matrix MM, defined in terms of the adjacency matrix and a rank one null model matrix. That matrix could be posed inside the set of relevant matrices involved in graph theory, alongside adjacency, incidence and Laplacian matrices. This is the reason we propose a graph analysis based on the algebraic and spectral properties of such matrix. In particular, we propose a nodal domain theorem for the eigenvectors of MM; we point out several relations occurring between graph's communities and nonnegative eigenvalues of MM; and we derive a Cheeger-type inequality for the graph optimal modularity

    The expected adjacency and modularity matrices in the degree corrected stochastic block model

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    We provide explicit expressions for the eigenvalues andeigenvectors of matrices that can be written as the Hadamard product of a blockpartitioned matrix with constant blocks and a rank one matrix. Such matricesarise as the expected adjacency or modularity matrices in certain random graphmodels that are widely used as benchmarks for community detection algorithms

    Isomorphism classes of the hypergroups of type U on the right of size five

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    AbstractBy means of a blend of theoretical arguments and computer algebra techniques, we prove that the number of isomorphism classes of hypergroups of type U on the right of order five, having a scalar (bilateral) identity, is 14751. In this way, we complete the classification of hypergroups of type U on the right of order five, started in our preceding papers [M. De Salvo, D. Freni, G. Lo Faro, A new family of hypergroups and hypergroups of type U on the right of size five, Far East J. Math. Sci. 26(2) (2007) 393–418; M. De Salvo, D. Freni, G. Lo Faro, A new family of hypergroups and hypergroups of type U on the right of size five Part two, Mathematicki Vesnik 60 (2008) 23–45; M. De Salvo, D. Freni, G. Lo Faro, On the hypergroups of type U on the right of size five, with scalar identity (submitted for publication)]. In particular, we obtain that the number of isomorphism classes of such hypergroups is 14865

    A family of 0-simple semihypergroups related to sequence A000070

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    For any integer n 65 2, let R_0(n + 1) be the class of 0-semihypergroups H of size n + 1 such that {y} 86 xy 86 {0, y} for all x, y 08 H - {0}, all subsemihypergroups K 86 H are 0-simple and, when |K| 65 3, the fundamental relation \u3b2_K is not transitive. We determine a transversal of isomorphism classes of semihypergroups in R0(n + 1) and we prove that its cardinality is the (n + 1)-th term of sequence A000070 in [21], namely, 11 _{k=0}^n p(k), where p(k) denotes the number of non-increasing partitions of integer k
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