582 research outputs found

    cis-Dithiolatonickel as metalloligand to dinitrosyl iron units: the di-metallic structure of Ni(l-SR)[Fe(NO)2] and an unexpected, abbreviated metalloadamantyl cluster, Ni2(l-SR)4[Fe(NO)2]3

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    [[abstract]]The reaction of Fe(CO)2(NO)2 and Ni(N2S2) (N2S2 = N,N′-Bis(2-mercaptoethyl)-1,4-diazacycloheptane) by a single CO replacement yields [Ni(N2S2)]Fe(NO)2(CO), while an excess of Fe(CO)2(NO)2 leads to triply bridging thiolate sulphurs in a cluster of core composition Ni2S4Fe3, lacking one Fe(NO)2 unit to complete the adamantane-like structure. This structural type was earlier identified in a CuICl aggregate of MII(N2S2) (MII = Ni, Cu), in which complete MII2S4CuI4 core structures were obtained as the major, and, in the case of CuII(N2S2), the incomplete CuII2S4CuI3 as a minor, product. The full Ni2S4Fe4 cluster has not yet been realized for Fe = Fe(NO)2. Computational analysis of the NiFe-heterobimetallic complex addresses structural issues including a ∠Ni–S–Fe of 90° in the bimetallic complex.[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子

    A dinitrosyl iron complex as a platform for metal-bound imidazole to N-heterocyclic carbene conversion

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    [[abstract]]An N-alkyl imidazole bearing a neutral {Fe(NO)2}10 dinitrosyliron complex (DNIC) when treated with sodium t-butoxide undergoes base-promoted conversion to the N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC)–DNIC, while maintaining the Fe(NO)2 unit intact. Subsequent alkylation led to the isolation of the NHC–DNIC product; further nitrosylation led to trinitrosyl (NHC)Fe(NO)3+. Both were isolated and structurally characterized.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子版[[countrycodes]]GB

    Bridging-hydride influence on the electronic structure of an [FeFe] hydrogenase active-site model complex revealed by XAES-DFT

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    Two crystallized [FeFe] hydrogenase model complexes, 1 = (μ-pdt)[Fe(CO)2(PMe3)]2 (pdt = SC1H2C2H2C3H2S), and their bridging-hydride (Hy) derivative, [1Hy]+++ = [(μ-H)(μ-pdt)[Fe(CO)2 (PMe3)]2]+ (BF4−), were studied by Fe K-edge X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy, supported by density functional theory. Structural changes in [1Hy]+++ compared to 1 involved small bond elongations (<0.03 Å) and more octahedral Fe geometries; the Fe–H bond at Fe1 (closer to pdt-C2) was [similar]0.03 Å longer than that at Fe2. Analyses of (1) pre-edge absorption spectra (core-to-valence transitions), (2) Kβ1,3, Kβ′, and Kβ2,5 emission spectra (valence-to-core transitions), and (3) resonant inelastic X-ray scattering data (valence-to- valence transitions) for resonant and non-resonant excitation and respective spectral simulations indicated the following: (1) the mean Fe oxidation state was similar in both complexes, due to electron density transfer from the ligands to Hy in [1Hy]+++. Fe 1s→3d transitions remained at similar energies whereas delocalization of carbonyl AOs onto Fe and significant Hy- contributions to MOs caused an [similar]0.7 eV up-shift of Fe1s→(CO)s,p transitions in [1Hy]+++. Fed-levels were delocalized over Fe1 and Fe2 and degeneracies biased to Oh–Fe1 and C4v–Fe2 states for 1, but to Oh–Fe1,2 states for [1Hy]+++. (2) Electron-pairing of formal Fe(d7) ions in low-spin states in both complexes and a higher effective spin count for [1Hy]+++ were suggested by comparison with iron reference compounds. Electronic decays from Fe d and ligand s,p MOs and spectral contributions from Hys,p→1s transitions even revealed limited site-selectivity for detection of Fe1 or Fe2 in [1Hy]+++. The HOMO/LUMO energy gap for 1 was estimated as 3.0 ± 0.5 eV. (3) For [1Hy]+++ compared to 1, increased Fed (x2 − y2) − (z2) energy differences ([similar]0.5 eV to [similar]0.9 eV) and Fed→d transition energies ([similar]2.9 eV to [similar]3.7 eV) were assigned. These results reveal the specific impact of Hy-binding on the electronic structure of diiron compounds and provide guidelines for a directed search of hydride species in hydrogenases

    Molecular catalysis that transpires only when the complex is heterogenized: Studies of a hydrogenase complex surface-tethered on polycrystalline and (1 1 1)-faceted gold by EC, PM-FT-IRRAS, HREELS, XPS and STM

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    The proton-reduction catalytic activity of two di-iron hydrogenase complexes, [(μ-S_(2)C_(3)H_6)[Fe(CO)_3][Fe(CO)_(2)(PPh_3)] (1) and (μ-S_(2)C_(3)H_6)[Fe(CO)_3][Fe(CO)2(PPh2{(CH2)2SH})] (2), was investigated at polycrystalline and (1 1 1)-faceted Au electrodes in nonaqueous electrolyte. Compound (2) was irreversibly tethered to the surface through the single bondSH group; (1) was present only in the unadsorbed (dissolved) state. No enhancement of the proton reduction reaction was observed with the homogeneous complex. Pronounced catalysis was exhibited by the heterogenized (surface-attached) material. Neither increase nor decrease in activity was observed when unadsorbed complex (2) was added to the solution of the heterogenized catalyst. The conclusion from these observations, that no catalysis transpires unless the subject molecular complex is tethered to the electrode surface, is totally unexpected; it runs counter to conventional wisdom that an untethered homogeneous electrocatalyst, especially one that requires a particular entatic (partially rotated) configuration to complete its function, would invariably perform better than its surface-immobilized counterpart. The heterogenized complex, present at rather low coverages due to its sizable adsorbed-molecule cross section, was further investigated by polarization-modulation Fourier transform infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-FT-IRRAS), high-resolution electron-energy loss spectroscopy (HREELS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The electrochemistry (EC) and STM results indicated that the catalytic activity of the immobilized complex is a function of its surface coverage but not of its spatial configuration; the catalytic sites are accessible regardless of the particular arrangement of the pendant active site with respect to the surface. The surface-immobilized complex suffered a non-negligible loss in catalytic activity after the ex situ experiments, perhaps due to (partial) decarbonylation

    Bridging-hydride influence on the electronic structure of an [FeFe] hydrogenase active-site model complex revealed by XAES-DFT

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    [[abstract]]Two crystallized [FeFe] hydrogenase model complexes, 1 = (μ-pdt)[Fe(CO)2(PMe3)]2 (pdt = SC1H2C2H2C3H2S), and their bridging-hydride (Hy) derivative, [1Hy]+++ = [(μ-H)(μ-pdt)[Fe(CO)2 (PMe3)]2]+ (BF4−), were studied by Fe K-edge X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy, supported by density functional theory. Structural changes in [1Hy]+++ compared to 1 involved small bond elongations (<0.03 Å) and more octahedral Fe geometries; the Fe–H bond at Fe1 (closer to pdt-C2) was [similar]0.03 Å longer than that at Fe2. Analyses of (1) pre-edge absorption spectra (core-to-valence transitions), (2) Kβ1,3, Kβ′, and Kβ2,5 emission spectra (valence-to-core transitions), and (3) resonant inelastic X-ray scattering data (valence-to-valence transitions) for resonant and non-resonant excitation and respective spectral simulations indicated the following: (1) the mean Fe oxidation state was similar in both complexes, due to electron density transfer from the ligands to Hy in [1Hy]+++. Fe 1s→3d transitions remained at similar energies whereas delocalization of carbonyl AOs onto Fe and significant Hy-contributions to MOs caused an [similar]0.7 eV up-shift of Fe1s→(CO)s,p transitions in [1Hy]+++. Fed-levels were delocalized over Fe1 and Fe2 and degeneracies biased to Oh–Fe1 and C4v–Fe2 states for 1, but to Oh–Fe1,2 states for [1Hy]+++. (2) Electron-pairing of formal Fe(d7) ions in low-spin states in both complexes and a higher effective spin count for [1Hy]+++ were suggested by comparison with iron reference compounds. Electronic decays from Fe d and ligand s,p MOs and spectral contributions from Hys,p→1s transitions even revealed limited site-selectivity for detection of Fe1 or Fe2 in [1Hy]+++. The HOMO/LUMO energy gap for 1 was estimated as 3.0 ± 0.5 eV. (3) For [1Hy]+++ compared to 1, increased Fed (x2 − y2) − (z2) energy differences ([similar]0.5 eV to [similar]0.9 eV) and Fed→d transition energies ([similar]2.9 eV to [similar]3.7 eV) were assigned. These results reveal the specific impact of Hy-binding on the electronic structure of diiron compounds and provide guidelines for a directed search of hydride species in hydrogenases.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子版[[countrycodes]]GB

    Beyond fossil fuel–driven nitrogen transformations

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    How much carbon does it take to make nitric acid? The counterintuitive answer nowadays is quite a lot. Nitric acid is manufactured by ammonia oxidation, and all the hydrogen to make ammonia via the Haber-Bosch process comes from methane. That's without even accounting for the fossil fuels burned to power the process. Chen et al. review research prospects for more sustainable routes to nitrogen commodity chemicals, considering developments in enzymatic, homogeneous, and heterogeneous catalysis, as well as electrochemical, photochemical, and plasma-based approaches

    Addition of Amines to a Carbonyl Ligand: Syntheses, Characterization, and Reactivities of Iridium(III) Porphyrin Carbamoyl Complexes

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    Treatment of (carbonyl)chloro(meso-tetra-p-tolylporphyrinato)iridium(III), (TTP)Ir(CO)Cl (1), with excess primary amines at 23 °C in the presence of Na2CO3 produces the trans-amine-coordinated iridium carbamoyl complexes (TTP)Ir(NH2R)[C(O)NHR] (R = Bn (2a), n-Bu (2b), i-Pr (2c), t-Bu (2d)) with isolated yields up to 94%. The trans-amine ligand is labile and can be replaced with quinuclidine (1-azabicyclo[2.2.2]octane, ABCO), 1-methylimidazole (1-MeIm), triethyl phosphite (P(OEt)3), and dimethylphenylphosphine (PMe2Ph) at 23 °C to afford the hexacoordinated carbamoyl complexes (TTP)Ir(L)[C(O)NHR] (for R = Bn: L = ABCO (3a), 1-MeIm (4a), P(OEt)3 (5a), PMe2Ph (6a)). On the basis of ligand displacement reactions and equilibrium studies, ligand binding strengths to the iridium metal center were found to decrease in the order PMe2Ph \u3e P(OEt)3 \u3e 1-MeIm \u3e ABCO \u3e BnNH2 ≫ Et3N, PCy3. The carbamoyl complexes (TTP)Ir(L)[C(O)NHR] (L = RNH2 (2a,b), 1-MeIm (4a)) undergo protonolysis with HBF4 to give the cationic carbonyl complexes [(TTP)Ir(NH2R)(CO)]BF4 (7a,b) and [(TTP)Ir(1-MeIm)(CO)]BF4 (8), respectively. In contrast, the carbamoyl complexes (TTP)Ir(L)[C(O)NHR] (L = P(OEt)3 (5a), PMe2Ph (6a,c)) reacted with HBF4 to afford the complexes [(TTP)Ir(PMe2Ph)]BF4 (9) and [(TTP)IrP(OEt)3]BF4 (10), respectively. The carbamoyl complexes (TTP)Ir(L)[C(O)NHR] (L = RNH2 (2a–d), 1-MeIm (4a), P(OEt)3 (5b), PMe2Ph (6c)) reacted with methyl iodide to give the iodo complexes (TTP)Ir(L)I (L = RNH2 (11a–d), 1-MeIm (12), P(OEt)3(13), PMe2Ph (14)). Reactions of the complexes [(TTP)Ir(PMe2Ph)]BF4 (9) and [(TTP)IrP(OEt)3]BF4 (10) with [Bu4N]I, benzylamine (BnNH2), and PMe2Ph afforded (TTP)Ir(PMe2Ph)I (14), (TTP)Ir[P(OEt)3]I (13), [(TTP)Ir(PMe2Ph)(NH2Bn)]BF4 (16), and trans-[(TTP)Ir(PMe2Ph)2]BF4 (17), respectively. Metrical details for the molecular structures of 4a and17 are reported

    Temperature dependent CO2 behavior in microporous 1-D channels of a metal-organic framework with multiple interaction sites

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    The MOF with the encapsulated CO2 molecule shows that the CO2 molecule is ligated to the unsaturated Cu(II) sites in the cage using its Lewis basic oxygen atom via an angular eta(1)-(O-A) coordination mode and also interacts with Lewis basic nitrogen atoms of the tetrazole ligands using its Lewis acidic carbon atom. Temperature dependent structure analyses indicate the simultaneous weakening of both interactions as temperature increases. Infrared spectroscopy of the MOF confirmed that the CO2 interaction with the framework is temperature dependent. The strength of the interaction is correlated to the separation of the two bending peaks of the bound CO2 rather than the frequency shift of the asymmetric stretching peak from that of free CO2. The encapsulated CO2 in the cage is weakly interacting with the framework at around ambient temperatures and can have proper orientation for wiggling out of the cage through the narrow portals so that the reversible uptake can take place. On the other hand, the CO2 in the cage is restrained at a specific orientation at 195 K since it interacts with the framework strong enough using the multiple interaction sites so that adsorption process is slightly restricted and desorption process is almost clogged.ope

    Photochemical dihydrogen production using an analogue of the active site of [NiFe] hydrogenase

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    The photoproduction of dihydrogen (H2) by a low molecular weight analogue of the active site of [NiFe] hydrogenase has been investigated by the reduction of the [NiFe2] cluster, 1, by a photosensitier PS (PS = [ReCl(CO)3(bpy)] or [Ru(bpy)3][PF6]2). Reductive quenching of the 3MLCT excited state of the photosensitiser by NEt3 or N(CH2CH2OH)3 (TEOA) generates PS•−, and subsequent intermolecular electron transfer to 1 produces the reduced anionic form of 1. Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy (TRIR) has been used to probe the intermediates throughout the reduction of 1 and subsequent photocatalytic H2 production from [HTEOA][BF4], which was monitored by gas chromatography. Two structural isomers of the reduced form of 1 (1a•− and 1b•−) were detected by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in both CH3CN and DMF (dimethylformamide), while only 1a•− was detected in CH2Cl2. Structures for these intermediates are proposed from the results of density functional theory calculations and FTIR spectroscopy. 1a•− is assigned to a similar structure to 1 with six terminal carbonyl ligands, while calculations suggest that in 1b•− two of the carbonyl groups bridge the Fe centres, consistent with the peak observed at 1714 cm−1 in the FTIR spectrum for 1b•− in CH3CN, assigned to a ν(CO) stretching vibration. The formation of 1a•− and 1b•− and the production of H2 was studied in CH3CN, DMF and CH2Cl2. Although the more catalytically active species (1a•− or 1b•−) could not be determined, photocatalysis was observed only in CH3CN and DMF