127 research outputs found

    Smart Metering Early Learning Project: Synthesis Report

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    Smart electricity and gas meters with the offer of an in-home display are due to be rolled out to all households in Great Britain by the end of 2020. DECC commissioned this synthesis research as part of its work to support a successful smart metering implementation programme (the Programme), to offer an initial analysis of progress to date and to learn how householders can best be engaged in order to benefit from the roll-out, in particular by saving energy. This report summarises and analyses evidence from a range of sources, including three new DECC research projects into how GB householders engage with smart metering, GB and international evidence on smart metering and energy feedback, and evidence from public health behaviour change programmes

    Solar Panel Integration as an Alternate Power Source on Centaur 2 (SPIAPS)

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    The dream of exploration has inspired thousands throughout time. Space exploration, in particular, has taken the past century by storm and caused a great advance in technology. In this project, a retractable solar panel array will be developed for use on the Centaur 2 Rover. Energy generated by the solar panels will go to power the Centaur 2 Robot (C2) or Regolith & Environment Science & Oxygen & Lunar Volatile Extraction (RESOLVE) payload, an in-situ resource utilization project. Such payload is designed to drill into lunar and Martian terrain as well as be able to conduct other geological testing; RESOLVE is slated for testing in 2012. Ultimately, this project will fit into NASA s larger goal of deep space exploration as well as long term presence outside Earth s orbit

    Improving middle years mathematics and science

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    The overall aim of the Improving Middle Years Mathematics and Science (IMYMS) project was to explore the explore the nature and significance of subject cultures in framing teacher and school practice in mathematics and science and to develop a middle years school improvement model that takes account of these subject cultures in influencing school and teacher change. The project also investigated ways in which effective pedagogies in mathematics and science can be monitored; and ways in which higher order learning outcomes in mathematics and science can be reliably assessed.The project has worked with more than 30 schools in four clusters to support them in planning for and implementing change. A framework describing effective mathematics and science pedagogies was developed, and used as the basis for auditing procedures that track classroom practice. Instruments were developed and used to probe: teacher classroom practice; student perceptions of classroom practice and learning preferences; knowledge outcomes; reasoning in science and mathematics; understanding of the nature of science and mathematics; and performance skills in mathematics and science investigations. Data sources have also included questionnaire data, interviews, school reports and field notes. Video data was also collected and used for stimulated recall interviews concerning teacher beliefs and practices.In order to support teachers and schools to improve their practice, the project team worked with cluster educators in each of the clusters, and with school coordinators, through a number of network meetings including an initial &lsquo;leading change&rsquo; workshop, through cluster visits, and the provision of auditing and planning instruments supported by data analysis support. The nature of the subject cultures of, and effective pedagogies in, mathematics and science, was explored using interview data with effective teachers, literature exploration, interviews with project teachers to map characteristics of their practice, the team&rsquo;s experience of the construction and analysis of achievement tests, a video and interview study of teachers of mathematics and science, and student perceptions data.<br /

    Robust optimisation and its application to portfolio planning

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    Decision making under uncertainty presents major challenges from both modelling and solution methods perspectives. The need for stochastic optimisation methods is widely recognised; however, compromises typically have to be made in order to develop computationally tractable models. Robust optimisation is a practical alternative to stochastic optimisation approaches, particularly suited for problems in which parameter values are unknown and variable. In this thesis, we review robust optimisation, in which parameter uncertainty is defined by budgeted polyhedral uncertainty sets as opposed to ellipsoidal sets, and consider its application to portfolio selection. The modelling of parameter uncertainty within a robust optimisation framework, in terms of structure and scale, and the use of uncertainty sets is examined in detail. We investigate the effect of different definitions of the bounds on the uncertainty sets. An interpretation of the robust counterpart from a min-max perspective, as applied to portfolio selection, is given. We propose an extension of the robust portfolio selection model, which includes a buy-in threshold and an upper limit on cardinality. We investigate the application of robust optimisation to portfolio selection through an extensive empirical investigation of cost, robustness and performance with respect to risk-adjusted return measures and worst case portfolio returns. We present new insights into modelling uncertainty and the properties of robust optimal decisions and model parameters. Our experimental results, in the application of portfolio selection, show that robust solutions come at a cost, but in exchange for a guaranteed probability of optimality on the objective function value, significantly greater achieved robustness, and generally better realisations under worst case scenarios.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Triaza-macrocyclic complexes of aluminium, gallium and indium halides: fast 18F and 19F incorporation via halide exchange under mild conditions in aqueous solution

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    Rapid and complete fluorination of the complexes [MCl3(L)] (L = Me3-tacn, BzMe2-tacn, M = Al, Ga, In) occurs at room temperature via reaction of a MeCN solution of the complex with 3 mol. equivs. of KF in water. The Ga and In complexes are also readily fluorinated using R4NF (R = Me or nBu) in MeCN solution, whereas no reaction occurs with the Al species under these conditions. The distorted octahedral fac-trifluoride coordination at M is confirmed in solution by multinuclear (19F, 27Al, 71Ga and 115In) NMR spectroscopic studies, leading to sharp resonances with 19F-71Ga and 19F-115In couplings evident. The [MF3(L)] are extremely stable in aqueous solution and at low pH; they crystallise as tetrahydrates, [MF3(Me3-tacn)]·4H2O, with extended H-bonding networks formed through both F···H-O and O···H-O contacts. [InF3(BzMe2-tacn)]·1.2H2O also shows intermolecular F···H-O hydrogen bonding contacts. The prospects for developing this coordination chemistry further to take advantage of the high metal-fluoride bond energies to enable rapid, late-stage fluorination of large macromolecules under mild conditions for PET imaging applications in nuclear medicine are discussed. This work also demonstrates that F-18 radiolabelling to form [F-18] [GaF3(BzMe2-tacn)] is effected readily at room temperature in aqueous MeCN over 30-60 mins on addition of 2.99 mol equivs. of [19F]-KFaq and 0.4 mL [18F]-KFaq (100 – 400 MBq) to [GaCl3(BzMe2-tacn)] with ca. 30% incorporation

    Influence of antigen distribution on the mediation of immunological glomerular injury

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    Influence of antigen distribution on the mediation of immunological glomerular injury. To determine if the site of immune reaction could influence the mediation and morphological expression of glomerular injury in experimental anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) nephritis and membranous nephropathy, we studied the events that followed the in situ reaction of rat antibody with antigen planted in either the GBM (especially the lamina rara interna) or in the subepithelial space (SE). Non-nephritogenic amounts of noncomplement-fixing sheep anti-GBM or anti-tubular brushborder antibody were injected into separate groups of rats to plant sheep IgG in the GBM and SE, respectively. Kidneys containing sheep IgG were then transplanted into naive recipients that were passively immunized with rat anti-sheep IgG. There was marked proteinuria after 2 days (antigen in GBM: 226 ± 50.7; antigen in SE: 69 ± 50.7 mg/24 hr) that was abrogated by prior depletion of complement in both groups (antigen in GBM: 10.2 ± 1.7; antigen in SE: 14.3 ± 8.7 mg/24 hr). When antigen was planted in SE, inflammatory-cell depletion with either anti-neutrophil (PMN) serum or lethal irradiation had no effect on proteinuria. In contrast, anti-PMN abolished proteinuria (12.0 ± 5.6 mg/24 hr) and irradiation reduced it by 60% when antigen was in GBM. Glomeruli of kidneys with antigen in GBM were significantly larger and more hypercellular than those with antigen in SE after transplantation into immunized recipients. Endothelial cell injury and adherence of inflammatory cells to denuded GBM were prominent in the former (antigen in GBM), while glomeruli with antigen in SE showed only subepithelial deposits, adjacent slit-diaphragm displacement, and epithelial cell foot-process effacement. Thus, the reaction of antigen and antibody in glomeruli produced complement-mediated injury which was cell-independent when complex formation occurred on the outer aspect of the GBM but was cell-dependent when the same reagents reacted more proximally to the circulation. We therefore conclude that antigen distribution can critically influence the mediation and morphologic expression of immune glomerular injury and may, in part, account for variations in the clinical and histological manifestations of antibody-induced glomerular disease in humans.Influence de la distribution antigénique sur la médiation des lésions glomérulaires immunologiques. Afin de déterminer si le site de la réaction immune pourrait influencer la médiation et l'expression morphologique des lésions glomérulaires lors d'une néphrite expérimentale anti-membrane basale glomérulaire (anti-GBM) et d'une néphropathie extra-membraneuse, nous avons étudié les événements qui suivaient la réaction in situ d'anticorps de rat avec un antigène fixé soit dans la GBM (surtout dans la lamina rara interna), soit dans l'espace sous-épithélial (SE). Des quantités non nephritogènes d'anticorps anti-GBM, ou anti-bordure en brosse tubulaire de mouton ne fixant pas le complément ont été injectées à différents groupes de rats pour fixer de l'IgG de mouton dans la GBM et le SE, respectivement. Les reins contenant l'IgG de mouton étaient alors transplantés à des receveurs vierges passivement immunisés avec de l'IgG de rat antimouton. Il existait une protéinurie marquée après deux jours (antigène dans la GBM: 226 ± 50,7; antigène dans SE: 69 ± 50,7 mg/24 hrs) qui à été abrogé par une déplétion du complement dans les deux groupes (antigène dans la GBM: 10,2 ± 1,7; antigène dans SE: 14,3 ± 8,7 mg/24 hr). Lorsque l'antigène était fixé dans SE, une déplétion en cellules inflammatoires par du sérum anti-neutrophile (PMN) ou une irradiation léthale n'avaient pas d'effet sur la protéinurie. A l'opposé, anti-PMN supprimait la protéinurie (12,0 ± 5,6 mg/24 hr) et l'irradiation la réduisait de 60% lorsque l'antigène était dans la GBM. Les glomérules de reins ayant l'antigène dans la GBM étaient significativement plus gros et plus hyper-cellulaires que ceux ayant l'antigène dans SE après transplantation chez des receveurs immunisés. Les lésions cellulaires endothéliales et l'adhérence des cellules inflammatoires à des GBM nues étaient prédominantes chez les premiers (antigène dans la GBM) alors que les glomérules ayant l'antigène dans SE présentaient uniquement des dépôts sous-épithéliaux, un déplacement du slit-diaphragme adjacent et un effacement des pédicelles des cellules épithéliales. Ainsi, la réaction d'un antigène et d'un anticorps dans des glomérules a produit des lésions à médiation complémentaire indépentantes des cellules lorsque la formation de complexes survenait dans la partie extérieure de la GBM, mais dépendantes des cellules lorsque les mêmes réactifs interagissaient de façon plus proximale dans la circulation. Nous concluons donc que la distribution antigénique peut influencer de manière critique la médiation et l'expression morphologique des lésions glomérulaires immunes et qu'elle peut, en partie, rendre compte de variations dans les manifestations cliniques et histologiques de glomérulopathies à médiation par anticorps chez l'homme

    The Grizzly, November 21, 1995

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    The Quad Joins the Information Superhighway • Was Darwin Right?: Dr. Philip Johnson Discusses Evolution • Women are Moving Beyond The Double Bind • From Bed to Class in 3 Seconds Flat • Ursinus\u27 Tutoring Program • A New Music Revolution • The Great Pizza Caper • Welcome to the Miserable World of a Homosexual • God and the GOP • Dr. Nagy: Challenging the Claims • We\u27re Not Secure! • Final Exam Schedule • Alumna Spotlight: Janene Paist • Alien Lands at Ursinus: Observes Strange Life Forms • Flag Football Special • Lady Bears Contend For Mobil Championship • Season Opening Tourney Yields Split • Bears Place Four on Centennial All-Conference Teamhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1370/thumbnail.jp

    Evaluating the cost implications of integrating SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing for infection prevention and control investigation of nosocomial transmission within hospitals

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    OBJECTIVES: The COG-UK hospital-onset COVID-19 infection (HOCI) trial evaluated the impact of SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequencing (WGS) on acute infection, prevention, and control (IPC) investigation of nosocomial transmission within hospitals. We estimated the cost implications of using the information from the sequencing reporting tool (SRT), used to determine likelihood of nosocomial infection in IPC practice. METHODS: We conducted a micro-costing approach for SARS-CoV-2 WGS. Data on IPC management resource use and costs were collected from interviews with IPC teams from 14 participating sites and used to assign cost estimates for IPC activities as collected in the trial. Activities included IPC specific actions following a suspicion of healthcare-associated infection (HAI) or outbreak, as well as changes to practice following the return of data via SRT. RESULTS: The mean per sample costs of SARS-CoV-2 sequencing was estimated at £77.10 for rapid and £66.94 for longer turnaround phases. Over the 3 months interventional phases, the total management cost of IPC-defined HAIs and outbreak events across the sites was estimated at £225,070 and £416,447, respectively. Main cost drivers were bed-day lost due to wards closures because of outbreaks followed by outbreak meetings and bed-day lost due to cohorting contacts. Actioning SRTs, the cost of HAIs increased by £5,178 due to unidentified cases and the cost of outbreaks lowered by £11,246 as SRTs excluded hospital outbreaks. CONCLUSIONS: Although, SARS-CoV-2 WGS adds to the total IPC management cost, additional information provided could balance out the additional cost, depending on identified design improvements and effective deployment

    Effects of temperature on the transmission of Yersinia Pestis by the flea, Xenopsylla Cheopis, in the late phase period

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Traditionally, efficient flea-borne transmission of <it>Yersinia pestis</it>, the causative agent of plague, was thought to be dependent on a process referred to as blockage in which biofilm-mediated growth of the bacteria physically blocks the flea gut, leading to the regurgitation of contaminated blood into the host. This process was previously shown to be temperature-regulated, with blockage failing at temperatures approaching 30°C; however, the abilities of fleas to transmit infections at different temperatures had not been adequately assessed. We infected colony-reared fleas of <it>Xenopsylla cheopis </it>with a wild type strain of <it>Y. pestis </it>and maintained them at 10, 23, 27, or 30°C. Naïve mice were exposed to groups of infected fleas beginning on day 7 post-infection (p.i.), and every 3-4 days thereafter until day 14 p.i. for fleas held at 10°C, or 28 days p.i. for fleas held at 23-30°C. Transmission was confirmed using <it>Y. pestis</it>-specific antigen or antibody detection assays on mouse tissues.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although no statistically significant differences in per flea transmission efficiencies were detected between 23 and 30°C, efficiencies were highest for fleas maintained at 23°C and they began to decline at 27 and 30°C by day 21 p.i. These declines coincided with declining median bacterial loads in fleas at 27 and 30°C. Survival and feeding rates of fleas also varied by temperature to suggest fleas at 27 and 30°C would be less likely to sustain transmission than fleas maintained at 23°C. Fleas held at 10°C transmitted <it>Y. pestis </it>infections, although flea survival was significantly reduced compared to that of uninfected fleas at this temperature. Median bacterial loads were significantly higher at 10°C than at the other temperatures.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that temperature does not significantly effect the per flea efficiency of <it>Y. pestis </it>transmission by <it>X. cheopis</it>, but that temperature is likely to influence the dynamics of <it>Y. pestis </it>flea-borne transmission, perhaps by affecting persistence of the bacteria in the flea gut or by influencing flea survival. Whether <it>Y. pestis </it>biofilm production is important for transmission at different temperatures remains unresolved, although our results support the hypothesis that blockage is not necessary for efficient transmission.</p