21 research outputs found

    Resolusi Konflik: Penyelesaian Sengketa Non-Litigasi Melalui Komunikasi Peradilan Adat di Desa Bumi Sari

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    Hukum adat yang dipraktikkan masyarakat Desa Bumi Sari dalam penyelesaian sengketa adalah melalui musyawarah yang melibatkan tokoh adat dan pihak terkait, namun praktik musyawarah ini belum merujuk pada aturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku seperti Pasal 6 UndangUndang Nomor 44 Tahun 1999, Pasal 98 Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 yang juga memberikan penguatan atas keberadaan lembaga adat di Aceh, serta Pasal 13 Qanun Aceh Nomor 9 Tahun 2008 tentang Pembinaan Kehidupan Adat Istiadat. Masyarakat belum terbiasa dengan istilah Peradilan Adat, padahal sejatinya Peradilan Adat merupakan lembaga yang tepat dalam menyelesaikan perkara yang terjadi di masyarakat. Pengabdian masyarakat ini menggunakan metode sosialisasi dan diskusi mendalam terkait mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa non litigasi dan peradilan adat. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat Desa Bumi Sari terhadap mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa non litigasi melalui komunikasi peradilan adat. Pengakuan negara terhadap mekanisme non litigasi ini dimuat dalam beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan, secara khusus mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa melalui peradilan adat secara teknis operasional telah diatur dalam Peraturan Gubernur Aceh Nomor 60 Tahun 2013 tentang Pelaksanaan Penyelesaian Sengketa/Perselisihan Adat dan Istiadat. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat melalui sosialisasi ini memberikan informasi tambahan bagi peserta pengabdian sehingga meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat Desa Bumi Sari mengenai mekanisme dan jenis perkara yang dapat diselesaikan melalui mekanisme peradilan adat. Diperlukan kegiatan lanjutan guna penguatan kapasitas bagi aparat pemerintahan gampong sebagai tokoh yang berperan dalam penyelesaian sengketa melalui peradilan adat


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    Kegiatan pertambangan membawa dampak besar bagi lingkungan. Oleh karena itu untuk menjaga keberlanjutan lingkungan dalam kegiatan pengelolaan tambang mewajibkan perusahaan untuk melakukan reklamasi dan pascatambang. Namun sebagaimana  diatur dalam Undang – Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 Tentang Perubahan atas Undang – Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara. Hadirnya ketentuan UU Minerba yang baru tersebut mengatur mengenai reklamasi dan pascatambang yang memiliki izin konsensi tambang (IUP) untuk melaksanakan reklamasi dan pascatambang dengan tingkat keberhasilan wajib mencapai 100% dan adanya penerapan sanksi pidana bagi perusahaan yang memiliki IUP apabila tidak melaksanakan ketentuan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberika gambaran dan jawaban tentang bentuk - bentuk tanggung jawab perusahaan pemegang IUP dalam melaksana reklamasi dan pascatambang yang harus mencapai tingkat keberhasilan 100%, kemudian kendala yang dialami perusahaan tambang tersebut serta upaya pemerintah dalam mengawasi jalannya tanggung jawab oleh perusahaan pemegang IUP dalam melaksanakan reklamasi dan pascatambang yang berwawasan lingkungan berdasarkan prinsip good mining practice. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode normatif-empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada berupa kewajiban pemberian uang jaminan reklmasi dan pascatambang yang dihitung dari luas area yang terkena dampak pengelolaan pertambangan dan berupa tujuh bentuk tanggung jawab yang lainnya yang diatur melalui Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 78 Tahun 2010 Tentang Reklamasi dan Pascatambang dan Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia Nomor 1827 K/30/MEM/2018 Tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kaidah Teknik Tambang Yang Baik. Kata Kunci: Tambang, Batu Bara, Reklamasi, Tanggung Jawa

    Penerapan Hukum terhadap Tindak Pidana Korupsi Anggaran Ternak (Studi Putusan No.1/Pid.Pra/2019.Pn.Lsm)

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    The crime of corruption is a special offense which is regulated separately in the criminal law book. In the process of handling corruption cases, the principle of priority or precedence in the settlement process applies. This is in accordance with Article 25 of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, which states that investigations, prosecutions, examinations in court in corruption cases take precedence over other cases for prompt settlement. This study aims to determine the application of material criminal law to the crime of livestock budget corruption in the case of decision Number 1/Pid.Pra/2019.Pn.Lsm, and to find out how the judge's considerations in making a decision on the crime of corruption in the livestock budget in decision Number 1/ Pid.Pre/2019.Pn.Lsm. This study uses a descriptive normative legal research method. Sources of primary and secondary legal materials, data collection techniques are library research, while the analysis of legal materials used in this study is qualitative analysis. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the application of material criminal law to perpetrators of corruption in the livestock budget in the case of decision number 1/Pid.Pra/2019.Pn.Lsm is that in its development, pretrial arrangements are regulated in Article 1 number 10 Jo. Article 77 of the Criminal Procedure Code, there is often treatment of law enforcement officials who are not really serious in reaching the material truth so that the person concerned does not get real legal protection from the state. For that obtain real legal protection from the state. For this reason, such developments can be accommodated through whether or not the determination of suspects is legal and whether the seizure is legal or not, it has been recognized as being the area of pretrial authority, so as to minimize arbitrary treatment by law enforcement officers. It is recommended that law enforcement officers, whether prosecutors, lawyers and judges, must have good knowledge of legal science, especially regarding the criminal law of corruption. If his actions are based on the proper application of criminal law from law enforcement, a sense of justice can be felt for all people

    Legal Mechanism: Foreign Brand Claims Against Potentially Geographical Indications of Indonesia

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    International community has recognized the superiority and quality of original Indonesian products, as a result, some native Indonesian products are claimed by foreigners as their trademarks, for example Gayo Arabica Coffee and Toraja Coffee. Indonesia in providing protection is a bit behind in seeing the potential of its own region. The research problem is to examine the juridical claims of foreign companies against products with potential Indonesian Geographical Indications, and the settlement mechanism based on Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications. Research method used is normative juridical with a statute approach. Claim of foreign companies against products with the potential for Indonesian Geographical Indications is the use of Intellectual Property Rights without rights, based on the MUI Fatwa decision, this is an injustice that is unlawful. The legal settlement mechanism for foreign brand claims against products with potential Indonesian Geographical Indications based on Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Marks and Geographical Indications is dependent on the violation of the claim, whether the party making the claim is in good faith or not. If at the time a sign is applied for registration as a Geographical Indication, a sign is used in good faith, the party can still use it for a period of two years, but if there is no good faith, it can take the mechanism of filing a lawsuit in the form of an application for compensation against the User of the Geographical Indication without rights.&nbsp

    Beach Clean Up: Sebuah Pemasaran Sosial Guna Meningkatkan Kesadaran Pengelolaan Lingkungan Pesisir

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    Batee Puteh Beach, West Aceh Regency is a beach tourism object that has historical value, but in recent years this beach has had quite a serious problem with trash around its coast. Therefore it is deemed necessary to carry out a community service program in the form of joint action to clean up the Batee Puteh Beach area by knowing Beach Clean Up which can involve various elements including students, tourists, the youth community who are environmentalists, and local residents who are willing to be involved as volunteers. The implementation of this service began with the delivery of material on social marketing, the concept of Coastal Cleanup, followed by dividing the participants into several small groups consisting of 6 people and distributing them to several points around the coast of Batee Puteh Beach. Each group will clear the area for 30 meters. After the activity, service participants understood the importance of cleanliness and management of the coastal environment, and as many as 90 percent of participants also stated that the quantity of waste and pollution had been visibly reduced

    Maritime Terrorism Network: Threat and Security in Contemporary Southeast Asia

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    Southeast Asia is a region that is vulnerable to terrorism. Of the total terrorism cases that occurred in the world, 50 percents occurred in this region. Mindanao is one of the regions in Southeast Asia that since a long time ago has been the basis of world-class terrorism. This situation is getting worse due to the presence of terrorist groups with a strong tradition of maritime piracy. The nexus between terrorism and piracy makes the issue of maritime terrorism in Southeast Asia a regional security concern. Abu Sayyaf Group is a terrorist group in the Southern Philippines that is very well-known but difficult to map. This makes the Abu Sayyaf a source of prolonged tension in the Southern Philippines in particular and in the Southeast Asia region in general. This study is a field observation that uses descriptive analysis to reveal the details of the Abu Sayyaf and the issue of terrorism in Mindanao


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    ABSTRACT This article explores on the Abu Sayyaf radical movement, prospects for security in Sulawesi and Sulu sea is done by field research, to Mindanao and border islands in Sulu, Southern Philippines, our neighboring country. This study not only uses a security approach, but also a welfare and socio-cultural approach, believing that finding the root cause of Bangsamoro Philippines is the most important thing to do and look for a way out. Unfortunately, the Muslim Moro relationship with the Manila Government in many cases means confrontation and demands for free will.  The Filipino Muslims, the Moros, believe that they must fight for their security of life and security, live according to the values ​​they believe in, have the power to decide their fate, this is what they continue to strive for. We are a predominantly Muslim nation of Indonesia, hoping that the struggle finds its culmination and the creation of peace in this highly dynamic region of culture, commerce, politics and science could be achieved. &nbsp


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    Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection is a prerequisite for international sales arrangements, this also affects the regulation of IPR at the national level, Indonesia has ratified many international agreements on IPR and revised IPR laws in accordance with the times. History of Indonesian Trademarks Laws has been amended several times. Changes to the law are carried out to carry out legal order of famous brands and brands. The latest change to the trademark law is the issuance of Law Number 20 Year 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications.The use of trademarks without rights is often done by business actors because it is related to the function of the brand as the identity of a product or service that has a reputation and is also related to the function of the brand as a guarantee of the quality of the goods. This is because in the brand inherent economic advantages, especially famous brands. Famous brands are often the object of violation because they are related to the reputation of the famous brand. The concept of Legal Protection of Trademark Rights and the Legal Consequences of the Use of Trademarks Without Rights According to Law Number 20 Year 2016 Regarding Trademarks and Geographical Indications is a problem in this study.Keywords: trademark, legal consequences, use of trademarks without rights


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    Industrial Revolution Era 4.0. requires us to continue to innovate, this innovation is something that is expensive and must be protected. One step to protect innovation is the protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Geographical Indications as one form of Intellectual Property Rights that has economic value, so it needs to get legal protection. This research is a qualitative research using Normative Juridical Approach.Geographical Indication is a sign that shows the area of origin of goods and / or products which due to geographical environmental factors including natural factors, human factors, or a combination of the two factors, give a certain reputation, quality and characteristics to the goods and / or products produced. To get protection for geographical indications, you need to request protection from the Minister. The concept of protection against geographical indications is communal protection, therefore applicants for geographical indications can come from the elements of: (1) Institutions that represent the public in a particular geographical area that is commercializing an item and / or product in the form of: a. natural resources; b. handicraft items; or c. industrial output. (2) Provincial or district / city regional governments.Keywords: Legal Protection, Geographical Indications, Communal

    Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Tindak Pidana Prostitusi Online Anak Dibawah Umur (Studi Penelitian Kabupaten Nagan Raya)

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    In the pandemic era, technology is one way to do activities to facilitate a human activity, the legal aspects that regulate life which aims to regulate harmonization between humans are often violated by certain elements to gain profits, apart from globalization, prostitution also participates Entering the realm of online media, there are many pimps who promote prostitution on social media. Violating online postings violate not only moral norms but also legal norms. This social disease occurs in many areas in Indonesia, including Aceh, especially Nagan Raya. This study aims to determine Law Enforcement Against the Crime of Online Prostitution of Minors in Nagan Raya Regency and the obstacles faced in law enforcement against online prostitution crimes. The method in this study is the empirical judicial method by conducting interviews with both informants and respondents who have been determined previously. The results of the study indicate that law enforcement against online prostitution in Nagan Raya Regency has been running and a series of investigations and investigations have been carried out to uncover cases of online prostitution. From the results of the investigation conducted, it is known that the perpetrators of online prostitution crimes for minors use WhatsApp as a transaction medium. For pimps, Article 506 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) states that: "Anyone who takes advantage of the obscene acts of a woman and uses it as a livelihood, is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of one year. The obstacles faced by law enforcement in dealing with online prostitution in Nagan Raya Regency are divided into 2, namely internal and external. Internal obstacles include the lack of legal instruments to ensnare perpetrators (Commercial Sex Workers) and users (consumers) of online prostitution, the lack of police personnel who can immediately follow up on the finding of the cyber team, the need for up-to-date equipment and personnel capabilities to balance the growing cyber crime, the difficulty of completing evidence and witnesses for court filings and the lack of socialization programs related to online prostitution as a preventive measure such as outreach to students. External constraints encountered include the attitude of the people who are permissive and reluctant to report online prostitution that they encounte