1,031 research outputs found

    Composici?n corporal y condici?n f?sica en los estudiantes de educaci?n b?sica secundaria y media de la Instituci?n Educativa San Antonio del municipio de Cunday Tolima

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    140 p. Recurso Electr?nicoIntroducci?n: La composici?n corporal y otros componentes de la condici?n f?sica han demostrado ser importantes indicadores de salud. Es por ello que se plantea el siguiente objetivo: Analizar los niveles de composici?n corporal y condici?n f?sica en los estudiantes de educaci?n b?sica secundaria y media de la instituci?n educativa San Antonio del municipio de Cunday-Tolima. Adem?s fueron utilizados los siguientes materiales y m?todos: participaron 323 estudiantes con una muestra de 165 (hombres: 82 y mujeres: 83), con un rango de edad de 11 a 18 a?os. Se aplicaron las pruebas f?sicas de la bater?a Alpha Fitness Test, versi?n extendida. Se evalu? ?ndice de masa corporal (IMC), Per?metro de Cintura y Porcentaje de Grasa. Dando como Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias de g?nero en las variables estudiadas, con mayor IMC y porcentaje graso en los ni?os y adolescentes (20,9 kg/m2 vs. 19,6kg/ m2 y 12,9 % vs 23 %, respectivamente); tambi?n, el per?metro de cintura fue mayor en los hombres (64,8 cm vs. 62,5 cm), ellos presentaron niveles m?s elevados de masa corporal, porcentaje de grasa y per?metro de cintura, con diferencias significativas (p<0.05). Adem?s alcanzaron niveles m?s elevados para la capacidad aer?bica, el salto con pies juntos y la velocidad, con diferencias estad?sticamente significativas en el VO2m?x y el salto (p<0.05). Se hallaron correlaciones medias y considerables entre algunas variables estudiadas. Lo que permiti? llegar a las siguientes conclusiones: El 73,3% (n1=121) de los estudiantes poseen peso normal, seguido por el 25,5% (n2=42) con riesgo de sobrepeso por ?ltimo, s?lo el 1,2% (n3=2) de los escolares tienen sobrepeso. Los hombres muestran mejores niveles de capacidad aer?bica, capacidad musculo-esquel?tica y capacidad motora. Palabras Claves: Composici?n Corporal, Capacidades F?sicas Condicionales, Instituci?n Educativa.Introduction: The body insertion and other components of the physical condition are important witnesses of health. That is why the following objective is posed: To analyze the levels of body composition and physical condition in the secondary and middle school students of the San Antonio educational institution in the municipality of Cunday-Tolima. In addition, the following materials and methods were used: 323 students participated with a sample of 165 (men: 82 and women: 83), with an age range of 11 to 18 years. The physical tests of the Alpha Fitness Test battery, extended version, were applied. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and percentage of fat were evaluated. Giving as Results: Gender differences were found in the variables studied, with higher BMI and fat percentage in children and adolescents (20.9 kg / m2 vs. 19.6 kg / m2 and 12.9% vs 23%, respectively); also, the waist circumference was higher in men (64.8 cm vs. 62.5 cm), they presented higher levels of body mass, fat percentage and waist circumference, with significant differences (p<0.05). They also reached higher levels for aerobic capacity, jumping with feet together and speed, with statistically significant differences in VO2max and jump (p<0.05). Mean and considerable correlations were found between some variables studied. What allowed to reach the following conclusions: 73.3% (n1 = 121) of the students possess but normal, followed by 25.5% (n2 = 42) with risk of overweight last, only 1.2% (n3 = 2) of Schoolchildren are overweight. Men show better levels of aerobic capacity, musculoskeletal capacity and motor ability. Keywords: Corporal Composition, Physical Conditional Capacities, Educational Institution

    Vegetation species composition and canopy architecture information expressed in leaf water absorption measured in the 1000 nm and 2200 spectral region by an imaging spectrometer

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    Plant species composition and plant architectural attributes are critical parameters required for the measuring, monitoring, and modeling of terrestrial ecosystems. Remote sensing is commonly cited as an important tool for deriving vegetation properties at an appropriate scale for ecosystem studies, ranging from local to regional and even synoptic scales. Classical approaches rely on vegetation indices such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to estimate biophysical parameters such as leaf area index or intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR). Another approach is to apply a variety of classification schemes to map vegetation and thus extrapolate fine-scale information about specific sites to larger areas of similar composition. Imaging spectrometry provides additional information that is not obtainable through broad-band sensors and that may provide improved inputs both to direct biophysical estimates as well as classification schemes. Some of this capability has been demonstrated through improved discrimination of vegetation, estimates of canopy biochemistry, and liquid water estimates from vegetation. We investigate further the potential of leaf water absorption estimated from Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data as a means for discriminating vegetation types and deriving canopy architectural information. We expand our analysis to incorporate liquid water estimates from two spectral regions, the 1000-nm region and the 2200-nm region. The study was conducted in the vicinity of Jasper Ridge, California, which is located on the San Francisco peninsula to the west of the Stanford University campus. AVIRIS data were acquired over Jasper Ridge, CA, on June 2, 1992, at 19:31 UTC. Spectra from three sites in this image were analyzed. These data are from an area of healthy grass, oak woodland, and redwood forest, respectively. For these analyses, the AVIRIS-measured upwelling radiance spectra for the entire Jasper Ridge scene were transformed to apparent surface reflectance using a radiative transfer code-based inversion algorithm

    Unidad did?ctica sobre la ense?anza de la cultura prehisp?nica desarrollada desde el laboratorio de arqueolog?a del museo antropol?gico de la Universidad del Tolima.

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    59 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEn b?squeda de incentivar la apropiaci?n de los valores culturales prehisp?nicos de la regi?n tolimense y el pa?s se dise?? una Unidad did?ctica sobre la ense?anza de la cultura prehisp?nica dirigida a los estudiantes de cuarto y quinto de educaci?n b?sica primaria desarrollada desde el Laboratorio de Arqueolog?a del Museo Antropol?gico de la Universidad del Tolima. Es as? que esta unidad did?ctica se ofrece como herramienta pedag?gica en la ense?anza de las ciencias sociales, pretendiendo identificar el desarrollo cultural y tecnol?gico de los antiguos pobladores a partir de la explicaci?n del uso y la funci?n de cada una de las Colecciones Arqueol?gicas que reposan en el laboratorio. Contribuyendo de esta manera a desarrollar la capacidad reflexiva y el pensamiento cr?tico que generan significado para la sociedad y el contexto al cual pertenecemos. Esta propuesta est? sustentada en una investigaci?n cualitativa que busca conceptualizar sobre la realidad con base en el comportamiento, los conocimientos, las actitudes y los valores de las personas estudiadas. Dentro de las fases del proceso investigativo se encuentra la exploratoria con el objeto de estudio y la formulaci?n de problema y en la parte de teorizaci?n est?n los antecedentes, el rastro te?rico y la selecci?n, igualmente est?n las t?cnicas de informaci?n, variables, indicadores y categor?as. Finalmente se realiz? una prueba piloto aplicando la unidad did?ctica, que fue ejecutada con 30 estudiantes de los grados cuarto y quinto de b?sica primaria, pertenecientes a la Instituto T?cnico Ambiental Combeima sede Olaya Herrera. Dicha actividad est? acompa?ada de sus respectivas evidencias y el an?lisis correspondiente.ABSTRACT. In search to encourage the appropriation of pre-Hispanic and cultural values of the region and country Tolimense was designed a didactic unit about the teach of pre-Hispanic culture directed to the students fourth and fifth of basic primary education developed from the Laboratory of Archaeology, Anthropology Museum of the University of Tolima. Is well that this didactic unit is offered as an educational tool in the teaching of social sciences, pretending to identify the cultural and technological development of the old settlers starting from the explanation of the use and function of each of the Archaeological Collections which repose in the laboratory. Contributing in this manner to develop reflective capacity and critical think that generated meaning for the society and context to which we belong. This proposal is supported in a qualitative research that seeks to conceptualize about the reality based on behavior, knowledges, attitudes, and values of the people studied. Equally are the techniques of information, variables, indicators and categories. Finally, was realized a pilot test applying the didactic unit that was executed with 30 students of grades four and fifth of basic primary, belonging to the Instituto T?cnico Ambiental Combeima Olaya Herrera headquarters. This activity is accompanied by their respective evidence, and the corresponding analysis.INTRODUCCI?N 10 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 12 1.1 PREGUNTA PROBLEMA 14 2. JUSTIFICACI?N 15 3. OBJETIVOS 17 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 17 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 17 4. ANTECEDENTES 18 5. MARCO TE?RICO 23 5.1 LA EDUCACI?N EN EL CONTEXTO SOCIAL A TRAV?S DE LAS 23 UNIDADES DID?CTICAS COMO FACTOR DETERMINANTE EN EL PROCESO DE ENSE?ANZA 5.1.1 La Ense?anza de la Arqueolog?a y el Museo Antropol?gico de la 23 Universidad del Tolima: Los Programas de Extensi?n Encaminados a la Preservaci?n y Divulgaci?n del Patrimonio Cultural 5.1.2 Educaci?n y Pr?cticas Pedag?gicas 25 5.1.3 La Ense?anza por Medio de las Unidades Did?cticas 26 5.1.4 Unidad Did?ctica ?Culturas Prehisp?nicas? Articulada a los Est?ndares 28 B?sicos de Competencias en Ciencias Sociales 6. DESCRIPCI?N DE LA POBLACI?N BENEFICIADA 30 7. DISE?O DE UNIDAD DID?CTICA 33 7.1 DESCRIPCI?N DE LA UNIDAD DID?CTICA 33 7.2 OBJETIVOS DID?CTICOS 34 7.3 CONTENIDOS DE APRENDIZAJE 34 7.4 SECUENCIA DE ACTIVIDADES 35 7.5 RECURSOS MATERIALES 37 7.6 EVALUACI?N 38 8. AN?LISIS Y RESULTADOS 40 9. CONCLUSIONES 43 REFERENCIAS 46 ANEXO 4

    Formando lideres ecol?gicos a partir del humedal la vaca como aula de aprendizaje con los estudiantes de ciclo III del colegio Ciudad Patio Bonito

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    91 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto ? FORMANDO LIDERES ECOL?GICOS HUMEDAL DE LA VACA ? busca desarrollar una serie de estrategias pedag?gicas y did?cticas que les permita a los estudiantes del Colegio Ciudad Patio Bonito ser actores activos en el proceso de conservaci?n del humedal, ya que el problema detectado se constituye en el eje unificador del proyecto de manera que asuman y manejen estas situaciones problema de su realidad conduci?ndolos as? a conocimientos m?s amplios y profundos de su entorno , incluyendo la l?dica por medio de lo que aprende y experimenta permitiendo crear soluciones de manera que el conocimiento genere aporte significativos brindando un cambio de actitud rompiendo paradigmas frente a lo que ocurre a su alrededor. Esta metodolog?a se constituye en una productiva estrategia que cumple con el objetivo de crear contextos significativos trazados bajo el par?metro de la conservaci?n del humedal sin olvidar los planes ambientales encaminados para la misma misi?n. Palabras claves: Estrategia, metodolog?a, proceso, conservaci?n, entorno, conocimiento, contexto.The project ''FORMANDO LIDERES ECOLOGICOS EL HUMEDAL DE LA VACA to develop a series of educational and didactic strategies that allow to the students of the ciudad Patio Boito school be active performers in the process of wetland conservation, because the detected problem is the unifying axis of the project so that they assume and manage these situations problem of their reality, leading them to more deep knowledge of their environment, including the playful through of the learning and experience; allowing them to create solutions so that knowledge generates significant contribution, providing a change of attitude that breaking paradigms about that happens around them. This methodology is transforming in a better strategy that satisfy with the goal of establish meaningful contexts outlined under the parameter wetland conservation; without forgetting the environmental plans aimed for the same mission. Keywords: Strategy, methodology, conservation, environment, knowledge, context

    Teaching ‘global childhoods’ in childhood studies

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    Childhood studies programs and generic social science programs in universities across the world increasingly offer courses that in some way focus on ‘global childhoods’. For this webinar, we will bring into conversations four prominent scholars who, based on their teaching and research experiences on ‘global childhoods’, will explore and reflect on four sets of ideas: theoretical and empirical framing of ‘global childhoods’, questions around intersectionality and positionality in teaching ‘global childhoods’, decolonization of curriculum and epistemological justice, and the role of Childhood Studies journals in fostering critical debates around knowledge production, research and training on ‘global childhoods’

    Prevalencia de par?sitos gastrointestinales en ovinos en el departamento del Tolima

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    81 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa presencia de par?sitos gastrointestinales en producciones ovinas ocasiona grandes p?rdidas econ?micas debido a su impacto sobre los rendimientos en producci?n, por lo cual la presente investigaci?n epidemiol?gica busc? conocer la prevalencia de par?sitos gastrointestinales en ovinos en el departamento del Tolima, para ello se tomaron 385 muestras en 38 predios distribuidos en 14 municipios entre los meses de agosto y septiembre de 2016. Los animales se agruparon por categor?a productiva, sexo y edad. Se determin? la carga parasitaria usando la t?cnica McMaster y se realiz? la prueba Dennis para trem?todos. Se calcularon las prevalencias, general y por sexo. Se establecieron las diferencias respecto a la carga parasitaria entre grupos de edad, categor?a productiva, Famacha y condici?n corporal (CC) por medio de la t?cnica Chi-Cuadrado y correlaci?n de Pearson, defini?ndose que el 98,4 % de las muestras fueron positivas. La prevalencia para protozoos del g?nero Eimeria fue del 87,3%, para trematodos del 19,0%, para cestodos del g?nero Monieza del 17,0% y para Nematodos en orden decreciente se detectaron las siguientes prevalencias: familia Tricostrongilidae (92,5%), familia Strongylidae (48,3%), familia Toxocaridae (12%), familia Trichuridae (11%) y Ancylostomidae (10%). Se presentaron diferencias significativas por edad, categor?a productiva, sexo, coinfecciones parasitarias y zonas del departamento, mostrando as? que los ovinos son susceptibles a altas cargas parasitarias de acuerdo con la edad, sexo y categor?a productiva. Al evaluar los resultados se concluye que el parasitismo subcl?nico est? muy extendido en el departamento del Tolima mostrando una elevada prevalencia de par?sitos gastrointestinales. Palabras clave: cestodos, nem?todos, ovinocultura, par?sitos, trematodosThe presence of gastrointestinal parasites in sheep production causes great economic losses due to its impact on production yields, for which the present epidemiological investigation sought to know the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in sheep in the department of Tolima, for this 385 samples were taken in 38 properties distributed in 14 municipalities between the months of August and September 2016. The animals were grouped by productive category, sex and age. The parasitic load was determined using the Mcmaster technique and the Dennis test was performed for trematodes. General prevalence and by sex were calculated. Differences were established regarding the parasitic load between age groups, productive category, Famacha and body condition (CC) by means of the Chi-Square technique and Pearson correlation, defining that 98.4% of the samples were positive. The prevalence for protozoa of the genus Eimeria was 87.3%, for trematodes of 19.0%, for cesareans of the genus Monieza of 17.0% and for Nematodes in decreasing order the following prevalences were detected: family Tricostrongilidae (92.5 %), family Strongylidae (48.3%), family Toxocaridae (12%), family Trichuridae (11%) and Ancylostomidae (10%). There were significant differences by age, productive category, sex, parasitic coinfections and areas of the department, showing that sheep are susceptible to high parasitic loads according to age, sex and productive category. When evaluating the results it is concluded that subclinical parasitism is very widespread in the department of Tolima showing a high prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites. Keywords: cestodes, Famacha, ovineculture, parasites, prevalence, trematodes

    Synegies Between Visible/Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrometry and the Thermal Infrared in an Urban Environment: An Evaluation of the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HYSPIRI) Mission

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    A majority of the human population lives in urban areas and as such, the quality of urban environments is becoming increasingly important to the human population. Furthermore, these areas are major sources of environmental contaminants and sinks of energy and materials. Remote sensing provides an improved understanding of urban areas and their impacts by mapping urban extent, urban composition (vegetation and impervious cover fractions), and urban radiation balance through measures of albedo, emissivity and land surface temperature (LST). Recently, the National Research Council (NRC) completed an assessment of remote sensing needs for the next decade (NRC, 2007), proposing several missions suitable for urban studies, including a visible, near-infrared and shortwave infrared (VSWIR) imaging spectrometer and a multispectral thermal infrared (TIR) instrument called the Hyperspectral Infrared Imagery (HyspIRI). In this talk, we introduce the HyspIRI mission, focusing on potential synergies between VSWIR and TIR data in an urban area. We evaluate potential synergies using an Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and MODIS-ASTER (MASTER) image pair acquired over Santa Barbara, United States. AVIRIS data were analyzed at their native spatial resolutions (7.5m VSWIR and 15m TIR), and aggregated 60 m spatial resolution similar to HyspIRI. Surface reflectance was calculated using ACORN and a ground reflectance target to remove atmospheric and sensor artifacts. MASTER data were processed to generate estimates of spectral emissivity and LST using Modtran radiative transfer code and the ASTER Temperature Emissivity Separation algorithm. A spectral library of common urban materials, including urban vegetation, roofs and roads was assembled from combined AVIRIS and field-measured reflectance spectra. LST and emissivity were also retrieved from MASTER and reflectance/emissivity spectra for a subset of urban materials were retrieved from co-located MASTER and AVIRIS pixels. Fractions of Impervious, Soil, Green Vegetation (GV) and Non-photosynthetic Vegetation (NPV), were estimated using Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA) applied to AVIRIS data at 7.5, 15 and 60 m spatial scales. Surface energy parameters, including albedo, vegetation cover fraction, broadband emissivity and LST were also determined for urban and natural land-cover classes in the region. Fractions were validated using 1m digital photography
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