208 research outputs found


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    The international system is gradually sliding into another form of war. This study interrogates the national tendencies and personal idiocies at play when a major power and a global power involved in the Cold War, the US and Russia (the substance of the collapsed Soviet Union) are again engaged in a simmering altercation capable of leading to a ‘Colder War’ a la KatusaMarin. The paper discusses the fragility of the system’s fundamentals and the behavioral latitude of the actors’ traction and energies towards strategic cooperation. The objective of the study is to draw attention to the operational inadequacies in the international system whose basic function is to guide the world in shaping a global order that will engender peace and stability among the various state actors and non-state actors. Unfortunately, some of the actors within the system have exploited the abstraction of the system for their benefit by appropriating its vital mechanics through sublime and egotistic substitution of roles. The study then submits that the endless parallelisms animating the constant conflicts between the two powers and their allies within the system will not abate until the actors see peace as an obligation they owe humanity. The pursuit of personal desires by leaders via simulated national interest is a major albatross to an international system created to stimulate global peace and promote stability


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    Bolaji Akinyemi’s enigmatic personality and his perceptive understanding of foreign policy issues has compelled an interrogation into his disciplinary status and academic expertise in the field of international relations. His versatility in the social sciences has incommoded the controversy of specialization in the academia. Akinyemi’s prodigy drives international affairs into the route of international relations thus energizing a healthy debate on the radicalization of various academic disciplines which possess the potential for contending collision. This paper provides a nexus for orthodoxy and idealism, radicalism and conservatism, realism and liberalism. Adopting the analytical approach, the paper submits that conceptual comprehensibility is an elixir for classificatory appropriateness. Akinyemi’s disputations in many of his work in and outside the academia are sufficient to categorize him as an inter-lectual

    Radicalization in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina: Social Disorganization and Its Consequences

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    This thesis will explain how social disorganization leads to the radicalization. During the process of rapid change (e.g. abrupt democratization of previously authoritarian Bosnian society) new situations cause development of new desires (e.g. a need for greater independence from social controls) which results in development of new attitudes (e.g. individualism). When the society is unable to satisfy the new desires and attitudes, people resort to illegal acts and even violence to meet their new needs, and social disorganization develops. Due to lack of research that focuses directly on Bosnia this thesis will analyze similar researches conducted in other regions (e.g. India and Northern Ireland), and examine whether their findings could be applicable to Bosnian conditions

    Electrodeposition and cathode potential

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    The objective of electrodeposition and control of cathode potential is the qualitative and quantitative separation of metals from their solutions. It involves the problem: (1) measuring the cathode potential in relation to the solution in order selectively to plate any metal; (2) means of treating the solution to prevent the plating of more than one metal at any particular cathode potential. The present research involved the curve of cathode potential versus copper concentration, the designing and constructing of electronic units for automatic control, and the determination of voltage error in passing current through the saturated calomel electrode

    Humanitarian actors' engagement with accountability mechanisms in situations of armed conflict : workshop report

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    The Individualisation of War Project explores the tensions arising from the increased prominence of the individual in the theory and practice of armed conflict133. One manifestation of this process of individualisation are the endeavours to enhance accountability for violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL). These include the establishment of international and national tribunals and non‑judicial mechanisms such as commissions of inquiry, and the imposition of targeted sanctions. These are important measures for promoting compliance with the law and, consequently, enhancing the protection of civilians, but their implementation can give rise to tensions with humanitarian actors’ activities to provide protection and assistance, often to the same civilians. Humanitarians frequently have valuable first‑hand information on violations or are in direct contact with affected communities. However, the risk exists that if they share this information with accountability mechanisms – or are suspected of doing so – this may undermine their operations (and those of others) and put their staff and beneficiaries at risk. This is not a new tension, but it has become more prominent following the establishment of a number of international criminal tribunals in the 1990s.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement No 340956 - IOW - The Individualisation of War: Reconfiguring the Ethics, Law, and Politics of Armed Conflict

    Women and the Use of Public Transport in Nigerian Traditional City- Ibadan

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    It is disheartening to note that the mobility gap between women and men has continued to widen while poverty horizon of most women continue to deepen as a result of inadequate spatial interactions The study examines the interplay between women and public transport system in Nigerian traditional city-Ibadan A purposive sampling technique was used to administered 203 questionnaires Data collected were analyzed using simple descriptive technique and correlation analysis Results reveal that public transport system in the city is inefficient The analysis also reveals that inadequate public transport system has significant impact on the livelihoods of women Findings made it clear that socio-economic variables and operational characteristics are determining factors for the patronage of public transport Based on findings and analysis the paper discussed the need for considering the mobility needs of passengers and emphasised the need for a sustainable public transport and gender planning and analysis in Nigerian public transport planning and management it also stressed that gendered-based transportation planning and management need to be examined if the reproductive and productivity roles of women in our society are to be achieve

    An investigation into enterprise structure and ERP implementations:a contribution to praxis

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    This professional doctoral research reports on the relationship between Enterprise Systems, specifically Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, and enterprise structures. It offers insights and guidance to practitioners on factors for consideration in the implementation of ERP systems in organisations operating in modern enterprise structures. It reports on reflective ethnographic action research conducted in a number of companies from a diverse range of industries covering supply chains for both goods and services. The primary contribution is in highlighting areas in which clients, practitioners and ERP software vendors can bring a greater awareness of internet era enterprise structures and business requirements into the ERP arena. The concepts and insights have been explored in a focus group setting, comprised of practitioners from the enterprise systems implementation and consulting fraternity and revealed limitations and constraints in the implementation of enterprise systems. However, it also showed that current systems do not have the full capabilities required to support, in use, modern era enterprise structures, as required by practitioners and decision makers

    Strategy, IT and dynamic change in enterprises

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    This paper explores the importance of collaboration between different types of organizations within an enterprise. To achieve successful collaboration requires both endogenous and exogenous factors of each organization to be considered and a shared meta-strategy supported by shared cross-organizational processes and technology. A rolling business plan would periodically review, assess and reposition each organization within this meta-strategy according to how well they have contributed. We show that recent technological advances have made organizational structures more agile, organizational infra-structure more connected and the sharing of real-time information an operational reality; we also discuss the challenges and risks

    Arbitrary Withholding of Consent to Humanitarian Relief Operations in Armed Conflict

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    This article examines the requirement under international humanitarian law (IHL) that consent to humanitarian relief operations must not be arbitrarily withheld. It begins with a brief outline of the rules of IHL regulating humanitarian assistance in armed conflict. The article then considers the origin of the rule prohibiting arbitrary withholding of consent to humanitarian relief operations before proceeding to set out the circumstances when consent will be considered to have been withheld arbitrarily under international law. It proposes three tests for arbitrariness in this context, and also examines how international human rights regulates humanitarian assistance in armed conflict
