5 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study was to describe the punden in Ternadi Village, namely Sunan Kaliyetno, Petilasan Mbah Njokowono, Nyai Soemarsih, Nyai Satirah, and Kyai Jenggot in Ternadi Village. Second, is to describe the values ​​of moderation which consist of four things, namely the value of local wisdom, the value of tolerance, the value of national insight, and the value of anti-violence. The third is to describe the application of religious moderation through the punden punden Sunan Kaliyetno, Petilasan Mbah Njokowono, Nyai Soemarsih, Nyai Satirah, and Kyai Jenggot. The data collection technique used descriptive qualitative methods which included interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis uses the method from Miles Huberman, namely collecting data, selecting data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions/interpretations. The results of the research obtained are the practice of religious moderation carried out by the Ternadi community through local wisdom in the form of punden Sunan Kaliyetno, Petilasan Mbah Njokowono, Nyai Soemarsih, Nyai Satirah, and Kyai Jenggot. The conclusion is that the punden at Ternadi can be an application of religious moderation so as to strengthen brotherhood among the community

    Pemanfaatan Candi Sukuh Sebagai Sumber Belajar Sejarah Bagi Mahasiswa Tadris IPS IAIN Kudus

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    Learning resources are things that educators use to facilitate students in the learning process. Sources of learning are not only from books, but historical objects and sites around us can also be used as learning resources. So far, there are still many who think that the relics of historical sites only function as evidence that there was a relic in the past. Even though the utilization of heritage sites as a source of learning is an important innovation and must be carried out, because heritage sites can provide a more actual description of a phenomenon to students. The purpose of this study is to examine the history of Sukuh Temple and the extent to which the effectiveness of using the Sukuh Temple site as a learning resource in Indonesian History courses. Research using descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques used in this study are interview techniques, observation and literature study. The results showed that the Sukuh Temple, which is located in the Karanganyar area, has compatibility with the lecture material in the curriculum of the Social Sciences Tadris Study Program at the Kudus State Islamic Institute, namely in the Indonesian History course. And there is one basis for implementing the curriculum that supports the utilization of the Sukuh Temple site in Karanganyar as a learning resourc

    Hybrid Learning: Electronic Media Development in Integrated Social Science Learning

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    ABSTRACTThe Covid-19 pandemic has transformed classroom learning into hybrid learning. Hybrid learning forces teachers to use technology in their learning. To facilitate this learning, various media were developed, one of which was E-Media. his is done to make it easier for teachers to convey the content of the material so that it is easily understood by students. The purpose of this research is to produce e-media for Integrated Social Studies learning for junior high school students on ASEAN material that is valid and effective. This research method uses a Borg & Gall development model which is limited to six stages, namely; 1) research and data collection, 2) planning, 3) product development, 4) product validation, 5) product revision, and 6) product trials. This research instrument is in the form of media validation and respondent questionnaires. Based on the results of research on the development and discussion of the development of electronic learning media Articulate Storyline 3 on material on getting to know ASEAN countries, the Integrated Social Studies class VIII course is very interesting and very feasible to be used in hybrid learnin

    Strengthening Character Education Based on Local Wisdom in Learning IPS

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    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to reveal the local wisdom of Lau village in Dawe, Kudus as a social study learning resource for strengthening the character education of students at MTs NU Sunan Muria Kudus. This research type is field research with a descriptive qualitative approach in which the research subjects are social studies teachers, eighth grade students, and the Lau village community in Dawe, Kudus. Data collection techniques are using interviews, observation, and documentation. The analysis used is data collection, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research indicate local wisdom in the form of Tapa Ngeli and Pager Mangkok and the relevance of both local wisdom with social studies learning resources at MTs NU Sunan Muria can be seen in the cultural function academically and practically according to basic competences and GPA as well as the implementation of strengthening character education through local wisdom of Lau village in Dawe, Kudus with social studies learning activities starting with the opening. The main activities include literacy, collaboration, and communication activities. In the end, there are material concluding and advising. For the closing, ended with prayers and parting. In conclusion, local wisdom forms of Lau village in Dawe, Kudus can become a social study learning resource that strengthens the character of the students at MTs NU Sunan Muria Kudus. Keywords: Character Education, Local Wisdom, Social Studies Learning Resources  Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kearifan lokal Desa Lau Dawe Kudus sebagai sumber belajar IPS untuk penguatan pendidikan karakter peserta didik di MTs NU Sunan Muria Kudus. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian guru IPS, peserta didik kelas VIII,   dan masyarakat Lau Dawe Kudus. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu pengumpulan data, mereduksi data, mendisplay data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan kearifan lokal berupa tapa ngeli dan pager mangkok dan relevansi kearifan lokal tapa ngeli dan pager mangkok dengan sumber belajar IPS di MTs NU Sunan Muria terlihat dalam fungsi budaya secara akademis  dan praktis sesuai antara KD dan IPK serta implementasi penguatan pendidikan karakter melalui kearifan lokal Lau Dawe Kudus dengan kegiatan pembelajaran IPS dimulai dengan pembukaan. Kegiatan inti dengan kegiatan literasi, collaboration, dan communicaty. Akhir, ada kesimpulan materi dan pemberian nasehat. Penutup, diakhiri doa dan salam. Simpulannya bentuk-bentuk kearifan lokal Desa Lau Kudus dapat menjadi sumber belajar IPS yang menguatkan karakter peserta didik di MTs NU Sunan Muria. Keywords: Pendidikan Karakter, Kearifan Lokal, Sumber Pembelajaran IPS


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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah memberikan banyak sekali pengaruh dalam kehidupan manusia, dengan memberikan berbagai kemudahan dalam mengakses segala informasi dan komunikasi secara digital, terlebih di masa pandemi Covid-19. Teknologi digitalisasi di era masa kini memberikan pengaruh dalam berbagai aspek, salah satunya dalam aspek pendidikan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran berbasis digital ditengah pandemi saat ini. Tentunya hal ini berdampak positif bagi anak sebagai peserta didik. Akan tetapi, teknologi juga memberikan dampak negatif bagi anak, yaitu menurunnya nilai dan karakter. Untuk itu, perlu adanya literasi digital agar anak tidak terbawa oleh arus teknologi dan bisa memanfaatkannya dengan sebaik-baiknya. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi melalui literasi digital sebagai upaya untuk mengkonservasi nilai dan karakter kepada anak agar tidak terjadi disintegrasi nilai dan karakter di tengah pandemi Covid-19.Kata Kunci: Literasi Digital, Nilai dan Karakter, Teknologi Digitalisas