175 research outputs found


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    Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman yang benar tentang faham radikalisme dan memaksimalkan sosialilasi pencegahan, pembinaan dan pedampingan tentang faham radikalisme dikalangn pelajar SMA se kabupaten Karanganyar. Metode yang digunakan berupa sosialisasi dan pembinaan. Pembinaan dan pembinaan dilaksanakan  dengan sistem kelas dengan metode diskusi interaktif menggunakan teknik presentasi. Sosialisasi yang diberikan adalah bentuk pencegahan dan penanggulangan faham radikalisme melalui modul yang telah disusun bersama dengan Polres, Kodim, Tokoh Agama dan tokoh masyarakat di Karanganyar. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah adanya kesamaan tekad dari seluruh pelajar sekaranganya yang diwakili oleh masing-masing osis bahwa radikalisme penting untung dikaji lebih jauh lagi. Kemudian bersama-sama seluruh elemn masyarakat untuk memberantas adanya terorisme di wilayah Karangnayar. Dampak dari kegiatan ini adalah dalam rangka pencegahan, pembinaan dan pedampingan tentang faham radikalisme sehingga meningkatnya pemahaman yang benar dan dapat menjauhi gerakan radikal dikalangan pelajar SMA se Kabupaten Karanganyar. Kata Kunci: Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan, Radikalisme, Pelajar SMAABSTRACT The purpose of this community service is to provide the proper perceptivity on the ideology of radicalism and maximized the socialization of the prevention,  coaching and mentoring about the ideology of radicalism of high school students in Karanganyar District. The method was socialization and coaching. The coaching was carried out in a class based learning which employed interactive discussion using presentation technique. The given socialization was a form of prevention and treatment to encounter radicalism through a module which was collaboratively constructed by district police office (POLRES), military district commander (KODIM), religious leaders, and community leaders in Karanganyar. The result of this dedication was there is a common determination of all students now represented by each student body that radicalism is important to be further studied. In addition, together with all elements of society to eradicate terrorism in Karangnayar. The impact of this activity is in the context of preventing, fostering and assisting in the understanding of radicalism as well as to increase the correct understanding and be able to avoid radical movements among high school students throughout Karanganyar. Keywords: Prevention and the Treatment, Radicalism, High School Studen


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) tingkat literasi matematika dan koneksi matematis siswa ABK di sekolah inklusi, 2) faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat literasi dan koneksi matematis siswa ABK di sekolah inklus, 3) hubungan kemampuan literasi dan koneksi matematis pada siswa ABK di sekolah inklusi 4) hambatan siswa dalam literasi matematika dan koneksi matematis siswa ABK di sekolah inklusi, 5) solusi yang diperlukan untuk kemampuan dan koneksi matematis pada siswa ABK di sekolah inklusi. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif. Instrumen penelitian meliputi tes, wawancara, angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan yang dilanjutkan dengan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu: 1) rendahnya tingkat literasi matematika dan koneksi matematis pada anak berkebutuhan khusus, hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil tes literasi numerasi, 2) faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat literasi matematika dan tingkat koneksi matematis pada siswa ABK yaitu faktor internal, eksternal, 3) hubungan antara literasi matematika dan koneksi matematis masih terbilang rendah karena kurangnya kemampuan siswa dalam mengaitkan konsep, prosedur dan ide, 4) hambatan siswa dalam literasi matematika dan koneksi matematis yaitu kurangnya pemahaman siswa dalam memahami materi serta mengaitkan konsep, prosedur serta rumus dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita, 5) solusi yang diberikan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematika dan koneksi matematis siswa ABK adalah : a) guru harus mampu mengaplikasikan fakta, konsep, dan prosedur matematika kepada siswa karena pentingnya penanaman konsep didalam literasi matematika dan koneksi matematis, b) guru harus mampu memahami karakteristik dan kepribadian siswa terutama siswa ABK, c) melakukan kegiatan literasi bersama sebelum jam pelajaran dimulai, d) guru mengikuti pelatihan tentang anak inklusi

    Design System Fuel Inventory Control In Gas Stations With The Concept Of Min-Max Stock Level And Time Phased Order Point Case Study Gas Stations 44.501.01

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    The concept of supply chain inventory requirement has been widely used by companies to improve meeting the needs of its customers. Lost sales due to inventory shortage is an important thing to be avoided by the company. This research aims to build a inventory control system supplies fuel to the method of Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) web-based on gas stations in the area of Semarang. The method used for planning is the ordering of distribution requirements planning with the stage of determining the net requirements (netting), selection Lot (lotting), the timing of orders (offsetting) and the determination of gross requirements for next level (exploision). The Time Phased Order Point and min-max stock level Consept used for optimalitation needs Planning. Model Design of the system is using waterfall model which consists of system analysis, system design, system implementation and testing programs. The research design of this system is the ordering of the supply system can be used to support and improve inventory control at retail outlets. The results of testing the system states that the system developed to support inventory control, increased security at gas stations supply needs to be better and minimize losses orders. Keywords: Inventory Control; Needs Planning; Time Phased Order Point; Distribution Requirement Planning; Design system; Waterfall mode

    Pengembangan E-Modul Matematika Model Flipped Classroom pada Pembelajaran untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis

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    The goals of this study are to: 1) design a math e-module appropriate for fifth graders; 2) establish whether or not students in that grade level are qualified to take advantage of the module; and 3) evaluate the module's efficacy. Examine the effect that the aforementioned Mathematics e-Module has had on fifth graders' capacity to articulate mathematical concepts. The research was conducted during the 2022–2023 school year at First Kadipiro Elementary School in Bantul, Yogyakarta. The ultimate purpose of this research is to provide a useful contribution to ADDIE's overall framework (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Twenty-four kids in the fifth grade were selected at random to participate in this study. The results of the study revealed the following: 1) The ADDIE paradigm was used throughout the creation of the mathematics e-module. The media expert is excellently competent, the teacher and student surveys yielded good results, and the expert review of the material all weighed in favor of implementing the mathematics e-module. The Paired Sample T-Test indicates that the Mathematics e-Module is effective and that there is a statistically significant improvement in test scores after completing the module compared to before. Four) Students' mathematical communication improves as a result of using the Mathematical e-Modul. The 70.1589.63 point increase in average grade between the pre-and post-tests is indicative of this.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) lebih memahami seberapa efektif bahan ajar E-Module Matematika; 2) lebih memahami seberapa efektif bahan ajar E-Module Matematika; 3) lebih memahami seberapa efektif bahan ajar E-Module Matematika; dan 4) lebih memahami dampak E-Modul Matematika terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Studi ini merupakan contoh penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) dengan menggunakan metodologi desain ADDIE (Analisis, Desain, Pengembangan, Implementasi, Evaluasi). Besar sampel untuk penelitian ini adalah 24 siswa. Temuan penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Prosedur berbasis ADDIE untuk mengembangkan e-modul MATEMATIKA; 2) e-modul MATEMATIKA bahan ajar yang layak digunakan di kelas, dinilai dari pendapat ahli materi pelajaran, ahli media, guru, dan siswa


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    Irregular is verbs on English do not add with ed or d but change agree with rule. To listen andcomprehend only memorize from verb base make past tense and past participle. Because this resultmany people so think difficult in learning English specially of irregular verbs. Aim of this research is to make application dictionary irregular verbs base android to make support in listen English specially irregular verbs. Scheme of system use Unified Modelling Language, java programming and sqlite database. This research produce a application dictionary irregular verbs to use device mobile base androi

    Improving Third Grade Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Using Time Bar Media

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    This study aims to improve the students’ critical thinking skills using time bar media in mathematics learning of Grade IIIA of SD Negeri 1 Kotagede – an elementary school in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It used classroom action research design by Kemmis and McTaggart. The data were collected through observation, written tests, and interviews. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative and qualitative techniques. The results showed that the use of time bar media in mathematics learning could improve students' critical thinking skills. The critical thinking skills covered: (1) providing simple explanations, (2) building basic skills, (3) concluding, (4) providing further explanations, and (5) arranging strategies and tactics. The increase in students' critical thinking skills was seen based on the test results in the pre-action (43%) which increased to 80% in the first cycle and increased to 90% in the second cycle


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    the use of dictionaries is not only used manually by searching for words in the dictionary book but also digitally which facilitates the work in searching for the meaning of the word. Due to the number of dictionary applications at this time it is done in the development of dictionary applications supported speech to text features in the search he said. Making this application using SQLite database and editor of Android Studio. The use of this dictionary not only functions in searching for the meaning of words, but there is also a list of tensis that comes with text to speech. This application can make it easier to find words and know about tensis. The end result of this application has been tested with several smarthphone with different android version and the result of this application can run well. The drawback of this application is the use of speech to text features that are still online, and data that can be entered into SQLite can not be much and limited, text to speech can not explain tensis accurately
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