109 research outputs found

    Centrosomes and cilia: always at the center of the action

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    Centrosomes are the main microtubule-organizing centers in animal cells, indispensable for cell division and the building of a wide range of cilia, which include sensory and motile cilia. We are now inviting submissions related to the fascinating field of centrosomes, cilia and all of the processes that they are involved in with the aim of highlighting this work in a Special Collection

    Coping with centriole loss: pericentriolar material maintenance after centriole degeneration

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    Shortly after the onset of ciliogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans sensory neurons, the centrioles/basal bodies undergo degeneration. The fate of the pericentriolar material (PCM) that was associated with those centrioles has, however, remained unknown. Two recent studies by the Dammermann and the Feldman groups now show that not only does the PCM persist at the ciliary base, it also continues to assemble in the absence of canonical centrioles. Importantly, these neuronal centrosomes retain the ability to function as the cell’s main microtubule-organizing center and support ciliary function.The authors are supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT): CEECIND/01985/2018 to C.M.C.A.; CEECIND/00771/2017 and PTDC/BIA-BID/29471/ 2017 to T.J.D

    Ticks in the wrong boxes: assessing error in blanket-drag studies due to occasional sampling

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    BACKGROUND The risk posed by ticks as vectors of disease is typically assessed by blanket-drag sampling of host-seeking individuals. Comparisons of peak abundance between plots - either in order to establish their relative risk or to identify environmental correlates - are often carried out by sampling on one or two occasions during the period of assumed peak tick activity. METHODS This paper simulates this practice by 're-sampling' from model datasets derived from an empirical field study. Re-sample dates for each plot are guided by either the previous year's peak at the plot, or the previous year's peak at a similar, nearby plot. Results from single, double and three-weekly sampling regimes are compared. RESULTS Sampling on single dates within a two-month window of assumed peak activity has the potential to introduce profound errors; sampling on two dates (double sampling) offers greater precision, but three-weekly sampling is the least biased. CONCLUSIONS The common practice of sampling for the abundance of host-seeking ticks on single dates in each plot-year should be strenuously avoided; it is recommended that field acarologists employ regular sampling throughout the year at intervals no greater than three weeks, for a variety of epidemiological studies

    Trial of an educational intervention on patients' knowledge of atrial fibrillation and anticoagulant therapy, INR control, and outcome of treatment with warfarin (TREAT)

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    Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) patients with a high risk of stroke are recommended anticoagulation with warfarin. However, the benefit of warfarin is dependent upon time spent within the target therapeutic range (TTR) of their international normalised ratio (INR) (2.0 to 3.0). AF patients possess limited knowledge of their disease and warfarin treatment and this can impact on INR control. Education can improve patients' understanding of warfarin therapy and factors which affect INR control. Methods/Design: Randomised controlled trial of an intensive educational intervention will consist of group sessions (between 2-8 patients) containing standardised information about the risks and benefits associated with OAC therapy, lifestyle interactions and the importance of monitoring and control of their International Normalised Ratio (INR). Information will be presented within an 'expert-patient' focussed DVD, revised educational booklet and patient worksheets. 200 warfarin-naïve patients who are eligible for warfarin will be randomised to either the intervention or usual care groups. All patients must have ECG-documented AF and be eligible for warfarin (according to the NICE AF guidelines). Exclusion criteria include: aged < 18 years old, contraindication(s) to warfarin, history of warfarin USE, valvular heart disease, cognitive impairment, are unable to speak/read English and disease likely to cause death within 12 months. Primary endpoint is time spent in TTR. Secondary endpoints include measures of quality of life (AF-QoL-18), anxiety and depression (HADS), knowledge of AF and anticoagulation, beliefs about medication (BMQ) and illness representations (IPQ-R). Clinical outcomes, including bleeding, stroke and interruption to anticoagulation will be recorded. All outcome measures will be assessed at baseline and 1, 2, 6 and 12 months post-intervention. Discussion: More data is needed on the clinical benefit of educational intervention with AF patients receiving warfarin.peer-reviewe

    Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Surface Functionalization Strategies

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    Surface functionalized magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) are a kind of novel functional materials, which have been widely used in the biotechnology and catalysis. This review focuses on the recent development and various strategies in preparation, structure, and magnetic properties of naked and surface functionalized iron oxide NPs and their corresponding application briefly. In order to implement the practical application, the particles must have combined properties of high magnetic saturation, stability, biocompatibility, and interactive functions at the surface. Moreover, the surface of iron oxide NPs could be modified by organic materials or inorganic materials, such as polymers, biomolecules, silica, metals, etc. The problems and major challenges, along with the directions for the synthesis and surface functionalization of iron oxide NPs, are considered. Finally, some future trends and prospective in these research areas are also discussed

    Comportamento da pressão arterial em homens pré-hipertensos participantes em um programa regular de natação

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A natação tem sido recomendada como tipo de atividade física para a prevenção, tratamento e controle da hipertensão arterial. OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos da prática regular de natação sobre a pressão arterial de adultos pré-hipertensos. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 36 homens pré-hipertensos divididos em dois grupos: Experimental - GE (n=24, 40,60±9,36 anos) e Controle - GC (n=12, 40,57±8,05 anos). O GE realizou um programa regular de natação, com três sessões semanais de 45 min, durante 12 semanas, enquanto o GC não alterou seus hábitos alimentares e permaneceu sem praticar atividade física no período. O procedimento estatístico utilizado para verificar as diferenças entre as médias antes e depois de 12 semanas do programa regular de natação foi o teste-t de Student. O estudo admitiu o nível de p < 0.05 para a significância estatística. RESULTADOS: O grupo GE apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas variáveis analisadas quando comparadas com o GC, tanto na pressão arterial sistólica, PAS (Δ = - 5,89 mmHg, p = 0,00), como na pressão arterial diastólica, PAD (Δ = - 5,15mmHg, p = 0,00). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados mostram que um programa regular de natação provoca reduções significativas na pressão arterial em repouso em homens pré-hipertensos