123 research outputs found

    A phenological study of snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for predicting harvest

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    Field studies were conducted in 1989 and 1990 at Knoxville and in 1990 at Crossville, Tennessee to observe the phenology of snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and to develop heat unit models for the cultivars \u27Eagle\u27 and \u27Provider\u27. The best models were selected to predict bean plant development, especially the time to harvest maturity. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with sub treatments in a split plot arrangement. The main treatments were cultivars \u27Eagle\u27 and \u27Provider\u27. Sub plot treatments consisted of 10 planting dates at Knoxville and 6 planting dates at Crossville. Phenological observations were taken on a weekly basis and analyzed using ten methods of heat unit summation. Data on pod yield, pod distribution, and fiber content were recorded. Since none of the ten methods of heat unit summation utilized resulted in consistently low coefficients of variation (c.v.), a model of growing degree days using the conventional method in which daily mean temperatures minus the base temperature 10°C (50°F) were summed was performed for snap bean in this study. A greater number of heat units was required at Knoxville than at Crossville to obtain harvest maturity for both cultivars. Results from multivariate regression analysis indicated the highest was obtained in 1989 at Knoxville and in 1990 at Crossville for the model including five variables; growing degree days (GDD), solar radiation (RAD), air relative humidity (ARH), wind speed (WSP), and precipitation (PPT). Solar radiation (RAD) resulted in a greater R2 than growing degree days in 1990 at Knoxville and Crossville when canopy height temperature and height relative humidity, and soil temperatures at 2.5 cm and 10.2 cm (1 and 4 inch) depth were added to the regression models. Pod yield was significantly influenced by planting date over all experiments although it was not influenced by cultivars. Pod fiber content was greatest from plants at the latest planting date in 1989 at Knoxville. The pod fiber content, however, was affected only by pod size in 1990 at Knoxville and at Crossville. Results of these experiments in arriving at the best heat accumulation models for predicting the time of harvest maturity suggested that further research is needed since the best model was different for each experiment. A more precise description of each phenological stage and more frequent observations would improve the model. Other possibilities might include using base temperatures other than 10°C (50°F) and using different base temperatures for vegetative stages and reproductive stages although this approach would change the current assumption of heat unit summation

    Cases Study: Evaluation of Student Readyness in Teaching After Microteaching

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    Capability to teach is expected to have by Biology Education students after having Microteaching. Case study was conducted to evaluate how teaching performance of students from the start to the end of microteaching. Research samples were 6 students of Biology Education Study at 6th semester. microteaching was done online and offline. Eight skills was firstly conducted online step by step. Each performance was evaluated by other students and written in log book. Evaluation was used to improve each performance. Microteaching was continuedly offline in which students must performe teaching three times, two with supervision dan one independenly. Improvement had given for a better performance supervised for opening to closure of teaching. Results from online and offline training was implemented in independent teaching performance for 30 minutes. Teaching performance was evaluated by 15 students of 2nd semester acting as high school pupils by using questionare. All six students were evaluated having clear and loud voice but lack of ability to motivate their pupils to learn. Most students stayed closely with PPT slides. Students also had difficutly to manage the time so teaching closure and evaluation could not be done

    Distribusi dan Luas Stomata pada Tanaman Hias Monokotil

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    Ornamental plants give beauty to the surrounding environment. Fresh air is created around the plant. It is concerned with transpiration which relates to the distribution and extent of stomata. The study measured the distribution and extent of stomata in monocot plants used as houseplants. The experimental design used a complete randomized design (RAL) factorial with five replications. The main factors were six types of monocot plants and three parts of plants (top, middle, and bottom). The interaction between plant types and parts was a combination factor. The distribution and area of the stomata were measured using replica methods and micrometers. The data was analyzed using the factorial RAL model statistical analysis system and followed up with the smallest real different test for significant treatment. The distribution of stomata was correlated with the stomata area to observe the relationship between the two. Plant types, plant parts, and combinations of both have a noticeable effect on the stomata distribution and area. The Paris lilies (Chlorophytum comosum (Thumb) Jacq.) have the highest stomata distribution (20.53%) compared to others, with a stomata area of 291.89 μm2. Meanwhile, the top part of the plant has the highest distribution and differs from the middle and bottom. The highest stomata distribution is at the top of the plant (15.02%) and lowest at the bottom (11.96%), while the smallest stomata area is at the top of the plant (687.62 μm2) and the widest is at the bottom (813.88 μm2). The stomata distribution correlates inversely with the stomata area of both plant types, plant parts, and a combination of both.   Keywords: ornamental plants, monocotyledon, stomatal area, stomatal distributio

    Kelayakan Video Tutorial Metode Replika pada Submateri Struktur dan Fungsi Jaringan Tumbuhan XI SMA: (Feasibility of Video Tutorial on Replica Method in Submaterial Structure and Function of Plan Tissue XI SMA)

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    This study ained to describe the development and feasibility of a replica method in video tutorial on the structure and function of plant tissue submaterials for class XI SMA. The use of the replica method in this study was to find out the procedure for leaf printing to see the stomata. This study used research and development methods, namely 4D models but is limited to the first three stages (define, design, delevop). The instrument used in this research was a validation sheet and validators consisting of five people with 10 aspects and 23 assessment criteria. The results of the validation of the tutorial video media of them validion of CVI 1. Based on the CVI on validion achetment results, it can be concluded that the video tutorial media was valid and feasible to use in learning of the structure and function of plant tissue sub-materials. Key words: Video Tutorial, Replication Method, Submaterials Structure and Function of Plant Tissue   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjabarkan tentang pengembangan dan kelayakan dari video tutorial metode replika pada submateri struktur dan fungsi jaringan tumbuhan kelas XI SMA. Penggunaa metode replika dalam penelitian ini mengetahui tata cara pencetakan daun untuk melihat stomata. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode riset dan pengembangan yaitu model 4D namun dibatasi pada 3 tahap pertama (define, design, delevop). Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu lembar validasi dan validator terdiri 5 orang dengan 10 aspek dan 23 kriteria penilainya. Hasil validasi media video tutorial  dengan nilai CVI 1. Berdasarkan nilai CVI yang mencapai 1 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa media video tutorial yang dikembangkan valid dan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran pada submateri struktur dan fungsi jaringan tumbuhan. Kata kunci: Video Tutorial, Metode Replika, Submateri Struktur dan Fungsi Jaringan Tumbuha


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    Peran tumbuhan di bidang ekonomi merupakan salah satu submateri pada materi Plantae. Submateri ini pada umumnya disampaikan secara teoritis tanpa dilakukan praktikum. Namun demikian, pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan praktikum dan berbantuan bahan ajar LKS kontekstual. Praktikum yang dilakukan merupakan pembuatan cookies menggunakan buah pisang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap praktikum pembuatan cookies pisang. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket respon, bersamaan dengan penilaian afektif dan psikomotor dengan lembar observasi, sedangkan penilaian kognitif menggunakan soal pada lembar kerja siswa. Angket respon terdiri atas 10 pernyataan. Hasil angket respon dianalisis dengan menggunakan skala likert. Hasil menunjukkan respon siswa terhadap praktikum sebesar 86,66% dan termasuk kategori sangat tinggi. Selain itu, pembelajaran dengan praktikum berbantuan LKS kontekstual dapat meningkatkan nilai kognitif (86,46), afektif (95,9) dan psikomotorik (94,9) yang dikategorikan sangat tinggi

    Pengaruh perbedaan nutrisi terhadap pertumbuhan selada (Lactuca sativa L.) pada media praktikum hidroponik rakit apung

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengukur pertumbuhan tanaman selada. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengakap (RAL) Faktorial dengan faktor utama (hiroponik rakit apung dan rasio nutrisi), dan faktor kombinasi antara keduanya. Pengukuran dilakukan selama 14 hari (7 kali pengamatan) dengan enam parameter (panjang akar, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, kadar klorofil, berat basah dan berat kering). Data dianalisis menggunakan SAS. Jika terdapat perlakuan yang signifikan dilanjutkan dengan uji LSD pada alfa 0,05. Hasil menunjukan rakit apung dinamis meningkatkan pertumbuhan selada secara signifikan dibandingkan rakit apung statis. Rasio nutrisi N3 meningkatkan pertumbuhan selada secara signifikan dibandingkan rasio nutrisi lainnya pada semua parameter kecuali jumlah daun. Kombinasi antara rakit apung dinamis dan rasio nutrisi N3 merupakan pertumbuhan tanaman selada tertinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan 7 kombinasi lain

    Distribusi dan Luas Stomata pada Enam Jenis Tanaman Dikotil

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    Stomatal distribution and area are related to transpiration rate. This study measured stomatal distribution and area in dicotyledon plants used as ornamental plants. The study used Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with the main factors were six types of dicotyledon plants and three plant parts (top, middle and bottom). Combination factors were the interaction of plant species and parts. By using the replica method and micrometer, the study used five replications with the measured parameters: the stomatal distribution and area. Data were analyzed using SAS with the Factorial RAL model and continued with the LSD test if the treatments were significant. Correlation coefficients between stomatal distribution and area were calculated to see the relationship between the two. The types and plant parts significantly affected the stomatal distribution, while the stomatal area was influenced by the main and combination factors. Syzygium paniculatum Gaertn had the highest stomatal distribution and was different from other plant types. Meanwhile, lower leaves had the lowest stomatal distribution and differed from the middle and upper. Aerva sanguinolenta Bl had the highest stomatal area (591.05) compared to other plant species. The stomatal area on the plant's upper leaves (272,71) was significantly lower than the middle and lower parts. The combination between species and the lower part of the plant produced the highest stomatal area compared to other combinations. Stomatal distribution was inversely proportional to the stomatal area.    Keywords: dicotyledon, part of plant, stomatal area, stomatal distributio


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    Pada umumnya nastar berisikan selai nanas, namun harga nanas mahal menjelang hari-hari besar. Salah satu alternatif pengganti nanas yaitu pepaya yang dimodifikasi dengan menambahkan jeruk nipis agar menyerupai rasa nanas. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi jeruk nipis terhadap hasil uji organoleptik nastar isi pepaya (Carica papaya L.). Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga perlakuan yaitu konsentrasi jeruk nipis 20, 30, dan 40 ml dengan 25 replikasi. Uji organoleptik untuk mengukur empat parameter yaitu aroma, rasa pepaya, keremahan, dan kesukaan oleh panelis tak terlatih siswa SMA Negeri 3 Pontianak menggunakan lembar skala garis. Data dianalisis menggunakan SAS. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada keempat parameter. Hasil rata-rata skor penilaian menunjukkan nastar isi pepaya dengan konsentrasi jeruk nipis 20 ml memiliki nilai lebih tinggi pada semua parameter tetapi tidak signifikan secara statistik

    Ketebalan Daun dan Laju Transpirasi Tanaman Hias Monokotil

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    Leaves are the main organ in plants. In general, leaf thickness varies amongst plants and is related to the transpiration rate. This study measured leaf thickness and transpiration rate in six ornamental monocotyledon plants. The experiment used Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications. The main factors were six monocotyledon plants and three plant parts; combination factors were interactions between plant species and plant parts. Leaf thickness was measured from the upper to the lower epidermis before and after measuring the transpiration rate. The transpiration rate was measured by weighing. The data were analyzed using SAS with the Factorial CRD model and continued with LSD if the treatment was significant. The plant types and parts significantly affected the leaf thickness and transpiration rate. However, the combination treatments between plant types and plant parts significantly affected only the transpiration rate. Chlorophytum comosum L. had the highest transpiration, followed by Dracaena reflexa, Aglonema crispum, Cordyline fruticosa, Crymum asiaticum, and Rhoeo discolor. The leaves of the lower parts of the plant had the highest transpiration rate compared to the middle and upper parts of the plant. Rhoeo discolor had the thickest leaves and lower transpiration rate than other plants. The leaf thickness ranged from 95.94 µm to 147.03 µm. This phenomenon indicated that the thickness of the leaves was inversely correlated to the transpiration rate.   Keywords: leaf thickness, transpiration rate, monocotyledon, ornamental plan


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tanaman kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir) dengan parameter panjang akar, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, kadar klorofil, berat basah dan kering selama 14 hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Faktorial dengan faktor utama yaitu metode hidroponik rakit apung statis dan dinamis, dan empat rasio nutrisi (N1, N2, N3 dan N4) dan kombinasi keduanya dengan 3 kali ulangan. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap 2 hari sekali selama 7 kali. Data dianalisis menggunakan SAS dan dilanjutkan dengan LSD pada alfa 0.05 bila ada perlakuan yang signifikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan pada metode rakit apung dinamis lebih tinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan pertumbuhan pada metode rakit apung statis, sementara dari 4 rasio nutrisi yang berbeda, N4 (ab mix) memberikan nilai pertumbuhan tertinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan nutrisi lainnya. Pertumbuhan tanaman kangkung darat lebih tinggi secara signifikan pada kombinasi metode dinamis dan rasio N4, dibandingkan dengan kombinasi lainnya
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