650 research outputs found


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    The possibility of using folk arts products in the professional training of future teachers of fine arts are theoretically groundeded and elucidated in the article. The methodical aspects of introducing the traditional art technique teacher in the educational process are considered, features of creation of folk toys, folk weaving, artistic weaving, manufacturing of ceramic products are described in it. The preparation of modern teachers of fine arts is not possible without realizing the role of their national community, perceiving and rethinking of the cultural experience of the ethnic group, the need to master the knowledge of material and spiritual culture. It is folk art that reproduces the national model of the world, is an objective factor in the spiritual development of the personality of the future teachers of fine arts in the context of national tradition, ethnic stereotypes of world perception.The possibility of using folk arts products in the professional training of future teachers of fine arts are theoretically groundeded and elucidated in the article. The methodical aspects of introducing the traditional art technique teacher in the educational process are considered, features of creation of folk toys, folk weaving, artistic weaving, manufacturing of ceramic products are described in it. The preparation of modern teachers of fine arts is not possible without realizing the role of their national community, perceiving and rethinking of the cultural experience of the ethnic group, the need to master the knowledge of material and spiritual culture. It is folk art that reproduces the national model of the world, is an objective factor in the spiritual development of the personality of the future teachers of fine arts in the context of national tradition, ethnic stereotypes of world perception

    Multi-modal Embedding Fusion-based Recommender

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    Recommendation systems have lately been popularized globally, with primary use cases in online interaction systems, with significant focus on e-commerce platforms. We have developed a machine learning-based recommendation platform, which can be easily applied to almost any items and/or actions domain. Contrary to existing recommendation systems, our platform supports multiple types of interaction data with multiple modalities of metadata natively. This is achieved through multi-modal fusion of various data representations. We deployed the platform into multiple e-commerce stores of different kinds, e.g. food and beverages, shoes, fashion items, telecom operators. Here, we present our system, its flexibility and performance. We also show benchmark results on open datasets, that significantly outperform state-of-the-art prior work.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Requesting exclusion of an employee in the administrative authority in the context of cohabitation

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    The ideal model of the administrative procedure assumes that public authorities shall proceed in an impartial manner. Exclusion from the administrative proceedings of the entities for which there is reasonable suspicion to act during procedure with an element of bias is a guarantee of objective settlement of the matter. The essence of the exclusion is primarily a permanent elimination of an employee of a particular situation or depriving him of legal possibilities to influence the course of the proceedings and the content issued in the case settlement. The article poses the following questions: does cohabitation justify such an exemption, and what are the consequences of both justified and unjustified exclusion of an employee of administrative body? Analysis of issues for exclusion under the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure in the context of cohabitation tends to make some reflections. Firstly, consideration of the evidence in the context of the general is required in the face of increasingly frequent occurrence status of partnerships referred to in Polish nomenclature concubinage. This would provide greater safeguards for the principle of objective truth due to the fact that the process itself off employee would be subject to exclusion from the law, and not at the request of his superior (as it is currently). Second, consideration of the type of legal act for such exclusion as well as the possibility of replacing the provision issued in such cases by other legal act which the measure is the type of management ordinance are [email protected] w Białymstok

    Problem uznania rządu w prawie międzynarodowym na przykładzie uznania libijskiej Narodowej Rady Tymczasowej

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    No abstracts in English           La situation en Libye a montré que le problème de la reconnaissance de gouvernement est toujours actuel. Au début de 2011 une vague de printemps arabe est arrivée en Libye. A Benghazi les rebelles ont formé le Conseil national de transition, qui voulait prendre le pouvoir dans tout le pays. Avec la création du Conseil national de transition l’État libyen possédait deux régimes qui prétendaient à exécuter le pouvoir dans le pays – le régime de Kadhafi et le Conseil national de transition. Les états se sont retrouvés face au dilemme de choisir un régime, qui, à leur avis, était le gouvernement légitime de l’État libyen. Étant donné que le problème de la reconnaissance internationale n’est pas codifié, les états en prenant sa décision de la reconnaissance d’un gouvernement, se dirigent souvent de son intérêt politique. L’exemple du Conseil national de transition montre la complexité du sujet du droit international qui est la reconnaissance internationale.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    Glosa do postanowienia SN z dnia 30 marca 2016 r., I KZP 23/15 (OSNKW 2016, nr 5, poz. 29)

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    The paper contains critical commentary on the Supreme Court decision of 30 March 2016 (I KZP 23/15). The author proves that determining the generic identity of crimes with the method in concreto, i.e. through comparing legal interests violated or endangered as a result of concrete offensive deeds, should take place in certain cases, where we have to do with the crimes protecting two or more legal interests in an alternative or mixed way. In the remaining situations, the assessment of the objective similarity of crimes should be performed in abstracto, i.e. through comparing legal interests protected in particular types of crimes. Results of this method, important for the generic identity of crimes, will be identical with the method in concreto, but the former is more conducive to the judgment of the case without undue delay.W glosie krytycznej wobec postanowienia SN z dnia 30 marca 2016 r. (I KZP 23/15) wykazano, że ustalanie tożsamości rodzajowej przestępstw metodą in concreto, a więc przez porównanie dóbr prawnych, które zostały naruszone lub zagrożone w wyniku konkretnych czynów przestępnych, powinno mieć miejsce w pewnych wypadkach, gdy mamy do czynienia z przestępstwami chroniącymi dwa lub więcej dobra prawne w sposób alternatywny lub mieszany. W pozostałych sytuacjach oceny tożsamości rodzajowej przestępstw należy dokonywać in abstracto, czyli przez porównanie dóbr prawnych chronionych w danych typach przestępstw. Rezultaty tej metody, istotne dla badania tożsamości rodzajowej przestępstw, będą bowiem identyczne, jak metody in concreto, jednakże ta pierwsza bardziej sprzyja rozpoznaniu sprawy bez zbędnej zwłoki