507 research outputs found


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    Often defined as a marginal word-formation process whose governing principles remain a matter of controversy, lexical blending has been examined from various perspectives over the past fifty years or so. Lexical blends have thus been described as (mostly) ephemeral linguistic creations, playful and witty, that are likely to occur in popular press, advertising, and product naming (Bryant 1974; Lieber 2010). Although we can nowadays understand the key characteristics of blends, in terms of their semantic, phonological and orthographic features, corpus-based studies of blends associated with particular types of discourse remain scarce. Television discourse is no exception. It has been cited as a rich source of blends (Mattiello 2013; Sams 2016), yet few have hitherto conducted their detailed analysis (cf. Andriani, Moehkardi 2019). Having noticed that blends frequently occur in the titles of episodes of animated television shows for children (e.g. Smeldorado in Inspector Gadget, The Three Smurfketeers in The Smurfs, Pinknic in The Pink Panther), we decided to investigate their structural characteristics. For this purpose, we collected a corpus of approximately 420 blends from the titles of animated series episodes, spanning 1950-2020. The analysis has shown that haplology and hyphenation feature prominently in the collected blends, as well as that several splinters are repeatedly used in their formation.Publishe

    The natural diet of bleak (Alburnus alburnus Linnaeus 1758)

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    Istraživanje prehrane provedeno je na 171 jedinki uklije (Alburnus alburnus Linnaeus 1758.) prikupljenih na različitim lokalitetima Dunavskog sliva u rijekama Dravi, Dunavu i Savi. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti prirodnu prehranu uklije u Hrvatskoj radi boljeg razumijevanja ekologije ove vrste. Uklija preferira podjednako i hranu animalnog podrijetla, kao i hranu biljnog podrijetla, a hrani se u cijelom stupcu vode. Prvenstveno se hrani jedinkama koje dominiraju u zajednici. Uspoređujući podatke dobivene analizom prehrane uklije s uzorcima makrozoobentosa prikupljenih na istim lokalitetima na kojima su uzorkovane i ribe, vidimo kako ishrana uklije ovisi o količini dostupne hrane. U sastav prehrane uklije ulazi 13 skupina makroskopskih beskralješnjaka (Nematoda, Annelida, Isopoda, Amphipoda, Aranea, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Homoptera, Thysanoptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera i Hymenoptera). Prisutnost biljnog materijala utvrđena je u 41 probavilu, a paraziti su pronađeni u svega 12 probavila. Od ukupno 171 analiziranog probavila, 14 ih je bilo praznih. Sva prazna probavila su zabilježena na postajama Davor i Toplana na rijeci Savi.The natural diet of bleak (Alburnus alburnus Linnaeus 1758.), was investigated on 171 individuals. The specimens were collected in the Drava, Dunav and Sava River at 9 investigated sites. The aim of this research was to investigate the natural diet of bleak in Croatia in order to understand better the ecology of the species. In general, bleak belongs to the zoophagous and phytophagous group. In the digestive tract thirteen groups of macroinvertebrates were found: Nematoda, Annelida, Isopoda, Amphipoda, Aranea, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Homoptera, Thysanoptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera i Hymenoptera. Based on the analyses of the macrozoobenthos collected in the investigated rivers, it is evident that natural diet of bleak depends on quantity of available food. Parasites were found in 12 digestive tract. Fourteen stomachs were empty and all of them were found in the Sava River

    Aspekti urbane bezbednosti u javnim gradskim prostorima Beograda, Srbija - preporuke urbanističko-arhitektonskih preventivnih elemenata

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    Contemporary urban planning and design is closely associated with the theory of safety. Researching the elements of fear of physical urban environment, the focus is on the prevention, which can reduce or eliminate negative perceptions of the users. Determining the standards for furnishing classified urban public spaces, could contribute to higher quality and use that is more intensive. This paper incorporates the information provided by the relevant institutions and the poll of the citizens in Belgrade, as well as analysis of spatial urban elements, typology of their use and their condition from the aspect of safety. Finally, it provides some recommendations for urban planning measures and architectural design elements. The practical application of the results relates to creation of information base, monitoring of changes, elimination of consequences, promotion of urban planning and architectural design profession, realization and maintenance of public places and creating the legal framework.Savremeno urbanističko planiranje i urbani dizajn blisko su povezani sa teorijom bezbednosti. Istražuju se elementi straha od fizičkog aspekta urbanih sredina, sa fokusom na prevenciji, koja može da doprinese smanjenju ili nestanku negativnih percepcija korisnika . Definisanje standard za opremanje određenih javnih urbanih prostora može da unapredi njihov nivo kvaliteta i intezivira upotrebu. Ovaj rad inkorporira podatke dobijene od relevantnih institucija i rezultate ankete sprovedene među građanima Beograda, kao i analize prostornih urbanih elemenata, načina i uslova upotrebe, sa aspekta bezbednosti.Finalno, daje set preporučenih mera za process urbanističkog planiranja i projektovanja. Praktična upotreba rezultata odnosi se na formiranje informacione baze, monitoring promena u prostoru, eliminisanje posledica, promociju urbanističkog planiranja i arhitektonskog dizajna kao profesije, realizaciju i održavanje javnih gradskih prostora i stvaranje zakonske osnove za primenu predloženih mera


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    The safety of the community means protection of the people and goods of every kind of the threats and damages, as positive results of the crime prevention are very important aspect of the quality of the urban life. The public (city, urban) space is essential for the urban environment; it provides identity and image, usually referring to the open and to all citizens available ambiance, regardless of their gender, race, ethnic origin, age or socioeconomical status and without financial compensation for its use. Unfortunately, exactly in such kind of the environment it is possible the phenomenon of the everyday violence, which results with harmful consequences as inadequately or reduced use of the public spaces, because of the fear for the personal safety, which leads to the overall decrease of the economical value of the location, the social segregation and similar negative and hardly corrigible results. The urban planning and legal regulations as a assemblage of all legal and sublegal documents, standards and normative of the profession, as spatial and urban plans of the different levels of detailing, coverage and theme, compiled according to orderly obligations and procedures, have a goal to regulate the relationships in the space and could significantly contribute to increasing of the level of urban safety.Безбедност заједнице подразумева заштиту људи и добара, од сваке врсте претње и штете, а позитивни резултати превенције криминала су важан аспект квалитета урбаног живота. Јавни (градски, урбани) простор је есенција која чини урбану средину, даје јој идентитет и имиџ, а обично се односи на отворен и свим грађанима доступан простор, без обзира на њихов пол, расу, етничко порекло, године или социо-економски статус и без новчане надокнаде за његово коришћење. Нажалост, управо у оваквом окружењу могућа је појава тз. свакодневног насиља, што за резултат има штетне последице као што је неадекватно или умањено коришћење јавних простора због страха за личну безбедност, што даље води ка општем паду економске вредности локације, социјалној сегрегацији и сл. Негативним и тешко исправљивим резултатима. Планска и законска урбанистичка регулатива као скуп свих законских и подзаконских аката, стандарда и норматива струке, као и просторних и урбанистичких планова различитог нивоа разраде, обухвата и тематике, израђених у складу са прописаним обавезама и процедурама, има за циљ уређење односа у простору, те може значајно да допринесе и повећању степена урбане безбедности

    Damage caused by red deer (Cervus elaphus) & wild boar (Sus scrofa) in forest hunting grounds in Serbia

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    The systematic study and assessment of the damage by big game in forest hunting grounds in Serbia was infrequent, although the damage was evident. The objective of this paper is to identify the rates and types of damage by red deer and wild boar at three localities: (1) fenced part of the hunting ground 'Crni Lug' (Srem), (2) fenced part of the hunting ground 'Podunavsko Lovište Plavna' (Southwestern Bačka), and (3) fenced rearing centre 'Lomnička Reka' (Mt. Veliki Jastrebac). The damage was not recorded on locality (1). The damage on locality (2) (new polar plantations) and locality (3) (beech forests) was caused by red deer. The main causes of the damage were excessive density and disturbed population structure (sex and age), nonharmonised forest and hunting management, shortage of natural food, especially of pasture areas

    Vocabulary growth at tertiary level: How much progress can Serbian EFL learners make in a year?

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    The size of L2 learners' vocabulary, both receptive and productive, represents a vital concept in the field of L2 acquisition, given that it determines the degree of success in communication. The larger the vocabulary size of a learner is, the better his/her understanding and ease of communication in the target language. For this reason, a body of research focusing on the developmental process of lexical acquisition in L2 learners of various proficiency levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) in different teaching contexts is nowadays steadily expanding. A recent study aimed at investigating the relationship between lexical reception and production in Serbian L1 English L2 learners, English language majors, has indicated that production seriously lags behind reception. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to explore the growth in receptive and productive vocabulary size of B2-level (CEFR) English L2 learners, first year English majors, over a period of a single academic year. The data obtained reveal that the rich L2 input provided in Integrated skills classes, combined with other compulsory and elective courses predominantly held in English, has resulted in the learners' productive lexical knowledge developing faster than their receptive lexical knowledge. This outcome consequently affected the relationship between the learners' receptive and productive vocabulary size - the gap between the two narrowed

    Pruning in poplar plantations by mechanised devices

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    The effects of factors (branch diameter, number of branches, plantation age number of prunings, working assembly of pruning devices, etc) on the duration of pruning in poplar plantations were investigated. Poplar branches were pruned by mechanized devices Stihl HT 75 and Husqvarna 250 PS. It was concluded that pruning time increases significantly with the number of removed branches in all plantations disregarding the plantation age and spacing. This correlation is represented by a degree function. Also, pruning time increases with the size of average branch diameter removed from the tree. The intervals of five branches can be taken as the working norms because within these intervals there are no statistically significant differences of pruning time

    Static inelastic analysis of steel frames with flexible connections

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    The effects of connection flexibility and material yielding on the behavior of plane steel frames subjected to static (monotonic) loads are presented in this paper. Two types of material nonlinearities are considered: flexible nodal connections and material yielding, as well as geometric nonlinearity of the structure. To account for material yielding, a plastic hinge concept is adopted. A flexible connection is idealized by nonlinear rotational spring. Plastic hinge is also idealized by nonlinear rotational spring attached in series with the rotational spring that accounts for connection flexibility. The stiffness matrix for the beam with flexible connections and plastic hinges at its ends is obtained. To illustrate the validity and accuracy of the proposed numerical model, several examples have been conducted

    Czy pojawienie się migrantów zmienia postrzeganie przestrzeni publicznej przez obywateli? Przypadek naruszonej zrównoważoności, Belgrad, Serbia

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    The migrant crisis that hit Europe in 2015 established Belgrade as one of transit cities on the route along which they travel to the final destination. A large number of migrants, no matter of reason for leaving homeland (war, economy, climate change consequences), mostly men travelling alone, prefer to stay in the central urban parks or squares. The result was change of personal feeling of safety of citizens and intensive monitoring by local police, but some other examples gave us a different focus, when the spontaneously formed refugee camp, with tents set up in parks, became a temporary assistance centre and meeting point for citizens and refugees.Podczas kryzysu migracyjny, który dotknął Europę w 2015 r., Belgrad stał się jednym z miast tranzytowych na trasie, którą migranci podróżują do miejsca docelowego. Duża liczba migrantów, bez względu na powód opuszczenia ojczyzny (wojna, gospodarka, konsekwencje zmiany klimatu), głównie mężczyźni podróżujący samotnie, decydowała się zatrzymać w parkach miejskich lub na placach. Rezultatem była zmiana osobistego poczucia bezpieczeństwa obywateli i intensywne monitorowanie przez lokalną policję. Bywało jednak także tak, że spontanicznie tworzony obóz dla uchodźców z namiotami ustawionymi w parkach stawał się tymczasowym centrum pomocy i miejscem spotkań obywateli i uchodźców

    Methodological Approach to the Elaboration and Implementation of the Spatial-Urban Plan for the Special Purpose Area: Case-Study of Infrastructure Corridor of Highway E-80, Section Nis-Merdare, Serbia

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    Spatial plan of the special purpose area constitutes a basic tool in the planning of infrastructure corridor of a highway. The aim of the plan is to define the planning basis and provision of spatial conditions for the construction and operation of the highway, as well as for developing other infrastructure systems in the corridor. This paper presents a methodology and approach to the preparation of the Spatial Plan for the special purpose area for the infrastructure corridor of the highway E-80, Section Niš- Merdare in Serbia. The applied methodological approach is based on the combined application of the integrative and participatory method in the decision-making process on the sustainable development of the highway corridor. It was found that, for the planning and management of the infrastructure corridor, a key problem is coordination of spatial and urban planning, strategic environmental assessment and sectoral traffic planning and designing. Through the development of the plan, special attention is focused on increasing the accessibility of the local and regional surrounding, reducing the adverse impacts on the development of settlements and the economy, protection of natural resources, natural and cultural heritage, and the development of other infrastructure systems in the corridor of the highway. As a result of the applied methodology, this paper analyzes the basic features such as coverage, the concept, protected zones, service facilities and objects, the rules of development and construction, etc. Special emphasis is placed to methodology and results of the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Spatial Plan, and to the importance of protection measures, with the special significance of air and noise protection measures. For evaluation in the Strategic Environmental Assessment, a multicriteria expert evaluation (semiquantitative method) of planned solutions was used in relation to the set of goals and relevant indicators, based on the basic set of indicators of sustainable development. Evaluation of planned solutions encompassed the significance and size, spatial conditions and probability of the impact of planned solutions on the environment, and the defined goals of strategic assessment. The framework of implementation of the Spatial Plan is presented, which is determined for simultaneous elaboration of planning solutions at two levels: the strategic level of spatial plan and detailed urban plan level. It is also analyzed the relationship of the Spatial Plan to other applicable planning documents for the planning area. The effects of this methodological approach relate to enabling integrated planning of the sustainable development of the infrastructure corridor of the highway and its surrounding area, through coordination of spatial, urban and sectoral traffic planning and design, as well as the participation of all key actors in the adoption and implementation of planned decisions. By the conclusions of the paper it is pointed to direction for further research, particularly in terms of harmonizing methodology of Nebojsa Stefanovic PhD, is with Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia, Serbia (e-mail: [email protected]). planning documentation and preparation of technical-design documentation.Apstrakt objavljen i u elektronskom časopisu: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol:13, No:2, 2019. International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 13(2) 2019 [https://waset.org/abstracts/civil-and-environmental-engineering/100253] ISNI:000000009195026