94 research outputs found

    A vision-based system for internal pipeline inspection

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    The internal inspection of large pipeline infrastructures, such as sewers and waterworks, is a fundamental task for the prevention of possible failures. In particular, visual inspection is typically performed by human operators on the basis of video sequences either acquired on-line or recorded for further off-line analysis. In this work, we propose a vision-based software approach to assist the human operator by conveniently showing the acquired data and by automatically detecting and highlighting the pipeline sections where relevant anomalies could occur

    The SEE-GeoForm WebGIS: a tool for seismic data and hazard analysis

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    The SEE-GeoForm project (Site Effects Evaluation - Geological Form) is born to share and make easily accessible via Internet seismic hazard data for Italy at different scales and for different administrative units (regions, provinces, municipalities), from existing database or new dataset carried out in this project. Using a WebGIS (http://www.seegeoform.it) a tool to archive, display and elaborate information has been developed. In particular, the website allows the user to query the basic and local seismic hazard values for single municipalities or to calculate those for any single point only by clicking on the maps. In order to make the WebGIS more flexible, the system has been fully implemented using open source technologies, based on the guidelines expressed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC); in this way, it has been possible to develop some thematic modules for data elaborations and queries as integrated web services such as WMS, following all of the internationally-acknowledged best-practices in this field. The WebGIS has three frames: the data panel, the display area, the map layers directories. The data panel has several modules concerning respectively: basic and local hazard data for all Italian municipalities calculated by National Institute of Geophisics and Volcanology (INGV) or from other studies, such as horizontal peak ground acceleration values for different return periods (considering the exceedance probability in 50 years), and soil classes with the corresponding lithostratigraphic amplification factors according to the EuroCode8; a regular grid of 16.810 points, with a step equal to 0.05°, used by INGV for the seismic hazard elaborations (http://zonesismiche.mi.ingv.it/): values that are necessary to draw the site-dependent response spectra, according to the Italian seismic code, are linked to each point; the calculation on user demand of basic seismic hazard parameters for a site selected by clicking on geographical layers; composite seismogenic sources from DISS (Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources, vers. 3.1.1.: http://diss.rm.ingv.it/diss/), with their relative parameters (maximum moment magnitude, strike, dip, etc.). Finally, there are two modules regarding litoseismic classes and subsoil categories: the first one is linked to a map obtained by reclassifying the 46 litothypes of the Lithological Map of Italy at 100000-scale by Geological Survey of Italy (National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research - ISPRA) into 12 litoseismic classes, considered homogeneous regarding to their seismic behavior; while the second one permits to know the subsoil category, according with Italian seismic provisions (Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni – NTC 2008), for a single point by clicking on the map. This has been possible by elaborating a subsoil categories map at 100000-scale derived from the litoseismic map at the same scale, by blending different litoseismic classes into 5 categories. Datasets have been built starting from 2007 within the ReLUIS Project (http://www.reluis.it) and are being improved within the 2009-2012 EUCENTRE project (http://www.eucentre.it), that partially financed the WebGIS development, as a result of the strong collaboration between researchers from INGV and ISPRA. The SEE-GeoForm web-tool aims to become the focal point to display in a simple way many databases containing information on seismic hazard of Italian territory, allowing user-friendly elaborations for researchers and professionals

    an interactive tool for sketch based annotation

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    Annotation of Web content is becoming a widespread activity by which users appropriate and enrich information available on the Net. MADCOW (Multimedia Annotation of Digital Content Over the Web) is a system for annotating HTML pages that provides a uniform interactive paradigm to make annotations on text, images and video. MADCOW has also recently included novel features for groups and group annotations with reference to ontological domains, but interaction with the MADCOW client is currently limited to the use of common input devices (e.g., keyboard, mouse), requiring a precise selection of the portions to be annotated. In this paper we present a sketch-based interface, which can be used to annotate not only content but also aspects relative to the presentation of the information. While interacting with a standard Web browser, users can draw free-hand geometrical shapes (e.g., circles, rectangles, closed paths) for selecting specific parts of the Web pages to be annotated. The interaction mode depends on the adopted input device. For example, users interacting with touch-screen devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets) can draw shapes with their fingers, but in principle any device able to detect sketching gestures can be supported (e.g., graphic tablets, optical pens). The paper discusses interaction aspects together with an overview of the system architecture. Finally, preliminary experimental tests and some considerations on the usability are also reported

    Physiological responses of Arundo donax ecotypes to drought: a common garden study

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    Genetic analyses have suggested that the clonal reproduction of Arundo donax has resulted in low genetic diversity. However, an earlier common garden phenotyping experiment identified specimens of A. donax with contrasting biomass yields (ecotypes 6 and 20). We utilized the same well-established stands to investigate the photosynthetic and stress physiology of the A. donax ecotypes under irrigated and drought conditions. Ecotype 6 produced the largest yields in both treatments. The A. donax ecotypes exhibited identical high leaf-level rates of photosynthesis (PN) and stomatal conductance (Gs) in the well-watered treatment. Soil drying induced reductions in PN and Gs, decreased use of light energy for photochemistry, impaired function of photosystem II and increased heat dissipation similarly in the two ecotypes. Levels of biologically active free-abscisic acid (ABA) and fixed glycosylated-ABA increased earlier in response to the onset of water deficit in ecotype 6; however, as drought progressed, the ecotypes showed similar increases in both forms of ABA. This may suggest that because of the low genetic variability in A. donax the genes responding to drought might have been activated similarly in the two ecotypes, resulting in identical physiological responses to water deficit. Despite the lack of physiological ecotypic differences that could be associated with yield, A. donax retained a high degree of PN and biomass gain under water deficit stress conditions. This may enable utilization of A. donax as a fast growing biomass crop in rain-fed marginal lands in hot drought prone climates

    Data integration by two-sensors in a LEAP-based Virtual Glove for human-system interaction

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    Virtual Glove (VG) is a low-cost computer vision system that utilizes two orthogonal LEAP motion sensors to provide detailed 4D hand tracking in real-time. VG can find many applications in the field of human-system interaction, such as remote control of machines or tele-rehabilitation. An innovative and efficient data-integration strategy, based on the velocity calculation, for selecting data from one of the LEAPs at each time, is proposed for VG. The position of each joint of the hand model, when obscured to a LEAP, is guessed and tends to flicker. Since VG uses two LEAP sensors, two spatial representations are available each moment for each joint: the method consists of the selection of the one with the lower velocity at each time instant. Choosing the smoother trajectory leads to VG stabilization and precision optimization, reduces occlusions (parts of the hand or handling objects obscuring other hand parts) and/or, when both sensors are seeing the same joint, reduces the number of outliers produced by hardware instabilities. The strategy is experimentally evaluated, in terms of reduction of outliers with respect to a previously used data selection strategy on VG, and results are reported and discussed. In the future, an objective test set has to be imagined, designed, and realized, also with the help of an external precise positioning equipment, to allow also quantitative and objective evaluation of the gain in precision and, maybe, of the intrinsic limitations of the proposed strategy. Moreover, advanced Artificial Intelligence-based (AI-based) real-time data integration strategies, specific for VG, will be designed and tested on the resulting dataset. (c) 2021, The Author(s)

    Il Progetto SEE-GeoForm: uno strumento per la consultazione di dati geologici e di pericolosità sismica riferiti all’intero territorio nazionale

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    Il progetto SEE-GeoForm (Site Effects Evaluation - Geological Form: http://www.seegeoform.it) nasce con l’obiettivo di realizzare uno strumento semplice, potente e completo per la consultazione e la rappresentazione, tramite un WebGIS, di dati geologici, geomorfologici, geotecnici e geofisici relativi all’intero territorio italiano. In questo modo, si vogliono concentrare in un sistema flessibile e intuitivo, dotato di un’unica modalità di accesso e consultazione, una serie di informazioni che attualmente sono disperse in numerosi database mono-tematici consultabili via Internet. Attualmente il WebGIS contiene dati georeferenziati e carte tematiche relative alla pericolosità sismica a differenti scale territoriali e per diverse unità amministrative (regioni, province e comuni). Le informazioni provengono sia da banche dati esistenti che da elaborazioni effettuate “ad hoc” nell’ambito di questo progetto (carte tematiche in scala 1:100.000 del territorio italiano). Per rendere il sistema più flessibile ed aggiornabile è stata sviluppata una piattaforma che utilizza esclusivamente tecnologie “open source”, basate sulle linee guida dell’Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC); in questo modo è stato possibile realizzare alcuni moduli tematici che sono totalmente compatibili con il protocollo standard denominato WMS (Web Map Services) per la consultazione e la visualizzazione spaziale dei dati tramite Internet
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