48 research outputs found

    Problem zbrinjavanja otpada: primjer lokacije Tarno u Zagrebačkoj županiji

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    Considering the growing problem of waste disposal, this paper analyses the spatial distribution, legal and sociological framework, and relevant environmental components of existing waste landfills in Zagreb County (geological, hydrogeological and geomorphological features of the locations, climate). In addition to potential ecological and health consequences, waste disposal often has complex social and economic consequences for the surrounding locations. Therefore, these environmental aspects were also used to analyse the justification of decision to select the location Tarno as a potential county waste management centre. This is an interesting case since it aroused negative reactions from political structures and the local population of the nearby Town of Ivanić Grad. In addition to the environmental parameters, the topographic exposure index of the wider area was determined. This is based on the characteristics of the wind rose in order to identify areas of maximum exposure to the negative impact of odour due to the prevailing air currents. Special attention was paid to the buffer zone up to 3000 m from the location of potential landfill sites. Considering the strong resistance towards the selection of this location for a county waste management centre, the attitudes of local residents, their level of knowledge and their awareness of the issue were also examined. The existence of the NIMBY syndrome and YIAMBY was also tested.S obzirom na sve veći problem zbrinjavanja otpada analizirana je prostorna distribucija, zakonski okvir, socioloÅ”ki okvir, te relevantne sastavnice okoliÅ”a postojećih odlagaliÅ”ta otpada Zagrebačke županije (geoloÅ”ka podloga, hidrogeoloÅ”ke i geomorfoloÅ”ke značajke terena, klima). Uz potencijalne ekoloÅ”ke i zdravstvene posljedice, odlaganje otpada često ima kompleksne socijalne i ekonomske posljedice za obližnje lokacije. Stoga su analizirani okoliÅ”ni parametri upotrebljeni za analizu opravdanosti odluke o izboru lokacije Tarno kao potencijalnog Županijskog centra za gospodarenje otpadom. Taj je slučaj interesantan jer je izazvao negativne reakcije političkih struktura i lokalnog stanovniÅ”tva Ivanić Grada. Uz navedene parametre okoliÅ”a na temelju značajki ruže vjetrova određen je indeks topografske izloženosti za Å”ire područje radi identificiranja zona najveće izloženosti negativnom utjecaju smrada s obzirom na prevladavajuća zračna strujanja. Posebna pozornost posvećena je zoni do 3000 m od lokacije potencijalnog odlagaliÅ”ta. S obzirom na snažan otpor izboru ove lokcije za Županijski centar za gospodarenje otpadom ispitani su stavovi lokanog stanovniÅ”tva, razina poznavanja problema i informiranosti, te je testirano postojanje NIMBY i YIAMBY sindroma

    Association between risk factors, basal viral load, virus genotype and the degree of liver fibrosis with the response to the therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection

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    Ā© 2015, Institut za Vojnomedicinske Naucne Informacije/Documentaciju. All rights reserved. Background/Aim. Hepatitis C is an important sociomedical problem worldwide due to frequent progression to chronic dis-ease, occurrence of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Standard pegylated interferon alfa 2a plus ribavirin therapy results in resolution of infection only in 50% of patients. The aim of this study was to determine the association of various factors with re-sponse to the therapy in patients with chronic heptitis C virus (HCV) infection. Age and sex of patients, inoculation risk factors, histopathological changes in the liver, viral load and HCV geno-type were analyzed. Methods. The study included a group of 121 patients with chronic HCV infection. The treatment was carried out 24 weeks for virus genotype 2 and 3, and 48 weeks for geno-type 1 and 4. The degree of histopathological changes in the liver was determined by hematoxylin and eosin staining, whereas polimerase chain reaction was used for HCV genotyping. Results. In the group of non-responding patients genotype 1 was repre-sented with 100%, while in the other groups, although predomi-nantly present, its percentage was lower. Unresponsiveness to therapy and relapse of disease were associated with higher viral load and advanced fibrosis. Intravenous use of psychoactive sub-stances, as a risk factor, was present in a high percentage in the group of patients with sustained response, while blood transfusion and dialysis were leading risk factors in the group of relapse re-sponders and non-responders. Conclusion. The results of our study showed that the treatment outcome of chronic HCV infec-tion was associated with baseline HCV ribonucleic acid, HCV genotype, route of infection and the degree of histopathological changes in the liver

    Contents of oil and proteins in NS soybean varieties registered in 2019

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    U Odeljenju za soju, Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada do sada je registrovano 148 NS sorti soje, ra zličitih grupa zrenja. Cilj ovoga rada je sagledavanje prinosa, sadržaja proteina i ulja, kao i prinosa proteina i ulja po jedinici povrŔine, najnovijih NS sorti soje priznatih u 2019. godini. U dvogodiŔnjim ogledima Ministarstva poljoprivrede, Ŕumarstva i vodoprivrede, na pet lokaliteta, najviŔi prinos imala je kasna sorta soje NS Vaso (4241 kg ha-1). NajviŔi sadržaj proteina imala je rana sorta NS Olympus (41,40%), dok je najviŔi sadržaj ulja zabeležen kod srednjestasne sorte soje Sava (21,89%)The Department of soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has so far registered 148 NS soybean varieties of different maturity groups. The aim of this study is to assess the yield, protein and oil content, as well as protein and oil yield per unit area, the latest NS varieties registered in 2019. In the two-year trials of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Waters, at five locations, the highest yield had late soybean NS Vaso (4241 kg ha-1). The highest protein content was early variety NS Olympus (41.40%), while the highest oil content was recorded in medium maturity varieties Sava (21.89%)

    Quality newly released NS varieties soybean in 2022

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    U Odeljenju za soju, Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada do sada je registrovano 166 NS sorte soje, različitih grupa zrenja. Cilj ovoga rada je sagledavanje prinosa, sadržaja proteina i ulja, kao i prinosa proteina i ulja po jedinici povrŔine, najnovijih NS sorti soje priznatih u 2022 godini. U dvogodiŔnjim ogledima Ministarstva poljoprivrede, Ŕumarstva i vodoprivrede, na pet lokaliteta, najviŔi prinos imala je sorta soje NS Westeros (4.321 kg ha-1). NajviŔi sadržaj proteina imala je sorta NS Aragonit (41,1%), dok je najviŔi sadržaj ulja zabeležen kod sorti NS Feba (21,9%) i NS Coral (21,6%).The Department of soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has so far registered 166 NS soybean cultivars of different maturity groups. The aim of this study is to assess the yield, protein and oil content, as well as protein and oil yield per unit area, the latest NS varieties registered in 2022. In the two-year trials of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, at five locations, the highest yield had late soybean NS Westeros (4.321 kg ha-1). The highest protein content was early variety NS Aragonit (41.1%), while the highest oil content was recorded in varieties NS Feba (21.9%) and NS Coral (21.6%)

    Quality newly released NS varieties soybean in 2021

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    U Odeljenju za soju, Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada do sada je registrovano 160 NS sorte soje, različitih grupa zrenja. Cilj ovoga rada je sagledavanje prinosa, sadržaja proteina i ulja, kao i prinosa proteina i ulja po jedinici povrŔine, najnovijih NS sorti soje priznatih u 2021 godini. U dvogodiŔnjim ogledima Ministarstva poljoprivrede, Ŕumarstva i vodoprivrede, na pet lokaliteta, najviŔi prinos imala je sorta soje NS Deneris (4574 kg ha-1). NajviŔi sadržaj proteina imala je sorta NS Pavle (40,53%), dok je najviŔi sadržaj ulja zabeležen kod sorti NS Zmaj (23,04%) i NS Deneris (23,01%).The Department of soybean, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has so far registered 160 NS soybean cultivars of different maturity groups. The aim of this study is to assess the yield, protein and oil content, as well as protein and oil yield per unit area, the latest NS varieties registered in 2021. In the two-year trials of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, at five locations, the highest yield had late soybean NS Deneris (4574 kg ha-1). The highest protein content was early variety NS Pavle (40.53%), while the highest oil content was recorded in varieties NS Zmaj (23.04%) and NS Deneris (23.01%)

    The Middle Part of the Plucked Hair Follicle Outer Root Sheath Is Identified as an Area Rich in Lineage-Specific Stem Cell Markers

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    Hair follicle outer root sheath (ORS) is a putative source of stem cells with therapeutic capacity. ORS contains several multipotent stem cell populations, primarily in the distal compartment of the bulge region. However, the bulge is routinely obtained using invasive isolation methods, which require human scalp tissue ex vivo. Non-invasive sampling has been standardized by means of the plucking procedure, enabling to reproducibly obtain the mid-ORS part. The mid-ORS shows potential for giving rise to multiple stem cell populations in vitro. To demonstrate the phenotypic features of distal, middle, and proximal ORS parts, gene and protein expression profiles were studied in physically separated portions. The mid-part of the ORS showed a comparable or higher NGFR, nestin/NES, CD34, CD73, CD44, CD133, CK5, PAX3, MITF, and PMEL expression on both protein and gene levels, when compared to the distal ORS part. Distinct subpopulations of cells exhibiting small and round morphology were characterized with flow cytometry as simultaneously expressing CD73/CD271, CD49f/CD105, nestin, and not CK10. Potentially, these distinct subpopulations can give rise to cultured neuroectodermal and mesenchymal stem cell populations in vitro. In conclusion, the mid part of the ORS holds the potential for yielding multiple stem cells, in particular mesenchymal stem cells

    Difference in the speed of lexical retrieval in Croatian and English among sequential bilingual speakers

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    S obzirom na globalizaciju, internet i učestale migracije, u danaÅ”njem svijetu raste broj dvojezičnih i viÅ”ejezičnih govornika. U Republici Hrvatskoj također postoji dobra podloga za dvojezičnost. Drugi je jezik govornika u naÅ”oj državi najčeŔće engleski, Å”to ne iznenađuje s obzirom na činjenicu da je engleski jezik u Å”kolskom sustavu obavezan od vrlo rane dobi, a sve čeŔće se pojavljuje i u sustavu ranog i predÅ”kolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. To predstavlja priliku za istraživanje leksičkog pristupa i razlika istog u hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku, Å”to se i ispitivalo u ovom istraživanju. Dakle, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je izmjeriti brzinu leksičkog pristupa u hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku kod sukcesivnih dvojezičnih govornika te ispitati razlike iste u tim dvama jezicima. Svrha ovog rada je ispitati stupanj automatizacije dvojezičnih govornika u pojedinom jeziku. Također se ispitalo i utječu li jezici jedan na drugi te na koji način, a sve to pomoću zadatka leksičke odluke te zadatka interferencije između slike i riječi Stroopovog tipa. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 30 učenika jedne gimnazije, a mjerene su dvije varijable ā€“ vrijeme reakcije i točnost te se analizirao utjecaj efekta leksikalnosti i efekta jezika na te varijable. Rezultati su pokazali da na zadatku leksičke odluke postoji statistički značajan efekt leksikalnosti na obje varijable, dok efekt jezika nije dokazan ni na jednoj. Međutim, na istom je zadatku također dobivena interakcija između jezika i leksikalnosti, Å”to je pokazalo veću automatiziranost u hrvatskom jeziku. Na zadatku interferencije između slike i riječi Stroopovog tipa oba ispitivana efekta pokazala su se statistički značajnima na varijabli vrijeme reakcije, dok na varijablu točnost ni leksikalnost ni jezik nisu imali utjecaj.Given globalization, Internet and frequent migration, the number of bilingual and multilingual speakers is growing in todayā€™s world. There is also a good basis for bilingualism in the Republic of Croatia. The second language of speakers in our country is mostly English, which is not surprising given the fact that English is mandatory in the school system from a very early age, and is increasingly appearing in the system of early and preschool education. This is an opportunity to explore the lexical approach and its differences in Croatian and English, which was examined in this study. Thus, the aim of this research was to measure the speed of lexical access in Croatian and English in sequential bilingual speakers and to examine the differences between them in the two languages. The purpose of this paper is to examine the degree of automation of bilingual speakers in a particular language. It was also examined whether languages affect each other and in what way, all with the help of the task of lexical decision and Stroop-like task. The study was conducted on 30 students from one gymnasium, and two variables were measured - reaction time and accuracy. The influence of the effect of lexicality and the effect of language on these variables was analyzed. The results showed that there is a statistically significant effect of lexicality on both variables on the task of lexical decision, while the effect of language has not been proven on either. However, the interaction between language and lexicality was also obtained on the same task, which showed greater automation in the Croatian language. On Stroop-like task, both examined effects proved to be statistically significant on the variable reaction time, while on the variable accuracy neither lexicality nor language had an impact

    Difference in the speed of lexical retrieval in Croatian and English among sequential bilingual speakers

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    S obzirom na globalizaciju, internet i učestale migracije, u danaÅ”njem svijetu raste broj dvojezičnih i viÅ”ejezičnih govornika. U Republici Hrvatskoj također postoji dobra podloga za dvojezičnost. Drugi je jezik govornika u naÅ”oj državi najčeŔće engleski, Å”to ne iznenađuje s obzirom na činjenicu da je engleski jezik u Å”kolskom sustavu obavezan od vrlo rane dobi, a sve čeŔće se pojavljuje i u sustavu ranog i predÅ”kolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. To predstavlja priliku za istraživanje leksičkog pristupa i razlika istog u hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku, Å”to se i ispitivalo u ovom istraživanju. Dakle, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je izmjeriti brzinu leksičkog pristupa u hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku kod sukcesivnih dvojezičnih govornika te ispitati razlike iste u tim dvama jezicima. Svrha ovog rada je ispitati stupanj automatizacije dvojezičnih govornika u pojedinom jeziku. Također se ispitalo i utječu li jezici jedan na drugi te na koji način, a sve to pomoću zadatka leksičke odluke te zadatka interferencije između slike i riječi Stroopovog tipa. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 30 učenika jedne gimnazije, a mjerene su dvije varijable ā€“ vrijeme reakcije i točnost te se analizirao utjecaj efekta leksikalnosti i efekta jezika na te varijable. Rezultati su pokazali da na zadatku leksičke odluke postoji statistički značajan efekt leksikalnosti na obje varijable, dok efekt jezika nije dokazan ni na jednoj. Međutim, na istom je zadatku također dobivena interakcija između jezika i leksikalnosti, Å”to je pokazalo veću automatiziranost u hrvatskom jeziku. Na zadatku interferencije između slike i riječi Stroopovog tipa oba ispitivana efekta pokazala su se statistički značajnima na varijabli vrijeme reakcije, dok na varijablu točnost ni leksikalnost ni jezik nisu imali utjecaj.Given globalization, Internet and frequent migration, the number of bilingual and multilingual speakers is growing in todayā€™s world. There is also a good basis for bilingualism in the Republic of Croatia. The second language of speakers in our country is mostly English, which is not surprising given the fact that English is mandatory in the school system from a very early age, and is increasingly appearing in the system of early and preschool education. This is an opportunity to explore the lexical approach and its differences in Croatian and English, which was examined in this study. Thus, the aim of this research was to measure the speed of lexical access in Croatian and English in sequential bilingual speakers and to examine the differences between them in the two languages. The purpose of this paper is to examine the degree of automation of bilingual speakers in a particular language. It was also examined whether languages affect each other and in what way, all with the help of the task of lexical decision and Stroop-like task. The study was conducted on 30 students from one gymnasium, and two variables were measured - reaction time and accuracy. The influence of the effect of lexicality and the effect of language on these variables was analyzed. The results showed that there is a statistically significant effect of lexicality on both variables on the task of lexical decision, while the effect of language has not been proven on either. However, the interaction between language and lexicality was also obtained on the same task, which showed greater automation in the Croatian language. On Stroop-like task, both examined effects proved to be statistically significant on the variable reaction time, while on the variable accuracy neither lexicality nor language had an impact


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    The paper discusses the buildings from the past that can be considered the precursors of prefabricated buildings as we know them today, and can also be considered as inspiration for modern prefabrication. The research platform in the paper is represented by selected examples of buildings characteristic of the Western Balkans, namely: "kućer", "povoznica", "tronj", a hut on KoÅ”tan polje and a house from Kosovo. The second part of the paper presents an example from the world, a "yurt" characteristic of various locations on the Asian continent, which finds application in the modern world. Flexibility, mobility and economy, the main characteristics of prefabricated buildings as we know them today, are recognized as guiding ideas of the analyzed examplesRad se bavi sagledavanjem objekata iz proÅ”losti koji se mogu smatrati pretečom montažnih objekata kakve danas poznajemo a mogu se smatrati i inspiracijom za savremenu prefabrikaciju. Istraživačku platformu u radu predstavljaju odabrani primeri objekata karakterističnih za zapadni Balkan i to: ā€œkućerā€, ā€œpovoznicaā€, ā€œtronjā€, koliba na KoÅ”tan polju i kuća sa Kosova. U drugom delu rada prikazan je i primer iz sveta, ā€œjurtaā€ karakteristična za različite lokacije na Azijskom kontinentu, a koja pronalazi primenu i u savremenom svetu. Fleksibilnost, mobilnost i ekonomičnost, glavne karakteristike prefabrikovanih objekata kakve danas poznajemo, se prepoznaju i kao ideje vodilje analiziranih primera