9 research outputs found

    Suppressing behaviour related to discomfort induced with a cold pressure task does not influence working memory capacity in a 2-back task.

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    The study aims to examine the impact of Expressive Suppression (ES), on Working Memory (WM) performance when exposed to mild pain reaction causing physiological activation. Performance measures are obtained to discriminate between three groups having their hands in warm water, cold water, and cold water and implementing ES. As a measure of WM performance, this study used a WM 2-back task interspersed with emotionally positive, negative and neutral faces. This study predicted the detrimental effect in WM performance when implementing ES, in line with previous studies suggesting that suppressing behaviour is cognitively effortful (Richards and Gross, 2000). However, in contrast to our predictions, our results indicate no trade off in accuracy measures processing information in the 2-back task while simultaneously implementing ES. In addition, subjective ratings using the SAM-scale (Bradley & Lang, 1994) were gathered and the discomfort-related behavioural data rated by an independent group of students. The SAM-scale data suggest that being exposed to cold water CPT evoked less positive affect but not when implementing ES on CPT. Objective ratings suggest that there was a difference in participants behaviour and that implementing ES resulted in lower dispositional behaviour. Qualitative results also contribute to our understanding of the impact ES has on WM, even though they can be questioned. Therefore alternative explanations are discussed and manipulation implementation is questioned

    NÄgra muslimers psykologiska upplevelse av det svenska samhÀllet.

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    Övergripande frĂ„gestĂ€llning i studien har varit; pĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt och hur blir en muslimskimmigrant pĂ„verkad av integrationen till det svenska samhĂ€llet? Studien bygger pĂ„ sexintervjuade muslimska immigranter i Ă„lders gruppen arton till femtiofyra, bĂ„de mĂ€n ochkvinnor har blivit intervjuade. Resultatet har visat att muslimska immigranter uppleveren stor frihetskĂ€nsla av att komma till Sverige och ser det svenska samhĂ€llssystemetsom ett ”perfekt” system. Personerna som intervjuades berĂ€ttade om hur de har varitutsatt för diskriminering och negativa fördomar. Detta leder till att de identifierar sigmed en ingrupp bestĂ„ende av andra immigranter och placerar sig sjĂ€lva i en stereotyp.Immigranterna beskriver ocksĂ„ hur sprĂ„ket Ă€r det de anser viktigast för en lyckadintegration till Svenska samhĂ€llet och vikten av att ha ett sprĂ„k för att kunna fĂ„ jobb ochaccepteras. SprĂ„ket blir dĂ€rför en viktig faktor för att bygga upp det egnasjĂ€lvförtroendet

    The Changing Landscape of Sport Facilities : Consequences for Practitioners and the Environment

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    The environmental impact of sports facilities has received increasing attention over the last decades. However, studies within this area primarily deal with how the actual construction of sports facilities affects the environment. We know far less about how an active presence in sports facilities influences sporting practitioners’ thoughts about their own environmental impact. Therefore, this chapter critically discusses environmental issues connected to sports facilities generally and more specifically in relation to artificial sports facilities. We use several theoretical concepts to discuss the current research with examples taken from the artificial landscapes of cross-country skiing, canoe slalom, and turf-based sports. What makes artificial sports facilities especially interesting from an environmental perspective is the ambiguity they involve. On one hand, the actual constructions involve direct interventions in nature. On the other hand, there is a lack of knowledge about the impact these facilities have on health, environmental awareness, and travel. We argue that future sports facilities will need to stimulate more logic than competition if sport and outdoor recreation is to be environmentally sustainable. The process of sportification, which has prioritised the growth of sport economies and encouraged ever higher performance levels, would need to shift its focus to incorporate environmental concerns.Mistra Sport & Outdoor

    The Changing Landscape of Sport Facilities : Consequences for Practitioners and the Environment

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    The environmental impact of sports facilities has received increasing attention over the last decades. However, studies within this area primarily deal with how the actual construction of sports facilities affects the environment. We know far less about how an active presence in sports facilities influences sporting practitioners’ thoughts about their own environmental impact. Therefore, this chapter critically discusses environmental issues connected to sports facilities generally and more specifically in relation to artificial sports facilities. We use several theoretical concepts to discuss the current research with examples taken from the artificial landscapes of cross-country skiing, canoe slalom, and turf-based sports. What makes artificial sports facilities especially interesting from an environmental perspective is the ambiguity they involve. On one hand, the actual constructions involve direct interventions in nature. On the other hand, there is a lack of knowledge about the impact these facilities have on health, environmental awareness, and travel. We argue that future sports facilities will need to stimulate more logic than competition if sport and outdoor recreation is to be environmentally sustainable. The process of sportification, which has prioritised the growth of sport economies and encouraged ever higher performance levels, would need to shift its focus to incorporate environmental concerns.Mistra Sport & Outdoor

    Slutrapport : Universell utformning av Foodtech

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    I samverkan mellan Mittuniversitetet och HÀrnösands kommun</p

    Slutrapport : Universell utformning av Foodtech

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    I samverkan mellan Mittuniversitetet och HÀrnösands kommun</p

    Slutrapport : Universell utformning av Foodtech

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    I samverkan mellan Mittuniversitetet och HÀrnösands kommun</p