221 research outputs found

    O direito sucessório nas famílias paralelas

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    O presente trabalho tem como finalidade a abordagem do direito sucessório nas famílias paralelas, as quais são denominadas também como simultâneas. Essas famílias passaram a ser estudadas devido à incidência do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, o princípio da pluralidade familiar, e também o princípio da afetividade nas relações familiares. A partir da promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988,esses princípios possibilitaram o reconhecimento da união estável e também de diversas outras entidades familiares, sendo uma dessas a família paralela. Com isso, será delineada a evolução das famílias, com enfoque na questão da monogamia, que, de maneira geral, ainda prevalece no conceito contemporâneo de família. Uma vez que essa família simultânea venha a ser reconhecida no plano jurídico, nota-se que ela surtirá seus devidos efeitos. Dessa forma, é necessário o estudo do direito sucessório, baseado na jurisprudência vigente,quanto à possibilidadeda ex-convivente da família concomitante ser titular de direitos sucessórios do de cujus

    Determination of kinetics data of the pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse with alkaline hydrogen peroxide and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis

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    Orientadores: Aline Carvalho da Costa, Rubens Maciel FilhoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuimicaResumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter dados experimentais da cinética de pré-tratamento com peróxido de hidrogênio alcalino e da cinética de hidrólise enzimática posterior do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar. O pré-tratamento foi realizado nas condições determinadas como ótimas para este processo com concentrações de 8% (m/m) de bagaço, 11% (v/v) de peróxido de hidrogênio e pH igual a 11,5. Os dados experimentais para o pré-tratamento foram obtidos nas temperaturas de 25, 45 e 65ºC, analisando-se os teores de lignina, celulose e hemicelulose em função do tempo de pré-tratamento. À 25ºC houve menor deslignificação em relação à 65ºC, mas não houve degradação da celulose. A hidrólise enzimática foi realizada com bagaço pré-tratado usando celulase de T. reesei e ß-glicosidase de A. Niger a 50ºC. No primeiro ciclo de experimentos, a massa de bagaço foi variada entre 1 e 5 g com volume reacional fixo em 100 mL, correspondendo às concentrações de 1 e 5% de bagaço (m/m). As concentrações de celulase e ß-glicosidase foram mantidas fixas em 500 FPU/L e 500 CBU/L, respectivamente. A carga enzimática fixa dificultou a transferência de massa e adsorção das enzimas, por isto, resultados menos satisfatórios foram observados para os ensaios com maior concentração de bagaço. Experimentos adicionais foram realizados fixando-se a massa de bagaço em 3% (m/m) e variando-se as concentrações de celulase e ß-glicosidase de acordo com um planejamento 22 + configuração estrela. Os resultados reafirmaram que a ação das enzimas sobre o substrato ocorre de forma sinérgica. Nos experimentos para avaliação da hidrólise enzimática, as concentrações de celobiose, glicose, xilose e arabinose são mostradas em função do tempo.Abstract: The objective of this work was to obtain experimental data of the kinetics of pretreatment with alkaline hydrogen peroxide and of the kinetics of the subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse. The pretreatment was performed in the conditions determined as optimal for this process with concentrations of 8% (w/w) of bagasse, 11% (v/v) of hydrogen peroxide and pH of 11,5. The experimental data were obtained at temperatures of 25, 45 e 65°C, analyzing the concentrations of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose were analyzed as functions of pretreatment time. At 25°C was observed lower delignification when compared to the 65°C, but not occurred degradation of cellulose. The enzymatic hydrolysis was performed with pretreated bagasse using celulase from T. reesei and ß- glicosidase from A. Niger at 50 ºC. In the first round of experiments, bagasse mass was varied from 1 to 5 g with fixed reactional volume of 100 mL, corresponding to concentrations of 1 to 5% of bagasse (w/w). The concentrations of celulase and ß- glucosidade were fixed in 500 FPU/L and 500 CBU/L, respectively. The enzyme loading fixed difficult the transfer of mass and the adsorption of the enzymes, therefore, less satisfactory results were observed for tests with higher concentration of bagasse. Additional experiments were performed fixing bagasse mass at 3% (w/w) and varying celulase and ß- glucosidade concentrations according to a 22 + star configuration factorial design. The results confirmed that the action of enzymes on the substrate occurs in a synergistic way. In the experiments for enzymatic hydrolysis, the concentrations of celobiose, glucose, xylose and arabinose are shown as functions of time. Key-words: Hydrogen peroxide, pretreatment, hydrolysis, sugarcane bagasse.MestradoDesenvolvimento de Processos QuímicosMestre em Engenharia Químic

    Analysis of familial incidence of non-syndromic cleft lip and palate in a Brazilian population

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    Background: The purpose of this study is to follow the familial incidence of non-syndromic or isolated cleft lip, with or without cleft palate (NSCL/P), and to analyze the relationships between the type of NSCL/P in the affected individual and his/her parent, looking at children in the first grade. Material and Methods: To investigate the familial incidence of NSCL/P we analyzed the records of 185 patients from 2004-2008, retrospectively. Detailed histories were collected regarding the familial incidence of NSCL/P. For the 185 individuals, the relationship between the type of NSCL/P and the sociodemographic and personal characteristics of the affected person and her/his cleft relatives was obtained. Results: The individuals were 42 carriers of CL, 109 with CLP (joined in one group) and 34 with CP (p<0.001). Of the total of participants, 65 (35.13%) presented a positive history of cleft in their families and 120 (64.86%) presented a negative history (p<0.001). There were differences between the cleft groups according to types of cleft and positive familial history (p<0.001). In both groups, the relatives with higher incidence of NSCL/P were cousins, with the same pattern of distribution between the two groups (p=0.175). Conclusions: Most frequently, fissures result from CL/CLP with no familial history. However, CL/CLP was found in familial cases and cousins were the relative type more likely to be affected

    Risk Of Leukemia In First Degree Relatives Of Patients With Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip And Palate.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of leukemia in parents of patients with nonsyndromic cleft lip and/or cleft palate (NSCL/P). This case-control study evaluated first-degree family members of 358 patients with NSCL/P and 1,432 subjects without craniofacial alterations or syndromes. Statistical analysis was carried out using Fisher's test. From the 358 subjects with NSCL/P, 3 first-degree parents had history of leukemia, while 2 out of 1,432 subjects from the unaffected group had a family history of leukemia. The frequency of positive family history of leukemia was not significantly increased in first-degree relatives of patients with NSCL/P.281-


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    A urbanização faz com que passe por alterações e modificações, podendo causar a redução do tempo de concentração das águas e aumentar a sua velocidade de escoamento na bacia hidrográfica, ampliando assim as vazões máximas das bacias urbanas e produzindo maiores picos de enchentes e inundações. Isso ocorre devido à urbanização que provoca efeitos como: a impermeabilidade do solo, a canalização dos escoamentos a redução da evapotranspiração e do escoamento subterrâneo, a redução das áreas naturais de detenção e retenção das águas pluviais (AMARAL e GUTJAHR, 2012). O processo de urbanização da cidade de Parauapebas foi descontrolado, causando assim vários impactos nos recursos hídricos. A ocupação descontrolada e irregular das margens do rio, ocupação do solo de forma desordenada, destruição dos morros e o aterramento das drenagens, contribui diretamente para o encadeamento de uma série de problemas que ocorrem na cidade. Pertencente à Mesorregião Sudeste Paraense e à Microrregião de Parauapebas, a cidade é limitada ao norte pelo município de Marabá, a leste pelo município de Curionópolis, ao Sul pelos municípios de Canãa do Carajás e Água Azul do Norte e a Oeste do município de São Félix do Xingu. Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral observar as modificações na rede de drenagem da cidade de Parauapebas com ênfase nos empreendimentos que estão sendo realizados no município que podem afetar diretamente a população. E específicos, analisar a dinâmica dos rios que circulam a cidade; Observar se ocorre uma diferença do aumento do nível dos rios em períodos de maior vazão; Verificar como a população está influenciando para o agravamento das enchentes e inundações que ocorrem nesses períodos; Elaborar um mapa de risco de inundação do município de Parauapebas

    The effects of dietary supplementation with Agaricales mushrooms and other medicinal fungi on breast cancer: Evidence-based medicine

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    Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in women. The most frequent therapeutic approaches for the treatment of this disease are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, and surgery. Conventional pharmacological treatments cause many harmful side effects in patients. To improve the quality of life of breast cancer patients, researchers have sought alternative adjuvant treatment strategies. To assess the effects of fungi and other basidiomycetes Agaricales on the co-adjuvant treatment of breast cancer, we conducted a literary review of the available scientific evidence. We selected articles published in refereed journals from 1990 to 2011 in Medline, Lilacs, CAPES, Scielo, and Pubmed. Articles written in English, Spanish, and Portuguese were reviewed. We used the following descriptors: Agaricales, medicinal mushroom/fungus, breast cancer, dietary supplementation, synonyms, and related terms. The pharmacological effects of nutritional and medicinal mushrooms have been reported in several experimental clinical studies and have shown promising results in the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer. Adjuvant treatment with mushrooms is associated with improvements in the immunological and hematologic parameters of breast cancer, as well as in the quality of life of these patients. Randomized clinical studies are needed to elucidate the possible mechanisms of action and clinical benefits of these fungi with respect to survival time, disease progression, and metastasis in breast cancer

    Conditional knockout of RAD51-related genes in Leishmania major reveals a critical role for homologous recombination during genome replication

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    Homologous recombination (HR) has an intimate relationship with genome replication, both during repair of DNA lesions that might prevent DNA synthesis and in tackling stalls to the replication fork. Recent studies led us to ask if HR might have a more central role in replicating the genome of Leishmania, a eukaryotic parasite. Conflicting evidence has emerged regarding whether or not HR genes are essential, and genome-wide mapping has provided evidence for an unorthodox organisation of DNA replication initiation sites, termed origins. To answer this question, we have employed a combined CRISPR/Cas9 and DiCre approach to rapidly generate and assess the effect of conditional ablation of RAD51 and three RAD51-related proteins in Leishmania major. Using this approach, we demonstrate that loss of any of these HR factors is not immediately lethal but in each case growth slows with time and leads to DNA damage and accumulation of cells with aberrant DNA content. Despite these similarities, we show that only loss of RAD51 or RAD51-3 impairs DNA synthesis and causes elevated levels of genome-wide mutation. Furthermore, we show that these two HR factors act in distinct ways, since ablation of RAD51, but not RAD51-3, has a profound effect on DNA replication, causing loss of initiation at the major origins and increased DNA synthesis at subtelomeres. Our work clarifies questions regarding the importance of HR to survival of Leishmania and reveals an unanticipated, central role for RAD51 in the programme of genome replication in a microbial eukaryote

    Chromosomal copy number variation analysis by next generation sequencing confirms ploidy stability in Trypanosoma brucei subspecies

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    Although aneuploidy usually results in severe abnormalities in multicellular eukaryotes, recent data suggest that it could be beneficial for unicellular eukaryotes, such as yeast and trypanosomatid parasites, providing increased survival under stressful conditions. Among characterized trypanosomatids, Trypanosoma cruzi, Trypanosoma brucei and species from the genus Leishmania stand out due to their importance in public health, infecting around 20 million people worldwide. The presence of aneuploidies in T. cruzi and Leishmania was recently confirmed by analysis based on next generation sequencing (NGS) and fluorescence in situ hybridization, where they have been associated with adaptation during transmission between their insect vectors and mammalian hosts and in promoting drug resistance. Although chromosomal copy number variations (CCNVs) are present in the aforementioned species, PFGE and fluorescence cytophotometry analyses suggest that aneuploidies are absent from T. brucei. A re-evaluation of CCNV in T. b gambiense based on NGS reads confirmed the absence of aneuploidies in this subspecies. However, the presence of aneuploidies in the other two T. brucei subspecies, T. b. brucei and T. b. rhodesiense, has not been evaluated using NGS approaches. In the present work, we tested for aneuploidies in 26 T. brucei isolates, including samples from the three T. brucei subspecies, by both allele frequency and read depth coverage analyses. These analyses showed that none of the T. brucei subspecies presents aneuploidies, which could be related to differences in the mechanisms of DNA replication and recombination in these parasites when compared with Leishmania