183 research outputs found

    Trophic state and seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton communities in two sand-pit lakes at different successional stages

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    The seasonal and inter-annual dynamics of phytoplankton in two Italian sand-pit lakes have been analysed over three years (2004-2006). The studied lakes, Ca' Morta (CM) and Ca' Stanga (CS), have a common origin and are contiguous, but are of different ages and have been managed in different ways. CM was created in 2002 and was still being dredged during the study period, while sand quarrying in CS began in 1998 and ended at the beginning of the study period. These conditions were thought to be of particular interest in assessing the influence of dredging activities on algal assemblages. Physical and chemical water parameters were also analysed to characterise the two lakes and investigate the effects of hydro-chemical features on phytoplankton. CS was stratified from April to October each year during the study period, while CM showed weaker thermal stratification. Conductivity, dissolved nitrate and dissolved reactive silica concentrations were greater in CM than in CS. The mixing depth/euphotic depth ratio was also higher in CM, probably because of water column mixing induced by hydraulic dredging. Overall, 185 phytoplankton taxa were found, of which ca 50% were present in both lakes. No significant differences in species richness were observed between lakes, but the decreasing trend of Simpson index values measured in CS showed a reduction in biodiversity after the excavation phase. Phytoplankton biomass was higher in CS than in CM, the latter being oligo-mesotrophic and the former mesotrophic. Diatoms and dinoflagellates were the dominant taxa in both lakes. The main differences in phytoplankton assemblages were related to the persistence of chryptophytes and chlorophytes in CM. Multivariate analyses support the hypothesis that different thermal patterns induced by dredging activities, along with certain physico-chemical parameters of the water, were the major factors shaping phytoplankton communities

    Variability in Environmental Conditions Strongly Impacts Ostracod Assemblages of Lowland Springs in a Heavily Anthropized Area

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    The Po river plain (Northern Italy) hosts artificial, lowland springs locally known as fontanili, which provide important ecosystem services in an area dominated by intensive agricultural activities. Here we present a study carried out in 50 springs. Each spring was visited once from October 2015 to January 2016. The sampled sites were selected to include springs studied in 2001 and 2004, to evaluate changes in water quality and ostracod assemblages that possibly occurred over a period of 10–15 years, and explore the relationships between ostracod community composition and water physical and chemical variables. Our results showed a decrease in the chemical water quality especially, in springs south of the Po river, evidenced by high nitrate levels. Most of the studied springs showed a relevant decrease in dissolved reactive silica, probably related to recent transformations of either agricultural practices or crop typology. Ostracods were mostly represented by common and tolerant species, and communities were characterized by low alpha diversity and high species turnover. Water temperature and mineralization level were the most influential variables in structuring the ostracod communities. We stress the need to implement conservation and restoration measures for these threatened ecosystems, to regain their role as ecosystem services providers

    Argilominerais da Formação Codó (Aptiano Superior), Bacia de Grajaú, nordeste do Brasil

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    A Formação Codó, exposta no leste e sul da Bacia de Grajaú, consiste em sistemas deposicionais dos tipos lacustre e sabkha-salt pan, respectivamente, cujos depósitos incluem evaporito, folhelho negro betuminoso, folhelho cinza-esverdeado e calcário organizados em ciclos de arrasamento ascendente. Neste trabalho, foram realizadas análises de difração de raios-X, microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura em rochas predominantemente argilosas desta unidade, objetivando a caracterização da assembléia de argilominerais e o registro de sua variabilidade vertical ao longo dos ciclos deposicionais, a fim de discutir sua origem e verificar sua aplicabilidade como indicadores paleoclimático e paleoambiental. Os resultados indicam uma assembléia de argilominerais dominada por esmectita, seguida por ilita, caulinita e interestratificados irregulares ilita/esmectita. A esmectita é, em sua maioria, detrítica e caracterizada por palhetas crenuladas e/ou esgarçadas dispostas em arranjo paralelo ou caótico, sendo dominantes na porção inferior dos ciclos deposicionais. Quando pura, a esmectita mostra cristalinidade boa, tendo sido classificada como dioctaédrica e pertencente à espécie montmorillonita. Para o topo dos ciclos de arrasamento ascendente, ocorre aumento relativo de caulinita e ilita, estas com hábitos que revelam, pelo menos em parte, contribuição autigênica. A constatação de origem detrítica para o maior volume de argilominerais presentes nos depósitos estudados tornou possível sua utilização com propósitos de interpretação paleoambiental e paleoclimática. De forma geral, o domínio de esmectitas detríticas revela deposição a partir de suspensões em praticamente toda a extensão do sistema deposicional, sendo condizente com ambientes calmos, típicos de sistemas lacustres e complexos de sabkha-salt pan, como proposto para as áreas de estudo através de dados faciológicos. O domínio de argilas revela bacia com topografia, no geral, plana, sendo a espécie montmorillonita típica de áreas continentais. Além disto, mesmo tendo sido constatada origem autigênica para a caulinita e ilita, a coincidência sistemática de suas maiores ocorrências com o topo dos ciclos de arrasamento ascendente, sugere formação condicionada a mudanças paleoambientais específicas. Assim, propõe-se um modelo onde esmectitas detríticas teriam sido introduzidas em grande volume para áreas deprimidas durante períodos de nível de base elevado. À medida que o influxo e, conseqüentemente, o nível de base diminuiu, reduzindo a lâmina d´água, houve alternância de sedimentação clástica e química sob condições alternadamente subaquosas e subaéreas. A formação de caulinita e ilita como produto de substituição da esmectita detrítica pode ter ocorrido por influência de freqüentes exposições subaéreas e pedogênese. Estudos futuros são ainda necessários para melhor entender a origem destes minerais autigênicos. Porém, a ocorrência de ambos minerais em mesmo horizonte estratigráfico associado com fácies lacustres marginais do topo dos ciclos de arrasamento ascendente da área de estudo sugere possível influência climática. Desta forma, a formação da ilita ocorreria sob condições de maior evaporação (períodos mais secos), enquanto que a caulinita teria se formado sob condições de maior lixiviação por águas freáticas com pH baixo (períodos mais úmidos). O domínio de esmectita detrítica do tipo montmorillonita é condizente com condições de lixiviação e intemperismo intermediários em solos temperados com boa drenagem e pH neutro ou solos pobremente drenados e alcalinos de zonas áridas. Estas características, aliadas à vasta ocorrência de evaporitos na região estudada, confirmam tendência de clima quente e semi-árido durante o Neoaptiano da Bacia de Grajaú

    Effects of electrophysical resources in osteoporosis: a review of the literature

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article was to provide a literature review regarding the impact of the main eletrophysical resources used on the acceleration of bone metabolism and on the osteoporosis treatment. DEFINITION: The OMS defines osteoporosis as a Sistemic esqueletical disease characterized for diminished bone mass and for deterioration of the bone mass microarchitecture, increasing the bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. Many drug or non-drug treatments are being developed as an attempt to increase the bone mass, and prevent osteoporosis. Within this context, the eletrophysical resources is having a prominence paper, as a resource which presents a osteogenic potencial, capable of stimulating the proliferation of osteoblasts and biomodulate the bone metabolism. RESEARCH STRATEGIES: The data base consulted were: The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS, SciELO, references of indentified articles and contact with laser's especialists, between 1983 and 2009. SELECTION CRITERIA: Were included experimental study and randomized clinical tests on the effects of eletrophysical resources on osteoporosis. RECOMPILATION AND DATA ANALISIS: Two reviewers independently selected the studies, assessed their methodological quality and collected the data. RESULTS: All the eletrophysical resources quoted on this article were effective in stimulation of bone metabolism. However, most of the studies show these effects through in vitro studies and experimental studies with animals. It is important to say that experiments like these are rare in human beings. Based on the findings of this review, it may be suggested that the eletrophysical resources like lasertherapy, ultra-sound, electromagnetic fields and vibration are resources that has osteogenic potencial, but more studies are needed to define the effects of it in humans, as well as more effective treatment protocols. CONCLUSION: With this literature review it is clear that eletrophysical resources have high osteogenic potential, but most of the studies are in vitro. It is needed more studies in vivo, defining therefore, better parameters and doses to be used in the treatment of osteoporosis.OBJETIVO: Fazer uma revisão bibliográfica a respeito dos efeitos dos principais recursos eletrofísicos utilizados na aceleração do metabolismo ósseo e no tratamento da osteoporose. ANTECEDENTES: A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) define a osteoporose como doença esquelética sistêmica caracterizada por diminuição da massa óssea e deterioração microarquitetural do tecido ósseo, com consequente aumento da fragilidade óssea e susceptibilidade à fratura. Vários tratamentos medicamentosos e não medicamentosos vêm sendo desenvolvidos na tentativa de aumentar a massa óssea e prevenir a osteoporose. Dentro desse contexto, os recursos eletrofísicos vêm tendo um papel de destaque, como recursos que apresentam um potencial osteogênico, capazes de estimular a proliferação de osteoblastos e biomodular o metabolismo ósseo. ESTRATÉGIA DE PESQUISA: Foram consultadas as bases de dados: The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS, SciELO, referências dos artigos identificados, e contato com especialisas em laser, entre os anos de 1983 e 2009. CRITÉRIOS DE SELEÇÃO: Foram incluídos estudos experimentais e ensaios clínicos randomizados que avaliaram os efeitos dos recursos eletrofísicos na osteoporose. RECOMPILAÇÃO E ANÁLISE DE DADOS: Dois revisores selecionaram independentemente os estudos, avaliaram sua qualidade metodológica dos estudos e coletaram os dados. RESULTADOS: Todos os recursos eletrofísicos citados neste artigo se mostraram eficazes na estimulação do metabolismo ósseo. No entanto, a grande maioria dos estudos realizados evidenciam esses efeitos através de estudos in vitro e estudos experimentais com cobaias. Cabe ressaltar que trabalhos como esses são raros em seres humanos. Baseado nos achados desta revisão pode ser sugerido que os recursos eletrofísicios como o laser terapêutico, o ultrassom, campos eletromagnéticos e plataformas vibratórias são recursos que tem um potencial osteogênico entretanto mais estudos são necessários para definir os efeitos dos mesmos em humanos, bem como, protocolos mais eficazes de tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: A partir deste levantamento bibliográfico, fica evidente que os recursos eletrofísicos apresentam um grande potencial osteogênico, porém, a maior parte dos estudos é in vitro. São necessários mais estudos in vivo, definindo, assim, melhores parâmetros e doses, para que sejam utilizados no tratamento da osteoporose.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Federal de São CarlosUNIFESPSciEL

    Factors Controlling Hydrothermal Nickel and Cobalt Mineralization—Some Suggestions from Historical Ore Deposits in Italy

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    We compare three poorly known, historical Ni–Co-bearing hydrothermal deposits in dierent geological settings in Italy: The Ni–Co–As–Sb–Au-bearing Arburese vein system (SW Sardinia), the Co–Ni–As-rich Usseglio vein system (Piedmont), and the small Cu–Ag–Co–Ni–Pb–Te–Se stockwork at Piazza (Liguria). These deposits share various (mineralogical, chemical, thermal, and stable isotopic) similarities to the Five Element Vein-type ores but only the first two were economic for Co–Ni. The Sardinian Ni-rich veins occur in Paleozoic basement near two Variscan plutons. Like the Co-rich Usseglio vein system, the uneconomic Piazza deposit is hosted in an ophiolite setting anomalous for Co. The Sardinian and Usseglio deposits share a polyphasic assemblage with Ni–Co–As–Sb–Bi followed by Ag-base metal sulfides, in siderite-rich gangue, whereas Piazza shows As-free, Ag–Pb–Te–Se-bearing Co–Ni–Cu sulfides, in prehnite–chlorite gangue. Fluid inclusions indicated Co–Ni arsenide precipitation at 170 C for Usseglio, whereas for the Sardinian system late sulfide deposition occurred within the 52–126 C range. Ore fluids in both systems are NaCl-CaCl2-bearing basinal brines. The chlorite geothermometer at Piazza provides the range of 200–280 C for ore deposition from CO2-poor fluids. Enrichments in Se and negative 13C in carbonates suggest interaction with carbonaceous shales. These deposits involve issues about source rocks, controls on Co/Ni and possible role of arsenic and carbonate components towards economic mineralization

    Discovering the most elusive radio relic in the sky: Diffuse Shock Acceleration caught in the act?

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    The origin of radio relics is usually explained via diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) or re-acceleration of electrons at/from merger shocks in galaxy clusters. The case of acceleration is challenged by the low predicted efficiency of low-Mach number merger shocks, unable to explain the power observed in most radio relics. In this Letter we present the discovery of a new giant radio relic around the galaxy cluster Abell 2249 (z=0.0838z=0.0838) using LOFAR. It is special since it has the lowest surface brightness of all known radio relics. We study its radio and X-ray properties combinig LOFAR data with uGMRT, JVLA and XMM. This object has a total power of L1.4GHz=4.1±0.8×1023L_{1.4\rm GHz}=4.1\pm 0.8 \times 10^{23} W Hz1^{-1} and integrated spectral index α=1.15±0.23\alpha = 1.15\pm 0.23. We infer for this radio relic a lower bound on the magnetisation of B0.4μB\geq 0.4\, \muG, a shock Mach number of M3.79\mathcal{M}\approx 3.79, and a low acceleration efficiency consistent with DSA. This result suggests that a missing population of relics may become visible thanks to the unprecedented sensitivity of the new generation of radio telescopes.Comment: Letter, 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication on MNRAS Letter