2,518 research outputs found

    Da arte de conhecer as doenças: o diagnóstico da Economia Mineira de 1968 e o planejamento do desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais

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    The issue of politically oriented regional development occupies an important place in the Economic History of Minas Gerais during the republican period. Since the start of the 20th century, and throughout the most important transformative stages of the Brazilian economic system, notably between the 1930s and 1960s, overcoming underdevelopment and the peripheral position of the state has been a priority for the elites of Minas. For a variety of reasons that we will attempt to demonstrate, we understand that it is essential to study the Diagnóstico da Economia Mineira, published in 1968, by the Banco de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais (BDMG), if the goal is to understand the vicissitudes of the state’s economic development, especially considering the aforementioned priority. This study emphasizes the meaning of this rich document, especially the long-lived institutional relationships and theoretical matrixes that lent it legitimacy and made it suited it to its time. The text is structured in three coplementary parts: i) description and analysis of the document; ii) brief background of developmentism in Minas Gerais during the republican period; iii) presentation of four case studies about the themes of the Diagnóstico: transportation, electric energy, sugar industry and steel making.Minas Gerais, História Econômica, desenvolvimento, planejamento, BDMG

    Short and long term effects of a head-out aquatic exercise program on body composition, anthropometrics and cardiovascular response of middle-aged women.

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    Background: The assessment of chronic responses represents a major trend of research in the aquatic environment. Aquatic programs have gained in popularity due to perceived health benefits. Research question: The aim of this study was to assess chronic adaptations in middle-aged women participants in a head-out aquatic exercise program. Type of study: experimental, prospective. Methods: Twenty-three middle-aged female subjects participated in a head-out aquatic exercise program (26 weeks, two sessions per week, 40 minutes per session). Data was collected before starting the program (pre-test), at the 13th week (post-test 1) and at the 26th week (post-test 2). Body composition was assessed measuring several body skinfolds. Anthropometrical data included measurements of body mass, body mass index and several anatomical perimeters. Cardiovascular measures included the resting heart rate, systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressures. Results: Subjects improved their body composition by decreasing their fat mass. While most anatomical perimeters significantly decreased, body mass and the body mass index remained unchanged. The systolic and mean blood pressures decreased while the resting heart rate and the diastolic blood pressure remained stable. The main improvements occurred in the first 13 weeks of the program, since most variables did not show significant variation from that point forward. Conclusions: It can be concluded that: (i) a head-out aquatic exercise program over 26 weeks promotes a significant improvement in body composition, anthropometrics and cardiovascular response of middle-aged women (ii) major adaptations occur in the first 13 weeks of the program

    Aplicação de Lean nos Serviços : caso dos serviços académicos universitários

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    Cada vez mais as organizações procuram remover dos seus processos os elementos que não acrescentam valor para o cliente e que representam desperdício dentro dos mesmos, para que estes se tornem mais eficazes. Neste sentido, as organizações têm vindo a adotar a filosofia de gestão Lean Thinking, uma vez que esta visa remover os desperdícios presentes nos processos e consequentemente aumentar o valor percecionado pelos clientes. Esta filosofia começou por ser implementada na indústria pela Toyota, no entanto, ao longo dos anos e à medida que a competitividade entre empresas e exigência do mercado foram aumentando, esta filosofia passou a ser implementada em diversos setores, incluindo o setor dos serviços. Este estudo tem como principal objetivo a análise de três processos integrantes dos serviços académicos da Universidade Católica Portuguesa e apresentação de propostas de melhoria tendo por base a filosofia Lean. A presente investigação é iniciada com a revisão de literatura composta pela explicação da aplicabilidade do pensamento Lean nos serviços, bem como princípios e ferramentas utilizadas por esta filosofia de gestão. Em seguida, foram analisados, em formato estudo caso, o processo de candidaturas, submissão de teses e matrículas e posteriormente desenvolvidas propostas de melhoria para cada um dos processos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a implementação do pensamento Lean nos serviços pode ser um fator importante e decisivo para melhorar a qualidade dos mesmo, trazendo vantagens para a organização e respetivos clientes.Increasingly, organizations seek to remove from their processes elements that do not add value to the customer and represent waste, in order to become the processes more effective. In this sense, organizations have been adopting Lean Thinking management philosophy, since it aims to remove the waste in the processes and consequently increase the value perceived by customers. This philosophy started to be implemented in the industry by Toyota, however, over the years and as the competitiveness between companies and market demand increased, this philosophy started to be implemented in several sectors, including the service one. This study has as main objective the analysis of three processes that are part of the academic services of the Catolic University of Portugal and the development of improvement proposals based on Lean philosophy, The present investigation begins with a literature review that explains the applicability of Lean Thinking in services, as well as principles and tools used by this management philosophy. Then, the application process, submission of theses and enrollments were analyzed, in study case format, and proposals for improvement were subsequently provided for each process. The findings show that the implementation of Lean thinking in services can be an important and decisive factor to improve their quality, bringing benefits to the organization and customers

    Medicina dentária de precisão : presente e futuro

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    Introdução: Apesar dos tratamentos convencionais em medicina dentária continuarem a demonstrar grandes resultados em alguns pacientes, estes não permitem a mesma eficácia e previsibilidade em todos os indivíduos. Face a esta problemática, verificou-se a necessidade de encontrar novas estratégias para diagnosticar, tratar e prevenir doenças. Assim, surge o conceito de Medicina de Precisão que mais tarde se alargou para as diferentes áreas da saúde, entre elas a Medicina Dentária. Objetivo: O objetivo desta scoping review foi identificar na literatura, as áreas da medicina dentária que, na atualidade, utilizam tecnologia capaz de permitir a medicina dentária de precisão. Materiais e Métodos: Para responder ao objetivo proposto foi construída a pergunta de orientação: “Quais as áreas em Medicina Dentária que na atualidade utilizam tecnologia capaz de permitir a Medicina Dentária de precisão?”. A pesquisa de artigos de relevância foi feita na base de dados MEDLINE (PubMed), com restrições de publicação. Para responder à questão em estudo, foram contruídas strings de pesquisa que associam as áreas da Medicina Dentária tanto às Ciências Ómicas como à Inteligência Artificial, que demonstraram ser áreas essenciais para a realização de uma verdadeira Medicina Dentária de Precisão. Resultados: Os artigos obtidos foram analisados e foram seguidas as recomendações PRISMA, resultando num total de 26 artigos selecionados para este estudo. Do total de artigos, 10 estavam diretamente direcionados para a área da Periodontologia, 4 para a área da Ortodontia e nas restantes áreas foi selecionado 1 artigo para cada uma, à exceção da Endodontia e da Dentisteria. Os restantes 10 artigos incluíam diferentes áreas em simultâneo. Conclusão: Através desta scoping review, é possível inferir que a investigação de novas tecnologias tem vindo a crescer exponencialmente nos últimos anos. No entanto, ainda há um longo caminho pela frente. Apesar de já terem sido realizadas diversas pesquisas e de já terem sido testados diferentes sistemas tecnológicos, ainda poucos referem a sua utilização na prática clínica, verificando-se assim a necessidade de mais testes experimentais em ambiente clínico para futura confirmação destes avanços. Recentemente, têm vindo a ser estudadas as relações entre dados moleculares e doenças orais, sendo que proteínas como a Cistatina e a Estaterina podem ser fatores chave para a previsão de cárie dentária. Por último, existem algumas preocupações compreensíveis relativamente à implementação da Medicina Dentária de Precisão, como a proteção e segurança de dados. Para além disso, um dos maiores desafios à implementação da Medicina Dentária de Precisão está associado à mudança do paradigma atual e à abertura dos próprios médicos dentistas relativamente a estas novas abordagens.Introduction: Although conventional treatments in dentistry continue to show great results in some patients, they do not allow the same effectiveness and predictability in all individuals. Faced with this problem, there was a need to find new strategies to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases. Thus, the concept of Precision Medicine emerged, which later spread to different areas of health, including Dentistry. Objective: The objective of this scoping review was to identify, in the literature, the areas of dentistry that currently use technology capable of allowing precision dentistry. Materials and Methods: To answer the proposed objective, the guiding question was constructed: “Which areas in Dentistry currently use technology capable of allowing precision Dentistry?”. The search for relevant articles was carried out in the MEDLINE database (PubMed), with publication restrictions. To answer the question under study, research strings were constructed that associate the areas of Dentistry with both the Omic Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, which proved to be essential areas for the realization of a true Precision Dentistry. Results: The articles obtained were analyzed and the PRISMA recommendations were followed, resulting in a total of 26 articles selected for this study. Of the total number of articles, 10 were directly directed to the area of Periodontology, 4 to the area of Orthodontics and in the remaining areas 1 article was selected for each one, with the exception of Endodontics and Dentistry. The remaining 10 articles included different areas simultaneously. Conclusion: Through this scoping review, it is possible to infer that the investigation of new technologies has been growing exponentially in recent years. However, there is still a long way to go. Although several researches have already been carried out and different technological systems have already been tested, still few refer to XI their use in clinical practice, thus verifying the need for more experimental tests in a clinical environment for future confirmation of these advances. Recently, the relationship between molecular data and oral diseases has been studied, and proteins such as Cystatin and Staterin may be key factors in the prediction of dental caries. Finally, there are some understandable concerns regarding the implementation of Precision Dentistry, such as data protection and security. Furthermore, one of the biggest challenges to the implementation of Precision Dentistry is associated with the change in the current paradigm and the opening of dentists themselves regarding these new approaches

    Agrupamentos de antenas planares

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    O trabalho tem como objetivo ilustrar várias topologias de antenas planares, assim como de que forma é possível as agrupar (antenna arrays ou agrupamentos de antenas). Além disso, vai ser implementado um array de antenas deste tipo (simulações e, se possível fabrico da respetiva PCB) com uma aplicação muito concreta, FMCW RADAR (serão apresentados os fundamentos essenciais para ilustrar o conceito)

    Physiological assessment of head-out aquatic exercises in healthy subjects: a qualitative review

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    In the last decades head-out aquatic exercises became one of the most important physical activities within the health system. Massive research has been produced throughout these decades in order to better understand the role of head-out aquatic exercises in populations' health. Such studies aimed to obtain comprehensive knowledge about the acute and chronic response of subjects performing head-out aquatic exercises. For that, it is assumed that chronic adaptations represent the accumulation of acute responses during each aquatic session. The purpose of this study was to describe the "state of the art "about physiological assessment of head-out aquatic exercises based on acute and chronic adaptations in healthy subjects based on a qualitative review. The main findings about acute response of head-out aquatic exercise according to water temperature, water depth, type of exercise, additional equipment used, body segments exercising and music cadence will be described. In what concerns chronic adaptations, the main results related to cardiovascular and metabolic adaptations, muscular strength, flexibility and body composition improvements will be reported. Key pointsSeveral papers reported consistent and significant improvement in physical fitness (e.g., aerobic capacity, muscular strength, flexibility and body composition) after a program of head-out aquatic exercise with at least eight weeks.Chronic adaptations to head-out aquatic exercise programs are the cumulative result of appropriate acute responses during the exercise session.Appropriate acute adaptations can be obtained taking into account the water temperature, water depth, type of exercise and its variants, the equipment used and the segmental cadence according to the subjects' profile.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The purpose of this study was to develop a performance predictor model based on biomechanics. Ninety-one swimmers (44 boys and 47 girls) were evaluated. The decimal age, anthropometrics, kinematics and efficiency parameters were collected in ten different moments over three seasons. Hierarchical linear modeling was the procedure selected to estimate the performance predictors. The decimal age (Estimate: -2.05; P < 0.001), arm span (Estimate: -0.59; P < 0.001), stroke length (Estimate: 3.82; P = 0.002) and propelling efficiency (Estimate: -0.17; P = 0.001) entered the final model. The decimal age, arm span, stroke length and propelling efficiency were the main predictors. Longitudinal assessments seems to be the best way to have a deeper knowledge on how performance main determinants act and affect the performance