11 research outputs found


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    Moderni brodovi za prijevoz ukapljenog prirodnog plina su brodovi s dvostrukim dnom čija se klasifikacija vrši prema tipu spremnika. Spremnici su posebno projektirani budući da se u njima skladišti prirodni plin ohlađen na -161 °C, što je temperatura vrelišta metana. Bitna karakteristika ukapljenog prirodnog plina je visoka zapaljivost, o čemu treba voditi računa pri projektiranju i rukovanju brodom. Razvoj brodova za ukapljeni prirodni plin započeo je sredinom dvadesetog stoljeća. Veličina skladišnog prostora tih brodova stupnjevito je rasla do današnje maksimalne veličine od oko 260000 m3. Svjetska flota brodova za ukapljeni prirodni plin danas broji više od 300 plovila.Modern liquefied natural gas carriers are double-bottom ships classified according to the type of LNG tank. The tanks are specially designed to store natural gas cooled to -161°C, the boiling point of methane. Since LNG is highly flammable, special care must be taken when designing and operating the ship. The development of LNG carriers has begun in the middle of the twentieth century. LNG carrier storage space has gradually grown to the current maximum of 260000 m3. There are more than 300 LNG carriers currently in operation

    Fractures in the emergency medical service

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    Fraktura ili prijelom je prekid kontinuiteta kosti, a koja najčešće nastaje kod intenzivnog i kratkog vanjskog opterećenja. Lom kosti nastaje djelovanjem vanjske sile koja je veća od njihove čvrstoće i obično nastaje zbog jakih naprezanja. Prijelomi se dijele na otvorene i zatvorene, a na samom području prijeloma nastaje oteklina, podljev krvi, crvenilo ili deformitet ekstremiteta. Najčešći prijelomi koji nastaju su prijelomi ručnog zgloba, stopala i šake, dok prijelomi dugih kostiju poput kostiju ruku i nogu nastaju djelovanjem jače sile, npr. kod prometnih nesreća. Prvi korak kod zbrinjavanja prijeloma je procijeniti težinu i vrstu istog, dovesti ekstremitet do stanja prihvatljivog za imobilizaciju, provesti imobilizaciju, te spremiti pacijenta za transport u bolnicu na daljnje liječenje. Vrlo je važno poznavati simptome i znakove prijeloma kako bi se što brže interveniralo, jer što bržim pružanjem same prve pomoći, veće su šanse za kvalitetniju zdravstvenu skrb pacijenta i ozlijeđenog dijela tijela. Veliku ulogu u liječenju imaju medicinske sestre/tehničari „na terenu“ koji najprije zbrinjavaju pacijenta na mjestu nesreće i transportiraju ga u bolnicu, pa tako i oni/one „u bolnici“ koji prate pacijenta od prijema pa sve do njegove konačne rehabilitacije.A fracture is an interruption of bone continuity, which most often occurs with intense and short external loads. Bone fractures are caused by an external force that is greater than their strength and usually occur due to strong stresses. Fractures are divided into open and closed, and in the area of the fracture there is swelling, bruising, redness or deformity of the extremities. The most common fractures that occur are fractures of the wrist, foot and hand, while fractures of long bones such as the bones of the arms and legs are caused by a stronger force, eg in traffic accidents. The first step in caring for a fracture is to assess the severity and type of the fracture, bring the limb to a condition acceptable for immobilization, perform immobilization, and prepare the patient for transport to the hospital for further treatment. It is very important to know the symptoms and signs of a fracture in order to intervene as quickly as possible, because the faster the first aid is provided, the better the chances for better health care for the patient and the injured part of the body. Nurses / technicians "in the field" have a big role in the treatment, who first take care of the patient at the scene of the accident and transport him to the hospital, as well as those "in the hospital" who follow the patient from admission to his final rehabilitation

    Global overview of natural gas liquefaction facilities : master's thesis

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    1964. godine u Alžiru je izgrađeno prvo postrojenje za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina. Imalo je kapacitet 1,50 Mt ukapljenog prirodnog plina godišnje i označilo je početak trgovine tim energentom. Ukupna svjetska trgovina ukapljenim prirodnim plinom 2010. godine iznosila je 297,63 Gm3, što je porast od 117,31% u odnosu na 2000. godinu. Države izvoznici ukapljenog prirodnog plina su: Alžir, Australija, Belgija, Brunej, Egipat, Ekvatorijalna Gvineja, Indonezija, Jemen, Katar, Libija, Malezija, Nigerija, Norveška, Oman, Peru, Rusija, Sjedinjene Američke Države, Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati i Trinidad i Tobago. Trend rasta proizvodnje ukapljenog prirodnog plina će se nastaviti jer postoji još mnogo geografski ili politički izoliranih plinskih polja koja mogu biti iskorištena izgradnjom postrojenja za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina. Razvoj odobalnih postrojenja za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina započeo je konceptima različitih autora već sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Do danas nije došlo do primjene takvih postrojenja iz primarno ekonomskih i sigurnosnih razloga. Porastom cijene plina i iscrpljivanjem konvencionalnih ležišta plina otvara se prostor za primjenu odobalnih postrojenja za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina.Abstract: The world's first natural gas liquefaction facility was built in Algeria in 1964. Its capacity was 1,50 Mt of liquefied natural gas annually and it marked the start of liquefied natural gas trade. Total global trade of liquefied natural gas in year 2010 was 297,63 Gm3, which is an increase of 117,31% compared to year 2000. Exporters of liquefied natural gas are: Algeria, Australia, Belgium, Brunei, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Indonesia, Lybia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Peru, Qatar, the Russian Federation, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States of America and Yemen. The trend of increasing liquefied natural gas trade will continue, since there are still many geographically or politically isolated gas fields in the world which could be exploited by building a natural gas liquefaction facility. The concept of offshore natural gas liqueaction facilities was developed in the 70s by various authors. No such facility has been built yet because of economic and safety issues. A possible niche for application of offshore natural gas liquefaction facilities has arisen because of high gas prices and dwindling gas reserves in conventional gas fields

    Global overview of natural gas liquefaction facilities : master's thesis

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    1964. godine u Alžiru je izgrađeno prvo postrojenje za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina. Imalo je kapacitet 1,50 Mt ukapljenog prirodnog plina godišnje i označilo je početak trgovine tim energentom. Ukupna svjetska trgovina ukapljenim prirodnim plinom 2010. godine iznosila je 297,63 Gm3, što je porast od 117,31% u odnosu na 2000. godinu. Države izvoznici ukapljenog prirodnog plina su: Alžir, Australija, Belgija, Brunej, Egipat, Ekvatorijalna Gvineja, Indonezija, Jemen, Katar, Libija, Malezija, Nigerija, Norveška, Oman, Peru, Rusija, Sjedinjene Američke Države, Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati i Trinidad i Tobago. Trend rasta proizvodnje ukapljenog prirodnog plina će se nastaviti jer postoji još mnogo geografski ili politički izoliranih plinskih polja koja mogu biti iskorištena izgradnjom postrojenja za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina. Razvoj odobalnih postrojenja za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina započeo je konceptima različitih autora već sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Do danas nije došlo do primjene takvih postrojenja iz primarno ekonomskih i sigurnosnih razloga. Porastom cijene plina i iscrpljivanjem konvencionalnih ležišta plina otvara se prostor za primjenu odobalnih postrojenja za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina.Abstract: The world's first natural gas liquefaction facility was built in Algeria in 1964. Its capacity was 1,50 Mt of liquefied natural gas annually and it marked the start of liquefied natural gas trade. Total global trade of liquefied natural gas in year 2010 was 297,63 Gm3, which is an increase of 117,31% compared to year 2000. Exporters of liquefied natural gas are: Algeria, Australia, Belgium, Brunei, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Indonesia, Lybia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Peru, Qatar, the Russian Federation, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States of America and Yemen. The trend of increasing liquefied natural gas trade will continue, since there are still many geographically or politically isolated gas fields in the world which could be exploited by building a natural gas liquefaction facility. The concept of offshore natural gas liqueaction facilities was developed in the 70s by various authors. No such facility has been built yet because of economic and safety issues. A possible niche for application of offshore natural gas liquefaction facilities has arisen because of high gas prices and dwindling gas reserves in conventional gas fields

    Fractures in the emergency medical service

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    Fraktura ili prijelom je prekid kontinuiteta kosti, a koja najčešće nastaje kod intenzivnog i kratkog vanjskog opterećenja. Lom kosti nastaje djelovanjem vanjske sile koja je veća od njihove čvrstoće i obično nastaje zbog jakih naprezanja. Prijelomi se dijele na otvorene i zatvorene, a na samom području prijeloma nastaje oteklina, podljev krvi, crvenilo ili deformitet ekstremiteta. Najčešći prijelomi koji nastaju su prijelomi ručnog zgloba, stopala i šake, dok prijelomi dugih kostiju poput kostiju ruku i nogu nastaju djelovanjem jače sile, npr. kod prometnih nesreća. Prvi korak kod zbrinjavanja prijeloma je procijeniti težinu i vrstu istog, dovesti ekstremitet do stanja prihvatljivog za imobilizaciju, provesti imobilizaciju, te spremiti pacijenta za transport u bolnicu na daljnje liječenje. Vrlo je važno poznavati simptome i znakove prijeloma kako bi se što brže interveniralo, jer što bržim pružanjem same prve pomoći, veće su šanse za kvalitetniju zdravstvenu skrb pacijenta i ozlijeđenog dijela tijela. Veliku ulogu u liječenju imaju medicinske sestre/tehničari „na terenu“ koji najprije zbrinjavaju pacijenta na mjestu nesreće i transportiraju ga u bolnicu, pa tako i oni/one „u bolnici“ koji prate pacijenta od prijema pa sve do njegove konačne rehabilitacije.A fracture is an interruption of bone continuity, which most often occurs with intense and short external loads. Bone fractures are caused by an external force that is greater than their strength and usually occur due to strong stresses. Fractures are divided into open and closed, and in the area of the fracture there is swelling, bruising, redness or deformity of the extremities. The most common fractures that occur are fractures of the wrist, foot and hand, while fractures of long bones such as the bones of the arms and legs are caused by a stronger force, eg in traffic accidents. The first step in caring for a fracture is to assess the severity and type of the fracture, bring the limb to a condition acceptable for immobilization, perform immobilization, and prepare the patient for transport to the hospital for further treatment. It is very important to know the symptoms and signs of a fracture in order to intervene as quickly as possible, because the faster the first aid is provided, the better the chances for better health care for the patient and the injured part of the body. Nurses / technicians "in the field" have a big role in the treatment, who first take care of the patient at the scene of the accident and transport him to the hospital, as well as those "in the hospital" who follow the patient from admission to his final rehabilitation

    Global overview of natural gas liquefaction facilities : master's thesis

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    1964. godine u Alžiru je izgrađeno prvo postrojenje za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina. Imalo je kapacitet 1,50 Mt ukapljenog prirodnog plina godišnje i označilo je početak trgovine tim energentom. Ukupna svjetska trgovina ukapljenim prirodnim plinom 2010. godine iznosila je 297,63 Gm3, što je porast od 117,31% u odnosu na 2000. godinu. Države izvoznici ukapljenog prirodnog plina su: Alžir, Australija, Belgija, Brunej, Egipat, Ekvatorijalna Gvineja, Indonezija, Jemen, Katar, Libija, Malezija, Nigerija, Norveška, Oman, Peru, Rusija, Sjedinjene Američke Države, Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati i Trinidad i Tobago. Trend rasta proizvodnje ukapljenog prirodnog plina će se nastaviti jer postoji još mnogo geografski ili politički izoliranih plinskih polja koja mogu biti iskorištena izgradnjom postrojenja za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina. Razvoj odobalnih postrojenja za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina započeo je konceptima različitih autora već sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Do danas nije došlo do primjene takvih postrojenja iz primarno ekonomskih i sigurnosnih razloga. Porastom cijene plina i iscrpljivanjem konvencionalnih ležišta plina otvara se prostor za primjenu odobalnih postrojenja za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina.Abstract: The world's first natural gas liquefaction facility was built in Algeria in 1964. Its capacity was 1,50 Mt of liquefied natural gas annually and it marked the start of liquefied natural gas trade. Total global trade of liquefied natural gas in year 2010 was 297,63 Gm3, which is an increase of 117,31% compared to year 2000. Exporters of liquefied natural gas are: Algeria, Australia, Belgium, Brunei, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Indonesia, Lybia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Peru, Qatar, the Russian Federation, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States of America and Yemen. The trend of increasing liquefied natural gas trade will continue, since there are still many geographically or politically isolated gas fields in the world which could be exploited by building a natural gas liquefaction facility. The concept of offshore natural gas liqueaction facilities was developed in the 70s by various authors. No such facility has been built yet because of economic and safety issues. A possible niche for application of offshore natural gas liquefaction facilities has arisen because of high gas prices and dwindling gas reserves in conventional gas fields

    Mosquito Alert Dataset

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    The Mosquito Alert dataset includes occurrence records of adult mosquitoes. The records were collected through Mosquito Alert, a citizen science system for investigating and managing disease-carrying mosquitoes. Each record presented in the database is linked to a photograph submitted by a citizen scientist and validated by entomological experts to determine if it provides evidence of the presence of any of five targeted mosquito vectors of top concern in Europe (i.e. Aedes albopictus, Aedes aegypti, Aedes japonicus, Aedes koreicus, Culex pipiens). The temporal coverage of the database is from 2014 through 2022 and the spatial coverage is worldwide. Most of the records from 2014 to 2020 are from Spain, reflecting the fact that the project was funded by Spanish national and regional funding agencies. Since autumn 2020 the data has expanded to include substantial records from other countries in Europe, particularly the Netherlands, Italy, and Hungary, thanks to a human volunteering network of entomologists coordinated by the AIM-COST Action and to technological developments through the VEO project to increase scalability. Among many possible applications, Mosquito Alert dataset facilitates the development of citizen-based early warning systems for mosquito-borne disease risk. This dataset can be further re-used for modelling vector exposure risk or training machine-learning detection and classification routines on the linked images, to help experts in data validation and build up automated alert systems

    Mosquito Alert Dataset

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    The Mosquito Alert dataset includes occurrence records of adult mosquitoes. The records were collected through Mosquito Alert, a citizen science system for investigating and managing disease-carrying mosquitoes. Each record presented in the database is linked to a photograph submitted by a citizen scientist and validated by entomological experts to determine if it provides evidence of the presence of any of five targeted mosquito vectors of top concern in Europe (i.e. Aedes albopictus, Aedes aegypti, Aedes japonicus, Aedes koreicus, Culex pipiens). The temporal coverage of the database is from 2014 through 2022 and the spatial coverage is worldwide. Most of the records from 2014 to 2020 are from Spain, reflecting the fact that the project was funded by Spanish national and regional funding agencies. Since autumn 2020 the data has expanded to include substantial records from other countries in Europe, particularly the Netherlands, Italy, and Hungary, thanks to a human volunteering network of entomologists coordinated by the AIM-COST Action and to technological developments through the VEO project to increase scalability. Among many possible applications, Mosquito Alert dataset facilitates the development of citizen-based early warning systems for mosquito-borne disease risk. This dataset can be further re-used for modelling vector exposure risk or training machine-learning detection and classification routines on the linked images, to help experts in data validation and build up automated alert systems