475 research outputs found

    Las formas del dulce : producción, mercados y tipos de azúcares en la agroindustria tucumana : (1870-1914)

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    El desarrollo de la industria azucarera en Argentina fue posible gracias al corpus de medidas implementadas por el Estado nacional para conformar un sistema proteccionista que sirviera como una barrera a la competencia de los azúcares importados que se consumían en los grandes centros urbanos. Sin embargo, este fue un elemento necesario pero no suficiente. Además era preciso ofrecer un edulcorante de calidad para un público acostumbrado a los refinados europeos. En el artículo se analizan los diferentes tipos de azúcares que se ofrecieron en la plaza doméstica, el comportamiento del mercado consumidor, y las vicisitudes por las que atravesó la refinación de azúcar en el país, primero con la creación de "La Refinería Argentina" y luego su paulatina descentralización, a través de su elaboración en los ingenios azucareros.The development of the sugar industry in Argentina was made possible through the corpus of measures implemented by the national government to generate a protective system. This measure served as an effective barrier from imported sugar consumed in major cities. However, it was necessary to offer a superior product to gain acceptance of a consumer market accustomed to the refined European sugar. This article presents the different types of sugars that were offered in the domestic place, as well as the consumer market behavior. Finally, it analyzes the vicissitudes of refining in the country, considerating the creation of the "Refineria Argentina" and later the gradual decentralization of refined in the sugar mills.Fil: Moyano, Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Tucumá

    El alcohol de melaza. Análisis sobre el desarrollo y consolidación de una actividad ‘derivada’ de la agroindustria azucarera tucumana (1880-1910)

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    La modernización de la industria azucarera tucumana en el último cuarto del siglo XIX, no solo permitió el incremento de la producción y calidad del azúcar para atender la demanda doméstica. Acompañando este proceso, los empresarios instalaron destilerías de alcohol anexas a sus ingenios, elaborados a partir de los residuos de la fabricación del azúcar. Sin embargo, en el litoral ya había sentado sus bases una moderna industria de alcohol de granos, representando un fuerte escollo para posicionar en condiciones favorables los alcoholes de melaza en el mercado interno. En el presente trabajo expondremos sucintamente el desplazamiento de la tradicional producción de aguardiente desarrollada en unidades preindustriales a manos de las destilerías anexas a los ingenios azucareros, a partir de la década de 1880. Seguidamente, analizaremos el impacto que significó para esta industria la implementación del régimen de impuestos internos en Argentina, en 1891, y sus sucesivos incrementos hasta 1899. Por último, examinaremos la disputa entablada entre las destilerías de melaza y de granos por lograr posiciones en el mercado, hasta el definitivo “triunfo” del alcohol de melaza, en los inicios del siglo XX.The modernization of the sugar industry in Tucuman in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, not only allowed the increased production and quality of sugar to meet domestic demand. Accompanying this process, the sugar entrepreneurs set up distilleries appended to their factories, made from manufacture sugar waste. However, in the Litoral region had already installed a modern grain alcohol industry, which represented a strong obstacle for positioning the molasses alcohols on the domestic market. In this paper we will discuss briefly the displacement of the traditional production of aguardiente developed in pre-industrial establishments by the hand of the appended sugar mills distilleries, from the 1880s. Next, we will consider the impact for this industry during the implementation of a new system of internal taxes in Argentina since 1891, which taxed that product and subsequent amendments till 1899. Finally, we examine the dispute between molasses and grain distilleries to achieve market positions, until the final "victory" of molasses alcohol in the early twentieth century.Fil: Moyano, Ricardo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; Argentin

    Methodological Approach for the Development of a Simplified Residential Building Energy Estimation in Temperate Climate

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    Energy ratings and minimum requirements for thermal envelopes and heating and air conditioning systems emerged as tools to minimize energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy e ciency and promote greater transparency with regard to energy use in buildings. In Latin America, not all countries have building energy e ciency regulations, many of them are voluntary and more than 80% of the existing initiatives are simplified methods and are centered in energy demand analysis and the compliance of admissible values for di erent indicators. However, the application of these tools, even when simplified, is reduced. The main objective is the development of a simplified calculation method for the estimation of the energy consumption of multifamily housing buildings. To do this, an energy model was created based on the real use and occupation of a reference building, its thermal envelope and its thermal system’s performance. This model was simulated for 42 locations, characterized by their climatic conditions, whilst also considering the thermal transmittance fulfilment. The correlation between energy consumption and the climatic conditions is the base of the proposed method. The input data are seven climatic characteristics. Due to the sociocultural context of Latin America, the proposed method is estimated to have more possible acceptance and applications than other more complex methods, increasing the rate of buildings with an energy assessment. The results have demonstrated a high reliability in the prediction of the statistical models created, as the determination coe cient (R2) is nearly 1 for cooling and heating consumption

    Detrás de la gran industria: Una aproximación a las actividades manufactureras y extractivas en el interior argentino (1880 - 1930)

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    Presentación del dossier a cargo de Daniel Moyano y Florencia Rodríguez Vázquez, donde se exponen el estado de la cuestión de la temática, aspectos sobresalientes de las investigaciones convocadas y líneas de estudios a profundizar. Fil: Moyano, Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez Vázquez, Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    Depositional processes and stratigraphic evolution of the Campanian deltaic system of La Anita Formation, Austral-Magallanes Basin, Patagonia, Argentina

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    Coastal depositional systems are commonly classified in terms of the relative interaction of wave, tide and fluvial processes. The La Anita Formation represents the opportunity to study and better understand coastal sedimentary systems. It is a poorly studied prograding siliciclastic deltaic-coastal wedge accumulated in the Campanian during the foreland stage of the Austral-Magallanes Basin. A detailed depositional process-based facies analysis have allowed the definition of 13 sedimentary facies and 9 facies associations for the La Anita Formation, ranging from prodelta to interdistributary delta-channel deposits. According to the spatial distribution of these facies associations, the La Anita Formation was divided into two informal units bounded by a regional erosion surface. The lower unit shows abundant hummocky cross-bedded and bioturbated sandstones, coarseningupward trends and mainly aggradational to progradational vertical stacking pattern, and it was interpreted as a wave-dominated fluvial-influenced delta. The upper unit is characterized by unidirectional dune cross-bedding, coarseningupward trend and a progradational vertical stacking pattern, and was interpreted as a fluvio-dominated delta with no evidence of tide or wave influence. These two units represent two genetically unrelated depositional sequences bounded by a regional erosion surface, which is interpreted as a sequence boundary triggered by a relative sea-level fall. The lower unit is part of a progradational highstand systems tract which involves the underlying deep-marine Alta Vista Formation. The upper unit deposits reflect a complete relative sea-level cycle which includes an undifferentiated lowstand and transgressive systems tracts and, toward the top, highstand systems tract.Fil: Moyano Paz, Damián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Tettamanti, Camila. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Varela, Augusto Nicolás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Cereceda, Abril. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Poire, Daniel Gustavo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; Argentin

    Demanda de calefacción y refrigeración en edificios: Comparación entre un modelo paramétrico y un edificio auditado.

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    Urban population growth together with energy demand increase, among other consequences, provokes the augment of greenhouse gasses emissions (GGE), which contribute to Climate Change. Energy efficiency in buildings becomes essential to reduce demand, keeping acceptable comfort levels for users. Office, housing and commercial buildings consume more than one third of the primary energy produced in Argentina, a similar percentage worldwide. New digital technologies to afford this complex problem combine architectural design and building energy modelling (BEM), like parametric architecture. This tool enables complex tasks as energy efficient building design where materials, energy and information must be considered simultaneously. All these variables can be gathered into one unique transparent process, putting forward energy demand as a key factor for conceptual design decisions. In this paper, we compare the heating demand for one typical winter day with the demand of a house audited by our Laboratory, in order to calibrate our model. The audit shows the results before and after energy efficiency refurbishment. We also calculate the cooling demand for one typical summer day for a future comparison with the audited building.El crecimiento de la población urbana con el aumento de la demanda energética, entre otras consecuencias, provoca la suba de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) que contribuyen al Cambio Climático. La eficiencia energética en los edificios es imprescindible para reducir dicha demanda manteniendo niveles de confort aceptables para el usuario. Los edificios destinados a uso residencial, comercial y administrativo consumen más de un tercio de la energía primaria producida en Argentina, porcentaje similar al resto del mundo. Las nuevas tecnologías digitales para solucionar este problema combinan la proyectación arquitectónica con la simulación de la performance energética, entre ellas, el diseño paramétrico. Este se ha transformado en una valiosa herramienta para encarar tareas complejas como ser el diseño de edificios eficientes, donde se requiere considerar materiales, energía e información. Este procedimiento permite reunir todas estas variables en un único proceso transparente, haciendo de la demanda energética una cuestión determinante en las decisiones proyectuales tempranas. En este trabajo se comparan la demanda en calefacción de un día típico de invierno con la demanda obtenida a partir de una vivienda energéticamente rehabilitada auditada por nuestro Laboratorio, a fin de calibrar el nuevo modelo. Asimismo se calcula la demanda de refrigeración para su posterior comparación con el edificio auditado

    Your Sentiment Matters: A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Regime Changes in the Cryptocurrency Market

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    Research suggests that a significant number of those investing in cryptocurrencies do not follow what we might call rational, profit-maximizing behavior. We also know that with the progressive lowering of entry barriers to online trading platforms, an increasing number of inexperienced investors are investing in cryptocurrencies. Increasingly, the behavior of investors contradicts the predictions made by traditional financial models and challenges the assumptions on which such models have previously relied when anticipating returns on cryptocurrency investments. To overcome this issue we develop a random forest model which we train with features stemming from a sentiment analysis performed on data generated by cryptocurrency enthusiasts using Twitter, Google Trends, and Reddit. Our findings show that such features have an important role to play in capturing the behavior of cryptocurrency investors and increase our model’s ability to anticipate regime changes in the cryptocurrency market. Our model outperforms the predictive ability of the Log-Periodic Power Law model—currently, the model most widely-used to predict regime changes in financial markets. These results imply that scholars and practitioners aiming to understand and predict the development of cryptocurrency markets stand to benefit from analyzing social media data generated by cryptocurrency enthusiasts

    Industria azucarera y actividad metalúrgica en Tucumán (1870-1940)

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    This work examines the development of the metallurgical sector associated with modern sugar industry in Tucumán province (main production centre in Argentina). We analyze the dynamics between the sugar factories, the network of foundries and the mechanization of pieces and machinery. As sugar mechanized, forges and mills emerged to supply the increasingly mechanized sugar industrial sector. We hypothesize that metal casting and mechanical parts were the activities that incorporated the highest level of available technology. These activities were closely connected to the sugar industry because they supplied its inputs and machinery. We argue that foreign companies initially introduced new and innovative technology and helped advance the process of imitation and local innovation to supply foreign-made machinery, in particular during economic downturns.Nuestro estudio analiza el desarrollo de la industria metalúrgica asociada a la moderna agroindustria azucarera en la provincia de Tucumán (principal epicentro productor de Argentina), indagando la dinámica establecida entre los ingenios y la red de talleres de fundición y acabado de piezas y maquinarias que surgieron motorizados por la actividad principal. Nuestra opción analítica se fundamenta en que la rama de la fundición y mecanizado fue la que incorporó el mayor nivel de tecnología dentro de la metalurgia local, además de representar el sector de más estrecha vinculación con la actividad azucarera como proveedora de insumos y maquinarias. Esta línea de análisis nos llevará, por un lado, a indagar sobre la participación de las empresas extranjeras como proveedoras de nueva tecnología y, por otro, a avanzar sobre los procesos de imitación e innovación a escala local en coyunturas adversas para el aprovisionamiento exterior de maquinaria