42 research outputs found

    Mucosal Progranulin expression is induced by H. pylori, but independent of Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor (SLPI) expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mucosal levels of Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor (SLPI) are specifically reduced in relation to <it>H. pylori</it>-induced gastritis. Progranulin is an epithelial growth factor that is proteolytically degraded into fragments by elastase (the main target of SLPI). Considering the role of SLPI for regulating the activity of elastase, we studied whether the <it>H. pylori</it>-induced reduction of SLPI and the resulting increase of elastase-derived activity would reduce the Progranulin protein levels both <it>ex vivo </it>and <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The expression of Progranulin was studied in biopsies of <it>H. pylori</it>-positive, -negative and -eradicated subjects as well as in the gastric tumor cell line AGS by ELISA, immunohistochemistry and real-time RT-PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>H. pylori</it>-infected subjects had about 2-fold increased antral Progranulin expression compared to <it>H. pylori</it>-negative and -eradicated subjects (P < 0.05). Overall, no correlations between mucosal Progranulin and SLPI levels were identified. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the upregulation of Progranulin in relation to <it>H. pylori </it>infection; both epithelial and infiltrating immune cells contributed to the higher Progranulin expression levels. The <it>H. pylori</it>-induced upregulation of Progranulin was verified in AGS cells infected by <it>H. pylori</it>. The down-regulation of endogenous SLPI expression in AGS cells by siRNA methodology did not affect the Progranulin expression independent of the infection by <it>H. pylori</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Taken together, Progranulin was identified as novel molecule that is upregulated in context to <it>H. pylori </it>infection. In contrast to other diseases, SLPI seems not to have a regulatory role for Progranulin in <it>H. pylori</it>-mediated gastritis.</p

    Naturally Occurring Genetic Variants in Human Chromogranin A (CHGA) Associated with Hypertension as well as Hypertensive Renal Disease

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    Chromogranin A (CHGA) plays a fundamental role in the biogenesis of catecholamine secretory granules. Changes in storage and release of CHGA in clinical and experimental hypertension prompted us to study whether genetic variation at the CHGA locus might contribute to alterations in autonomic function, and hence hypertension and its target organ consequences such as hypertensive renal disease (nephrosclerosis). Systematic polymorphism discovery across the human CHGA locus revealed both common and unusual variants in both the open reading frame and such regulatory regions as the proximal promoter and 3′-UTR. In chromaffin cell-transfected CHGA 3′-UTR and promoter/luciferase reporter plasmids, the functional consequences of the regulatory/non-coding allelic variants were documented. Variants in both the proximal promoter and the 3′-UTR displayed statistical associations with hypertension. Genetic variation in the proximal CHGA promoter predicted glomerular filtration rate in healthy twins. However, for hypertensive renal damage, both end-stage renal disease and rate of progression of earlier disease were best predicted by variants in the 3′-UTR. Finally, mechanistic studies were undertaken initiated by the clue that CHGA promoter variation predicted circulating endothelin-1. In cultured endothelial cells, CHGA triggered co-release of not only the vasoconstrictor and pro-fibrotic endothelin-1, but also the pro-coagulant von Willebrand Factor and the pro-angiogenic angiopoietin-2. These findings, coupled with stimulation of endothelin-1 release from glomerular capillary endothelial cells by CHGA, suggest a plausible mechanism whereby genetic variation at the CHGA locus eventuates in alterations in human renal function. These results document the consequences of genetic variation at the CHGA locus for cardiorenal disease and suggest mechanisms whereby such variation achieves functional effects

    Methamphetamine withdrawal induces activation of CRF neurons in the brain stress system in parallel with an increased activity of cardiac sympathetic pathways.

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    Methamphetamine (METH) addiction is a major public health problem in some countries. There is evidence to suggest that METH use is associated with increased risk of developing cardiovascular problems. Here, we investigated the effects of chronic METH administration and withdrawal on the activation of the brain stress system and cardiac sympathetic pathways. Mice were treated with METH (2 mg/kg, i.p.) for 10 days and left to spontaneous withdraw for 7 days. The number of corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF), c-Fos, and CRF/c-Fos neurons was measured by immunohistochemistry in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) and the oval region of the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (ovBNST), two regions associated with cardiac sympathetic control. In parallel, levels of catechol-o-methyl-transferase (COMT), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), and heat shock protein 27 (Hsp27) were measured in the heart. In the brain, chronic-METH treatment enhanced the number of c-Fos neurons and the CRF neurons with c-Fos signal (CRF+/c-Fos+) in PVN and ovBNST. METH withdrawal increased the number of CRF+neurons. In the heart, METH administration induced an increase in soluble (S)-COMT and membrane-bound (MB)-COMT without changes in phospho (p)-TH, Hsp27, or pHsp27. Similarly, METH withdrawal increased the expression of S- and MB-COMT. In contrast to chronic treatment, METH withdrawal enhanced levels of (p)TH and (p)Hsp27 in the heart. Overall, our results demonstrate that chronic METH administration and withdrawal activate the brain CRF systems associated with the heart sympathetic control and point towards a METH withdrawal induced activation of sympathetic pathways in the heart. Our findings provide further insight in the mechanism underlining the cardiovascular risk associated with METH use and proposes targets for its treatment

    Progress towards a public chemogenomic set for protein kinases and a call for contributions

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    Protein kinases are highly tractable targets for drug discovery. However, the biological function and therapeutic potential of the majority of the 500+ human protein kinases remains unknown. We have developed physical and virtual collections of small molecule inhibitors, which we call chemogenomic sets, that are designed to inhibit the catalytic function of almost half the human protein kinases. In this manuscript we share our progress towards generation of a comprehensive kinase chemogenomic set (KCGS), release kinome profiling data of a large inhibitor set (Published Kinase Inhibitor Set 2 (PKIS2)), and outline a process through which the community can openly collaborate to create a KCGS that probes the full complement of human protein kinases

    Structure of the Kinase Domain of an Imatinib-Resistant Abl Mutant in Complex with the Aurora Kinase Inhibitor VX-680. Cancer Res

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    Abstract We present a high-resolution (2.0 Å ) crystal structure of the catalytic domain of a mutant form of the Abl tyrosine kinase (H396P; Abl-1a numbering) that is resistant to the Abl inhibitor imatinib. The structure is determined in complex with the small-molecule inhibitor VX-680 (Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, MA), which blocks the activity of various imatinib-resistant mutant forms of Abl, including one (T315I) that is resistant to both imatinib and BMS-354825 (dasatinib), a dual Src/Abl inhibitor that seems to be clinically effective against all other imatinib-resistant forms of BCR-Abl. VX-680 is shown to have significant inhibitory activity against BCR-Abl bearing the T315I mutation in patient-derived samples. The Abl kinase domain bound to VX-680 is not phosphorylated on the activation loop in the crystal structure but is nevertheless in an active conformation, previously unobserved for Abl and inconsistent with the binding of imatinib. The adoption of an active conformation is most likely the result of synergy between the His 396 Pro mutation, which destabilizes the inactive conformation required for imatinib binding, and the binding of VX-680, which favors the active conformation through hydrogen bonding and steric effects. VX-680 is bound to Abl in a mode that accommodates the substitution of isoleucine for threonine at residue 315 (the &apos;&apos;gatekeeper&apos;&apos; position). The avoidance of the innermost cavity of the Abl kinase domain by VX-680 and the specific recognition of the active conformation explain the effectiveness of this compound against mutant forms of BCRAbl, including those with mutations at the gatekeeper position